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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is definitely news live from food in germany's farm. right? alternative for deutschland is kicked out. events of political block if you are paying parliament. if the members have been expelled from the parliaments to identity and democracy faction has 5 broad potties and approximately moved to distance themselves from the gym and right wing, it's also on the program. presidents of distributed so welcomed by united nations decision to commemorate the 1995 just remnants of genocide of bosnian muslims. bosnian serbs protest climbing the incident has been misrepresented. and a manual mccall says a growing inequality is feeling deadly social unrest on the pacific archipelago
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with new caledonia fridge. presidents has been visiting the french, moved territory, the math. and y'all book into the program 2 weeks ahead of european elections. germany's far right alternative for deutschland or if the has been expelled from the far right identity and democracy grouping, i think you are paying pilot. this follows a series of scandals largely centering around the parties lead candidates in the election. maximilian comp was recently quoted as saying that no members of nazi germany's ss were criminals. the f d responded by banning come from making public appearances. last month, german police arrested one of his assistance on this suspicion of speed ash, or earlier we talked to nick life on a task from this type of the pay,
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the gentleman in the institute for international and security. if this explains why the, if the is still allowed to operate when it's been classified as a suspected extremist organization. well, the general constitution sets a very fine bar to bend parties from operating. but what we're certainly seeing here is that the sd has become ever more radicalized. they started off as a basically liberal or conservative. a ton of it was a cd. you will see as you were going over the last 10 years, that has been about more, become ever more radical, up to the point now that even most fluoride parties in europe obviously don't seem to want to work with them anymore. a gentleman president frank foster stein maya has called on citizens to defend freedom and democracy. president stein, i was speaking at a ceremony tomorrow, the 75th beth dave, germany's constitution known as the bicycle. you said it was originally drafted in
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response to the crimes of nazi germany and added that it had become the starting point for several other countries emerging from the or 3rd, terry and past a southern states, so many kicked off celebrations. to commemorate germany's basic, lo, coming into force 75 years along with all the praise, also words of concern. yeah. owns with this. our democracy has succeeded in this, this and on. but we need to know this government. it is not guaranteed for ever. when should suv no one else can protect it, but as we have to protect it, each and every one of us, many germans feel the basic laws with protecting. i'm going because it's how do you see a few? i think very highly of the basic law, those are basic values. in addition to religion, the 10 commandments. these are the guiding values. them the biggest problem we just talked about it with the kids. we said the basic law enforcement and it's the basis
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for all people been treated equally then guys, then i am convinced the basic law will continue to guide us well through these times that are sometimes storming with the roots of germany's basic glo date back to the time immediately following the 2nd world war, west and occupying, pos, fonts, great britain. the us gave german politicians, the task of drawing off a democratic constitution for west germany. at the time it was being drafted, the population paid little attention reconstruction was more important. the basic law was intended to be a provisional arrangement which only applied to west germany, but after german reunification in 1990, it was adopted at is the constitution for the unified germany. until today, german democracy has proven to be resilient, fax to the basic law. the, the police chief political editor mechanics,
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if not followed to the ceremony in berlin and gave us her impressions. the germany is throwing itself a policy 75 years of basic law of the german constitution is celebrated here in berlin. and we've heard from frank, by this time my of the federal prison tooth pulled an old demons to stand up and defend the constitution. every single day feels a voice to son about the political climate for the series of attacks on regional politicians. but also it's telling about to look good now, 5 years ago conservative steve, you policies and having changed the way people see politicians and the climate in a democracy. so while the celebrations go on, there's an acute sense that democracy is far from safe unless government democrats signed up for it every single day. they to police chief
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political editing together cuz now they were un general assembly has bothered to establish an annual day of commemoration of $90.95 stripping it's a mexican resolution passed the spot, the extensions of 60 i nations nearly 30 years ago above me. and said, forces began the capture of stripping, it's the end, the killing of thousands of on the bus, the imbecile in maine and teenagers, residents of strep, or need to gather together to watch the result of the you and vote on television. and finally, some relief. the you and approved the resolution to recognize an annual day of remembrance to the 1995 genocide that happened here in the town. now, even though it is a little trouble, we speak to the resolution to be adopted. we actually expected all countries to be
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in favor, but we are satisfied and i wish to think all of the countries that phone should use to all the so so but those who abstained invited to the games on it, we will put them on the pillar of shame that we are building at the memorial center . so to say something god, there were still good people in this world are many needs to do, but nothing will bring my children back to rows of thousands of gravestones at the local memorial center. a repugnant reminder of the genocide, both me and sub force is captured, strep anita, on july 11th 1995 during the civil war. a few days later, they rounded up and killed around 8000 to missouri, men and teenagers to this day. so being li does reject cooling the killings of genocide ahead of the u. n votes be as president alex on to boot church,
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one to that the resolution could star uphold resentments. this is something that we'll just open an old holds. i'm going to create a complete political trouble and not only in our region, but even here in this cold. the resolution cooling for an official day of remembrance was written by germany and rwanda. 12 countries with the induct memories of genocide in the 20th century. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against the about a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side for the families of separate needs. uh, this is an important symbol of recognition. but it comes with the risk of revising old regional tensions. all right, let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines this out. and russia has arrested several generals and seeing the military officials as part of
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a clamp down on allegations of fraud and corruption. but in some of the, in the, at the deputy hated process. general stuff has been accused of large scale bribery, meanwhile, and must go to court, rejected the appeal of another senior defense official arrested on corruption charges. us where the agency is forecasting that the north atlantic hurricane season will be one of the list on record. it expects up to 7. my general retains as part of the season that stats june. first one with classic board of temperatures and melting ice. among the fact is being blamed for the extraordinary season. thousands of people gathered for the very live ron's president abraham bracy, including government and military officials and prominent religious figures. bracy, his foreign minister, and 6 of us died on sunday when the helicopter crash in around mountainous northwest region. k. brown declared 5 days of warning. as the coffin, carrying and bronze late president abraham re you see is driven through his home
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town. the city of mashhad being laid to rest at the rosa shrine, the only a site for she ought to muslims. and the as nomic for public law. huge crowds have got the didn't iran in recent days to pay their respects to her. i, you see. and the other top officials killed in the helicopter, crash public morning to the ultra conservatively that was encouraged by officials and any form of protest. bond iran allies have expressed that condolences could be the top, the cabinets meeting. we have decided to get a day of nation warning in our country. she had the dip been of that, you know, i mean people, me, me, organic stress. i condolences. daughter is wrong and brothers and sisters. you
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don't because they shouldn't take uh, motions house and goes. officials from several countries including india, russia and syria travelled to, to run, to pay their respects. the sun, the radians living abroad, mocked re, sees death in a different manner. crowds waved flags outside the rainy and embassy in london. and in berlin, celebrating the end of 50 acrostic cod lajna, busio and boston visions. these tracy was instrumental in the massacre of the 1000 political prisoners, ended on in 198890 percent of one score from the main. iranian opposition, which i can be involved in mind. you simply cannot find a single family in it on that has not been injured. hom don't attack by him in some
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way. that's why people that relatives of the victims are celebrating throughout their on and also in the or on an exam communities guntee. yvonne of also in, in the x, you've got your 100 communities on, but back in iran, the death of right. you see her shaking the countries leadership as a time of increasing regional tensions a mental concert social unrest on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia has been fueled by growing inequality. the french president's commons came during a trip to the french world. territory announced he will delay controversy all over phone switches back to the rights that the reforms include changing voting rules for many of the archipelago as inhabitants an age and trip from paris to the pacific. emanuel mccomb arrived in french room, new caledonia with a key, a mission as one of the my intention and that's of my ministers. and the
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government here is to be here with the people for every to into peace. com and security. as soon as possible doing the archipelago has been rocks by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of yours worth of damage has been done. the violence with spots by a buzzing reform, which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population of chrome described beyond roost. as a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground, some local is the hub for mccombs visit, could add weight to if it's to restore. com. dep isms of perhaps this will ease some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. i hope will find
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a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial nor change would be delayed despite insisting it is democratic. your room show gives us could such a phone, i have pledged that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. the good news is that we will allow some weeks to come. the tensions under enabled a resumption of dialogue to find a broad cold but divisions of the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s. many indigenous connex resigned. frances power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock. all of the situation again in one month of next on the general
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mapped out pays calculating the likelihood of more between north and south korea. i'm anthony out in berlin, that's all for now. i'll be back in 45 minutes with more news headline. stay with the tenant the data. so much for those for years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another load wake up on not starts june 1st on the w kim jones on is threatening with and less miss style tests.


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