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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live it from blue to a political earthquake. the far right alternative for germany. political party kicked out, told that you're no longer welcome at the european union level. all a f d representatives. i've been expelled from the identity and democracy, complimentary group in the european parliament. this just days after other far right parties in france and italy distance themselves from the german far right. also coming up, the un get set to vote on a celebrity to genocide. memorial day general assembly debates creating an annual day to commemorate the 1995 genocide. the box mean,
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most of the bosnian serbs are vehemently against the move saying that the incident is being mis representing the break off is good to have you with those just 2 weeks before crucial european elections the far right alternative for germany political party known as the a if d has been expelled from its own parliamentary group at the level now this fall is a series of scandal is largely centered around the parties lead candidate in the upcoming election maximilian cross. it was recently quoted as saying that not all members of the elite ward were to not see unit known as the ss says, not all of those people were criminals, the, the band from making public appearances as a result of that statement. last month,
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german police arrested an assistant across on suspicion of espionage. sorry for more now we want to go to our correspondent barons recruiting process. he's been following this story for us and so back. why did the the id group the parliamentary group there? why did they decide basically, to kick out the, the german, a f t part the id, the identity and democracy group is by all means the far, the most far right group in the european problems we have. and they now say the a, if the is too extreme to ready go for us. it seems to be a contradiction. but the id says the recent comments by maxine me on call about the as, as that was crossing a line that was too much in a, in a really a role role of incidence isn't the last 2 weeks and months. so this is now the decision about the majority of this group to expel all 9 members of the
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a if the but that doesn't mean that the program of the id group, all these project has changed. you have to see the big picture, and it's all, it seems to be going with a plan of georgia malone to the italian prime minister and by the end of the pen, the opposition leader in france, both in fluoride parties. if they want to form a more moderate group, that would be able actually to work also with the chris democrats in the p. a and the, the a, if the would then be a hindrance to do that. so they decided actually to get rid of these germans that the or are causing trouble right now says a bad the message here. it sounds like, based on what you're saying is that for, for the european for right, germany's version of the far right is simply it to extreme, how big of a blow. oh, is it going to be then for the the a if the yeah,
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the strategy of maloney and le pen is to form the a much bigger, moderate appearing group at least into european parliament. and for the, if the, this is a severe blow because they, they have lost the 2 lead candidates, whether you're in elections and now they are kicked out and labeled as to extreme. if this has an impact on the vote is actually in germany is not clear there. if these losing a little bit in the polls, it's now standing between 15 and 17. still the 2nd largest, the party in germany when it comes to the european elections that they can, can still send that's at least 15 deputies into the parliaments. and they've got lots of gain in these elections. and so it's not quite clear how, how big this blow will be. i know you'll be level for the 50 and, but now they have to search for a new group about the regrouping. but it only take place after the elections use
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band read it with the latest in brussels. fair. thank you. but from the politics of power to the politics of memory, the you in general assembly is debating a resolution on declaring an annual day to commemorate the massacre of 8000 bosnian muslims by bosnian serbs. the resolution has sparked fierce opposition from bosnian serbs and the serbian leadership, although it does not specifically mention serbia as the culprit tier of the serbian president, alexander boot. judge, called on member states to vote against this resolution, saying that it is highly politicized. and that it will deepen divisions in the region. it passed, it would put the 1995 shrubbery needs a genocide on par with the holocaust in beaver one the genocide. meanwhile, in serbia and the old tunnel is serv. region above the people took to the streets
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to protest the resolution. the last month, thousands of buston insides rallied against what they say is a misrepresentation of history. they don't believe the people committed genocide when thousands were master kids and separates in 1995. earlier that they the parliament of the autonomous regions of bus now republic, a sub scott voted to consume just that not to be a bit odd. yeah. why it's good republicans that are okay. because such goes on the operation instead of it needs uh, in july 1995 was a mistake a mistake, but left behind. but, you know, i don't know most cried boston lobotomies, watching the watcher and it was a crime at the end of the war. now could i get out of to fatigue, knock on pay, train or suffering and revenge. there's news, but i don't know most of it,
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but it was no genocide. all they don't need to be in july 1995 busing in sub and serbian forces, rounded up and executed. 8000 boston yakima slim boys and men in the town of striper needs uh, most of the victims are on. um the united nations had declared the enclave a u and protection zone, but peace cape of space and they failed to intervene. the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia in the hague lights, a rule that domestic constitutes a genocide. under a settlement to end, the war bosnia and herzegovina was divided into 2 semi autonomous zones. one for buzzing. the axe and cro ads and one for boston in subs. known as republic, a sub scott relations between the 2 entities are often tens and republic
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a sub scully does a calling for succession from bosnia and the union with neighboring. so it'd be a now with the un resolution on the table, tensions are higher than never. the resolution would declared the 11th of july international day of remembrance for the genocide and spread bernita, bosnian serb say that's what only creates the divisions. but survivors of the massacre have a message for them. on the inquiry needed to call you to call you those who deny enter hurt by the truth, let them understand and accept the truth and condemn the criminals who committed crimes and their name. we do not blame the people out of the resolution was proposed by rolanda in germany and co sponsored by 15 countries, including the us proposed and say it will promote peace and reconciliation. but it could have significance implications for the future of a country teetering on the edge. the right, our washington bureau,
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gd dispose. she is at un headquarters in new york seen as we understand that the debate at the general assembly is still under way. tell me how much support is there for declaring a trip or needs a genocide memorial day while we hear that about a 100 or so, votes will be, uh yes, they will support the resolution which was for presented by germany and a run the brand. but we still see it is a huge debate. we heard some tough accusations from those who are oppose ah overdue, oppose this resolution. i just want to just take a moment to talk a little bit about how the u. n. a investigator from germany presented that resolutions he referred to, the founding of the un, which raise of the assets of the hollow cost. that's what she's, that's what she said. and she said that those who can not remember are condemned to
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repeat history. so this is all really a, not about accusing anyone, but it's really about keeping the memory about what's happened that very day in reference to a lot. yeah, and i, that speaks doesn't need a to, to why germany and we're wanting to believe that a day of remembrance is so important and is needed doesn't it does indeed. and you know, it's not only germany and rhonda, it's 70 of those states who are supporting old broad in this resolution. it's of course, very complex, complicated at the end, but it's not only germany and rhonda, that's what some of who are opposing this resolution to try to claim it is. i mean, i think every view or a 10 ask himself or herself, right? know what you have thought about as represented so, but you remember what happens the it's nearly 30 years ago again. so this is really
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to keep the memory alive. yeah. yeah. and i think a lot of people would also be asking um, but how can it still be so divisive? the memory of it? maybe they should ask the serbian president, alexander boone church, he has said that he will fight this initiative with all of his strength in part at the you when. how is he doing that in new york? while he was lobbying uh, the last weeks and months to really uh try to postpone this resolution. and he already delivered his speech and he really accused germany by using all its power to threaten him. that's what you said, smaller countries toward just all the ways they would face really economical uh, threats from germany, if they wouldn't vote in favor. why does he do that? he says, you know, he wants to keep the wounds close. he says it's not necessary. uh, to kind of uh, you know, start the whole debate again and of course,
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he's also probably afraid that maybe some other accusations will arise. yeah. like we said, the politics and memory, the politics of power, winning the same for a lot of people because he's in his pole with the latest from the un headquarters in new york in this thing. all right, to south asia, now we're parts of pakistan. india are in the groups of a severe hit wave temperatures and some parts have reached as high as 45 degrees celsius. authorities are advising people to stay in doors, but millions of workers say they simply cannot afford to do their of working with iron bars underscore kings, temperatures, bodies, things, gloves, hardly protect his hands. construction work, gusting works at this hybrid project in the outskirts of daily. and even though a part of d, as in india has issued a heat, brief alert, think cannot afford to mr. book. the 6 to each dollars
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a day he owns is essential for his and his families. so why would as the temperature rises, our main work with iron rods becomes very hard as they heat up. in order to fill our stomachs though something must be done, conditions aren't any better in the bring focused on critic stream heat. we've tried to bring dangerously high temperatures. these sleepers are working on the punishing heat near the we do construction work, but the heat is so intense that after working for 10 minutes we can't carry on anymore. so we come and sit in the shade. what can we do? we have to work for small children. inflation is so high. if we don't work now, how will we feed our children from a guy a scientists link heat waves to climate change. focused on india, among countries most affected extreme,
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read the events here affect millions. there has to be next annoying to nation support to help me to get the consequences investing in a gap dish and making it since again, has communities back to the dangerous and regarding consequences of climate change or well, it is not that live here in europe. it is spring time here and jack a random season in some parts of the time of year when the blossoms of the check are ran to tree are painting entire neighborhoods purple. take a look at this, the jacket ran a tree and said to be the bearer of good news, when it's flowers appear in the mountains, is that summer is coming and the official started the season is just over a week away. we're going to leave you now with these views from lisbon. portugal will be back at the top of the hour with more need see that the
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type of data so much for thought is, is just is i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another load wake up on last starts june 1st on the dw the the.