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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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to have an opportunity to get it right before we even start environmental activism of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to talk to mentoring deep the greed dots june 7th on the w the . this is focus on europe. i'm lar babel a lot. welcome europeans will be voting and parliamentary elections in june and populist right when parties are projected to make historic gains. so what has prompted this shift among voters, and what could it mean for the future of the european union? find out on this special edition about the european parliament elections. germany's a f. d party has been pulling high nationally,
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and they're expected to increase their number of seats in the european parliament. this is despite a string of fresh scandals and a german court classifying them as potentially extreme. donado correspond, is alarmed. she's founded as citizens initiative to counter the rise of the right, which they believe is eroding democracy. but in her village of do been in the state of facts any their calls for tolerance and the quality seem to be falling on deaf ears. activists are taking to the streets for democracy and tolerance in the small section town of do that. and then the think of it all granny's against the right. i don't was i just as about all of the other people in the values we whole lot would be more about freedom quality like freedom of thought. i heard i get that. so i live in recent elections about 30 percent of the voters chose the a f d. a party who has sex. any branch has been designated as right wing extremist by
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german, his domestic intelligence agency, the f d. last is out against other german parties, denies human cause, climate change and campaigns against l. g b t q rights and refugees is coming. oh, i can assure you that perkins made heads, girls publicly supported dogs and other good for nothings will not secure our prosperity. economic growth and the social state thoughts the granny is against the right or watching this right word, surge with great concern to the head of the european elections. they want to talk to local if the voters, they've got coffee and cake and information about the right wing populace that's via and palm if we can give out our information and materials to a few people so that later this evening some might think it over in private and possibly realize, oh, i didn't know that that would be the greatest thing was the 3 of those, the horsemen found at the group and do the in about 3 months ago after journalist
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reported on a right wing meeting near berlin. there a if the politicians right wing extremists and some conservative politicians are set to have planned reporting millions of immigrants. todd's that was the is talk me as of the fact that such a discussion happened with shocking and deeply disturbing. i dish and convinced me something had to be done. so i'm with us. democracy on their groups. started out with 18 female activists. now there are 41 they want to learn how to count or right wing populist arguments at practice sessions like these. almost all of them are confronted with racism and extremism on a daily basis and workplaces sports clubs and elsewhere. i was sure
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this high but that's why we should speak up in those moments this time hopefully by the most frustrating thing for the active. this is when their neighbors see them as the problem and not right wing populism. of things they all, when i drove up the page for the ground, these against the right, for instance, the campaigns were organizing and into and i'm also confronted with, like says simon score. people turn away and act as it hits us to while the problem . yeah, there's still as if we are the ones making trouble here. you but the grannies aren't giving up. there's too much at stake after the european elections elections will be held in the state of saxony and according to polls. for the 1st time ever, the a f d goodwin. they offer minor anchors. i want my grandchildren to grow off in the same free tolerant democratic states that i did mention opening. and now i'm so worried it's all going down the drain again. go to store, i,
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let's go to the dates. but today, know a if the voters show up to chat with them at their stand, despite free coffee, t and t, none of the locals seem interested and decide to stay put inside. there's simply no dialogue between the grannies and do bins a if the voters an increasing number of voters are turnings or right and left wing parties because they no longer feel represented by the establishment. which is exactly what prompted felipe on my moaner from italy to switch the political aisle . he used to be a staunch conservative, but now he feels best represented by the post fascist brothers of italy who are currently in power in southern italy, as myra to sleep on his face at the party will bring change. but those around him see things quite differently, is a 21 meter tall chrysler redeemer statute overlooks the gulf of poly castro in
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southern italy. sleep on my moni owns a restaurant here in 2019 he made the acquaintance of georgia maloney, chairwoman of the post fast just practically the patio at the time, averaging only around 3 percent of the boat. now she's italy's prime minister in minneapolis div. i might, she made a positive impression on me at the time, but at any value i it ok. i realize that after the berlusconi arrows she and her political project, the board, i've had a future exam with anybody who's going to use my money used to vote for silvio berlusconi is party the right of center for the site you thought of? yeah, but now he's gone over to the brothers of italy, which many in the country label, post, fascist. he doesn't believe it poses a danger to democracy and says the party officially moved away from its glorification of the former, dictated mussolini. long ago. my morning claims this alienated many early followers of the party. a soon as the divorce some in their loyal base are disappointed
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because the parties not pushing through their writing platform. no, not in order that i live alone. he is a responsible politician. so she has to consider the finances and the national budget, 1st bush and to and for that what she needs the support for the european uni sega and i made it up for j liberal buy for 11 dollars. my money feel is that many less meaning workers voted for georgia, maloney because italy's left wing parties have lost sight of their concerns jobs. so one of the most important issues known as sheriff is less inclined to warm up to the ideas of the right wing nationalist prime minister. i long all politicians is promise you the 1st and the move, but in the end, you have to manage the problems of daily life yourself. i don't demand that politicians save our lives. but if you believe in something and have ideals but
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never see anything, get better, you lose hope. in in italy, we haven't seen any real changes for the better. georgia maloney has been governing italy since 2022 internationally. she betrays a more moderate stance, showing support for nato and ukraine. critics say it's a different matter when it comes to domestic affairs. she abolished the citizens benefits out loud, so we get motherhood and lead campaigns against journalists and intellectuals. the mona often argues over politics with his friends, just set b. as in boy, a really is you need su left the only think about civil rights of several when you concentrate only on issues like notice, you forgot the work or the pores, the society when they got the, the, the you've turned into the party of the rent and the that the end of the parts is
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$82.00, they're in the lobby of 80 right. luckily, as long as you with your slogan. so let's close the ports note of migrants and abortion is not a right. and you're constantly attacking the civil rights o g english to which it it might work for now because people are still honeymooning with maloney machine on the right wing coalition has their support the mobile, it was but sooner or later that honeymoon will be over. can see me, the maloney slogan for the european parliament election is italy changes europe. it's a ray of hope for filippo, but a nightmare for just set bay. and for both it'll be a bone of contention for a long time to come. a while far right parties are becoming more establish at national levels in europe. they have yet to make their mark on the european stage. but if they gain more seats in the upcoming elections, european union policies could significantly change. so what exactly would it shift
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to the right mean for the u. r. next report takes a look at the consequences. this could have both in europe and outside its borders . in the june elections for the european parliament, right wing and filed rights poppies expected to gain more seats. so far the far right has not yet managed to unite that the european level. it's divided into different sections. but what would the right wing search in the european parliament mean? what consequences would it have for the you and the wells? if you're ups right wing factions became a stronger and united group, they would most likely try to reduce migration into the you by attempting to change you loss this into might mean an increase number of people trying to enter the you regularly via landtroop or across the dangerous mediterranean sea and the atlantic the far right would also likely try to force the you to abandon its goal of being
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climate neutral by 2050 many right wing and fall right spot, the safe, green loss having a negative effect on domestic workers and pharmacist. your p h 2 developing countries could also be reduced drastically. but all these changes would require a united rights and file rights, political from which experts believe the different groups of still i'm likely to achieve the main sticking points. rochelle, one of it's a lease right wing policy is the legal as well as the freedom party of austria. pep both criticize the west top line against russia after its invasion of ukraine. but poland, it's right wing law and justice policy, and it's at least of fall ride potty. the brothers of italy are strong because of ukraine. and even if the far right factions are able to unite, europe's conservative incenses potties have so far, refused to make deals with them. however, if it changed the far right and right wing puppies would truly gain influence in
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the european parliament, the attempted assassination of slovaks as populous leader, robert feet, so has highlighted, the nation's deep political divide. authority, say the suspect had a clear political motivation. prime minister feed, so came to power again last year. this time on a pro russian platform as nationalist and populous rhetoric has raised concerns in the you. data expert veronica, frank, called scott, believe this information campaigns with deep face and artificial intelligence were rampant in slovakia selections. and she fears they could also sway the vote in european elections in brought to slab out the capital of silver. yeah, there were only covering costs got is on a mission to protect her home country from this information and fake news. we
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come across a lot of information, especially on. busy internet and it's hard for people to tell whether it is or isn't the truth. and our job this to look for the piece of information that are false or misleading. in june, europeans will vote for a new parliament franco. small angle is one of 29 fact checking teams across the you're working with us tech james meta to the bunk state content. they are citing a new enemy. the fix clips created in minutes with the help of a high software in which people appear to see or do things they never did. and no country in europe has experienced this new stretch source tend like still voc here . in september of 2023, we had to parliament to meet elections. and in the months before them there was quite a rise in this information. just a few days before the election suspicious audio file appeared on line,
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the seemingly involved because she met scott, the leader of the pro european of progressive. so if i kept parties in one of them, she seemed to be talking to a journalist about how to make the amex in another one about plans for raising the price of b. or both of these deep face 1st appeared on telegram, but they gave instruction when they were re shared by accounts on facebook. from there, they spread like wildfire. they were shared on uh, personal messages and lots of messages within hours fact checker. it's the back, the post as likely fakes prompting meta to label them. but people continued to share them and she made discuss progressive, sloughed the election by a few points to the, to list the pro ration smear. s t party met the tech giant behind facebook, instagram and what's happening? said it had slowed down the spread of the slovak, deep face after they've been slacked and gets the deep take about the election,
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breaking still a mast over a 100000 public views in a country of less than 5 and a half 1000000 people. that's how this information works. experts say it's very nature and makes it impossible to say with 100 percent certainty who's behind it. and he gets one form of senior government officials told us that when it comes to last year, steve takes, he's pretty sure i believe it's very likely that there was a russian brand because there are so many going into the seas. and so many details that just allow any other logical explanation. my name is daniel milo and until december, last year i was the director of center for a company in harvey threats at select duty or shortly after the government was formed that the you know the mission that i believe we may need to protect slovakia from a 40 hostile influence and to be able to push back against such influence was not
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possible anymore. since then. my loss is the new pro russian government has got rid of many early warning and defense mechanisms. it's much easier for us to come back to it. so it was of reasons well definitely expect the rest of the intensified there at the meetings, getting an e mail us back to us. interior ministry rejected my last statements saying that they do not accord with we effect and undermine the work results of specialist. the as slovakia, along with the rest of the european union enters election mode, fuser running high that a i generate a deep 6 to once again emerge in the run up to the vote. i'm afraid that especially in slow back have ups also in, on the countries this is only going to show and become more disturbing before the european elections districts is really the tug
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of war between pro european parties and the right is also changing the media landscape. and poland journalists, dorado battle work was directly affected by the policies of the nationalist law and just as party, they ruled poland from 2015 until last year. the new coalition is now trying to reverse the country, shift to the right of their methods are drawing criticism even from the government's own supporters. the above awake is getting ready to return to polish airways. from here in strasburg, she's become the new face of poland. public broadcast or in the european union, something on thinkable until last year. i did everything. i cool to not less of a politician besides the vote. my profession director was fired from a private police channel in 2022 officially overcoat would rule breaches,
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but she's sure it was done to the media influence of poland, former nationalist, and you were a skeptic. government. i for the pressure from a 2015 own works, it was growing, it was always the bigger one, it was closer to the elections. sometimes when the, when the big things were happening in brussels, which were negative for poland. and i was not asked to report on them after a pro european conservative led coalition gained the numbers to govern last year. there also it was recruited to report for poland. it's public service broadcast or t v p. it more so there are more new kids on the block. there's been a radical switch out at the channel once accused of being nothing more than a populist government to mouthpiece shifting menu of cisco. what changed? everything changed. most of all the people and the entire teams are new plus the type of language we use has changed. this means that has no hatred or defend them, the just float on the screen. so for the last 8 years,
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we changed it just simply put lipstick, language, democratic language, the language of public television as a television for me tonight. but the change is controversial. the station was occupied by nationals protesters in december and temporarily went of error and made to the cables. many stuffers were suddenly sacked among them say so we can this, you'll be returned from germany and out of jobs. i'm south of the, i'm not invalid anymore. for years days that he was a t p correspondent, breaking big stories. he's been accused of favoring the previous government in his coverage. but after being sacked, he says he's the one who's the victim of advice system. april 20th. because this is the experience of every journalist in poland with conservatives. i never work in any media outlet for more than a few years because left cleaning liberal circles to put pressure on these media to deprive them of their voice was by the triple post. of course,
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as the media landscape shifts, even observers who bought the new governments moves say, it stretched the limits of the lo may be these activities of our government, i mean to finding out was not for the legal, but it was necessary this new television. you'll probably to meet the need some time to find to, to gather, recruit ability on picking the legacy of poland is recent deposit is also proving difficult for the new government. in other areas. the sections, the left administration over alleged attempts to control police courts through new laws. no judges want systemic change to restore independence. but the issue of a lot of the last 8 years have been very difficult because we have been fighting to ensure that both have the right to go to courts. so the petition is not dictates the content of judge's rulings. a chemist will device system. we want to build a mother and your team system and,
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and the system that's over several decades has great. he's trying to, that's the role of the administer of just the simple and mean these types of devices. and that will take time in a pullin which remains politically polarized, but outside for so there are fewer classes to cover these days. the general atmosphere around poland in process in europe has changed too much more positive one. when i report from brussels and i don't have to explain so much, why do you decided to criticize us? why we are partners? but i have new talent, which is to to present the real face of the european union to the polish people. you elections are fast approaching, and populist parties are expected to gain ground. there also says she will be here to cover every twist and turn now to
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a place that's divided not by politics, but by a border light. the good is a town that straddles both germany and france, while e regulations apply year. one part is governed by french laws and the other by german ones. the red tape makes life complicated, but despite those challenges, the villagers don't want to take sides as well. now i'm in germany, the i'm now i'm in phones. penning and his parents live in a buying national village. france on the left, germany on the right. lading and has been split since napoleonic times. all the ways tasha loved strolling around the village. that's 15 villains off that now you're on the neutral street. yeah, i think of my last so it is in france. my right foot is in germany. yeah, we're living the european dream and i am so sorry. but not every one is a fan. there is a german hydrant and a french hydrant, the french church,
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and a german, one, french pets and german ones too. there is never been a border of friends and right wing populist ideas have never caught on lighting and simply to european for that but cast the most says dealing with german and french bureaucracy can be exhausting. as it looks, it doesn't really have any advantages of skin and there's a unique situation. for example, with fests and burglaries, the criminals can just simply cross the border z. and then we have to inform our french colleagues, including for which takes a while longer than the other from the bottom. the criminals get away. so by the baggage, then there are crimes you'd find and few other village it says german village had to buy document size. these glitches i have the most, so the german side still has a flag ops and probably signaling that this is germany moved on. the other side,
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someone has removed the french flagpole out of the stuff onto the additional the gentleman had to remove this chrome would have travel to berlin to take this up with a german chancellor in his constructive and solution. yeah. everyone here however, is proud of the village community center built with plenty of e u. subsidies. the windows we couldn't have set this up without european supports . smith's counterpart, french mayor, my dumb limit of strong use to slip over the border as a teenager. that's less than we'll get it at the time. it was smuggling. sure. sometimes we'd walk through the little alley so that nobody would see us since alcohol 9 know not alcohol was the violin on the line isn't the best it's. it's a little outside, the village cuts mean clear by and her husband run a cattle farm. they say dealing with 2 countries, bureaucracy is
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a pain. but before getting into the details, they 1st need to help a cow give birth, declared by his breed, kept having the farm right by the french border complicates matters. the child from qualities lesson here, the next. what else do we find land here on french soil? would investigate and we would like to use the land for grazing because that's a design, but the law says the animals have to be quarantined for 3 months before they can be taken over to the other side of the road to france. football, we have she once in even more open border, not just for the cows, but for her daughter to the. i'm in germany, the now i'm back in from the further european integration could be the key, the as long as i don't
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discuss who makes better, why that brings our special edition of focus on europe to an end of theaters in an order for the the
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should europe, the preparing for war for get what you know about the usual political debate for the 2020 for your pm election. we are slipping the script. so where is the car voters discuss what do you mean? nothing has come over to a titian's ask for a week's utilities trust breeds does trust. i respectfully disagree and i thought this was very irritating script. in the 1st 10 minutes we should dw, there is a village in yeah,
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more yeah. where women ruled the bellows. my husband would have killed me if i hadn't planned that, that alone, we should see. they escaped violence. both marriage, tennis will need to license a new malia, the women take a stand against the patriarchy of the tribe, december, and demand on an ocean in 75 minutes on d, w. the type of data. so much for the 1st 2 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights mean, well for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june 1st on d, w, conflicts,
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crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube the, the,
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the, this is dw news live from berlin, hygiene practices seizing power in taiwan. on the 2nd day of its military maneuvers around the self government island, china says it's but punishing typeface, new presidents and trying to attack and all people i key areas of what it considers its own territory. plus a manual mccall says a growing inequality is feeling deadly. social unrest on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia for the president has been visiting the principal territory. the
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