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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use life from the aging practices seizing pallet in taiwan another day of wool games around the self governed islands. china says is punishing taiwan is the president and finding to take the key areas of what it considers its territory. residents of distributed, so welcome and united nations decisions to commemorate the 1995 genocide of policy and muslims. both handsets protest against the move. you have all my call says get a policy is fueling deadly. so for one race and francis pacific territory of new caledonia, the riots broke out over a french and post slowly changing both new rules and
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moving gloves out of the ground. it takes you to the annual one charming festival in where else the u. k. the i've been visible and welcome. china says it's military drills around type one or a taste of its ability to seize power over the self governing pilot. it's conducting 2 days of large scale ball games in the taiwan straits. chinese authorities call them punishment for once they dump separate and stacks. the drills come just stays out, the tie ones, the president liking the took office and cold on badging to stop it's intimidating behavior. type pay has scrambled. jackson pull its land enabled units on the left, spouse, journalist william young. what's different about these strips?
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i think 1st of all, it's very important to note that this trail was suddenly announced yesterday as 7 am in the morning, which basically was less than an hour before the post liberation army. begin there in circling type of military drills around taiwan. previously in 2022 in 2023. when they conduct a similar males re exercises. they actually announced it a day before so time, once public and the time when each government would at least be able to anticipate that it's actually happening. but this time, it came as a sudden and at the same time, they also involved the operation of coast guard vessels and targeting timelines outlying islands. this is a little bit different from the previous 2 times of the similar military activities in 2022 in 2023. our time with these people reacted
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so i think because china, house 3 is really being rushing up the military pressure on taiwan since 2020, to august after former us. how speaker nancy pelosi visited time. one. so in fact, for the tony's public, they are quite used to a very definitive and also show of force type of chinese threats. and because this military exercise is much shorter compared to the previous ones. so in fact, most how many people just went ahead with their lives as usual, and even the stock market yesterday didn't really got affected by the news and the military exercise. and william, what's this mean for the new president? i think this basically is a very serious warning to him. the compared to his predecessor, he's government is very much likely going to face a repeated and even larger and more threatening type of pressure coming from china
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. and because the exercise was named as a joint, a exercise a. so it's hinting that may be there will be exercised, b, c, d that follows this one. and so i think for him only coming in to power less than a week. this is something that he will have to factor into his governance and at the same time, time was domestic situation is also pretty divided and turbulent right now. so he definitely will be facing both domestic and extra no pressure at the same time. a tough job interview times a head journalist william young in type pay for us. look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. more than a 100 people are believed to have been killed by a massive landslide in pomp when you get a. it struck the remote in the province in the early hours of friday morning. the governor over the region says the land slide hit mold and 6 villages and cost substantial damage. us house speaking,
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mike johnson says these rails prime minister will soon address a joint session of congress. he said the appearance by benjamin netanyahu would demonstrate a strong show of support that made growing criticism of the use brand easy to russia has arrested several generals in the clamp down on fraud and corruption. bonding shot rahman, the deputy head of russia, general staff is accused of large scale brian. meanwhile, the most code court rejected the appeal, but now the senior defense official arrested of the corruption of the un general assembly has voted to establish an annual day of commemoration of the trapper. and it's a mastic at the resolution passed with $84.00 votes in favor of $68.00 extensions. nearly 3 decades ago, bosnian serb forces killed over 8000 on both the and most of the residents. that server needs to gather together to watch the results of the u. n
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votes on television. and finally, some relief. the u. n. approved the resolution to recognize an annual day of remembrance to the 1995 genocide that happened here in the town. now, even though it is a little trouble, we expect the resolution to be adopted. we actually expected all countries to be in favor, but we are satisfied. and i wish to think all of the countries that folks should use to be. but those who abstained invited to the games on it, we will put them on the pillar of shame that we have building at the memorial seem to think god, there was still good people in this world are many new schedule, but nothing will bring my children back to 2 rows of thousands of gravestones at the local memorial center. a repugnant reminder of the
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genocide. both me and sub forces captured strep anita on july 11th 1995 during the civil war. a few days later, they rounded up and killed around 8000 to mislead men and teenagers to this day. so being the does reject cooling the kings of genocide ahead of the u . n votes be as president alex on to boot church, one to that the resolution could star uphold resentments. this is something that'll just open an old holds. i've got to create a complete political trouble. and not only, you know, region, but even here in this cold, the resolution cooling for an official day of remembrance was written by germany and rwanda. and 12 countries with the induct memories of genocide in the 20th century. this resolution is not directed against any body,
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not against a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side for the families of separate needs. uh, this is an important symbol of recognition. but it comes with the risk of revising old regional tensions i us now report a i the sofa which such be which about the mood in trevor and it's a well, i have to say that this is a little bit more hon. then the day before the bolton resolution, because there is no more the tension about what is going to happen is still there is a why keep it's the opinions are divided to basically the size of virus and the extent that people have seen them. and so now, before i, before me, they feel that someone finally heard them and they welcomed the adoption of the resolution with a very special loss and the tooth injustice. finally one day said,
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of course they are referring, that's the setting. so once again, when the, when the genocide happens, so they are very happy about the fact that the one on the other side of serbian leaders will be not in serbia, most of the adoption of the resolution. for example, the president of the stuff said that the resolution is not finding political with a substantial entity, and that the l for using this as a single month. that's for the piece. and also been talking about the resources session or not. and the resolution is one reason for that. um here we also saw yesterday. the for example wants to mingle uh and pre shuffle the other seats here in the region voted for the resolution. but the only survey i did not on so the serbian um president was not happy about is of course there was
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also a process in the face yesterday where people were reading certain plans in the capital city. so i don't know. so the motions are still um high and the opinions are wide divided. can you just explain a little bit more about that background? why this is still such a divisive topic in the region? so basically the boss 9 takes it will be nice, so divided into 2 parts, 3 nationalities after the war. so there's 3 different histories are especially about the war in the 9th. so you've been in the study and to see or what's going on or they don't learn about the genocide. so you don't see a good thing to publish. yeah, they can only hear that it is multiplan, the book was over exaggerated to whatever. so these are the messages that the positions in charge are pending. so it might be settled for the majority of people
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to go to not be there peacefully, leavings with each other, but the point is devising them every day in the 4th. when it comes that the proven genocide against boss next denies it's actually causes of despair and angry. i'm on the bus, the resolution yourself and what happened yesterday. certainly, he's not to leave this alone and either can you tell me what the serbian president meant by warning this memorial day, may spock political have it yes. so basically she's not happy about being that often. and the narrative that we hear from the president of serbia in the present and the purpose of scott, although those are 2 different countries, is identical. there was the rest of the session and also said that the illusion will divide people in the fall and the whole reason,
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i think the guy be behind the resolution theory. yes. what to say in the service side of the say this uh, the resolution has marked the serbian people as the title nation. um and this was a quote so uh they are not happy about it. and um, is the separation or succession of the subscriber in both of his the price to happen? um we will see because uh there has been pressed about this for years now. so once the uh happened. exactly, we still don't know, but definitely the serbian parts in this region is not optimization. are you the thank you very much for bringing us up to date. you, ma'am? well, my call says social unrest on the pacific archipelago of new caledonia has been fueled by inequality. the president is visiting the french ruled territory. he announced he'll delay controversial changes to vote in those which spot,
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but that they find the changes imposed by powers of being criticized for di, losing the political power of the territories indigenous population. an age and trip from paris to the pacific. emanuel mccomb arrived in french, ruled new caledonia with a key a mission. as one of the is my intention invested my ministers and the government here is to be here with the people for every to into peace. com and security. as soon as possible, you in the archipelago who is being rocked by 10 days of riots in which 6 people have died and an estimated hundreds of millions of yours worth of damage has been done. the violence with sparks by a boasting reform, which critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of people who make up 40 percent of the population of chrome described beyond roost. as
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a totally unprecedented movement of insurrection, around $3000.00 french security personnel, or on the ground, some local is the hub form of homes visit, could add weight to if it's to restore. com, step isms of perhaps this will be some of the tensions we have on a daily basis. so i hope we'll find a bit of peace in our country. on my phone, lisa announced the controversial nor change would be delayed despite insisting it is democratic. your from showing gives us could successful. i have pledged this reform will not be forced through in the current context because it done that we will allow some weeks to calm the tensions and enable a resumption of dialogue to find abroad a cold. but divisions of the new caledonia is future
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run date. rolled from paris since being colonized in the 1800s, many indigenous connex resigned. frances power and want independence. the chrome has signaled he wants the support for the more forms before pushing on and says he will take stock all of the situation again in one month. fuller as dragon consul general in new caledonia, denise fish. i says it's not yet clear. if nicole has managed to ease tensions as well, the truth is, we won't know for the while. i will. it will take some time to establish the effect of his dramatic gesture and coming to new caledonia. and we need to remember that we're talking about prompts in the pacific in the pacific context, where things are done a little bit differently. takes a long time to talk about things and to decide on things. but what did he do? he did a cheese meetings with the independence lead is now they didn't turn out to
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a meeting when he came in july. so this is already in advance. he also spent an hour talking to young people in new caledonia. we were in a situation of serious, violent as you've indicated. and much of this violence has been perpetrated by very young kind of people indigenous people who feel alienated from the loss of the territory. and they persisted even though they made his have asked them to stop a week ago. so it's a serious situation, and it's one in which he was listening. i think there was some words that he use, which i think people indigenous, the just wanted to hear, he said he was coming and humility and respect to listen. those are all important things they've been interested in. and that he's also created some things that he was that they wanted, they wanted to have this legislation, but least frozen, as you've indicated, the missed about mccaul has now agreed to do that. but they also want to dial. he's brought with him some official to a game to establish
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a donald commission. and they also wanted another vote. and he has said also, but another self determination that will be part of the discussions for the future . so all these a big concessions, but it's a very, very 10 situation, 3 of the suburbs in the mirror itself, a still out of control out of the french control. so his 1st priority, he said, was to restore a piece and he's laid the responsibility directly onto the indigenous leaders to renew the call for the violets. to stop with this will in fact take place in the next few days. we don't know yet. so united states is bracing for a space of extreme wave. a numerous tornadoes have already hit the midwest with more on the way. rising global temperatures mean the atlantic hurricane season could be hotter because of a new re quoted war motion. powerful storms across the midwest.
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the twister tour through greenfield of nearly 270 kilometers an hour smashing over 100 homes in the iowa farming town and killing 5 residents if true splintered homes trying to assess the full extent of the damage. this was the neighbor's house on top, far off beside, you're out on top of my pick up and we couldn't get out. there was a window there that was all broke out. there was a bunch of stuff falling down on the steps, but we were able to climb over a i men, we were able to get a door open. the green field twister said, agreed new record the years, worst. tornado in an arrow and climate change is heightening the severity of storms around the world. i kept ryan or brian ryan and then i was sort out i saw all are wanting to do so. and stay with our spray. little my son was also, or the federal is 50 so there anyway of
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a weight loss to parties. so police search and top $1.41 camera shows the terrifying scene from inside his car right in the midst of the tornado. meanwhile, florida is braced for one of the busiest hurricane seasons on record. thanks to unprecedented ocean, he's on a brewing new storm. there's an 85 percent chance that the atlantic hurricane season that starts in june would be above average in storm activity. according to the national low psionic and that most ferric administration was those numbers. i mean that that's the highest forecast that we've had. so all the ingredients are definitely in place to have an active season. and it, you know, it's reason to be concerned of course, but not alarm. okay, so let me use this time to, to, our advantage is to really be prepared for the hurricane season. storms get their energy from hot water and oceans have been record warm for 13 months in
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a row. a stormy summer in america, loons. small stories making news. they sell. at least 4 people died when the roof of a restaurant collapsed on the spanish island of my yoke of late thursday. more than a dozen others were injured. rescue was still searching the rumble for some 5. it's according to spanish media, foreigners, i believe, to be among the casualties and explosion at a chemical factory in india has killed at least 9 people and injured more than 60 officials say the plants boiler cause the 5 it spread to nearby factories and houses in the west and the state of my restaurant to thousands of people gathered for the burial of a runs. president ibrahim receipts including government, military and religious pickets, easy as foreign, minnesota and 6 of those died on sunday when they had the called to crash. the in around mountainous northwest, the country is observing 5 days in the morning. the european union has introduced
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the lawyer to attract mineral productions to europe. the critical role materials act is a post to make the blog less dependent on imports from countries like china, mondays, 1st month from dw business, visited a refining facility here in germany tanks. so it'd be filled with lift him hydro to concentrate this refinery in germany's eastern town to fit effect was in the set to step up production of homegrown. this young a vital ingredient for the batteries that are supposed to power the green transition. and he lives in the conglomerate dealing and various commodities and technologies set their eyes on the growing demand for minerals in europe. the processing steps are difficult in our spread over the entire globe, starting in a mine in brazil. and in the 1st place we ship this spell, you mean concentrate, this is this the name for it to china. and the reason for this is simply because there was no other conversion planned. was able to, to use this material at this moment. and then we get back from china,
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a technical intermediate into the felt the web, the, to the refining to the final battery. great. china is still part of empty lithium supply chain, but the company aims to face the country out. europe as a whole is larger the opinion on commodities from abroad. china provides all of the heavy rare earth elements that you use. it's turkey has a group and bar on and south africa supplies. most of the blocks, platinum needs the use critical raw materials act as opposed to change that and sets targets that 10 percent of materials should be mind inside the you. 40 percent refined on the continent and 15 percent recycled within the block itself. ambitious goals to reduce dependency, unimportant mineral supplies, but the amount of money being put into ramping up production doesn't match what's needed yet. was if we put these figures funds in
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perspective for him to see him unloading your neck. yes. like a message. a single digit. in 1000000000, yours of investment needed just to me use 20 searching target. public support for projects currently stands of just 2500000000 euros aim de la cm's refinery here and jeremy the set to come online later this year. the 1st delivery contracts are already signed. oh okay, here's a story to get you squirming as some of arrives in the u. k. so does one of his most unusual festivals. the annual one charming championship has taken place in coldwell crowds gathered the show of the widest and wildest ways to woo a. what some cool that one feeling the others when grunting, he. it's when charming. every year,
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a one charming championship comes to england's cornish coast with teams competing to entice the most of the ones from the soil. and it's quite given ever the to seduce the slimy price, but. okay, cool. spend 2 minute green mold. big people do this with just running around in circles really well actually even to organize by local office who was one mazda holds the secret to what i'm moving. any loading vibration is the best for them. so like process for sending
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large library options down and you have to stick to prove into it and then you run another stick along the ground. and that seems to work quite well. the when charming was traditionally used to do one's position. now it's mainly just fun thoughts. dig a little deeper and you'll find a more serious message. this is championships, teamed up with a soil charity, which is raising the alarm. a recent study found death ones in the u. k. if declined by 30 percent over the last 25 years, and people at home being off this month to tom wants to help identify areas in need . one of really important that the engine is around the world about 95 percent of of the hands on the, on the web. so we really need to make sure that everyone has one important role they play. and how
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can position a this account begins and the numbers here are looking good value index it from the 60 ones and the charming seagulls. a spot sweeping to victory, tennessee. one wrangler is when with a whopping, so he to and leaving today's cash free to wake alone with their impulsive what for now the you're watching dw, use a reminder of our top story. china says it's military drills around taiwan. the taste of its ability to seize power, the sales company i that is conducting 2 days of large scale pool games. in the taiwan straits, chinese authorities pulled them punishment for once they stopped separatist up next to the points look said rushes,
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baffled for influence across europe. i've been full and back with more use takes that one here on the w. stay with us, the,
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to the, to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, bolton's bottom, the fall into and shows no end from being opened. the aggressive and you trained to using hybrid meshes and countries like model law in georgia on to the point we are discussing rich strategy as working better for pointing to the point
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next on the w 9. but we'll tell you how happy the boxing was. the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 16 minutes on d w. the wish i could've done more the same. you just click away, find the best document on you to really
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see the world as he's never seen it before. the dr. know to dw the, the in has been open, media aggressive, and ukraine for more than 2 years. now, but as far falls upon request is not confined to you pray, he's also clearly exhibiting influence on other pharma. so if you have states as well, for instance, in georgia and model of georgia, has foster contribution legislation that labels non governmental organizations as foreign agents leading to be so heavy put in the legislation of being regarded as a copy of a similar russian law and model of all which is due to void presidential elections and a referendum on joining the e u later this year.


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