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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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it says the whites, new caledonia is near australia than from some french president. was that following weeks of deadly unrest after decision by french lawmakers to change voting rights on the islands protest. us from the islands indigenous kinda people say that changes dilute that voice in local politics, president and macro all set, but he wouldn't listen to that concerns. well, anything really change? i'm feel go embedding. and this is the day the c suite being lied to for years, and welcome to the de and manuel macro says he will delay reforms that spot days if that the vice and the far away french territory of new caledonia. the french president flew nearly 17000 kilometers from
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paris to the archipelago, which lies east of australia. at least 6 people have died in more than a week, a violence of the times that would allow mo, french residents of new caledonia to vote in local elections. president maxwell said he would take stock of the situation within a month and age and trip from paris to the pacific. emanuel mccomb arrived in french rome, new caledonia, with a key, a mission the my intention and that of my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every, to into peace. com and security. as soon as possible, you in the archipelago has been rocks by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of yours worth of damage has been done. of violence with spots by a boasting reform,
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which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population of chrome described beyond roost. as a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground, some local is the hub form of homes visit, could add weight to effects to restore. com. that presumes perhaps this will be some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. i hope you'll find a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial nor change would be delayed, despite insisting it is democratic. your room show gives us could such a phone, i have pledged that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. it could've done that. we will allow some weeks to come the tensions and enable
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a resumption of dialogue to find a broad cold. but divisions are the new caledonia is future run date rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s, many indigenous connex resent frances power and want independence. the phone has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again in one month. let's explore this river, samuel groaner, who is an economist at the university of new caledonia in colorado. a welcome to the w. what is it about these proposed imposing reforms that has so incense so many people to try to started the solution. okay, you got the right side in 1998 we normally uh, according to our budget was frozen. meaning that the 4 people coming in the past
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or 1998. so you can vote and look on your nation according to the provincial addiction. this section is button and you'll get an answer because we're descending, showing that it does not take you to congress which in which and confronted role in. okay. yeah. for the rules and the government. but the people, the vote at the spanish can vote steve, vote for president should get a chance for your patient. but for the specific folder, it's impossible for them to and this was any but on the key ma'am, among the present when it's new game and yet, because even just about g as a don't want to be the middle retreat more. you know, richie, you go, okay, that's why when the, there's
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a government does look the headed to are going to you. but when a degree, so it sounds like a power base has expanded the franchise. more people on the island, people who have been there for 10 years or more on our allowed to vote. so one of the arguments against that, that sounds more democratic, the best you can use to best select for, for you those people there where metrowood to you before the 70s. so, so after that we have the regression of coming from offense and people lost dimensionality. and that's why people kind of be but interesting, but you can, yeah, is a saying that if we use the festival and all that, but i'll come back in 10 years and kind of won't get me the lives
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together. people are, we'd be more and more in biology and also, so the uh, the scripture. so what we've had riots that we've had buildings reduced to rubble. we've had a 6 das president macro has blamed growing inequality full of base unrest. i'm is that right? so, or is this more about these votes of the reforms? the, it's easy stretch cuz we haven't. okay. do you know the new product you saw short, anybody's. but we've come your keystone special. anybody use much weaver at any point. so uh, when we 1st bought a kind of people and the richest one or the other, you're going to be both. so that's why it's very difficult to separate what you can
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good. so sure anybody is making inquiries. and this major restriction varies. okay, so it's sort of from what you said, it sounds like these changes in the, in who can vote will actually make the space social inequality was strong and make it better. why you do you think this issue has been so important that the president macro has flown hot way around the world to intervene personally because she kind of say that she, we've jo the, the role or she's the one side now. and the students in the best, the decision was the by to the prime minister. but the, the sous tree tree is it was the case and may need, it says when it's finished presenting to, to make sure that the discussion you kind of the topic is, nathaniel, be,
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be deemed by the prices on the mazda. why don't we just as many might wonder why friends is so keen to keep hold of these tiny adults in the pacific ocean that are closer to australia than europe. so they have any strategic importance as they see the house goes in india in the best you can see both types of so for, for, for, for faster government needs to so that you, okay, when your forms best of the majority of the population, you're still in favor of independence and that's why i was so we have a solution for them to list them. i see that kind of people once in the band as a bit of some of the most of the completion of voltage, i guess it depends. okay, so do we have an independence movement that is that as long as it lost the argument,
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we have growing social and any quality on an island where local people are poor and your pin income as i have more of the money way, has the big the emphasis full of a slow change come from why. what is problem said this, this push to change the, the voting rules it's, it's difficult to answer the question that we, the, the, the 1st and due to buddy diesel saw 4 people can vote new gauge when yeah, insurance nation. this is what's called a kind of insignificant you and with that, so to have purchased, they can find jobs issue that people are coming up phone from, from, from dressing assistance. and that's why it's so important. so uh,
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so should wonder if you, because people are thinking that if it's a j copeland, did you get it to everybody and then we find a job, a positive, it would be harder for them to find jobs. that's why so, so there's a bunch of few, very important and bulldozers about carrying away the rubble of what the french present as described as an unprecedented insurrection. who picks up the top for that and is the damage likely to be repaired quickly? because if it gives a new guy that has just now it's many, many of the fact on here you saw shops in burns, and so actually, um, normally your insurance would be used, but the majority would be enough for to for sauce firms
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to reopen again. and because it's, it's very hostile for everyone here and of the defense dormancy that's due to we had the the companies under the country the jacket provides to be, i have to be josh is gone. okay, thank you for joining us. i'm real good. all from the university of new canada. thank a the the russian media had been reporting with the rest of the armies deputy chief of staff on suspicion of taking bribes and ministry causing moscow or to the deception of less kind of general by the mission mountains for 2 months. while the investigations proceed. it's the latest in a series of arrest of senior russian ministry and think there's a big out in april a little the kremlin denies that a pie just ministry officials is taking place to shut me off is visiting fellow with a why the you're
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a program out there your pin council on foreign relations. he focuses on russia, civil and military relations, russian domestic politics and policy making. you joins us from business that welcome to the w. body shop. modern is a full senior russian ministry come on to, to be arrested. all moved in based months. is this a purge? good evening. hello, thanks for having me. this is a purge, but the question remains was kind of purge, whether it's political or policy or image. in my view, it shows that portion is really into improving and rushes military capabilities. and the new minister of defense needs to update his team, both within the video in history and the general stuff. and this is what we're seeing now. and so what do we know about the corruption that left kind of general sure modern is alleged to have been involved in a oh, actually this case is still quite unclear because what we've seen from russia's independent investigative journalist. maybe he's got to say that he and his wife
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owns an expensive car of around $100000.00, and $2.00 is less to be honest by russian centers. this is nothing and this is completely normal for um, for military and to show us such a high rank actually see when a good low you would expect that others who would own at least the house or chalet somewhere. and this person, the general, hasn't owned anything like that. so in my view, actually, on the case of this general, this is more about clearing the cleaning, the general stuff from the previous and, you know, it's your commanders under uh, disney, no sir. so a good enough for the free space for the future military leaders there would come up under municipal services. okay. so the whole shopping cart, some charges against a deputy defense minister. i'm less kind of general jewelry, i could snatch off who was head of the defense ministers of personnel directorate. so this, this new room i really is sweeping quite clean. what do we know about the charges against them? oh yes, absolutely. actually, i would just say that it's,
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it doesn't matter much what are some private charges against. indeed it was because english has another credit countries quite as easy to, you know, to bands that are to create a criminal case against any officials. because the system is designed the way that these are a really highly firing official. you deal with a lot of funds on the public mines and also you have some executive power. so whenever you sign off on a special document, or if i q room and document more or less, this sort of gives, gives be, and investigators or federal security disorders et reason to go after you run so they need it. this is how the russian, somebody supposed to some functions, ok, but in, in a, a system that from the outside of face to b. as in the taurus we collect acrostic as russia. if a j o u for corruption, does that mean that you've been too greedy or the, you know, just standing from the wrong people? it can actually mean both, but they are greedy and most of them are reading those core installed on the a,
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in the top excellence. but of course, once this decision is made to put someone in to get out, this means they ran it against someone for whom they should have been a gun against the. so this means they are out of power in full. yeah. personally, now what's happening with the minister of defense, i'm 100 percent sure that person is personally aware of this and he's sanction best contains against military leaders. so tell us about the moms set to be behind this russian as new defense minister andre a bu, sorry, who is not a military man. this would normally be expected, but an economist, i didn't actually, i would start with the actually the $410.00 was the one who began. does the tradition of appointing civilian officials to the position of the media serve the task manager since 2001 of the administrative and of course i pointed speaking about the hello. so i would say that she comes from the village family, is they, are there ample letters, there was going to solve yes. a beats, you wouldn't be fine because the different forms economic reforms of 1965. jim's
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day fellows like himself. he's an academic policy economist, he's been working on russia's economic reforms, since late nine's as early as seems later. 198 as early 19 nineties is also well known for being really religious. like also the expiration religious bonds around from seed since 2006. he's been in the federal government for the presidential administration. the famously predicted the global financial crisis of 2008, back in 2005. so 3 years before the, the process started. and in 2013, he joined the presidential administrations. he became the aid us. i would like for example, under his economic tenure of russia's positions in the doing business. the global ranking moves from 123 to the 28th position. so he shows himself as a very capable technocratic minister and economic official who can achieve public policy objectives. so i think it is, it just brings
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a lot of support to him from looking at putting up with things. now especially in the rush of spends more than 7 percent of his gdc on the defense and dr. complex and the meal treats that this person can't manage such a huge amount of money more efficiently. it can potentially bring reforms to their i should be able to. okay, i'm glad you made that last part because i, i wanted to see if you could draw a line between this defense ministry clear out and volume. it approaches warning ukraine, which has been nowhere near the lightning success that was hoped for in moscow 2 years ago. uh. yeah, absolutely. uh, 1st impression guilty wasn't the fear for the war. they won't, they started. i think they're really planned what they call a special meal transformations, but after a couple of months it turned out to be a global at regional war of attrition. and the mutual was not ready for this kind of task. and despite the realization of these mailers, under me,
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as they're showing the meal to command, also was too slow. and to be an effective, to adjusting the need to the needs of, you know, to the needs of the kremlin in ukraine. and also this presidential election goes into despite being fully, you know, as i'm a product and unfair, even if we can manage to consolidate the leads. and now he has bowers to change top officials for then he's got them. and then the 4th, the meanest throw defense and the countries come back can be seen specialized. the award is one of the most powerful features and in the russian political system. okay, i must say, please go ahead and, but i must say this does not guarantee increase and combat the effect of missing your brain because in the beam brush to the new address, i can defense on mute the generals. and now we are only seeing how they remove some of the military channels. what's your means to be seen is whom they're going to a point. ok, so pulling all these threads together, some up for a for us, if you can appear into the mind the vladimir putin and guess what mission he gave,
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he's new defense minister. so they definitely want to increase the index down domestic production of arguments. and then we've been, they do want to increase the military skills stations, there's command and control, and they want to improve the operation planning against you. print. also another form policy objectives because it actually is this is a officially saying that the area, it's 4 bit west with the west and meter. i wouldn't exclude an option to they are also preparing for the voice. worst case scenario is potentially expanding the conflict. i think the, all the scenarios are some where they are in the criminal and they consider it seriously. thank you so much for joining us. is that so clearly carol shonda from the european council on foreign relations. and your friend of the un general assembly, which is voted to re establish an annual day to commemorate based strep,
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and it said genocide july. the 11th will be the international day of remembrance of the strep, and it's a genocide. similar days of remembrance held for the holocaust on the vermont in genocide resolution was adopted despite fear supposition, from bosnian serbs and the sub in leadership. and i was on that day in 1995 of bosnian serb forces, started to capture strep greenwich, the article 8000 amount. boston mostly men and teenagers in july 1995 of buston and sub and serbian forces round it up and executed. 8000 boston yakima slim boys and men in the town of strep were need. so most of the victims are on. um the united nations had declared the enclave a un protection zone, but peace cape of space, and they failed to intervene to the international criminal tribunal. for the former yugoslavia in the hague lights, a rule that domestic constitutes
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a genocide. under a settlement to end, the war bosnia and herzegovina was divided into 2 semi autonomous zones. one for buzzing. the axe and cro outs and one foot buzzing in subs. known as republic, a sab sco relations between the 2 entities are often tens and republic. a sub scale lead is a calling for succession from bosnia and a union with neighboring serbia. the resolution was proposed by rolanda and germany and co sponsored by 15 countries, including the us. proponents say it will promote peace and reconciliation, but it could have significance implications for the future of a country teetering on the edge a. let's go to you in headquarters in new york for the washington bureau chief in his pole. joining us also from mazda in bosnia herzegovina is dw reports to either so fritz sally, beg, of age a welcome. first,
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let's start with you. at 8 us in new york, a token, so how today's an vote unfolded? no, the resolution was accepted by only a simple majority set. that means that the next year on the, such as the anniversary of the massacre, that will be an international day of comma ration. um, i think it's worth to have a little bit of a closer look to the vote. only 84 countries voted in favor. so that means it's, as i said, just a simple majority under this kind of interesting that the ron, for example, voted in favor and didn't stick with a russia because of the muslim brotherhood. understand english or of course, was one of the 19 countries which opposed devoted to other countries about china hungry and a serbia. of course, what is interesting is how many countries upstate in $68.00 countries didn't vote
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in favor or oppose the resolution saying as the united arab emirates, for example, saying or arguing that they didn't want to deepen the tension in the region either so fed sally bakovich and both, it has the government a tokens through political reactions that yeah, well a survivors represent a site in the family here because i said that this is the victory of suicide justice, the chairman of the presidency oversight a student has one back to basically the 1st guy has quite a different opinion um prior to the people because of scott, which is the team, but it has to go. when i said on several occasions today, he was it's certainly such a day. and he said clearly allow me the genocide, he didn't have time in seconds for days also he has been talking about i close to peaceful separation and a 14. okay. i mean, he needs that because that's,
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that's kind of we'll just see from the see the going out. this is something that he's in the settings for many years. he mentioned that the resolution is one reason because the resolution of his plays is to blame on successors as they are marked as the genocide organization. so to say was dw and what was the idea? so if it's not a big and rich joining the area from both, it has the governor and washington bureau chief and his pole in new york, and that is the day more of close to dw a news or dw dot com on the web from the dw up, social media at c, w. news. what out best somewhere have a good day. the
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to the points. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. bolton's buttons far into and shows no end from being opened. the aggressive and you dream to using hybrid meshes and countries like modal law in georgia. on to the point we are discussing rich strategy as working better supplement to the point the next on d w. there is a village in kenya. oh yeah. where women love knows my husband
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would have killed me if i hadn't slept about that along. we should see they escaped violence. both marriage antennas, who need to license a new malia. the women take a stand against the patriarchy of the tribe, december, and demand on an ocean. in 45 minutes, on d, w, the is increasing at reason many of watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination drowning costs. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind dw, made for mines. the, the in has been opened really aggressive and ukraine for more than 2 years now. but as far as concourse is not confined to you, he's also clearly exhibiting influence on other pharma. so if you have states as well, for instance, in georgia and model of georgia, has foster controversial legislation that labels non governmental organizations as foreign agents leading to be so heavy. but that the legislation is being regarded as a copy of a similar russian law and model of all which is due to lord presidential elections and a referendum.


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