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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life and by that germany's fall right. alternative for germany, tante is kicked out of its political bulk of, of your vin parliament. bold and the representatives of being expelled from the identity and democracy group of your fee and public. and this comes up to fall right, pauses in funds, and it's a distance themselves from the gym and politicians also on the program. you and folks to commemorate the 1995 stripe and that's the genocide of bosnian muslims. bosnian serbs protests claiming the incident has been misrepresent. dw rates is riley activists protecting a heading for gaza. nice to say that on a mission to get supplies to the gaza strip,
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even if it means being attacked. bike stream is, is right, and he sat on the germany southerbuys to 75th, outside of its constitution known as the basic law president, frank, 12 of stein, mice, as the law is worth protecting the i feel welcome to the program just 2 weeks before your appearing elections at germany's fall right. alternative for germany or sd has been expelled from the fall, right? identity, a democracy, grouping of the european parliament at least follows a series of scandalous laws. me centering around the policies, to leave tons of it in the election. maximillian cross was recently quoted as saying that not old members of nazi germany's ss were criminals. the i asked the
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responded by binding him from making public appearances last month, the german police arrested him out of his assistance on suspicion of espionage. let's get most of my correspondence in brussels bend. be good to a welcome band. so we have a fish fall right id grouping into your fee a problem and which includes marine. the pens, national assembly potty in front sucks. germany's i asked the to the far right even for them or this appears to be the case. if you look at the official statement that the id group, the far right id group made today in parliament. but if you look at the effects in the last 5 years of the parties that are collected in these id grouped group perfectly together, they always voted against all you initiatives and a full russian interest and against your training interest. so on the political side,
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there's actually no gap between these parties. but in the last weeks there was a string of approval occasions and also scandals produced by maxine media and car of the the if the and that seems to be the, the red line that has been crossed for example, for not in le pen a lead figure in the french or assembler, no, unless you know it, which is also a writing potty. but she is aiming to a p, a more moderate to give her a more moderate phase for political reasons in france. and she's now saying that truck in the a f d is no longer an of a match for her. and she plans off to the elections, to team up visit judge and maloney's apology, which is another writing group that you see are. and then these 2 ladies together want to form a new, more moderate appearing writing group. that is then a book actually, or to, to co operate or more visit the christian democrats,
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where they want to push the far right more to the middle. and the a, if d is a kind of a hindrance in the effort into strategy. ok, i'm supposed to to, to realize of course it to him in terms of a, if that is not a french part of a, if they very much in the mainstream of german political discourse. maximilian cross has now step down from the parties leadership. but if he's still the candidates in your opinion elections, so technically he is the lead candidate because the ballots in germany are already printed, so his name can not be removed. he can also not step down from his candidacy legally, but the party benton and the party also has told him, you cannot appear in any election campaign. you cannot say a public virt in the next 2 weeks. so he's more or less debt, politically, but he's still a deadman walking on the ballot. okay, so how big
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a blow is this for just main fall right party who would doing well in the polls here? but the a, if the today is a truck that's often since we take note of this decision, but of course it is a blow. it also the image of the, of the, of a soft a from this but in the pose in germany. the upstairs still hovering around 15 to 17 percent. that means she might be even the 2nd biggest party in the elections in 2 weeks times and she who get more seats in the parliament than she has now. now there are 9, if the deputies and the to be more around 15. so the blow to the party is limited. but of course, internally in germany, it might be also have an effect on the elections that are coming up later in the year in germany. okay, thanks, brent, that we get in brussels snatch of the un general assembly in new
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york, which is voted to, to establish an annual day to commemorate the strep. and it's a genocide. july 11th will be the international day of remembrance of these trevor . and it's a genocide stigmatized of remembrance of health for the holocaust and the rwanda genocide on the stay in 1995 with me and so forth is captured strep and its a mastercard, $8000.00 on a positive mostly men and teenagers. resolution was adopted despite 5th opposition from boston and serves, and the sub in leadership. so being present, alexander church spoke at the un head of the votes and said the measure would deepen divisions in the region. speaking of the let's go to what you and had causes in new york for the washington bureau chief, n s. paul. and joining us also from mazda in bosnia herzegovina is the w report that i, that still fits i, sally beg of age a welcome. first, let's start with you. eat us in new york, a focus through holidays and vote and folded.
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no. uh, the resolution was accepted by only a simple majority. uh set that means that uh, next year on the socialist anniversary of the massacre. that will be an international day of comma ration. um, i think it's worth to have a little bit of a closer look to the vote. only 84 countries voted in favor. so that means it's, as i said, just a simple majority under this kind of interesting, that'd be, ron, for example, voted in favor and didn't stick with a russia because of the muslim brotherhood understand that you rush out of course was one of the 19 countries which opposed devoted to other countries about china hungry and as serbia. of course, what is interesting is how many countries upstate in $68.00 countries didn't vote in favor or oppose the resolution saying as the united arab emirates, for example,
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saying or arguing that they didn't want to deepen the tension in the region either . so if it's sally bakovich and both it has, the governor took us through political reactions the or yeah, well, a survivors of the genocide in the family here because i said that this is the, the 30th through sen, justice, the chairman of the building of presidency oversight of students has one, but the, basically the 1st guy has quite a different opinion. um president comfortable because of scott, which is the entity in boston has to go in. i said uh, on several occasions today. he was, it's certainly such a day. and he said clearly allow me the genocide, he didn't have time in setting this up for days or so he has been talking about i close to the peaceful separation and the 4 people say, hey, let me know. she needs that. like i said, we'll just see from the see the going out. this is something that he's been signing
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for many years. he mentioned that the resolution is one reason because the resolution of his plays is to blame on the assessors as they are marked as a genocide. on nation, so the city has a couple of problems uh on the line that so uh above the hutch, the golf. and it will see if we can rectify that. meantime, we'll go back to in this poll in new york in as why germany and rolanda leading this initiative they and so some other, more than other 10 other countries are leading this initiative because simply they didn't want. the mass occurs the genocide to be forgotten, and that's be frank here, this debate wouldn't have happened today. i think many of of you as also would not have precisely mind. i wouldn't be so much aware of what happened there. probably not so much. and the reason the reason, but i'm talking about the international uh community of course they also uh,
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were fighting for this or putting in this resolution because they wanted to underline the importance of the ruling of independent independent international courts as v i c j, which called the massacre ins forever and it's a genocide the next largest, all countries from around the globe support the initiative. the recognize genocide of muslim both next and start for new. so took place in 1995 many years ago. but since then the u. n. has still not chosen today to officially come memory to inspect and by recognized means that the international independent quotes have convicted perpetrators. according to the terms of the genocide convention is all the resolution also states that it is important that we do not retrospectively deny the existence of this genocide. and of course,
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we also want to be able to commemorate the victims and to show us on the dicey with the many family members and the mothers as her bernita who was still suffering greatly. i felt like to stay in his poll. i'm what, of course, in a world full of conflict that at the moment the ukraine, i'm the gaza, particularly in that the headlines do. we read anything. and so the reluctance of rushes to back this to back base, moved into perhaps looking forward to any potential a future, a court cases it might be brought against of course, i mean for example, the president of sylvia, he, he said i'm not talking about gaza, but you mentioned ga so, so this is kind of the other funding, the role in many countries definitely of worried that the mass occurs or genocide which happened in the countries might also be discussed as here uh at the united
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nations that, that the international community will bring more awareness to these massacres which happen maybe even 10 years or maybe even hundreds of years ago. so this was kind of the bigger picture in that picture picture here. it is also true that many countries really feel that the tension in the balkans will raise and that the wounds which it never probably really here, but that it will be cut open again and, and players like rush or for example, definitely all going or will be trying to do so. i say this is poll in new york outside the united nations. and the publishers for some of the technical problems we have that will move on, look at around a problem for some of today's, of the headlines. for the presidency. manual macro is a new caledonia where he said he would delay a voting before and slammed the trigger deadly riots. things people were killed in
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francis pacific territory. i have a plans to give voting rights to french residents living there for more than 10 years. and the president says he'll try to seek a new political agreements. columbia says it will open an embassy in rama and the palestinian territories. it's foreign minister made the announcement. colombian president, the cost of a petro as an option to credit companion mean, nothing. yeah, it's just described as rows that come paint in gaza as genocidal. it's a new force which has been at least appearing to show a arriving in gaza via a temporary floating peer the above united states. the video release bind is right, the government agency highlights trucks popped popped trucks, trucks parked and being unloaded near guns. this coast line un says it's just you proceed unlimited amount of a best arrived through the pair. meanwhile, the dw team has witnessed a group of is really active, is trying to protect
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a deliveries having for gaza. con voice had been facing coordinated attacks by extremist, a jewish settlers before the war. 500 truckloads of supplies a day, sustained gauze as population due to the ongoing fighting strict security checks and the attacks far fewer trucks not crossing to the territory bite wing groups have been vandalizing, a calm voice on route from jordan through the west. back dw was at abraham reports 9 from taco mia crossing these is released aren't going on a day trip. the run a mission. the want to make sure that eat for gaza makes it there safely. but when they get to the junction food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the sight of and by is really extremely we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now busy trying
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to save really what can be saved from that food during courage, by the effect they've had. and because we really and we made the police tammy as well, and we encourage the police to do whatever they needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the box as well pulling down. and the most of the bringing the glass continued to brazza. we've also seen the police try to come between the after this and the attackers who, even as the police standing right next to them, continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they will face right now when they are acting as a, as if they don't care that people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. we are not the living. this check find a deal, the said lives, we live the area. it will make sure that all the dots with go and being put together, the police officers on site refused to give us an interview on camera. but said
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that on that day, the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack, whose aftermath we witnessed a few days earlier near this check point. there was a violent attack on another, a convoy activists there. so it is really soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, the settlers had been waging a tax leg bes regularly. and israel, a report by the guardian newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice as it was violence like that, which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only a question of what's going on in guys, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society we're going to be, are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated? or we're going to stand against it and to say, we are human,
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we are fighting for our own humanities. it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen. i'm as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army. everything possible. insults comes thick and fast, not season from us. their fellow is released call them, but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck. and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them, a victory. it's a thousands of people gathered for the burial of it runs president abraham re c, including governments and ministry officials, along with the prominent religious vegas because of rice. he died on sunday,
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alongside his foreign minister and 6 of us by mat, how they come to christ. and the country is mountainous, northwest region, the hon. because i had 5 days of morning following the crash. the coffin caring and bronze late president abraham re you see is driven through his home town. the city of mashhad being laid to rest at the m reza shrine. the only site for she ought to muslims, and these nomic republic. oh, huge crowds have got the dinner on in recent days to pay their respects to her i, you see. and the other top officials killed in the helicopter, crash public morning to the ultra conservatively there was encouraged by officials and any form of protests find it runs allies have express that condolences could be that
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the cabinets meeting the we have decided to get a day of nice and warning in our country. she had the dip been of that, you know, i mean, people, me, me, organics, that's how condolences daughter is wrong. and brothers and sisters. you don't because they shouldn't take uh, motions house and george officials from several countries including india, russia and syria, travel to, to run, to pay their respects the sun, the radians living abroad mocked re, sees death in a different manner. crowds waved flags outside. the rainy and embassy in london and in berlin, celebrating the end of 50 acrostic cod lajna,
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busio at modern vision fish, tracy was instrumental in the massacre of 2000 political prisoners, ended on in 198890 percent of one score from the main is wrong in opposition, which i have been involved in, and you simply cannot find a single family in it on that has not been injured. hom don't attack by him in some way. that's why people that relatives of the victims are celebrating throughout their on and also in the or on an exam communities save on of also in, in the x you've got your 100 communities on. but back in iran, the death of right you see has shaken the countries leadership as a time of increasing regional tensions. a germany is mocking the 75th birthday of its constitution known as the bicycle, the bell in philharmonic orchestra to play the base of his 5th symphony as a special ceremony hosted by german presents trunk. felt a stine by the president notices, with basic law, had been drafted in response to the crimes of nazi germany. said the documents have
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flourished and become a starting point for other countries with all sorts. having this in the past. michael gold have a is a professor for german in comparison for public law at the university of these bunk welcome to dw is been said big. this constitution actually needs an urgent update because it's creates a student for c, 21st century phenomena like climate change. what do you think? i guess the constitution to be still absolutely you selected constitution, that is the tool. that's all the function that to be a massive mind from using the liberal democracy. so, but the don't need is um, an update that would amount to, to seduce, been written additional. so mean the constitution has been constantly updated over the last the page. so, i mean, there are most certainly the amendments over the last of the so i
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would say the constitution could still fit to uh, salt, all the questions that the folks today. okay. so if you're, if it's getting amended as you go along, but back came back in 2021. the constitutional court forced the government to change its climate protections or sites of the constitution. and critics at the time and still now say that that's when to 5 because they interpreted the low to generously to direct political decisions. they say about parliament's job, what do you say? i mean, but it's expecting the point and i agree with the critics, the cost of what the constitution call to do is to constitutional nice. the drive would change all it takes and that is, um and you know, obviously the idea having in mind all the students marching through the streets and
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addressing this pressure issue issue that's taking into account that you're talking about measuring the glass over the next $34050.00, yes, it is really questionable, but it's on the call to be fine. measurements based on the constitution and um, but it's, it's isn't more of the problem and that is able to much better able to react costs and the based on richard like. okay, so given that, that what happens does is that because as usual quotes, it's that, that the, the final word on the sorts of, of things or does one have to go to, to your and if, if, if, if you're not happy about that. well, that is the next point, i mean, the, the basic law and the european level. so much you kind of open today that you can't
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really say, but that it's possible every, the last booked on the election book called the so let's, he's not the reason for why the, the request for updates is locked public restroom for the dates. it's more like piece meet engine. it's more um discussing um the digital timing amendments um the top post based on everything discussion and this upside give it to here so that professor professor michael of goldman. thank you so much and i apologize for some of the technical quality of the sound and to south asia deposit pakistan and india and in the grip of a severe heat way, temperatures and some parts of age as high as 45 degrees celsius. of ours is a revising people to stay and dos,
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but millions of people say they simply can't afford to do working with iron bars underscore tings, temperatures, bodies, things, gloves, hardly predict his hands construction work. best thing works at this hybrid project in the outskirts of daily and even door part of d as in india has issued a heat brief note. think again or to for to, to mr. book. the 6 to each dollars a day he owns is essential for his and his families. so by when as the temperature rises, our main work with iron rods becomes very hard as they heat up. in order to fill our stomachs, though something must be done, conditions aren't any better in neighboring focused on bid extreme heat. we've tried to bring dangerously high temperatures. these sleepers are working under punishing heat near the we do construction work,
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but the heat is so intense that after working for 10 minutes we can't carry on anymore. so we come and sit in the shade. what can we do? we have to work for our small children. inflation is so high. if we don't work now, how will we feed our children? the you? scientists link heat waves to climate change. focused on india, among countries most affected extreme, read the events here affect millions. there has to be next to new international support to help me to get the consequences investing in a gap dish and making this gun her communities back to the dangerous regarding consequences of climate change. and i'll set you up to date. i'll have more world news with you at the top of the hour, christine moved to a house dw, use africa in just a moment, have a good day. the
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business books view will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on
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d w. how do we want to die? equally important? how do not want to die? there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction. in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial harper is infected by germany across and he actually discourses farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today? history, we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. hello, and welcome to this special edition of the deputy news effort. so we're in south africa with the most contested election and the country's history is taking place. we're asking what's gone wrong here and who can fix it? it's been 30 years since the end of white minority roll. and the policy of nelson mandela has been in power here ever since. but the amc is in trouble. the tides may be turning on the policy and effort is old. it's numeration movement is fighting to maintain its political dominance. the government is failing us before our close pattern.