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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST

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projects that we could do as a common european project, and here it is up to us to say yes, we want to fund it together as europeans. but then we have to speak about how is the funding that to a options to do that. either national contributions on your own resources for the european level. and i think it is no time to really speak about you own resources for the european level. you cannot give tough to the you or the level without funding it. so we shall join forces and talk to the member states and being the pol human strong to say, now let's work on the new own resources. ok, father, your o. p level, in order to really fund our defense. thank you for that. before i moved here, mr. smith, i just want to check mr. buyers. did you mean to pull the cards or was it by? i did i did. you did. okay, so i go 1st to mr. smith and then i come to you, mr. schmidt. well, i hear all the time. this fee goes, how much we spend, and how is it? that's the russians. but you have to look what happens every night in the sky. if
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you grade, well, i'm being chosen bomb being hospital bomb being civil institution houses. you have a good find on housing. they are just drawing every day. how is this india great? and if we are not supporting ukraine boldly, well, we know that the russians would be directly at the board. does they have transformed the economy into a war economy as it goes into defense? now, on a piece? yes. everybody would like to have peace, but on which conditions on put is good. they should say. what is mine is i, i was made yours, is the ghost about that style him, we cannot enter into such a deed times of assessment. thank you very much. this is a bio. i want to see a safe solver in ukraine would say for those. and i want to see a reconstructed ukraine, and that's why i'm asking you, when,
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with your constant that that which is on ukraine, 100 themes and girls for fighting for the values which you nights us with them. but then the 2nd thing that was the reason why i pressed about them, i'm like, i'm really amazed. i'm really amazed by the fact that we, us keep things standing here, talking about peace and security, and nobody even mentions daughter and ease right. most 3 times the buyers, i'm sorry to say no one is pulling a car. my 1st in boss page. i don't know. so it's asking you to do it repeatedly when, when the european union put sanctions on the east read to stop the murder in gaza. thank you, sir. mister bios, miss underlying i would like to give you a ride to reply to that point of question. yes, we all know that it is a dramatic situation in gaza. we should not forget where it comes from. the 7th of
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october was a brutal attack upon us on innocent people. and this is horrible and we have to acknowledge it. but i was always p a also with the government in israel. that is what has rights to defend itself. as late down in the un charter, but it has to do this in line with international then too many tell you in law, the situation and causes catastrophic. this is the reason why we have 4 jo filled out so many tell you an 8. this is a reason actually to set the record straight, why we have not suspended on the payments, but we have paid the 1st trial as it was meant in march now in may and in september . so i do have everything possible. i support the people in gaza, that is our duty as european union and then to work for 2 state solution because this is the only life at the end of the call is a has and with that your time is up. thank you. me from the lion and over to you marches. thank you. at least before we move on, i'd like to do a quick round up of your carts available as a buyer. you have one remaining cart,
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mr. goes the designs. good. and mr. smith, you have 2 remaining, and this is for the line. you have 3 remaining cards. it is time for our 2nd spotlight section. meaning derek, pitched of orders, followed by one on one interview with i know it's the next guess is santiago's police walters. are stuff like 30 and the it was, it was born on march 25th, 1968 and now lives in france. speaks 5 languages and started his political career at 37 years old. working with former commission president, vermont uprooting, who used to be a d. j, and has run. 37 mar, thoughts around the world. is chosen quote, comes from the irish writer george banner charles. well, mr goes, he, you know, drill. you have one minutes to address the voters,
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and this is your camera em all democratic and powerful. europe is possible and i would never be without your ups, the zeros goose change and open my my eyes, my mind and my eyes. i mean, sat down and i'm around and being friends for the group, you on elections. and today you back in getting process this, you are the that you will be want. i always try to make the best of the opportunity to do that. you're up to the reach of us and also try to give you back something. today we are confronted with challenges of the same scale. those are all fall from the ma, those and fondness. so the same vision, the same size of the or just see that's what we must show, the future generation we just on these. so let's not missed opportunity. these are the time how about chance to save your band? these is why i fight for europe which multiplies opportunity. i 540 you of
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complete solution. i fight for a more democratic funeral. and these why we must renew europe now. thank you very much. thank you very much, mrs. rosie and you are very passionate about the europe. we've just heard you and before as well. but the federalist european projects of 3, you know, europe now seems to have lost appeal. how come do you think? why you'd say so, i mean, might, i don't see if i, if, if i look at the polls i see around sample where, you know, i mean, you're, you mentioned that the around 37 mouth on. if you one was not the amount of your thing that you arrive to die out at the end of the mileage and going through my stuff, you know, i'm not the, i'm not the running in the election to read the posts. i understand that these are very interesting for you as a drawing, at least for me, they open on both the ground go. the volts on the 9th of june. okay, that's the only, oh that's counts indeed, but yeah,
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and do you agree that there are many parties that have a different idea of europe that have a great appeal to yes and the is why i side full i find the gains, those are these why i don't understand how the europe young people spot the and you will realize k, i always that have on the line is the ready to open. so they use yeah. to judge the middle on you to exit more involved. so if you don't chose the field because it's a very yeah, absolutely, as a game euro, they won't mind. so you are from, with the so you found the study open then you might, you must, but i think it assume, right. and unfortunately in this bottom, as you go to assume, right, you see here and they do okay, but you don't feel that your party has been in power for quite a while in europe as a new responsibility. and that's, are you going to false? there's something else, right? i mean we, i created a new group and then you 40 to go to the, i'm seeing 2019,
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which is going to be new york. and we have done it joining the forces between democrats and 11 assaults, with dining under the leadership of the my coal, which on the 2017 year wasn't price of defense for public. and the thing that we have started with the p change europe, we have propose that take you to these young. this was the give it all the stuff in my work. we have proof of where he thinks was that you got the recall or the plan. he thinks was that there is a defensive for referral, so that the, i think the box it just be so i'm satisfied. no, no. okay. you have plans for future reforms. i understand. but in this context and the dutch liberals of vb, still be a member of free new europe. now. now they are in government, which you have to builders, has a very radical ride spotty part of the id group with this it's the government because the government does not is not made of the brand new model. and they say that the thing government, there is no government, there is no, probably more principle, $800.00 and simple for me, if a major mistake. and they would never do so, and the euro,
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i fight against. but my to us, of the judge and the only example, and my you live in, in the, these 5 lemon to say, always know, rely on with the stream or i, b, e, c, f on the id, our pricing or their goal. but which is also my question, i think i would personally will already say that we'd be discuss this on the 10th of june. it would be the 1st point and then, and then it would be decide if it's not to be anything done to that. we'll decide, yeah, if i'm into a group where you decide by my georgia, i think it's a major mistake day saturday, but then there is no government even though that that idea. ok. thank you very much for this interview, mr. go see. thank you very much. thank you. finally i can. yeah, this is the european debate 2024. we're coming to you live from brussels, with the office of lead candidates for the position of european commission president no matter where you send to politically. there is one topic that you
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cannot avoid climate environment and we will not avoid it either. this is our next segment of the recent deadly floods and wildfire as europe is be no stranger to the predicted impacts of climate change you response is being it's green deal a road map of measures design to ensure climates, neutrality by 2051 across here. if there was signs of the shift towards renewable energy for these assets of also pro tension for most of the other opponents pushed by they argue brussels is moving too quickly. imposing new environmental rules and form filling on a still front job economy. well that's we heard in the video, it's not only farmers, we have concerns about the way climate policies are being implemented. many
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businesses also worry about extra brokers. so the question is, how can the european union meet its climate goals without damaging economic growth was off on the line? this is your question please. we've seen the climate change as a fact, and this is the reason why i put the long term perspective to have climate to charlie 2 by 2050 and this mandate. everybody agreed. the member states the following month, everyone agreed. so this is cost and lol. now we have built the framework for legal framework to get the, the road map that is so necessary. and indeed now we are in the face where we have to implemented web. we have to make sure, and this is why we have a dialogue with industry and with the farmers to ask them what is it, what you need to reach climate neutrality? what is it, what you need to fulfill the roadmap? and this is something where now in the farmers dialed, for example, the answer is a very clear from the farm a space. say we want climate to trial if you,
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because we live of nature, we know that we want to get there, but please, we want to move conditionality to incentives. we want to me move from massive reporting. thank you to, for example, modern technologies like drones. let me get on my spots, and then i have another 32nd. i want to go over this, but for the 1st time that you have to pull on your thoughts and saw around through, okay, you have extra to can please. so let's, let's go from mazda of reporting, put that aside to modern technologies, for example, satellite and drones, to control what is necessary. and the same goes for the industry. we have so many springs, we have lead us into a clean technologies. now we have to get it on the road and that is the task of the next mandate. thank you very much. if you have any going to use your seconds, but a good, good choice, mr. schmidt. the same question goes to you. can the climate goals kind of goes pull this is be implemented without damaging the economic growth? no, i, i think that climates the right climate policy again in the hands and you type of
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sustainable goods. but this is not free. so we have to mobilize in europe, a huge resources, huge investments, to transform, to the common eyes, our industry, all of a good culture, our daily lives. and i think this is the issue. how can we mobilize the resources? how can we make climate policy acceptable for every one of our household for people, for companies? and i think this is important enough to have a strong social dialogue to involve social partners, to really show that at the end everybody can be a witness on the right, the right climate policy. think of assessment unless someone wants to use their card for the volume. and always, indeed, because them, as you know, we've mentioned it a couple of times, know what's happening here on stage is being followed, not only here and in brussels at large,
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but in 26 european countries. as i said before, here they are hello, all of you looking good out there. um for the next question on climate and environments, let's hear what's madrid's wants to know. to keep all that when i started, as i said, are you going to be finished by your like, good evening from the spanish property broadcaster our tv. i'm able to comment, as you can see, there's our childrens here for them to debate. and we have a very specific question about this topic. i'm here. we've got about, she's 21 years old. she's from holding single. you've had you were studying political science on international relations. i do have a question on climate change. yep. good afternoon. so my question is, as you properly said, the framework of the green deal has already been set up. so what are the next, the steps to fight against climate change group? what are the specific policies that your party will implement to accelerate the green transition? we know the importance heat has on society, industries,
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and businesses. thank you very much. spain of? yes, a very pointed question. i think a very urgent question. 30 right? guess what is your answer and very easy to answer and 45 seconds. but i will try. i think the fast point having a green industrial deal, i come from an industrial area in germany and i can see what kind of potential the green deal has for be companies who are producing different products. we're seeing that that chances in green technology in green industry, and we need to follow what we have started and really enabled them to put that into practice. the 2nd point that we are going to need is a refund of the use agricultural policy because we see that the firm is cannot lift of what they're producing anymore. we need sustainability when it comes to climate, when it comes to the environment. but also when it comes to promised incomes, and for that we need to change the way how we distribute subsidies in europe. and the last point, none of this will be possible and we all know is if we, i'm not going to mess. if we invest, we will only make this possible if we invest from the european level to bit the
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infrastructure that we need for this transformation. but if we do that, i also want to say this content and some be the front right now when it comes to climate, we try let's try meant neutrality and competitiveness in the future. thank you for that. since listen to you, mrs. rosie the lady in spain was asking for specific policies. what do you suggest we, they guarantee that we ever make the choice of a green and competitive bureau. so there is no space for the green backlash or for agree, oh for green, but now we must the implement implement of this implement of the some bracing innovation at think, dollars you know, try to think implementing these. we've more fox prod about these and dialogue with you, what's with business with farmers, we see this as it is not 5000000 citizens that must be for the green part of the show. so we must create a file then you on the results that we have thought the but there's not enough level. we have to go along with this weight and we have to make a single mock as most sustainable for producer and consumer to simplify renewable
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energy projects. we show every other right of, of to repair to ben plan up sort of since angry washing and these is very good when we focus yuma and for the plants. thank you very much, mr. gozine. and let me just check mr. bye are you are not planning to use their cards where you know it. okay. no, no, just checking, making sure as much as yes. let's hear it again from those who will have to say substantial site in shaping the continents future. yackel is from denmark is a 1st time border is 20 and he's with us in the audience. please, a good estimate date and the past 5 years to european parliament has implemented a lot of the green and sustainable legislation. but that in order to ensure plans for my generations, the future, we need to be way better at reusing, at old materials. so my question is, what concrete proposals do you have to ensure
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a union vide circular economy? thank you. thank you, mr. bye or you didn't press the card, but now you haven't before please. thank you very much. uh, 1st of all, i think that can be any contradiction or, or, um, uh, part of the box between it really economy and inefficient economy. we need the ecological transformation. but in order to make sure that you collect the transformation, we need the investment. we need a new investor and lots of, we need a new energy model. we make sure that people can make this transition in social security, social security show the social justice is nothing nice to have in these context. and that's required by me. 100000000000 of euro and twisty austerity measures, which you'll introduce list that you read. the 3rd frame on governance, financial governance, voluntary fees,
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and that's why i say the 1st and most important thing is it to a way of therapy and make place and keep space for invest, but for the ecological printing from thank you mr. bye. so we have 2 carts now. you said i think it was the 1st place i would actually like to answer this question because i think it's a fantastic question. when we look at the green deal, we cannot stop by saying we need to get time it neutral esther. we also need to look at how we can build a such a economy because the dependencies that we have seen on fossil inputs from russia. we cannot now repeat with, for example, of being dependent on raw materials from other our truck for seasoned the world. so how we can best serve recycled resources has to become a core issue in how we do business in europe. and for me, a very concrete way of doing this would be to extend the e t s. so the emissions trading system also to questions of resource use. europe has shown that this is possible for emissions and i think it should also be possible for resources. thank you very much and we're going to have a chance to talk about in more detail and stuff like that is coming back in
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a few minutes. but mr. josie, you pull up your time. no, i also think it was an excellent question. and i think that these, the one of our successes are you because we have made the biggest best for to make this just a single market more sustainable to resolve with that. and you commission that didn't it right, that the end us and seem so. and we, we have introduced with 5 for the right to refill the right to repay on. now you said it's, you don't have to change your iphone or your washing machine off the one. yeah. if you wanted to, we buried it. we a find that the ben line of sort of sensor and we know that phenom sorta isn't that big. just i'll say i've seen that we can do it since it goes to consumer these if it's already economy. thank you. see how we can adopt our single market to me, the new needs and to go through all the future. thank you, mr. cosy. mr. is this this off of the line? you 40 of your play the i'm, i'm very happy to hear this discussion from the goal is the i think that if you want to be president of the european commission to should not single out commission
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to stand by your college. this is very important. we have been successful because we've seen that last year, for example, the very 1st time we produce more electricity with wind, then with judge goss, we have seen the emission trading system that it was so successful. it is the gross strategies or your opinion deal because emissions have gone down by 32 percent. while the industry of the economy has grown by 67 percent. so it is a growth strategy that we have. and indeed mr. by uh, we do invest massively in the europe in greenville, and if you take next generation you, you 40 percent of the 10s of billions go in. exactly. so for the economy, for example, of a project on the line and technology. thank you. and the quick round up before we move on is that i'm good. if it goes the i mr by have one far left. and this is for the lion. no, no, no, no, commit to x. i'm sorry. this. seeing too much from the sideways and mrs. on the
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line one remaining car. thank you very much. okay, and martin already refer to our next book like a guess if i may call it that's ready, or you should be getting ready to answer margins. questions. debbie ryan, to get the good. who is this 37 years old, grew up in guest in kitchen gemini, and noticing brussels as a student. she joins a local view, swing of the german green switch, kicked off of political career. she's an explosive trustworthy anteaus to mix its quote comes from german singer and musician. habits debating am i on the same rule applies to you as frank, if you can address the audience and your potential orders through the camera right here, we have one minute and then i'll have a few more questions to ask. please go ahead or your fellow europeans,
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european elections that i had of us are going to be crusoe for the future of this beautiful continent. i myself come from a country where in the twenties and thirties of the last century, conservatives, but also liberals on the estimated the sweat of the far right. i joined politics because i wanted us to make sure that we can never let that happen again. and for that, the european union is key because we have managed to build over the last decades, a space of freedom, peace and prosperity in europe. but this is at stake now because the time of crisis is not waiting only together. we can tackle the time of crisis 3, a support green industry, creat green jobs, and create a future for all of us in europe together. we can do it. she was coverage, she was green to thank you very much and want to greenville to be even stricter than what has been approved by by the
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commission. you have single and the member states of course, but you've seen a huge backlash. we talked about in the video from farmers and the others. so what do you tell them? look, i come from a, from a 70 myself, actually my father sitting in the audience. he grew up on a farm. and obviously i see the, the concerns that people have and maybe the, the fear that they have of the future. it's thomas, but also be people who do not know how they can fund the renovation of their own housing. i think that if we want to make the green deal of success, we need to get these people on board because from us what, how do i do that? you do that by f, for example, supporting them in the green transition that they do themselves. one of the most successful projects that we had in germany was to build small solar panels on balconies. people who have that can see that they're producing their own electricity. and that it's not only good for the climate, but it's also good for their pockets. and exactly the small steps we have to take to get all of us on board. because if we don't invest in taking the time of crisis, now it is going to become much more expensive in the future. so it's from
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excitement to try that you spend for, but also from an economic to it's 10 points. smotts of the green's and that's probably what your voters won't from you. you don't want to compromise too much on the, on the issues like environments but by not doing this, are you not risking to be signed line? well actually if you look at what role we have been saying and the european parliament, but also in a lot of member states where we are in government. we of course know that we need to be pragmatic in certain questions. that for example, when it comes to the extension of renewable energy, we need to have quick up time between processes at the same time. if now we are going to have a situation where we are moving to the right and these repeating election where maybe it's going to work together with it. you see? yeah, the whole green deal is going to be turned around. and that's going to be a disaster for the climate that's going to be a disaster for nature, for future generations sparrows to follow economy. so if you want to keep the green deal, you have to vote green and disruption election so that we stay on cost and that we make your time. i suppose it's all about the pace,
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but how do you convince people that it's in their own insurance to move on with it? so you've seen pharmacy, seen other people. it's saying, you know, that's fine. maybe this goal is fine, but we just were not ready for that yet. it's to find some creed policies. i can tell you where we are in government. we have for example, to introduce climate tickets. it is one of the most popular measures that, that the governments have taken because people can see that with this ticket, they have affordable transport. but they also do something good for the climate. so these kind of policies, we have to look at how we can take people on board and then i'd strongly believe, i mean, look at what is happening in silence. look at what is happening in other parts of europe. so i'm a change is not something in the future, it's happening now, and we need people to understand that and to be on board, texting this crisis if you're places are right. why don't opinion polls show that because he seemed to be mean india and losing some members of the european parliament in the election. i mean, i know that follows will only be here in a couple of weeks, but that's what the policy now you. so i guess your message is not as appealing because you might think, well, you know,
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i'm in an election campaign. i'm fighting for every single vote, and i can only tell you that at the end of the day what, what towns is, what is going to happen on election day. and we will do everything we can not only to have the strongest free will we ever had in the european parliament, but also to have a more active role in shaping the next 5 years. i don't have 510 years to lose. i need to change policies now because otherwise it will be too late for the right good. thank you so much for your time. thank you. thank you. and the next topic. democracy in need to ship relates to questions about how we organize society or political institutions about who's in and who's out and who gets to say and how. so democracy and leadership of the last week's assassination attempts on the sofa prime minister was a reminder. if one was needed, of how fragile democracy can be,
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and as your opinions prepared to cast their votes, once again, their democratic institutions are under pressure. current opinion polls suggest a strong showing for 0 skeptic parties, which could pose big questions for the current structure of the u once the votes are counted. meanwhile, european leadership overseas is being tested hard by conflict in the middle east. the confidence and the rest of the vision and the possibility of a 2nd from the president and democracy and leadership. um well in slovakia these woods where um, particularly potent after d a tech on sort of like yes, prime minister last week. so we're happy to have you on board for today uh your colleagues and brought the slideshow slovakia. what is your question regarding this topic? the floor is yours. hello. hello from black to follow up from radio and television
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. aflac. yeah, my name is quality, i'm equal. are sure, and i am here, we've all d as in our crowd through center. it's been a drum of the week of shooting go on the prime minister over to feet so. so this is our question by a study over. is there. good afternoon. i have a question for you. hawk into your opinion, even adopt does arising populism and nationalism while maintaining its democratic values and what actions can be implemented. thank you very much. so for that question and i'll pass it onto lots of buyer is 1st of all, it seems that seems i sell it directly to the people of stock. yeah. this is the heart of the incident. uh technically uh, there cannot be any compromise was to follow right. and the judge and we must prevent these people from coming to paul. and it's 5 us really shocked me says find
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the 9 here in your, in mastery saying it depends on the outcome of the leg since by the you're really going college with them will collaborate with them. and it's the same, i must say, mr. go to. i am shocked by that's what i hear from the netherlands. it cannot be the liberal part was life was the far right. but then secondly, i strongly believe that the core of the problem of the far right is the social question. and on this week is 55 lives decent policy and secure tops to the people we will not be able to defeat the far right into europe. thank you very much. this is going to be the same question for you. you may want to be closer to what mr . bicep, what i would say don't stop me now. mean or, you know, the same with song go by clean. no, don't stop you. now. now it's time.


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