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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from the job. it is far right. alternative foot storage signs is kicked out of its political block. the european poverty, s d m, a piece of phoenix pals from the polymers, identity and democracy in grouping. this fall right pauses in friends, i'm easily moved to distance themselves from the gym and bite wings also on the program. united nations folks to commemorate to be 19941995 strep burnett's. a jetta sided positive and most lives. the positive and subs protest claim advanced events, has been misrepresents manual. my chrome says growing a qualities hewick social unrest on the pacific islands. archipelago of new
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caledonia. the french presence has been visiting the french territory the i feel guile. welcome to the program, 2 weeks ahead of european elections. germany's fall right old time is different. deutschland or a half day has been expelled from the far right identity and democracy grouping of the european poverty of his followers, a series of scandals loudly centering around the parties lead candidacy in the election. maximilian cross was recently closer to the segment, not full members of germany's ss. i think of nazi germany's assets were criminals. half day responded by binding him from making public appearances. last month, the german police arrested one of his assistance on suspicion of espionage. its nikolai, its on the, on dodge,
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i had so your van division that the german institute for international and security affairs, that's a think tank of advisors, the german government and parliament on farming on security policy issues. welcome to dw germany's domestic. this agency has classified the as the as a suspected extremist organization. now what have your ups, right? witness finding them to distasteful as well. how would i still allow to continue to operate? well, the german constitution sets a very fine bar to bend parties from operating, but what we're certainly seeing here is that the sd has become ever more radicalized. they started off as a basically live, really conservative alternative to the cd. you will see as you were going over the last 10 years, that has been ever more become ever more radical up to the point now that even most fall right parties in europe obviously don't seem to want to work with them anymore
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. despite the questionable views they ask, they is pulling at around 15 to 17 percent and they've previously been well ahead of each of the 3 parties that currently make up germany's coalition government. so why do you think they are so popular here in germany as well? it's been quite successful in getting the protests well against the german government. so there's quite a lot of dissatisfaction with this current government. and they have used the topic of migration to gain more of those. and they are particularly successful in eastern germany, where there is a lot of discuss satisfaction with the whole political class and wherever the, if the say we are the only ones against all the other established partners would, which could bring change. and that has make them so successful that, that as you're saying that pulling around 1517 percent last year, they were even up to 20 or 22 percent. but somebody in cross the mount at the
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center of this light of scandal, history falls into a separate hitler's power of military organization. the ss will not or criminals. how much trouble could those comments against him into i think it's not unusual anymore. we have to say that members of the a of the tribes to run the device, the nazi passed to one of the leading members of the f. d as also recently been convicted as called for using a nazi slope. and so i don't think is this is a single element in the policy, but rather a representation of where the f d has moved. and some people in germany, i think now rightly say it's a right wing extremists often no longer just a populace party. ok, maximilian cry is currently being investigated of a suspicious things to russia. i'm china. what can you tell us about those suspicions as well? that is also not sole surprising. he has long been an actual cut of china and
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russia and also in the european parliament. the suspicion suspicion as they add that one of the members of his team has been spying for china. so the german police raided his office in brussels and in germany. and she has let go looked at the member office teams. but it's pretty clear that he has these clothes and things, and also in both and the european parliament when ever their boss about the voted against the majority for china or full russian. thank you for talking here so that so clearly nikolai, i found the on dasa from the edge of institute for international and security effects. thank you to the un general assembly has voted to establish an annual day of collaboration of 1995. so this represents the mastercard july 11. so it's been 9 the international day of remembrance of strep, and it said genocide, putting it on a par with a holocaust. i'm being rolanda and genocide on that day, nearly 30 years ago. both me and said forces that began to be captured,
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strep of nixa, and the killing of $8000.00 on both named mostly men and teenagers. the resolution was adopted despite fears, supposition from boston subs and the sub in leadership survey and president arctic sound, which edge spoke at the un ahead of the votes and said the measure would be for the divisions in the region speaking again, let's go to you are the headquarters in new york for the washington bureau chief n s. paul are joining us also from mazda in bosnia herzegovina is dw report that i, that so fits sally. beg of age a welcome. first, let's start with you. eat us in new york, a token. so how today's an vote unfolded? no, the resolution was accepted by only a simple majority. said that means that the next year on the socialist anniversary of the massacre, that will be an international day of comma ration. um,
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i think it's worth to have a little bit of a closer look to the vote. only 84 countries voted in favor. so that means it's, as i said, just a simple majority under this kind of interesting that the ron, for example, voted in favor and didn't stick with a russia because of the muslim brotherhood. understand english or of course, was one of the 19 countries which opposed devoted to other countries about china hungry and a serbia. of course, what is interesting is how many countries upstate in $68.00 countries didn't vote in favor or oppose the resolution saying as uh, the united arab emirates, for example, saying or arguing that they didn't want to deepen the tension in the region either so fed sally bakovich and both it has the government a tokens through political reactions that yeah, well it's
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a virus of the family and said that this is the, the 30th to say justice, the chairman of the presidency oversight a student has one back to basically the 1st guy has quite a different opinion um prizes and comfortable because it's kind of just benches and the team doesn't have to go. when i said on several occasions today, he was, it's certainly such a day and he said clearly allow me the genocide, he didn't have time a 2nd, it's uh, 4 days also he has been talking about i close to peaceful separation and a 14. okay. i mean, he needs that because that's, that's kind of we'll just see from the see the going out. this is something that he's in the settings for many years. he mentioned that the resolution is more reason. uh, because the resolution um he plays the blame on successors as they are marked as a genocide on the nation. so to say, let's do w before the either. so if it's not
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a big eviction in bosnia herzegovina and that the w washington bureau chief in his pole in new york talking to a lawyer, which i can look not at small stories making headlines around the well, i will start to new run by thousands of motors have bid farewell to the countries late president abraham rising at a funeral procession in his hometown from a shop he'll be late to best at a shrine dedicated to his memory. raising his foreign minister on 6 of us died on sunday when they hadn't come to christ. and around this month was the northwest region. the rest of the rest of the several generals and see the military officials as part of a club down on obligations of fraud and corruption name, shamar and the deputy had of the countries. general staff has been accused of large scale bribery. meanwhile, moscow called rejected the appeal of another senior defense official arrested on corruption charges. united nations top court says it will rule on friday on south
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africa's request to order israel to implement a safe spot in gaza. that's africa is leading the case of the international court of justice, accusing israel of genocide and petitioning the court for emergency measures to order israel to hold its military operations. french president emanuel macro says, drawing any quality is fielding, social unrest on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia. present macro made the comments on a trip to the french gold territory. the announce table delight, controversial mingling forms which have stopped debbie writes. their phones include changing photon goals for many of the archipelago is inhabitants and engine trip from paris to the pacific and manual mccomb arrived in french world, new caledonia with a key, a mission the my intention and that of my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every to and to piece. com and
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security. as soon as possible, you in the archipelago has been rocks by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of yours worth of damage has been done. the violence with spots by a buzzing reform, which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population. a chrome described beyond roost as a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground, some low close, but hurtful. mccombs visit could add weight to if it's to restore. com. that presumes perhaps this will ease some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. i hope you'll find a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial nor change would be delayed despite insisting it
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is democratic. your. i'm sure it gives us could successful i have pledged this reform will not be forced through in the current context because we will allow some weeks to come the tensions and enable a resumption of dialogue to find a broad cold. but divisions of the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s. many indigenous connex resigned. frances power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again in one month. posit pakistan and india are in the grid of a severe heat vice temperatures and some parts of it as high as 45 degrees celsius
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. with ours is or advising people to stay in doors, but minutes of work a site they simply can't afford to of working with iron bars underscore things, temperatures, bodies, things, gloves, hardly predict his hands. construction work best thing works at this hybrid project in the outskirts of daily and even during the holidays in india have issued the heat before not think cannot afford to do mister book. this 6 to each dollars a day he owns is essential for his and his families. so why would as the temperature rises, our main work with iron rods becomes very hard as they heat up. in order to fill our stomachs, though something must be done, conditions aren't any better in neighboring focused on bid extreme heat. we've tried to bring dangerously high temperatures. these sleepers are working on the
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punishing heat near the we do construction work, but the heat is so intense that after working for 10 minutes we can't carry on anymore. so we come and sit in the shade. what can we do? we have to work for our small children. inflation is so high. if we don't work now, how will we feed our children? the scientists slink heat waves to climate change focused on and india, among countries most affected extreme, read the events here affect millions. there has to be next to new international support to help me to get the consequences investing in adap dish and making it since again has communities back to the dangerous regarding consequences of climate change. so i'll set you up today. i'll have more world news and some of the, our coming up next on the w mapped out takes a look at whether
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a flurry of north korean weapons test indicates that sec, kim jones on is pushing for world. that's next. the we are all set. we are watching to see the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about com, biased information for free might say, due to and then kim jones is threatening the world with and less ms. sile tests.


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