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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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so i asked little, surprised hi, i was shoving and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one of the quote via included in the boss and the i'm expected sides of the so 200 is code has to apply and heat and electricity to all homes. it's funded locomotive, steam engines and ships. but now it's being phased out. mines the closing everywhere and what codes are losing that jobs. because burning coal, which is kind of damaging. c o 2 emissions more and more countries i'm looking for tenants, including the norwegian archipelago, the fall bought into optic foxes roses and the northern lights coming up on made a step backwards, is floating, leading russia back to soviet times. revival the old new magic to mail system goes
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high tech slim down less expensive, mini m r i's throw. and what's popular will be the bike boom. go global that says to the northern fringes of europe to the ocoee pedagogy followed by the coal mine and long you'll be in is closing. spinal bart and punk propeller go above the arctic circle. this is wendy. yes, that does 24 lives in the norwegian settlement of long here again. today she has a normal working day, although the job itself isn't terribly ordinary. she works in a mine that has been producing cold in the permafrost for the past half century. final preparations before going underground and it's more than 7 kilometers to the
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immediate coal mining site. first by car then by electric car. then on foot to the mia is reinforcing one of the tunnels, drilling holes of the ceiling and inserting iron rods to help distribute the pressure of the rock. so all the secure 1st and never go under a mountain that is no ticket. number 7 is the last working norwegian mines in this file, but archipelago it will close permanently. next summer, it's part of the authorities plan. just switch to alternative energy sources. or when i started working in the line, we were supposed to be doing it to 20 or 45 around and, and just a year later i,
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we were told that you were closing. and right now i'm calling about it's don't try not to think too much about this. of the miners and maintenance staff will lose their jobs. the closure of mine 7 was planned back in 2023, but due to the war in ukraine and rising energy prices. the deadline was postponed until 2025. every year the mind produces about $30000.00 tons for heating the archipelago is capital long. here, p n, and another $80000.00 tons for the needs of the metallurgical and chemical industries in europe, including germany. last fall, however long you're being a band and colon switched its own the power plant to diesel, which was the plan. according to long, you're being mer chair, you're on the vic. this is the 1st stage of the energy transition. due to the use of coal about $75000.00 tons of carbon dioxide were being emitted into the
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atmosphere every year. and the city needed to find something more efficient. and i know it sounds a bit weird because we go from fossil fuels to fossil fuels. but the nice always a good 1st step because it's more, get a get, it's more flexible. and we have interested in a new battery park to stabilize it that makes it also easier for us to face. and we have for now renewables like wind and sun. the green transition in small and large is handled by moans or the cell about an employee of a state owned company. stewart and ash cap of the company has been mining coal in spartanburg for a 100 years, and is now investing in green energy moses projects, or a solar panel park outside loan. european at a place called is fed rowdy o as well as solar panels in this settlement itself. the projects are now in the test phase. pull the night in winter, changes to pull the day in small garden spring. so the solar panels are ideal for
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the energy transitions as moans. so behind the hair you'll see one of the $61.00 of the 6 solar facilities we have bills to last year. so long have you. it's on the building called port awesome, but it's a combined hotel in office building. so we have the solar panels on almost all of the roof. curved roof is but in addition to wind and solar energy, the development of geothermal energy is also being discussed in spite of art, moons and mates. that he feels like a pioneer in the field of green energy here and smile back above the arctic circle . of course, solar panels, the wind turbines and batteries are quite normal and come in the rest of the world . but we don't know how that would work compare until we actually build them and test them in real life. but not everyone in long european is happy with the environmental policy. well also plans to make small but green norway continues to
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export oil and gas, which is not helping in the fight against climate change. but there is also another problem. small board has a special status enshrined in a treaty from 1920 along with norway. russia is also permitted to conduct economic activities here in the town. the balance book the russians, unlike norwegians, planned to continue developing mines. although cold production will decline there as well. at the moment, byron spark has a plan, $120000.00 tons per year. and by the end of 2032 coal mining in the archipelago should be reduced by 40000 tons. but according to representative set, the norwegian energy company. there are no discussions with byron support regarding the development of renewable energy sources. the last our region mine is closing a 100 years after the start of mining and the archipelago for moans. this is
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a chance to realize new green projects. and for me to move on as there are many countries in the world still mining coal. i've been looking in through going through this very leah greenland because i really like mining. so i would like to keep doing that. um, but i'm also open to be a mechanic again on the mainland. yeah. either way, the closure of the mind and the introduction of new technologies on the island have kick started, a green transition on small board, where many se climate change has been felt particularly strongly in recent years. however, there was still much to be done to make the green future happen to. c make one if the centralized space was the pride of the soviet union and then here we go. gordon became the 1st mind in space, but the us moon landing in 1969,
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it connects to everything you as a sub is usa, communism versus capitalism characterized the cold war era. 1991 spelled the entrance to the soviet union. a new policy of transformation and openness was introduced. but in today's russia, many loans the old days instead of yet times id and logical training was positive every day life. this can be seen again today in modern use organizations and or call brands such as the most of which i'm making a come back. the soviet union is becoming increasingly present in today's restaurant. you mentioned people are reminded every day on tv about the good things and the soviet union. what a strong country it was. it's quite a world power. but that's not the old essentially. so we are seeing a major power low, which is an enormous increasing investment in what i would now roughly describe as
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the military industrial complex. my brother, he is promoting this development and sold the full of the soviet union as the greatest geo political catastrophe of the 20th century. is present steering russia towards the soviet union in the coming associated union, the state controlled every thing and economic life works wow. and how much was produced this got so both of those, it was a great deal of the industrialization after it ended. there was still the basic group of companies that is actually survive. and the interesting thing is that it has more or less been subsidized for 30 years. so fits and yet keeping industry alive with state money was a common practice in the soviet union. if you want to do business today, you have to be on good terms with the patient racing. otherwise you'll fail. and
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what's the end of this fits here? the best in rush, or the thing is you don't have to nationalize in order to exert state control. for example, they have considered introducing something like a secret service presence in private companies and guidance. and it provides russia has become more authoritarian. the pressure on private companies has increased significantly about the name adults like this. yahoo, it's the states increasingly costs a shadow over the economy and put in when, who no one of his associates once a company say in a while company on the owner can't do much and has to hand it over with the amplitude of people that are also parallels to the soviet union in terms of consumption in the past, that was often nothing to buy. today there is, but only people in the big cities benefit despite sanctions, goods from all over the world are available here. it's good enough for you to meet them. there are also many small towns and villages where the standard of living is
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on par with the end of the 19th century. kind of get to sometimes there are no paved roads or old grandmas still have to collect wood to heat their houses wasn't had to be put in c, r o d, russia has incredible potential. if it's resources and wealth were used to improve people's lives. but that's not happening, but that's an hour that shouldn't be stopped. press thursday for the future. that's being positive patients policy since he took office around 20 years ago. this is consistent with every day life and the communist soviet union. it was a world power also because of its very high alms expenditures. fusion has also increased them in the course of the war and ukraine. when is the process will be found autonomy, that's a power. lo, we're all associates, even when they tried to compete with the us in the 70s or eighties in the end were in the mid eighties. around 30 percent of the entire economic output was spent on defense. and the soviet union ultimately failed dom, we're not quite there in russia yet,
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but put on is moving in the same direction about putting typically gets we don't need like every strong investments in the fall, the industry or other future oriented sites is being severely neglected. just like at the end of the soviet union, the same applies to the ip sec to where russia was a world leader in some areas before the war and ukraine. but not anymore. mister rush, oh, shouldn't be investing in technology to prepare for the time after oil and gas is that's not happening at all. and there's simply using the money that's coming in to wage this war to prevent that works and the short term. but in the long term, the country's economic future is being squandered. people try to get to isn't the economic down for a minute. like with the soviet union. c, a alpha, i just don't see the regime collapsing due to economic a peebles quote. that's up to the shelf of the apple says i'm placed more $100.00 by that evening. so i'm just sitting down just cuz we didn't mean you can certainly continue to live in such
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a system. if you have these various elements to keep things stable, like a completely controlled media, a strong internal police force and the strong arming, then it certainly can work done kinda so we, i was going to new york as and lots of the ussr and pretends russia even if it's foam and the capitalist, however, the end of person ism is not yet in sign. the lease was supposed to be the future within 3 tubes and a copy of a risk that lives in columbus is an outlet. for did you know that the futuristic hyperlinks was based on the old principle of new magic tubes? the idea dates back to the 19th century, 1st conceived as a way to transport people. it was late to use to send mail. some companies today, it's still indispensable, using new technology, sending things from one place to another in a different way. a german company is building something like this. on the top,
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the car biggest challenge is one of the customer knows the to male is the right transport medium. these gotta be fully encrypted, tired of their customers are primarily large hospitals who use it for sending blood samples to the lab. the pneumatic tube is used up to 4000 times a day. larger systems cost several $100000.00 bureaus, but they saved employees lots of trips and valuable working time pro and stating on the mountain central europe. we are normally talking about amortization within $2.00 to $2.00 and a half years for investments and what is that to them. so in addition to using to offers another very important advantage, they are absolutely secure because messages can be transmitted in a completely analog way. it's very old school, but secure this when this comes to the example, there is the german chancellor. so i'm going to supper documents that need to be kept secret of you and have to have an original signature or send it back and forth
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. and you can go to the internet if you see when defense to buy screen, maybe the best example is need to tell you maybe the hot spy, if it is equipped to aircraft carriers, was to mail this so that they don't have to give their commands verbally by the like what you could potentially be intercepted, but instead send them to whoever needs them using the tube. clock or the v. no in the shooting the yeah, the commandos. i will post pneumatic tube checked on what you use 170 years old until the 70s letters. and the packages were transported this way in europe's major cities. so they could be delivered within one day to take the volunteer for our technology is very outdated and no question when, because they were only really controls my feet and been involved a lot of heavy mechanical engineering. until today, of course, it's completely different for a to the main part of the business these days is software, soft, wear, and more software safety. so we have 7 software engineers alone who work every day
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for new years on new control systems or new options to come in from the customers. to amelia o. c o n n t from quinton high and coleman. today it's not just from point a to b as it used to be, but to point c and d in both directions, using only compressed air and suction like a vacuum cleaner. automation is also advancing in this area so that customers can save even more work time. but how reliable is that even phone call? if a for an object is in the system, we have to give the information to the technical staff within. they need to know relatively precisely truck control system where they have to look for the item. but this happens very rarely. the manufacturer is business has been growing steadily for several years and is expected to achieve turnover of more than 50000000 euro. so this year, most of the systems are sold abroad with 75 percent of sales generated there.
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sometimes in places where the technology is still unknown by specified was in the philippines and i went to the hotel. i picked up the phone book and looked in the yellow pages for the category we were interested in and called maybe 50 companies until someone said, yes, yes, i know, i'm interested in technology that was once thought to be dead, has a future unexplained chest pain, headaches, that don't subside or long lasting abdominal pain. perhaps a herniated disk. what's going on in your body, doctors often do em all rise to find out. the technology doesn't use radiation, so it's less harmful than x rays. still, m r, i machines are usually heavy and expensive, but that's to james. it's one of the most important medical
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examination procedures of all time. magnetic resonance imaging, o m, r i, the devices i used to take images of the inside of the body, such as the brain, ligaments or internal organs. this allows to me, is how to attack, so joint damage to be detected and treated as in any stage. and oh, without radiation, less than half of the world's population has access to m r i devices in the country like india. the forward is the biggest issue. and 2nd biggest issue is to assess the medical facilities. while that all around $35.00 m. all right, devices per 1000000 inhabitants in germany. there are many attendant to that in india. this is because m r i devices and also in the launch and heavy, but also extremely energy intensive and expensive. to high resolution images. they need strong magnetic fields and needs a generation by superconducting why a coils through which launch electric cards can flow without loss. this requires
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complex and expensive cooling, however, and innovation from the german city of atlanta and could make em all rise more accessible worldwide. a group of researches has succeeded in developing smaller, lighter and energy saving m r. i scans from the, our new system is more compact and less expensive than previous systems and it works independently of infrastructure and can be operated by any one. this means the 3 researches have developed a much smaller magnet for that em. all right? it's cool. with helium, however, the new technology only requires a fraction of the previous amount and no longer needs to be refilled. this not only makes the device slight set and more compact, but also significantly cheaper to operate. and it can also be used safely and re tens with an unreliable power supplying it to a smaller magnet that initially makes the images worse,
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which means the noise is stronger. to compensate, we have to work with new methods such as artificial intelligence. without the m, r i device would take several hours to deliver a high resolution scan. as we could look at the images, we have the same spinal column here both with and without a i. the export can see immediately that these images have much more detailed information at the images without. and that's exactly what happens is getting out of the a. i supplements the images with standard information on the respective body region, resulting in high resolution images. the development took 10 years and then it's peak employed, several 100 people. the 3 researches receive the kids who come skies and of all of the on is outstanding research and development projects for the innovation. several 100 of the systems have now been produced and sold in over 60 countries worldwide.
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now to enrich a city in northwest india with the population of 1000000. this hospital which was funded by donations, recently acquired its 1st m r i scanner is the only one for hundreds of closes and it's in great demand. so with the help of this machine, we are available to provide the diagnostic services in a very reasonable prices. the reasonable price is primarily based on the operating costs compared to conventional em. all right, devices are leon. after every 2 to 3 years, they have to do a field helium. now this in this would crisis, there was very shortage of feedback mechanism for the star use is only 0.7. helium . you don't have to refill every time. the hospital also upsets for this m r i device because smola and they'll come back and it doesn't require highly trained stones either. but it's still
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a relatively large heavy device. it remains to be seen whether m r i's can become even smaller in the future. the will your new bicycle be in a bike that's assisted by a battery powered electric motor, then you're right on track at least a year. but does that also apply worldwide? a bicycles with motors, a huge market for the bicycle industry. and a chance to save c o 2 is that they are already all the range in germany. it's pretty cold in width at this year's e by trade fair in germany. visitors are prepared to spend a lot of money on and so the upper limit is $8.00 to $9000.00 or that's it. so i have to spend 3 in a hall for
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a good one. i would say 3000 years max. that's pretty much that would probably cost 627000 over $2000000.00 e bikes were sold in germany last year. more than bikes with down to motor. half of the bikes are imported. most of them from vietnam, bulgaria hungry, and the netherlands business with e bikes. is becoming increasingly important, as on average, they costs 6 times as much as a bike with our motor. the only thing missing is the infrastructure safe routes for cyclists. for example, it's not only germany that doesn't have enough of them. you can write them in all kinds of weather, of course, visiting scientists from indonesia, engineer paul are currently conducting research at the university of castle in his home country. and upon there is traditionally been
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a lot of bicycling but uh, with the a lot of motorized issue going around and people are switching towards motors, motor vehicles. so that's a, that's available. allow me to just give us a pod, promote bicycling and board climate protection. however, these are all still private initiatives. there was no state support the and what's it like, an indonesia bicycle activists are also fighting here and are dissatisfied with the current government. the thing that they need to do is to make a more interest structured friendly for the cycling. and the got someone needs to find to give the budget for all those things, not a, to the cars and a motorcycle. the bikes could make
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a big difference here because they make cycling less strenuous. in indonesia, we are very hot country and everyone is sweating. and that's what also what i heard from them. i didn't like to typing because it's mixed medias type sway to germany. on the other hand, the state promote the cycling. at least there are plans do. but space on the road is changed and cars keep getting bigger. but optimism still range at the university of castle and then like it's really good is that it is such a game changer. richard abel's, people close cycle more to cycle longer and to even cycle it, you'll see like probably not good enough at least at the beginning. so for me, this is really important because we have a couple of trouble which are the so technical development tools. reese, we want to read, should we meet towards the goal, to reduce c o 2 emissions. e bikes can cover longer distances and thus helps
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replace more and more car journeys. another addition of made detail to use business magazine, a trip to yesterday's technology on some of those progress cnx time. goodbye and take the the
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the swing to the right seems imminent at the upcoming european elections. right wing populous policies are leading in surveys. what are the reasons for this? what part as fake news play in the success of the euro? skeptics and what will happen if they gain more insurance in calling him in? focus on europe. in 30 minutes on d. w and conflicts with him sebastian, the chief prosecutor,
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the international criminal court says surgery speaking, arrest was for his rating heated for the come back to the war in gaza. i guess this week from kind of leaves is dennis ross form a special assistant to president obama and for more than 12 years. as keith craig shaped the us policy conflict in 19 minutes on dw, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. it's kara sometimes helps to subscribe to the us every friday. subscribe to plan. it's
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a the, it could be green. very green. old as blue. p s. blind wine to some lovely red. definitely pull just a yeah. yeah, that's what you present people. samples very special. that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color. the
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. this is the w use line from the land type one on high alert. china stages market tax with warship says it will be um funded shades around the self governing island . they jingles, the exercises punishment. the typeface, latest expression of independence of the free caribbean countries recognized palestinian statehood. we find out why germany's foreign minister has criticized the decisions and never again, germany proposed to celebrate its constitution turning 75 trusted in response to the unprecedented crimes of nancy germany. the so called basic little under pins.