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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life from the land tie, one on high alert china stages market tax with 4 ships and heavily on. finally, jobs around the self governing island by doing says, the exercises of punishment for what he calls separatist acts of the 3 year repeat in countries recognize palestinian statehood. we find out why germany's foreign minister has criticized the decision at germany professed to celebrate its constitution turning $75.00 profited in response to the i'm president of crimes of nazi germany, the circle, basic low on the pins. human take that take the
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i've been physical and welcome. chinese state tv is reporting to thousands of chinese find projects carrying life missiles have been conducting mach strikes around tie one. the latest military drills have been described as strong punishment for one paging calls. separatist acts by ty, ones, independence forces in response. taiwan has mobilized its middle tray. the movers come just days off to the islands, new president liking to took office and cold on the mainland. to stop making such straits. i asked outside pay correspondence soto han about the link between the drills and then you president yes, span just as you mentioned, there are, china says that this is a strong punishment for the taiwan independence, separatist forces. and just 3 days ago, tat was
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a new president lighting to talk about taiwan with his official name as the republic of china, r o c, as a submarine, an independent country, and is not affiliated with the people's republic of china, p r. c. the words were interpreted by paging a slicing the exposing, ty wants independence attempt, so it doesn't just have a link between these. but the military drill is coming directly and lice, new role and speech. how does this compared to previous military post drink from paychecks? well, from the scope and content, all the exercise that has to be on now so far, it is the 1st military exercise based on various stage of on invasion of taiwan. and the exercise subjects may include blockade operations with foreign countries and outline islands, and even offshore island, a sold operations. this is something that was not practice in the practice, no to exercise. and if you look at the name of the exercise,
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it's called united stored 2024 a, which may be in there are a series of exercises and we cannot roll out of the possibility of a, b, and c in the future. so how high would you say the risk of further escalation is? well, not immediately so far. there is no sign of rocket forest launching missiles by its currently difficult to predict whether the p o a will, as i said to be and seen military exercise afterwards. as i mentioned, so this is one of this time this one is a kind of unexpected. com by action to conduct a start and engagement training for all personnel cope with future emergencies. so we can now observe its impact on timelines, economy and how tight $16.00 security team respond. and we can also observe the u. s. we action and whether the u. s. has to be informed and these are old key items for china to decide it's the follow up actions and any solution on the horizon.
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well, um from the tony's part i think there's kind of um, reaction just to see like how kind of will conduct it's drills. so in the future, if there is a real war coming off, the intelligence may know how to respond and the real force will know how to respond in the future. so that's not a real solution, but i will have to see how it goes in these 2 days. the very latest day from dw, so, so hot inside i. thank you. germany says april not recognize a palestinian state for now. the foreign minister says concrete steps towards a political solution to the conflict in gaza needed. germany is hoping for a 2 state solution negotiated by the israelis and palestinians that would eventually lead to a separate state. both countries voted to recognize palestinian statehood following the october 7th terror attacks. but by how much that spot the war and gaza.
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barred off from israel by fences and barriers. the post and in territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries sustains ireland and norway choosing to support the palestinian push for sovereignty. a step they say towards piece the price of the time has come to move from words to action. the limits of the millions of innocent suffering, palestinians that we are with 70, that the results but on it to make it very clear that no matter how many walls or rectors no matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many illegal settlements are built, the land and the identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts, in international legalities and in the future project and a letter training in harmony. and you'll meet that value in the morning previously 139 of 193. you one countries recognize the state of palestine,
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latest signatories calling on others to do the same me and admits, therefore, and use me with tens of thousands of dead an injured we must keep alive. the only things that can provide to save home for both is right. you need them tell us, then it will show those dates that can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine. germany's foreign minister rejected unilateral recognition of palestinian statehood tablet and the depth is ex more not i have repeatedly made it clear. the just solution to this terrible situation that we are currently experiencing does not require a symbolic recognition. it's a political solution and a solution to the middle east conflict and a 2 state solution requires direct negotiations on both sides. all by dividing. israel's government also hit back no sound. the knock regarding
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a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state from hot veterans. and any such decision farms is rarely sovereignty and it's really security and we will not allow it to our order to recall our impasse orders back. com. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though president not mood, abbas the leader of the palestinian authority, welcome the recognition, and called on other nations to quote, support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. dw matthew miller told me why germany isn't behind this like his campaign for palestinian statehood as well. germany was caught off guard by this announcement. then there was really no for wanting from news. let's, let's go leaders who made the announcement yesterday to the you partners. and what it did was it puts them in a difficult position, gemini, whose itself is having
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a historical obligation to be a strong child, lied to israel. but it also wants to be a bridge the piece in the middle east. i know germany's position as we had is the palestine state who'd palestinians that you should be recognized that that should come as a result of a negotiated 2 state solution. that essentially agreement reached between is really is impala study and, and so the german position is that it believes that recognition know kind of pre judges those negotiations. not quite clearly contrast with the comments we had from the leaders of those you countries yesterday, believe that recognizing published in each state who's given pets as to those peace negotiations. how do other political bodies see this even germany wise? it's free. i think it's fair to characterize the political mainstream as being kind of on the same page on this issue. we got some kind of a reaction yesterday from the head of the foreign affairs committee here in germany for the year. let us, let me kind of route to said, quote, another victory for brutal and cynical terrorist. that's how he depicted this
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decision from an island nor we in spain elsewhere the most. that may be the, there's a change of tact ralph stigma assume you're figuring the social democrats on a familiar face to dw views, said the recognition of palestine could be steps on the we to a suit to a 2 state solution. and while another junior colleague and paul them and said that jimmy should recognize, published on his part of abroad that you initiative is worth emphasizing that that is really those 2 positions of the minority view here in the political world. or what about the public students here in bowie and occupied the humble university yesterday? that's right. around can 50 like to be civil. keep 5 rooms at the university here in bell then. well kind of several 100 full tested on the site. and university management have agreed with to set 10 protesters to accommodate that protest until this evening on thursday evening. and it really is least system
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a series of university protests and in recent weeks and months that are showing support for palestinians on calling front end to the, to the warning garza and i think it reflects the kind of a chas him between the government position and support for us, we are on the way to public's concerns about this conflict. we see in the pools band that the majority of governments do think that these really military operation and gaza has gone too far, that the impact on civilians in gaza is unjustified. and visually, selves to undermine how complex this issue is for jim and leaders. as you know, with the very latest the political correspondent here in bo, this is why the activists continue to try protecting aid. come, boys headed full gaza from a tax coordinated by extremist jewish settlers before the war. 500 trunk loads of supplies a day sustain causes population. due to the funding strip security checks and the attacks fuel trucks now crossing to the territory run when groups have been
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vandalizing, a convoys on route from jordan through the west bank don't use abraham reports from the tuck via crossing these is released aren't going on a day trip, the run emission, they want to make sure that 8 for gaza makes it there safely us. but when they get to the junction, food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the site of and it's by, it's really extremely we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now busy trying to save really what can be saved from that food during courage, by the effect they've had because we really and we made the police academy as well . and we encourage the police to do whatever they needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the box as well pulling down and the most of the,
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bringing the glass continued to brazza. we've also seen the police try to come between the after this and the attackers who, even as the police standing right next to them, continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they full of faith, i know, and they. 9 acting gay as if they don't care that people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. we are not the living this check find a deal the said lives we live there. yeah. it will make sure that all the dots with go and being put together, the police officers on site refused to give us an interview on camera. but said that on that day, the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack. who's after math. we witnessed a few days earlier near this check point. there was a violent attack on another, a convoy activists there. so it is really soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, the settlers had been waging a tax like bes regularly,
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and israel a report by the guardian newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice. or it was violence like that which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only a question of what's going on in guys out, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society where going to be, are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated or are we going to stand against it? and to say, we are human, we are fighting for our own humanities, it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen, as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army.
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everything possible. insults comes thick and fast, not season from us. their fellow is released call them. but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck, and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them. a victory . abraham told me how common set or attacks on a common voice have become are there become very common sense of april we've been seeing on social media on almost daily basis? videos of a is really extreme is associated with the subtler community, intercepting these 8 convoys and destroying them. we've also heard reports of truck drivers being assaulted even if they're not carrying aid at all. so that gives you
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a sense of the chaos that is a, around the story right now. if the, you know a particular seller group suspects that a truck is carrying aid, what they usually do is that they put a road block with rocks and they start attacking the driver. if he is a palestinian looking, if they suspect that he's carrying a aid, if he's often sort of by himself in that situation. and that's really the, you know, the, the, the, the frequency of these attacks and the randomness of it is, as we mentioned, what inspired this group to start organizing. and what they're saying is, is that their modus operandi is to really try and stand between the aid and the attackers and also with their presence. because they make their presence very well known to the police. try to encourage and force the police to come and, and according to them do their job. and the chaos is a good way of describing the situation. i mean, what about protecting these truck drivers as well as protecting the a,
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what is the police doing what it, what's these riley male tree actually doing? so when we were there at present the police west present a and as you, as we try to show in the report, the sort of tried to keep the 2 groups separate from each others. but what actually was have been saying is that previously. and certainly this claim is corroborated by the you know, the visual documentation of these attacks. the police has not been a present and has, in some cases just stood by and watched these attacks. that's according to eye witness accounts by activists. and i just wanna get to paint a bigger picture about the situation with the police in israel right now for our viewers who may not be familiar. familiar. the police is of course, under the supervision of the national security minister the far right, the national security minister. it's a more bank of here. and we have seen him in the past couple of days,
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a sort of implicitly support open. we support these attackers, seeing that he understands their anger, he understands their frustration. and he says that he wants to see them block 8, but they shouldn't be burning or attacking driver. so there is some support coming from the man who really controlled the police. and he's also boasted about being a member of the security cabinets, was actually voted against israel, facilitating aid a to guys. and there are a lot of accusations coming from the active as community saying. but basically, because of the spread of are coming from political leadership, namely the national security minister, police isn't really motivated to do their job. and in fact, the national security minister has spoken out against the police, providing so many resources to protect the 8th thing that he doesn't really understand why so much police is there to protect the aid going to gaza and is being widespread condemnation of these attacks of cost from jo, me included,
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how's the is why the government reacting to that or well, it has touched a little bit on what the national security minister has been saying. so from there you can definitely see that there's a dentist, he's, he's not sick, he's not condemning the violence openly, but there's certainly an understanding for what the attackers are doing. but you're absolutely correct. we're now in a moment where is real is getting a lot of pressure from the international community on many fronts when it comes to this war. germany has condemned. these attacks the united states is real, biggest ally has condemned these attacks as well. but we're also hearing a lot of condemnation from jordan because remember a lot of this a but coming through the westbank is originating in jordan. and that's another that's is real immediate neighbor, an arab country with one of the oldest peace treaties with israel. now also
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speaking out about this and so gives you a sense of the level of concern that this, you know, domestic issue. we could call that, that is also resonating well outside of israel's borders at a difficult time for the country and its political leadership. in this for context and from abraham in jerusalem. thank you. just a quick look now at some of the other stories making news. columbia says it'll open an embassy in ramallah in the palestinian territories. it's foreign minister made the announcement, columbia and president gustavo peaceful is an audience critic of benjamin netanyahu and has described. israel is kind of painting garza as genocidal in mexico. at least 9 people have been killed in dozens more injured. after a stage collapsed at a political rally was neither ne, in the city of monterey officials blame a strong gust of wind. the presidential candidate campaigning was injured,
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british private as the richie so knocked as cold as surprised general election for july 4th month. so he had been expected is trailing badly in the opinion imposed. so these conservatives, most observers expected him to delay the vote, to give his body a chance to catch up french president, a member of my call as arrived in new caledonia. and it's the worst rights in 40 years. you'll be talking to political leaders in the french overseas territory to find a solution to days of violence and unrest. frances deployed thousands of troops and imposed a state of emergency. the pacific island is more than 16000 kilometers from europe, and has been under french rule since 1853. the riots broke out more than a week ago, over a french boating reform contested by the territories indigenous population. accost says security reinforcements will stay in new caledonia as long as necessary. i was
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the thought that i speak. there are 3000 internal security forces in utah. don't you? a more reinforcement sort arrive in the next few hours. so in a few hours, that would be $3023.00 mobile police unit, which is unprecedented. for several days. now, there be no more than the time of the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and power olympic games. manage on is, isn't it fine? let's have a closer look at what's behind the unrest and how france became to control you. caledonia, are in the 1st place. this is what france coals relative calm in you color donia tensions where diffused after power. sense? well the one files and the extra security forces but just hours ahead of the
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crumbs arrival. parts of the territory still looked like a was on the, the violence bespoke by plans in friends to change voting rules. and the way the critics said would dilute the representation of the indigenous conduct. people who make up 40 percent of the population may definitely want is to be recognized in their own country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fijians. if you go to say, you do that to haitians and if you go to wallace there while the cl so what do you see there? one. yeah. and power is the national assembly held a moments of silence, but those killed and injured in the riots. but this is not the 1st time discord between main non from a new caledonia. that's how delightful consequences, the francis calling noisy archipelago, in 18. 53. it use it as a penal colony and also started mining from nickel. i'm excelled it today still
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plays a key role in the economy. in 1878. the connex rose up against the loss of the land . the rebellion was put down with hundreds of debts on both sides. many indigenous people driven into exile. today it's mainly west and tourist who are fleeing the territory, but many cannot say that's still fighting for independence. and the store of a de calling always ation process promised to decades ago. even though recent referendums to a majority of the population wants to remain part of france, germany is preparing to box a 75th anniversary of its postwar constitution. the basic laws adopted on may 23rd 1949 in tribes, human dignity, yet it's cool. it was drafted in response to the unprecedented crimes of nazi germany. never again dictate to ship and
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pool. that was never to happen again in germany, following the nazi barbarism and the end of the 2nd. what will germany was to become a democratic country? the west and occupying powers, the usa front of great britain, gave german politicians, the task of drawing up a democratic constitution for west germany. the content of what was to become the so called basic law, was debated for a long time. the 1st page begins with what's human dignity is inviolable. in 1949, the parliamentary council adopted the basic law fundamental rights will now guaranteed and took precedence over all laws that had never happened before. that was the lesson learned from the said russian national socialism, an era in which the human dignity of millions of people was trampled on and other rights are also in strained. and the basic goal,
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the right to life and liberty of the individual. a modern law in which all citizens are equal regardless of the race origin, language, or religion. at the time, the basic little framework was being drafted, the population paid little attention reconstruction was more important. and the basic law was intended to be a provisional arrangement which only apply to west germany that has changed of the decades. it has developed into an important an identity, forming document, also within the population, including cuz that's how do you see a few? i think very highly of the basic law, those are basic values. in addition to religion, the 10 commandments. these other guys can fall into it. when i'm done with this problem, we just talked to base it with the kids who said that the basic law enforcement and it's the basis for all people been treated equally then guys, then i am convinced the basic law will continue to guide us well through these times that are sometimes storming on the 3rd of october, 1990 gemini, was re unified. the provisional basic law was then adopted as the constitution. so
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the federal republic of germany, democracy has proven to be resilient thanks to the basic law. it is the test of time for 75 years and it is an export to it. it has become a low level in shaping countries that also came out of dictatorship, for example, lymphoma, socialist states in europe, but also in south america and asia. a quick reminder now of our top stories or china is staging. smoke attacks with worship center have leon funded x amount of the sales company in island of taiwan aging says the exercises of punishment when he calls separatist and germany says it will not recognize a palestinian state for now. the farm it is to say as concrete steps towards a political solution to the conflict in the middle east and needed rather than any symbolic recognition ibex complex only tips advanced and introduced for me,
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you weighs middle east peace negotiator, dennis ross, thank you. the
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kind of fix with sim, sebastian, the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court and said he seeking a rest ones for his rating. the this that comes out says the wall is garza, my guess is week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a special assistant to president bama and for more than 12 years, keep playing, shaping us policy conflict next on dw, 1st into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of the
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sinus session and pain. most the pieces in the sky, the best have most is many on including the us of the volume. how do they do it? the secret lives of but in 45 minutes on d. w. the values for robots back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time a research team will study the possible risk sucks in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to get it right before we can stuff. environmental activists,
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tops rules fail billions to be made out to talk commentary. deep sea greed thoughts june 7th on dw the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court says 30 seeking arrest was for his riley leaders, including prime minister and method. yahoo comes out of the war in gaza. is rarely politicians across the spectrum of condemned is the prosecutor has also applied towards for key leaders of how much widely designated a terrorist organizations. i guess this week from kind of even dennis ross from a specialist system to president bar aka bama. i'm for more than 12 years, a key player in shaping us policy in the middle east. he's not optimistic about what he sees now. i.


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