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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land set of bracing freedom and human dignity in germany. the especial ceremony is held as the country's constitution known as the basic little tons 75 years old. the german president leads the tribute, saying the low paid the way for a price. the future also is coming up on the program. taiwan on highlight china stages. multi attacks with warships and heavily um, fight to get around the self governing islands. beijing says the exercise is all
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a punishment for what it calls that protest and up to 3 european countries recognize palestinian statehood. we find out why germany's foreign minister as christmas sized the decision. the money keeps mckinney guitar be with us. germany has mock 75 years since the country adopted its constitution officially known as the basic clue. a special ceremony began with beethoven's 5th symphony played by the berlin philharmonic orchestra. germany's presence on the president find by the stine maia then made his address. the basic law was drafted in response to the unprecedented crimes of nazi germany. and it begins with woods. the focus on schuman dignity,
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stein mindset. it has flourished and become an attractive starting point for other countries that have had a new for terry and paused. i'll just fine. my also stressed its importance at this time when the threats to freedom and cohesion, a stronger than ever, will be onto the demo, cut the now open, but when the others are, they need the most to see because it low mileage. tim, settle disputes, the simple piece for making this because this democracy is open to engage in compromise and embrace changes that ones are. that is the moment when our democracy is a sofa and also has to come under foot right now, facing the faces or imagine the ceiling and it's once a week. and then i'm the minds and of procedures and finish the somalis is institutions and so on. denigrate it's representatives. yes, all democracy has succeeded in bond this. we should know government funds must be aware when sure, because there's no guarantee for that. it's an opportunity when protected. we can
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only do that also. it depends on us and i'm doing now by database chief, political editor, mikayla, cos not who's outside the trunk slate in the land right in the center of the festivities, taking place today because he loved the german president, have lots of praise, didn't he? for the strength of the german constitution in the address that he made. but he did also might very clear that it can't be taken for granted right now. yes. so the policy is still in full swing to hear where we hear if you go mentally behind me, that's taking us through historical times also of the german constitution. and indeed, quite my spine. my essentially said that there were now clouds over that very democracy that now is the time to stand up for democracy and says that it is
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something particularly this basic law as, as knowing is something that needs to be tended to, that needs to be defended and that needs to be done every day in a democracy all through it has minors at to adjust to some degree also with ease the former east, germany joining west sermons become what is now modern day germany. that very constitution has been there from day one and it's still stand strong. it's and actually enjoy is high acceptance from east and west. and she also called for intolerance against those who want to use democracy to kill it. so clearly, uh, that is a cindy failed reference to the strengthening of the fall of rights, also to for germany policy here in germany, which is now also under suspicion and being it's of the buying tubs and services as
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a potential threats to the very constitution that we are celebrating here today. mckayla, we're going to come right back to you. we're going to have a closer look for the apps. um, the, the basic floor is adopted on may 23rd 1949. and as we said, it enshrines human dignity ad. it's cool and it was drafted in response to the unprecedented crimes of nazi germany. let's take a look. are never again dictate to ship and will, that was never to happen again in germany, following the nazi barbarism and the end of the 2nd. what will germany was to become a democratic country? the west and occupying powers? the usa fronts of great britain, gave german politicians, the task of drawing up a democratic constitution for west germany. the content of what was to become the so called basic law was debated for a long time. the 1st page begins with what schumann dignity is
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inviolable. in 1949, the parliamentary council adopted the basic little fundamental rights were now guaranteed and took precedence over all laws that had never happened before. that was the lesson learned from the said russian national socialism, an era in which the human dignity of millions of people was trampled on and other rights a roll. so i'm just trying to end the basic goal, the right to life and liberty of the individual modern law in which all citizens are equal, regardless of the race origin, language, or religion. at the time, the basic little framework was being drafted, the population paid little attention reconstruction was more important. and the basic law was intended to be a provisional arrangement which only applied to west germany that has changed over the decades. it has developed into an important an identity, forming document,
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also within the population. i'm calling because that's how the cf heater, i think, very highly of the basic law. those are basic value. in addition to religion, the 10 commandments. these are the guiding values for them. the biggest part of, we just talked about it with the kids. we said that the basic law enforcement and it's the basis for all people been treated equally then guys. then i am convinced the basic law will continue to guide as well through these times that are sometimes storming. on the 3rd of october, 1990 gemini was re unified. the provisional basic law was then adopted as the constitution for the federal republic of germany. democracy has proven to be resilient thanks to the basic law. it is the test of time for 75 years, and it is an export to it. it does become a role model in shaping countries that also came out of dictatorships, for example, informed that socialist states in europe, but also in south america and asia. and with that,
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with the w as chief political edison, because a lot christmas it became, as we just heard that germany's constitution became a model for several europe in countries that happened self experienced dictatorships. can you tell us why that is the a well, it's a came as a response to dummies. doc is chopped uh its own out of workforce then a global agreement that, that never again, should that be a breach of civilization. like as the whole, of course, never again said that the state as a funk by this time at the federal present, just put it states abuse to commit such crimes against humanity. and this is also the spirit out of which the united nations was un talked to. it was one this all happened at, at the same time. so it's quite a milestone and international law. it was the foundation for international of human
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rights and the german constitution breeze. this, the, it was very martin at that moment in time because that was the ignition point for this constitution to be drafted. and that's also why other countries that come at that have come out of the dictatorship have look to the german constitution. it wasn't necessarily copy paste fair, although the one is it. the 1st is that a in german date is that the dignity of humans is in viable. that is actually found pretty much as a quote in several constitution including the one of the malawi, but also at the end of a palletized. and the lawyers who were drafting that constitution actually came to causal to determine constitutional court and have conversations with constitution noise that to inform the process. so really is a modern day constitution, 75 years old. at the same time, one of the oldest constitutions, it'll peroration right now, but some the built and constructed on the idea of human rights. and
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that's also why there's an attempt to close. no political majority can touch those co writes on the structure of the german state, the fact that it's a duck democracy, this enshrined in term of basic law. mckayla. thank you so much for that of the w as chief political editor. let me try isla, because now reporting from outside the child story in berlin. thank you. is looking to turn our attention to other news now and chinese stay tv is reporting, but dozens of chinese sites. the jets caring live missiles have been conducting monk strikes around, tie one. the light latest military drills have been described as strong punishment for what beijing cools separate, says that spite taiwan independence forces and response taiwan has mobilized it's millet tray and the new those come just days off to the island. new president lighting that took office and cook cooled on the mainland to stump making such
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threats. and we can bring an autopay correspond it now sits on han. is the link between the drills? i'm the new president taking office. yes, of course. power as new president lighting does that tie one? the r o c is not affiliated with china, the p r. c in his inauguration speech. so that is the main streak, are about really too many. the military exercise is pointed at the united states, not just the punishment of the new president of taiwan, but wanting a guest, the interference, and the publication by external forces said by china at the same time, japan, us strong ally in this region has also responded by saying that it is paying close attention to the development of the situation and continued that diplomatic effort to maintain the ability to in this region. you can tell us how best compassed to a previous military clustering from beijing as well. now from the scope and the
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content of the exercise that has been a now so far, it is a 1st military exercise based on various stage off on the invasion of taiwan. and the exercise subjects include blockade operations with outlying islands and even offshore island. the salt operations, so this is something that was not practiced in the previous military exercises. and if you look at the name of the exercise, it is called united toward 2024 a. which may mean there are serious of exercises and we cannot rule out the possibility of a, b and c in the future. okay, so the risk of the escalation house that looking well, not immediately so far, there's no sign of launching missiles, but it is currently difficult to predict whether the p o a will do b and c military exercise, as i mentioned. so this one is a kind of the current one is like a kind of an unexpected combat action to conduct
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a certain engagement, training for all personnel cope with future emergencies. so we can now of serve its impact on how as economy and how to secure a team respond. and we can also observe the us reaction and whether the us has to be informed like both sides agreed before. so these are all key items for china to decide as follow up actions. okay, and is there any solution asshole on the horizon to the situation? well, it's really hard to say, but we're sure the solution will not come within taiwan because it's military size, comparatively is rather small with um, you know, if you compared with this jain neighbor, it might come from the origin or the international community. so we'll have to see more countries reaction, especially the country around this weekend. all right, we'll have to leave it the d. w 's to turn on in type pay. thank so much for your reporting to germany says that it will not recognize the
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poly a palestinian state for now. the foreign minister says with concrete steps towards a political solution to the conflict in the middle east on needed. germany is hoping for a 2 state solution negotiated by the israelis, the palestinians that would eventually lead to a separate state. and will countries have voted to recognize palestinian statehood following the october the 7th. the terror attacks led by him off, which spunk the war in gaza. bard or from israel by fences and barriers. the palestinian territories will be formally recognized as a state by 3 more european countries spain, ireland, and norway, choosing to support the palestinian push for sovereignty. a step they say towards piece the price of the time has come to move from words to action,
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to the millions of innocent suffering, palestinians that we are with $70.00, that the results put on it to make it very clear that no matter how many walls or rectors, no matter how many villages are bombed and no matter how many illegal settlements are built, the land in the identity of palestine will continue to exist in our hearts, in international legalities, and in the future project in a letter, training and in harmony. and you'll meet that, i mean in the morning previously 139 of 193. you one countries recognize the state of palestine, latest signatories calling on others to do the same me and admits, therefore, and use me with tens of thousands of dead and injured we must keep alive. the only things that can provide to save home for both is right. you need them tell us, then it will show to state the can live in peace with each other. israel and palestine. germany's foreign minister rejected unilateral recognition of palestinian statehood tablet and then that's the next moment i have repeatedly made
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it clear that the solution to this terrible situation that we are currently experiencing does not require a symbolic recognition which a political solution cannot. because on a solution to the middle east conflict and a 2 state solution requires direct negotiations on both sides all by divide. israel's government also hit back no sound in up regarding a palestinian state. there are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not. but this is not the place nor the time now to come and you know, let our leave recognize a palestinian state. and any such decision harms is rarely sovereignty. and it's really security and we will not allow it to our order to recall our impasse orders back. com. and we will take all measures to prevent that today, even though president include a boss, the leader of the palestinian authority, welcome the recognition, and called on other nations to quote,
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support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence. diabetes mackie moore has more on why gemini is not behind this place is campaign for palestinian statehood as well. germany was caught off guard by this announcement. then there was really no for wanting from news. let's go leaders who made the announcement yesterday to the e partners. and what it did was it puts them in a difficult position. gemini views itself was having a historical obligation to be a strong ally to israel. but it also wants to be a bridge to police and them, at least i know germany's position as we had is that palestine state who palestinian statehood should be recognized that that should come as a result of a negotiated 2 state solution. that's essentially the agreement reached between is relays and palestinians. and so the german position is that it believes that recognition know kind of pre judges those negotiations. i'm not quite clearly contrast with the comments we had from the leaders of those you countries yesterday
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. believe that recognizing published the need statehood was given pets as to those peace negotiations. if you don't use mac, you will more that now dw has witnessed, is really activists trying to protect a convoys headed for garza, from attacks. coordinated by extreme is jewish settlers before the war, 500 truckloads of supplies a day, sustained gauze as population. but because of the ongoing facing strict security checks. and these attacks for a few a trucks now cross into the territory, right? when groups have been vandalizing aid convoys on route from jordan through the west bank dw, use a abraham reports. now from the talk, mia crossing of these is released aren't going on a day trip. the run a mission. the want to make sure that eat for gaza makes it there safely. but when they get to the junction,
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food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the size of it by is really extremely we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now busy trying to save really what can be saved from that food during courage by the effect they've had because we really and we made the police can meet as well. and we encourage the police to do whatever they needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the box as well falling down, and the most of the banking, the black continue to rise up. we've also seen the police try to come between the activist and the attacker to even as the police standing right next to them. continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they full of faith, i know, and they are acting gay as if they don't care that people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. well, not the living. this check point a deal,
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the said lives we live there. yeah, it will make sure that all the plots will go and being put together. the police officers on state refused to give us an interview on camera, but said that on that day the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack was aftermath we witnessed a few days earlier. near this check point. there was a violent attack on another, a convoy activists there said is really, soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, a settlers had been waging a tax leg b regularly. and israel, a report by the guardian newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice as it was violence like that, which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only a question of what's going on in guys out, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society where going to be,
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are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated or are we going to stand against it? and to say, we are human, we are fighting for our own humanities, it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen. i'm as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army. everything possible. insults come speak and fast nazis, and from us there, fellow is released call them but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck. and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them. a victory
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. the french president and many other macola has arrived in new caledonia admits the worst rights. and for he is. he's in the french overseas territory to find a solution. today is a violence. fronts was deployed thousands of troops and imposed a state of emergency. the pacific island is more than 16000 kilometers from europe . it's been on the front row since 18. 53. the the protest started because of a boasting, perform contested by the territories indigenous population. mcclain, social security reinforcements will stay in new caledonia as long as necessary as most of the files that i speak there are 3000 internal security forces in utah don't. yeah. and more reinforcements would arrive in the next few hours. so in a few hours it would be $3023.00 mobile police unit, which is unprecedented. for several days now,
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there be no more than the time that the 3rd referendum. let me be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic and power olympic games man. and here's the place to look at what's behind the unrest and how fronts came to control new caledonia or in the 1st place. this is what france coals relative combs and you color donia tensions where diffused after power is sent. well, the one files and the extra security forces but just the hours ahead of the crumbs arrival. parts of the territory still looked like a was the, the violence was followed by plans in friends to change boating, rules in a way that critics, that would dilute the representation of the indigenous connect. people who make up 40 percent of the population may definitely want is to be recognized in their own
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country and to be allowed to run the country themselves. if you go to fiji, they're fijians, if you could just a huge either to asians. and if you go to wallace there, while the seals are what do you see the one? yeah. and power is the national assembly held a moment of silence, but those killed and injured in the riots. but this is not the 1st time discord between main non firms. a new caledonia has had to leave full consequences. a francis colonized the archipelago in 1853. it use it as a penal colony and also started mining for nicole. a muscle that today still plays a key role in the economy. in 1878. the connex rose up against the loss of the land . the rebellion was put down with hundreds of debts on both sides. many indigenous people driven into exile today. it's mainly weston tourist who afflicting the
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territory, but many cannot say this, still fighting for independence and the still so, but the colonized ation process promised to decades ago. even though recent referendums to a majority of the population wants to remain part of france and south asia pumps of pakistan and india in the grip of a severe heat wave temperatures have talked $45.00 degrees celsius authorities, all advising people to stay in doors, but millions of work and say they can't afford to do that. working with i in boss underscore to temperature of bodies, things gloves, hardly protect his hands. construction work best thing works at this hybrid project in the outskirts of daily. and even though it's hotter, d, as in india has issued the heat, griffin note sink cannot afford to miss book the 6 to each dollars a day he owns, it's essential for his and his families. so why would as the temperature
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rises, our main work with iron rods becomes very hard as they heat up. in order to fill our stomachs though something must be done. conditions aren't any better in neighboring focused on big stream heat. we've tried to bring dangerously high temperatures. these sleepers are working under punishing heat, a new g as we do construction and work, but the heat is so intense that after working for 10 minutes we can't carry on anymore. so we come and sit in the shade. what can we do? we have to work for our small children. inflation is so high. if we don't work now, how will we feed our children from a guy a scientists link heat waves to climate change. focused on india, among countries most affected extreme, read the events here affect millions. there has to be next to new international
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support to help me to get the consequences. investing in is that the dish and making this is again hope communities back to the dangerous regarding consequences of climate change or not. so we have time full thanks for watching dw, the
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swing to the right seems imminent at the upcoming european elections. right? swing populous policies are leading in surveys. what are the reasons for this? what part as fake news play in the success of the euro? skeptics? and what will happen if they gain more insurance in calling him and focus on us next, on d, w. and some of the conflicts with sebastian,
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the chief prosecutor, the international criminal court has surgery, seeking a rest florence for his reading, heated for the come back to the war in gaza. i guess this week from kind of leave is dennis ross form a special assistant to president obama. and some of those the c p u. s. policy and news conflict. in 45 minutes on the w, the road, a free speech free trial and open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action detail. use global media for them. 2024, a bunch of any register. now,
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lots dissipates from all over the world. i'm ready to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow and join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020 for the . this is focus on europe. i'm lara. babel a welcome. europeans will be voting and parliamentary elections in june and populist right when parties are projected to make historic gains. so what has prompted this shift among voters, and what could it mean for the future of the european union? find out on this special edition about the european parliament elections. germany's a f. d party has been pulling high nationally and they're expected to increase
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their number of seats in the years.


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