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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w use line from the land badging practices seizing pallet and tie one with another day of war games around the self governed island. china says it's training to take key areas of what it considers it's tara t, right. ukrainian soldiers convert agricultural drugs to help send off the rush in advance of correspondence. here's how improvise ation has become a bicycle upon the blog. posts, residents are distributed, so if they come welcome united nations decisions to commemorate the 1995 genocide of boston and most lives mostly in subs, protest against for the, the
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my been for the one woke up. we start with breaking news more than 100 people, a few dead in a massive lives. slight in pop. when you get a, it struck the countries remote in a profit around 600 kilometers north of the capital port, mostly at around 3 am. local time, authorities say 6 villages were buried by the land slide in that emergency response teams are assessing the damage and important roads is reported to be blocked, raising fees over supplies to the affected areas. the china says its military trails around taiwan or a test of its ability to seize power over the self governing eyelet. it's conducting 2 days of large scale ball games in the taiwan strait. chinese authorities call them punishment for what they've done separately. stacks on the
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drills come just days of the tie ones, new president lighting the took office and cold on badging to stop it's intimidating behavior type, pay his scramble jets and puts land and naples units on a lunch. i asked journalists, william yang, what makes these drills different from previous ones? i think 1st of all, it's very important to note that this trail was suddenly announced yesterday as 7 am in the morning, which basically was less than an hour before the post liberation army began there and circling, type of military drills around taiwan. previously in 2022 in 2023. when they conduct a similar males re exercises, they actually announced it a day before. so time once public and the time when each government would at least be able to anticipate that it's actually happening. but this time, it came as a sudden and at the same time, they also involved the operation of coast guard vessels and targeting timelines
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outlying islands. this is a little bit different from the previous 2 times of the similar military activities in 2022 in 2023. our time with these people reacted so i think because china has 3 is really being rushing up the military pressure on taiwan since 2020, to august after former us. how speaker nancy pelosi visited time. one. so in fact, for the 20s public, they are quite used to a very definitive and also show us force type of chinese threats. and because this military exercise is much shorter compared to the previous ones. so in fact, most how many people just went ahead with their lives as usual, and even the stock market yesterday didn't really got affected by the news and the military exercise. and william, what's this mean for the new price of it?
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i think this basically is a very serious warning to him. the compared to his predecessor, he's government is very much likely going to face a repeated and even larger and more threatening type of pressure coming from china . and because the exercise was named as a joint exercise a, so it's hinting that may be there will be exercised, b, c, d that follows this one. and so i think for him only coming into power less than a week, this is something that he will have to factor into his governance. and at the same time, time was domestic situation is also pretty divided and turbulent right now. so he definitely will be facing both domestic and external pressure at the same time, attack job interview and times a head journalist william young in type pay for us as to the battlefield in ukraine, where teams troops fighting to contain races,
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russian advances and prevent more territory losses short on a defenses and waiting for more west than military support. ukraine is turning to improvise to weapons for the front line. the double use and economy med soldiers using agricultural drones to make up for missing 5 pounds. for us to pretty much say that you have to get a feel for it to flying. this thing is like leading a cow rice too much. it's heavy, but you have to be able to predict where it's going to go. just there's one direction, but the inertial means it's still going the other way for a while and then this drone was built to spray crops. it's noisy, slow and impossible to miss in daylight. but here on the front lines, it flies at night, have seen russian positions. russian soldiers have their own name for it, but here go of the flowing which of slavic folk tales. well, at the last time it was okay with sweet slide pretty low and can go up to 20
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kilometers. our job is to contain the enemy. now to make sure the infantry doesn't get anywhere near in century to what the doing last rate, because that's a sound these men says allows them to relax. it's outgoing ukraine, you know, to the re fi, delayed west and supplies meant the most of the fire out here in recent months is being incoming. these drones? what will the ukraine inside had discouraged, is where the units engineer tries to keep one step ahead of russia's jamming efforts. and i have to run this up what i'm upset, so our biggest worry is staying connected to the drones. so yeah, there's all kinds of triangle commercial and the side of the government gives us these drones and they just use one frequency for everything to video on to the metrics and also mess with the, the, to the 3 you don't know shows it doesn't know interesting to you, they've given us a civilian product. what does it just doesn't work under real life conditions?
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the throwing them i is both on a conflict that saving documented diet. and i believe with here within a show to the front lines, the units engineer as intent as an extra equipment paid for by crowd funding units . this carlos, however long since evacuated, leaving the tools behind us took a quarter of which business the month. this is the tool kit that's come with me since i was called up. no to control your one that will. i don't touch the owners stuff. i think i've borrowed the grinder and here a few times, but we need things tidy when we leave a place. i am on the cats are always fat or when we leave a place, a boy care widow spy on it. put out the number off at the moment. there's no joke of having to leave this carriage or even to pull back here for all the vs. recent advances need done yet the sections, the front lines seem relatively stable. thanks and pop, these drugs to pay a deep underground is where all the information comes together. dispatch is help the drone products out in the field to plan their roots. some things,
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it's constantly getting hotter. we'd have a more drones in the air watching each other. hey, elizabeth mitchell, i'm just the other day we were watching the stream and saw a county kazi drone chasing another time. because the drawing all of a sudden, a said drone, turns up to attack the drone hunting, the 1st drone. all i could think of was the sound track from terminate to, to sometimes it feels like the war of the machines here. but i think any stairs similar, you know, i'm assuming, but it's not just the technology that's changing columbus to close this out. i'm going to see it simpler when we 1st came across the russian army, they didn't have a clue about war. they were really full of themselves and up to it. they would always use the same tactics, which we knew from a to that it was easy to catch them out with a bit of creativity that says lan. but as time passes them more and more mobilized civilians among their ranks, and they bring their own ideas to the russian army. so where you at the same day as i'm going to order to know, do i need these russian conscript spring? there are no ideas through successfully coping ukrainian ones doing it at
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a scale that ukraine struggling to match. as the w xbox sunday is in keys. he said drones have shifted the tactics of the war. and you know, over the last 2 years of jones have really changed the way this war is being properly changed the situation on, on the battlefield. we heard the report reports in the beginning of this war. standard tactics were being applied as standard a center weapons, such as the infantry attacks and that sort of thing. when jones were being introduced, this added an extra layer, a cheap, commercially available drones were able to spot the enemy pinpoint targets for a total full exam. later on, comment draws, i'd like to just saw next report introduced to becoming more and more widespread. according to the printer, the staff up to 70 percent of the rest of the equipment that was being destroyed by these kinds of drones. and they really are able to change the limits of the
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movement of the adverse review unless you're moving to rain during the day. you really risk of being being spot of being targeted by drones other other troops that are using this type of information. so moving industry, the limited and the cover and concealment is becoming more and more important, especially in the office. to what extent would you say they can make up for this low supply of wisdom weapons? right, i mean these, these drones were born out of necessity in a sense that there was a lack of powerful west of weapons in this case. but these drones do have some advantages that can be operated, can be reopened if they can support infantry, they have a relatively wide reach and they are also able to effectively support intricate troops, for example. and they are very cheap. so a lot of these, uh, drones are pro, from that they're being put together by volunteers,
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by the military should work places by different start of companies. what they, they had they were having an effect on the battlefield for sure. but in order to, to be occupied parts of your training order to move forward as a kid for drones will not be enough to be able to do that. you will need combined weapons. only heavy weapons are telling me you will need air superiority tags which on the ground. drones will definitely have their place in this. if we see more west winds coming in, then likely the use of drones is going to go down. but so, so far they are making they, they were playing a very important role. and this was a quick look at a couple of other stories making use of the by john, who's taking control of full village is close to the border with media. it's part of an agreement between 0 and then by cool. last month, a media said they would return uninhabited villages to suffice on both sides see it
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as a step towards peace between the 2 countries or at least 4 people were killed when the roof of the restaurant collapsed on the spanish island of my uncle. on thursday, well then, a dozen others were injured. rescue is a still searching the rabble for survivors. according to the police to german nationals or a month to escape. the un general assembly has voted to establish an annual day of commemoration of the trip, and it's a mascot. the resolution passed with 84 votes in favor of 68 extensions really 3 decades ago, both me and so forth is killed over 8000 and both and most residents of server needs to gather together to watch the results of the u. n. vote on television and finally, some relief. the u. n. approved the resolution to recognize an annual day of remembrance to the 1995 genocide that happened here in the town. now,
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even though it is a little trouble, we speak to the resolution to be adopted. we actually expected whole countries to banish a value for you, but we are satisfied and i wish to think all of the countries that phone should use to be sure. but those who abstained invited to the games on it, we will put them on the pillar of shame that we have building at the memorials seem to think god, there was still good people in this world are many needs to do, but nothing will bring my children back to rows of thousands of gravestones at the local memorial center or a permanent reminder of the genocide. both me and sub forces kept its rep anita, on july 11th 1995 during the civil war. a few days later, they rounded up and killed around 8000 to missouri, men and teenagers to this day. so
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being lee does reject cooling the killings of genocide ahead of the u. n votes be as president alex on to boot church, one to that the resolution could star up old resentments. this is something that will just open an old ones and go to create a complete political trouble. and not only in our region, but even here. and this called the resolution cooling for an official day of remembrance was written by germany and rwanda. 12 countries with the induct memories of genocide in the 20th century. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against the about a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side for the families of supper needs. uh, this is an important symbol of recognition. but it comes with the risk of revising
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old regional tensions ibex the documentary on the question of how we want to die. i been presuming back with more news next down the type of data. so much for the 1st 4 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on last starts june 1st on dw, the most people spent their final days here in a hospital. although most of us would.