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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from silent germany's fall arrives alternative for dodged on this kick it out of its political block of the european parliament as the pace of phoenix, spouse from the parliaments of identity and democracy grouping. as far right passes in front and easily move to distance themselves from the gym and right wing also on the program. united nations voted to commemorate the 1995 strep and it said genocide to boston, and most of them, bosnian serbs protest, climbing the incidence has been misrepresented. dw mainstays right of the activists protecting a heading for guns that they say that on a mission to get supplies to the territory,
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even if it means being attacked like stream is, is right, exactly. the manual macro says growing any quality is fueling badly. social of the rest. on the pacific, oscar color got a new kind of donor. the french president's has been visiting the french to detach the unfilled guy who welcome to the program 2 weeks ahead of european elections. germany's fall and large alternative for deutschland or a half day has been expounds from the fall and i density and democracy grouping. i think you'll repeat in parliament this follows a series of scandals largely centering around the policies lead cabinet in the election. maximilian cross, he was recently quoted as saying that not old members of nazi germany's access were criminals. half day responded by finding mister crawford,
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making public appearances. last month, the german police arrested boniface assistance on suspicion of espionage as well. nikolai f on or dies the s from the gym, and institute for international and secure. was he a fast? that's a think tank, that advisors, the german government and parliament on phone and security issues. i started by asking him why the after he's even allowed to operate when it's what it's being classified as a suspected terrorist organizations here in germany. well, the german constitution sets a very fine bar to bend parties from operating, but what we're certainly seeing here is that the f d a has become more radicalized. they started off as a basically liberal or conservative alternative. as a cd you will see as you were going over the last 10 years, that has been ever more become ever more radical. up to the point now that even most fluoride parties in europe obviously don't seem to want to work with them
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anymore. and despite the questionable views they ask, they is pulling at around 15 to 17 percent. and they've previously been well ahead of each of the 3 parties that currently make up germany's coalition government. so why do you think they are so popular here in germany where they've been quite successful in getting the protest well against the german government. so there's quite a lot of dissatisfaction with his career and government and they have used the topic of migration to gain more of those. and they are particularly successful in eastern germany, where there's a lot of discuss satisfaction with the whole political class and wherever the if the say we are the only ones against all the other established partners with, which could bring change. and that has make them so successful that as you are saying that pulling around 1517 percent last year, they were even up to 20 or 22 percent. but somebody in cross,
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the amount at the center of this light of scandal, history falls into a separate hitler's power, military organization, the ss will not or criminals. how much trouble could those comments get him into? i think it's not unusual anymore. we have to say that members of the a of the tribes to run the device, the nazi passed to one of the leading members of the f. d, as also recently been convicted at court for using a nazi slope. and so i don't think it's, this is a single element in the policy, but rather a representation of where the f b has moved and some people in germany, i think now, right, please say it's a right wing extremist, often no longer just a populace party. ok, max, what didn't cry is currently being investigated over suspicious things to russia. i'm china a. what can you tell us about those suspicions? well, that is also not so surprising. he has long been an actual kind of china and russia
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and also in the european parliament. the suspicion suspicion this they add that one of the members of his team has been spying for china. so the german police raided his office in brussels and in germany and she has let go last at the member office teams. but it's pretty clear that he has these closings and also in both and the european parliament, whatever that was the vote. they voted against the majority for china, also russian. thank you for talking here so that so clearly nikolai, i found the on dasa from the institute for international and security effects. i think it's just a quick direction. i literally, i refer to the as the, as i suspected, terrorist organizations that evolve about on x s rather i suspected extreme is still organization. apologies for any confusion about ms speaking may have caused. now the un general assembly has probably to re establish an annual day of
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collaboration of 1995 as reverend that some masika july. the 11th has been named the international day of remembrance of a strep and it's a jetta side. putting it on a pile with a holocaust on the for london genocide. on that day, nearly 30 years ago, both of them said force has begun the capture of strep, and it's the killing of 8000. and possibly in most the men in teenagers, the resolution was adopted despite fee a supposition, symposium subs, and the sub in leadership. so being present, alexandra of voltage spoke to you and i had of the folks and said the measure would be for the divisions in the region seeing against the resolution. let's go to what you and had causes in new york for the washington bureau chief in his pole. joining us also from mazda in bosnia herzegovina is the w report that i, that so fits sally. beg of age a welcome. first, let's start with you. eat us in new york at focus to have today's and vote unfolded . no, the resolution was accepted by only
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a simple majority. said bed means that the next year on the socialist anniversary of the massacre, that will be an international day of comma ration. um, i think it's worth to have a little bit of a closer look to the vote. only 84 countries voted in favor. so that means it's, as i said, just a simple majority under this kind of interesting, that'd be, ron, for example, voted in favor and didn't stick with a russia because of the muslim brotherhood understand english or of course was one of the 19 countries which opposed devoted to other countries about china hungry and a serbia. of course, what is interesting is how many countries of upstate and $68.00 countries didn't vote in favor or oppose the resolution saying as the united arab emirates, for example,
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saying or arguing that they didn't want to deepen the tension in the region either . so fed sally bakovich and both it has the governor a tokens through political reactions that a yellow, a survivors of the genocide in the family. everybody's son said that this is the victory of suicide justice. the chairman of the presidency also said that students has one, but typically the 1st guy has quite a different opinion. um, probably the subscriber is entertained by a single thing. i said on several occasions today, he was, it's certainly such a day. and he said clearly allow me the genocide, he didn't have time in 74 days. also he has been talking about i close to peaceful separation and a 14. okay. let me know. she needs that because that's it's kind of we'll just see from the see the going out. this is something that he's been studying for many
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years. he mentioned that the resolution is one reason because the resolution of he plays the blame on the assessors as they are marks as a genocide on nation. so to say to in his poll in new york is why germany and rolanda leading this initiative they and some other more than other 10 other countries are leading this initiative because simply they didn't want the mass occurs, the genocide to be forgotten. and that's be frank here, this debate wouldn't have happened today. i think many of of you as also would not have precisely mind or wouldn't be so much aware of what happened there. probably not so much in the reason. the reason, but i'm talking about the international uh community of course they also uh, were fighting for this or putting in this resolution because they wanted to underline the importance of the morning of the independent,
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independent international towards s v i c j, which called the massacre ins forever, and it's a genocide. so makes most countries from around the globe support the initiative, the recognize genocide, dismissal both in the acts and start for new. so took place in 1995 many years ago . but since then the u. n. has still not chosen today to officially come memory to inspect and by recognized, i mean that the international independent quotes have convicted perpetrators. according to the terms of the genocide convention, the sort of life is all the resolution also states that it is important that we do not retrospectively deny the existence of this genocide. and of course, we also want to be able to commemorate the victims and to show us on the dicey with the many family members and the mothers as her bernita who is still suffering great late night. and i talked to lied to stay in his poll. i'm what, of course, in a world full of conflict, the movements, uh, ukraine. i'm the gaza,
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particularly in that the headlines do we read anything. and so the reluctance of russia to back this to back base, moved into perhaps looking forward to any potential a future, a court cases. it might be both against of the, of course. i mean for example, the president of sylvia, he, he said, i'm not talking about gaza, but you mentioned ga so, so this is a view was kind of the other funding, the role in many countries definitely of worried that the mass occurs or genocide which happened in the countries might also be discussed as here uh at the united nations that, that the international community will bring more awareness to these massacres, which happen maybe even 10 years, or maybe even hundreds of years ago. so this was kind of the bigger picture in that
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picture picture here. it is also true that many countries really feel that the tension in the balkans will raise and that the wounds which it never probably really here, but that it will be cut open again and, and players like rush or for example definitely are going or will be trying to do so. i say this is poll in new york outside the united nations is around and found some more headlines that making news around the world of russia has the rest of several channels and senior military officials as part of a clump down on obligations of food and corruption. emission modeling definitely had the bushes. general staff has been accused of large scale bribery. moscow quote rejected the appeal of another senior defense official arrested on corruption charges. columbia says it will open an embassy in rama in the palestinian territories. its foreign minister may be announcements, columbia, and president,
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gustavo petro, as an odd critic of benjamin netanyahu, and has described israel's campaign in guns as jo, cybil, stevens, top call. it says it will rule on friday on south africa's request to order israel to implement a safe spot. in garza, south africa is leading the case. i'd be international court of justice accusing is royalty of genocide. and petitioning the court for emergency measures to order israel to holtz military operations. a while new footage has been released, appearing to show a arriving in gauze of a temporary floating pair filled by the united states. the video released by is very government agency, highlights trucks popped up and being unloaded me a guns coastline. the u. s. s h has distributed a limited amount of h. s as a right through the pay a while i dw tape is witnessed a group of his rights activist trying to protect 8 in there for his heading for
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gaza. convoys have been facing coordinated attacks by extremist jewish settlers before the war. 500 truck loads of supplies a day, sustained gauze as population. but due to the ongoing fighting strict security checks on the attacks for a few, a trucks not crossed into the territory. right, when groups have been vandalizing, a convoys on route from jordan's through the west bank, they dealt with yours. abraham reports now from i took america from the to can be a crossing these is really aren't going on a day trip. the run a mission. the want to make sure that eat for gaza makes it there safely. but when they get to the junction food is already scattered on the ground. we've arrived at the sites up and it's by, it's really extreme. we meant for starving civilians in gaza. and as you can see behind the active as through now busy trying to save really what can be saved from
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that food during courage, by the effect they've had. and because we really and we made the police tell me as well, and we encourage the police to do whatever i needed to stop with them. we can see that the only view of the box as well pulling down and the most of the banking, the black continue to buzz up. we've also seen the police try to come between the activists and the attackers who even as the police standing right next to them, continue vandalizing the food as it leaves on the pavement. they, if little faith, i know, and they are acting gay as if they don't care, the people die for mango. this is not the country we want to be. we are not the living. this check point, a deal, the said lives we live there. yeah. it will make sure that all the dots will go and being put together. the police officers on site refused to give us an interview on camera, but said that on that day,
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the arrested at least 2 people in connection with the attack. who's after math. we witnessed a few days earlier near this check point. there was a violent attack on another, a convoy activists there. so it is really soldiers did nothing to stop the vandalism. extreme, the settlers had been waging a tax leg these regularly. and israel, a report by the garden newspaper even suggests that some members of state security took off attackers ahead of time about the location of a con voice as it was violence like that, which inspired this group of activists to organize their solidarity guard. it's not only a question of what's going on in guys out, it's a question of our society and which kind of a society where going to be, are we going to be a society that will allow hunger and sending and destruction in death to be celebrated or we're going to stand against it and to say, we are human, we are fighting for our own humanities. it's infuriating fax. it fits that we need
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to be here. we always find people that will be disruptive. but i'm a citizen of israel. i'm also an american citizen, as a human being. why are we not doing more? it's happening in my name. and it's for the governments to the police to the army. everything possible. insults comes thick and fast, not season from us. their fellow is released call them. but they continue to try to get the food onto a truck and back towards casa, by the end of the day, they told us all the trucks had gone through with little damage to them, a victory to i, to iran last thousands of people have gathered for the barrel burial of the late president abraham. right. you see it couldn't governments, administrative officials and prominent villages? vegas, vice a,
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his foreign minister and 6 of us died on sunday when they had to come to christ, iran's months and his northwest region there on declared 5 days of morning following the crash. the coffin, caring, and bronze late president abraham re you see is driven through his home town. the city of mashhad being laid to rest at the mom has a shrine, the only a site for she to muslims and the is nomic for public law. huge crowds have got the didn't iran in recent days to pay their respects to her. i, you see on the other top officials killed in the helicopter crash public morning for the ultra conservatively that was encouraged by officials and any form of protest fund runs. allies have express that condolences could be the top,
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the cabinets meeting that we have decided to get a day of nation warning in our country. we share the dip being of the, you know, i mean people, me, me, organics, that's how condolences daughter is wrong. and brothers and sisters, you don't because they shouldn't take uh much the 1000 goals. officials from several countries including india, russia and syria, travel to, to run, to pay their respects the sun. the rain in this living abroad mocked re, sees death in a different manner. crowds waved flags outside the rainy and embassy in london. and in berlin, celebrating the end of 50 acrostic cod lajna, busio at boston vision fish,
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tracy was instrumental in the massacre of the 1000 political prisoners ended on in 198890 percent of one school. from the main is wrong in opposition, which i have been involved in, and you simply cannot find a single family in it on that has not been injured. hom don't attack by him in some way. that's why people, that additives are the victims are celebrating throughout their on and also in the or on an exam communities save on of an option in the x. you've got your aunts and communities all but back in iran, the death of right. you see her shaking the countries leadership as a time of increasing regional tensions. and you have a present in front of wowza stein. maya has called on citizens to defend freedom and democracy. the president was speaking and that's a set of an a to month to 75th, but they have job. it is constitution known as the basic law said, the basic law had been drafted in response to the crimes of nazi germany and added that it has become the starting point for several other countries. emerging from
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the author, italian passed a southern states, so many kicked off celebrations. to commemorate germany's basic lo, coming into for 75 years. for a moment. all the praise also words of concern. yeah. owns with this. our democracy has succeeded in this this and on. but we need to know this government is not guaranteed for ever. when should suv no one else can protect it, but as we have to protect it, each and every one of us, many germans feel the basic laws with protecting. i'm calling because it's how do you say of here? i think very highly of the basic little those are basic value. in addition to religion, the 10 commandments. these other guys in volume and to get them done because talking we just talked about it with the kids. we said that the basic law enforcement and it's the basis for all people been treated equally then guys, then i am convinced the basic law will continue to guide us well through these
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times that are sometimes storming the roots of germany's basic little date back to the time immediately following the 2nd world war less than occupying pos fonts. great britain under us, gave german politicians the task of drawing off a democratic constitution for west germany. at the time it was being drafted, the population paid little attention reconstruction was more important. the basic law was intended to be a provisional arrangement which only applied to west germany, but after german reunification in 1990, it was adopted as the constitution for the unified germany. and until today, german democracy has proven to be resilient, fax to the basic law logic, political as advocate a customer follow today cetera, many in by then and gave us how to impressions, the germany is throwing itself
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a policy 75 years of basic law of the german and constitution is celebrated here in berlin, and we've heard from frank, by this time my of the federal prison tooth pulled an old man's to stand up and defend the constitution. every single day feels a voice to son about the political climate for the series of attacks on regional politicians, but also it's telling about to look good. now, 5 years ago, a conservative cd you policy isn't having changed the way people see politicians on the climate in a democracy. so while the celebrations go on, there's an acute sense that democracy is far from safe unless government democrats signed up for it every single day. here at cooper high manual macross hes drawing any quality is fusing social unrest on the pacific archipelago
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. a new kind of w french president's comments came during a trip to the french will detached. drake announced that he'll delay controversial load reforms, which of spock's, deputy writes, reforms include changing voting goals. so many of the archipelago inhabitants an engine trip from paris to the pacific. emanuel mccomb arrived in french room, new caledonia with a clear mission. as one of the is my intention and that of my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every to and to piece. com and security. as soon as possible. you bianca legos has been rocks by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of years worth of damage has been done. the violence with spots by a buzzing reform,
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which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population of chrome described beyond roost. as a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground, some local is the hub form of homes visit, could add weight to if it's to restore. com. that presumes perhaps this will ease some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. i hope you'll find a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial north change would be delayed, despite insisting it is democratic. your room show gives us could such a phone. i have pledged that this reform will not be forced through in the current context because we will allow some weeks to come the tensions and enable a resumption of dialogue to find
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a broad cold. but divisions are the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s, many indigenous connex resent frances power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again in one month. it's spring here in europe and jack around the season in some parts of the time of year when jack around the blossoms pipe entire neighborhoods purple. the jacket on the tree is said to be the better of good news, but it's flowers heralding the coming of some official stock of the season is just over a week away. so she is the view from less than i'll be back in just a moment to take you through the day, the big stories of the day to day looking at what's really going on at the top of
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the russian ministry. that's been just the
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1st into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of the sinus session and pain. most of peace is in the sky. the beds have most and many on, including the us of the volume the how do they do in the secret lives of that in 45 minutes on d w. the
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cost about why does this? because like now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d, w. i hope video will tune in. one small step for a robot back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk site. in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we can start environmental activists of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to talk you
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mentoring deep. the greed does june 7th on the w to emanuel macro left power. as yesterday for a tiny group of islands, nearly 17000 kilometers away, new caledonia is near australia of an from some french present was the following weeks of deadly unrest after decision by french lawmakers to change voting rights on the islands. a protest us from the islands indigenous kinda people say the changes dilute that voice in local politics. president in macro all set, but he wouldn't listen to that concerns. well, anything really change, i'm feel go embedding and this is the day the.


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