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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from violin, protecting aid headed for garza. my money keeps making and welcome to the program. new footage has been released, appearing to show a huge arriving in golf via or temporary floating pack that was built by the us. the video release spine is rated government agency highlights trucks parked up i'm being unloaded near garza's coastline. the u. n says it has distributed a limited amount of aid that has arrived through the pair. meanwhile, a d. w team has witnessed a group. is randy activists trying to protect aid convoys headed for garza convoys
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have been facing coordinated attacks by extremist, jewish assess live before the war. 500 truck loads of supplies a day sustained the gauze population, but due to the ongoing slicing, strict security checks on the attacks for fuel trucks now cross into the territory, right? when groups have been vandalizing aid convoys on route from jordan through the west bank dw, use a abraham reports. now from the talk, mia crossing these is released aren't going on a day trip. the run a mission. the want to make sure that 8 for gaza makes it there safely us. but when they get to the junction, food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the sight of and by is really extremely we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now busy trying to save really what can be saved from
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that food during courage by the effect they've had because we really and we made the police can meet as well. and we encourage the police to do whatever they needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the boxes won't pulling down and the most of the thinking the black continue through. but we've also seen the police try to come between the actors and the attackers who even as the police standing right next to them, continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they will fade so, you know, and they are acting as a, as if they don't care that people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. well, not a living, this check point. a deal, the said lives we live there. yeah. it will make sure that all the dots we'd go and being put together, the police officers on site refused to give us an interview on camera. but said that on that day the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack,
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who was after math. we witnessed a few days earlier near this check point. there was a violent attack on another 8 convoy activists there. so it is really soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, the settlers had been waging a tax leg bes regularly. and israel, a report by the guardian newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice as it was violence like that, which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only the question of what's going on in guys, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society we're going to be, are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated or are we going to stand against it and to say, we are human, we are fighting for our own humanities. it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need
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to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen. i'm as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army. everything possible. insults come stick and fast nazis and from us, the fellow is release. call them, but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck. and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them. a victory that's kept move from dw, correspond to rebecca richards, who joins us now from jerusalem. and rebecca, our report suggest fee is really millet tree, isn't doing enough to protect the policy through the west bank. what have you heard about that?
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or was that certainly seems to be the case and it certainly was the activists in i as report there were, was saying and sent me from alan reporting. what we've been seeing and hearing is also a report from the guardian newspaper saying not only are they are not doing enough . uh, but they are in fact assisting many um individuals within the security services are effective in assisting these protest is giving them coordinates of where the convoys will be traveling through. so they sent me a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that not enough is being done to protect these a convoys. it's been happening for quite some time. they, these protests to these protests that have started around january when a group of, by the name of, to have 9 started protesting of the crossings of the cam, shall i'm crossing and then it's on a crossing with egypt where trucks are being checked of, you know, by the is really is the security services before then being a taken through into gaza. i was down there myself and then it's on a crossing speaking to some of the protesters earlier in the year. and they was
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saying that the, this was simply just giving aid to their enemy law so that they wouldn't want to do everything but they could. and in fact that they were doing the governments works at these randy government was having to allow aid in because of pressure from us and all the allies and they, they would allow to look like they weren't allowing aid. in fact, these protests, as we're doing the job of the governmental, the job governance job full, the, now we're seeing these protests, as you saw there in that report, getting move on, particularly the convoys that have to travel through the westbank thing was set by groups of settlers though it's have not, i'm not taking responsibility for those particular protest is in the west bank, but suddenly seeing an up taking violence or even seeing it on the streets of jerusalem. okay, and we mentioned the pay a bill by the us military and what can you tell us about the age being distributed the as well know very much so saw this tier has been operational since
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thursday. it's a move in the $300000000.00 us dollar us funded and built pair off the shore of gaza trying to get around some of the logistical issues of had those land crossings there allow for some aid to be coming into goals. and there was hopes that 90 trucks a day would start off being able to be be able to come through that route and that that would go up to around a $150.00 trucks a day at best. we have been saying 8 as you saw in the pictures of the beginning of this report, useful trucks being brought in to garza and and the a being put into distribution centers. but not so far until this morning. none of that aid is actually going to any organizations we all getting would from the world food program that around about 40 trucks has been able to be delivered today. a 1st attempt on sat today was beset with logistical issues and people trying to loop those trucks so that you and cancel those deployments. but now we're starting to say slowly, this being able to be picked up, but 40 trucks is just not anywhere near the amount that needs to be being
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distributed. we're getting numbers like 600 trucks a day that needs to be distributed throughout gauze or in order to trying to count . so this humanitarian catastrophe, this unfolding day. and of course, 40 trucks pales in comparison to $600.00. rebecca thank so much. that's the w correspondent, rebecca versus interest when or germany is mocking. 75 years since the country adopted its constitution officially known as the basic little especial ceremony was held earlier with bait husband's fits. cincinnati played by the button for them on the orchestra. germany's president signed by the stine maia hosted the event. he noticed that the basic law was drafted in response to the crimes of nazi germany. by maya said, the document has flourished, and that has become a starting point for other countries that had an authoritarian passed by maya also
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stressed. the basic laws important at this moment in history, when threats to democracy have grown f a stronger? well, the ones with demo cut, the now open, but when the others are they need or democracy because it low mileage. tim, settle disputes piece for this because this democracy is open to engage in compromise and embrace changes that ones are. that is the moment. and when all dom up because it is a sofa and all of us come on different right now. direction the faces are imagine yeah, the ceiling and switched once a week and then on the minds of, of proceed. simpson introducing molly's it's institutions and so on the integrate it's representatives. yes. all democracy has succeeded in bonds. we should know government and must be aware when she come across. there's no guarantee for that. it's an obvious when protected order. we can only do that also. it depends on us does address, did you have in the president praise the strength of the german constitution?
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but as d w as chief political, let us, let me tell you that because now explained sales, i made it very clear that it cannot be taken for granted for see that now is the time to stand up for democracy. and that is something particularly this basic law as, as known as something that needs to be tended to that needs to be defended and that needs to be done every day in a democracy. often rule it has minors at to adjust to some degree, also with east the former east, germany joining west sermons become what is now modern day germany sat. very constitution has been there from day one and it's still stand strong. it's and actually enjoy is high acceptance from east and west. and she also called for intolerance against those who want to use democracy to kill it.
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so clearly, and that is a thinly veiled reference to the strengthening of the fall of rights. also to, for germany policy here in germany, which is now also under suspicion and being it's of the buying tubs and services as a potential threats to the very constitution that we are celebrating here today. utilities, michelle lexis, nevada is around up in some of the, of the headlines making use around the world. the united nations top quote says it will make a ruling on friday on a request by south africa to order israel to implemented sci fi and gaza. south africa is leading a case at the international court of justice. it's accusing israel of genocide and has petitioned the quote for emergency measures to order israel to hold its military operations on the columbia says it will open an embassy and run the law in the palestinian territories. its foreign minister made the announcement, columbia,
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and president, gustavo petro, isn't on christopher, cuz it's benjamin netanyahu, and has described as rouse campaign in garza as genocidal. a thousands of mourners have gathered to bid farewell to iran late president abraham. right. you see that a funeral procession in his hometown of my shot. bracy is to be laid to rest of the frying in the city. right. he died on sunday alongside his foreign minister and 6 of those. when the helicopter crashed in the country's mountainous northwest region, chinese state tv is reporting that dozens of chinese flights a jets car in life. missiles have been conducting mo, most strikes around tie one. the latest military drills have been described as strong punishment for what vision calls separatist acts by taiwan, independence forces, and response. taiwan has mobilized it's military. the maneuvers come just days. also the island new presidents lie chung, the office,
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and cold on the mainland to stop making such threats. i also take taipei correspondence. it's on hand about the link between the drills and the new president. affiliated with china, the p r. c in his inauguration speech. so that is the main streak, are about really too many the military exercises pointed at the united states, not just a punishment to the new president of taiwan, but wanting a guest, the interference, and the publication by external forces said by china in the same time, japan us strong ally and this region has also responded by saying that it is paying close attention to the development of the situation and continued that diplomatic effort to maintain the ability to in this region a type pay correspondence. it's on hand. now it is spring time here in europe and jack around the season in some parts the time of year when the blossoms of the drug around the tree, all painting and tie it. neighborhoods purple project around
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a tree is said to be the bearer of good news. when it's flowers appear, it announces that some a is finally coming out of the official start of the season, which is just over a week away. i'm gonna leave you now with the view from lisbon. i'm any tips mckenna, thanks so much for watching the show actually coming manyels and thank you for the 77 percent to cancel. i just got on 65 last last those top 5 years. 1115, we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we got all the topics done much as to you from campbell, fixed a new culture and entertainment. let's say. together, nicholas talks about community.


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