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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:14pm CEST

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the, the, the cdw news, why, but from berlin, a land slide in the middle of the night in scores are feared dead in pop on new guinea. dozens of homes and remote villages were flattened with families buried by morning. the damage was clear. the death toll still climbing, also coming up. the white house rolls out the red carpet for the president of kenya and announces an upgrade in diplomatic relations. plus a look at the impact of artificial intelligence and deep face on india is a 6 week long election. it's a window into what might be in other upcoming roads around the world, the
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grid golf. it's good to have you with us on this friday more than 100 people or for your did in a massive landslide and pop on new guinea. it struck about 600 kilometers north of the capital port morris b at 3 am local time authorities say 6 remote villages were hit by the landslide and that emergency response teams are assessing the damage to a reuters news agency has just published this voltage filled by one of the witnesses in under guineas anger. providence. as you can see, this is a disruption federal custody that took place last night at 3 o'clock. am in the morning everyone with us to sleep. not knowing that anything took place and they were for us leaving all of a sudden the natural catastrophe to place into the place was covered by ropes. as
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you can see that more than 300 lights have been covered for guns. the people, the properties would move the 1000000 skinners have been most covered by all these things. yes, you can see these are legislate that took place last night at 3 o'clock. as you can see, it started right down to the mountains, and these are the voice mail and voice here. right now they're watching what is going on on the ground right now. i'm right on the, i'm on the ground right now talking to level see, and from the information that i acquired from the people on the ground, they've just said that that more than 300 lives of confirm covered by the deputies and roku. right? nice. you can see right, the big people are cries and the only, and the people are very mounting for the nation that have been most of the people sending right now i'm spending on the lives of sitting right on the, on the, on the places where it is it into place, and this is a let down further down to read that live revise. and this you can see right,
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the people are coming was back so colorless from one to again, to progress right now as we're speaking the program. i any steger, it's a suspense steel red now. and therefore these a video that i'm taking, this is a, it's a natural good us to be that up. and for the 1st time in the history of our programs and then the from the information to the platform, the people on the ground, they've just said that this is something that has never happened before. it is a fish of its kind. once again, those are the 1st image is coming from that land slide and pop onto guinea. it was the white house has thrown one of its biggest ever state dinners to honor kenya's president william router, which always on a state visit to the us who was president biden, is working to further us interest there and to counter growing russian and chinese influence and can the 1st african leader on the state visit to washington in 16 years. william roots as cheap as
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a sign of the growing importance of the continent. home to more than a 1000000000 people came here, has long been one of the united states, most important allies in africa, and its status is about to get even higher. good afternoon everyone. please have a seat. i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate kenya is a major non nato ally. that's a from of years collaboration. fruit toast visit is being closely watched back home in a region he'd by political term. i like the us and can you maybe divided by distance, but the leaders say they're united by their values. my business takes place. i don't time when democracy seem to be retreating worldwide. they accidentally think squad redeems indifference to democratic values. is that deep consent to us? and i believe it is to have to maintain the top breast in washington. and as such
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as the us says, it's offering a democratic alternative of the to relations with russia in china. his visit may present a chance to turn the tide on the continent distinguish, guess please. we're now to china and taiwan. beijing says it's military drills around the island already tested its ability to seize power there. it's conducting 2 days of large scale, more games and the time went straight and it caused the punishment for what they job to be separate. if the drills come just days after taiwan to new president ly chain k took office and called him amazing to stop. it's intimidating behavior. i pity his scramble jets input its land enable units on alert. with journalist william yang in taipei, explain the extent of those drills. so basically this drill involves the for the 1st time pay scar vessels that are operating around the outer
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island. i'll tie one and this signals that they are going to expand the range of the vessels that will be potentially included in a potential invasion of taiwan. and it is also for the 1st time that they only announced that they are going to have a large scale around time one kind of like military exercise right on the day. so, and it basically taught the government here a little bit off guard, but the government's here was also able to quickly deploy its military and also its postcards to respond to the surprise military activities around my one. and how are the people inside one hour they are reacting to do this? it's not every day that you hear of the time when these people being caught off guard. so that's what it is. people is that insults they become very used to china using military power to actually intimidate
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the time when it's properly. but somehow, for the governments here, they're still trying to stick to some new tactics and trying to adjust their all responses. so there's basically a little bit of a difference of the response for the time when he's public, they are very used to those. and so there's not much and some of the data if that's but for the governments here, they're still going to adjust. and again, we have a very new government that we've got just sent into a power on monday. yeah, i mean, i would assume that this is a steep learning curve, particularly for the new president. what does this mean for him? this is basically going to show that for the next 4 years seat is going to face a lot, even greater. allen's coming from china as military threats, but at the same time, domestically you can actually see around me. there are a lot of angry protesters now because there are a lot of political divisions inside time. one right now and the public is very
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concerned about how the position parties in the parliament is potentially going to we can tie one democracy at a time when china is also trying to drive which is between taiwan opposition parties and it's really parties journalists do william yang with the latest denied from the type a william, thank you us. and here's the look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world, either by john has taken control of for villages close to the border with armenia as part of an agreement between your divine and barcode. last month or media said that it would return uninhabited villages to either by john. both sides see it as a step towards peace between the 2 countries. at least 4 people were killed when the roof of a restaurant collapsed on the spanish island of maia worker on thursday. with a dozen others were injured. rescuers were still searching the rubble for survivors . according to the police to german nationals were among those 2.
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as indians, mass of national elections draw it to closing the coming days, the campaigns could well turn out to be the biggest experiment in the use of artificial intelligence that we've ever seen. hundreds of millions of voters will have seen deep fate videos peddling this information or enhanced versions of some of the candidates. the board economic forms, global risk report this year rate india most at risk from this. and this information did the use audio, but the reports during the agenda alone is a free domain in the northwest, who in state of rod, just on the election season, has been keeping busy today. she's filming the local congress, bought the new leader. doing the job doing is not just a snappy campaign. we do mika. he's a deep fake, and he's going to don't just look
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a politician into role gundy. the congress bought these most prominent face, the best we speech about locally shoes was come from the bought these national secret head. so this is the 1st time then just seen the lots katie, dissemination of the fix and a and, and, and then we can talk about politics. what it is, dental is, i hate all these things. they want to integrate these technologies because when it begins, we talk to a lot of people who they can do personal. i'll finish to all the voters. begin, begins put in the message in different languages. what john don't, and i'll do is like him, are doing, is changing political campaigns in the was largest democracy. he sees he sees nothing wrong with the video, helps a politician. but he does the danger of this technology if he was in a bad very can very destructive vocabulary. and those definitely split pollutions
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on the use of the i n b, 6000000000. photos are being bombarded with the face of all kinds more than 50000000 e i generated audio cause was made in the 2 months before voting started in april. some defeats and more of this be problematic than others. for good dominic, this is union home minister. i'm each saying the government will stop coming to action for low glosses, the re elected. i'm somebody, it was a shock. off the top $517.00 was send it or it can be do was a dc and has left the criminal investigation and several arrest a fleet dugger was who heads the b g. b, social media team believes all portion parties quite attacking the union. a whole minister, they were trying to align will the government and the put it to go back to the
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beach it. so this is definitely a matter of consent. a deep faith. we deal with his face and his was it's, it's spread small foster than, than any other local headache part of the decision on the keys, nor the fake, but still see this information released by the bgp. the media claim, the opposition congress, spotty, was promising to be all about muslims. should the boy like up to multiple complaints, the election commission intervene and the retail was sticking down the digital palm and foundation to local and you that has been promoting digital looked receipts and fighting fake news for more than 20 years. in that time, the team has to be more than 30000000 indians, mostly targeting people in 4 areas. the training sessions show people
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how to verify information across the district platforms while doing the things we realize other things like collections other times when there's a solution that's been happening in the country, they are victims of a notification. it was in this information, this information that they can do without understanding if that's the correct information on the problem. you're back in the studio. shadoan continues happy, making fake, reduce those kind of politicians on site was favorite president donald. but even he, what are the most of the growing demand for the fees that's keeping them so busy could become a danger garlic door integrity. let me remind you which you're watching. dw news of next dw, as documentary series looks at how birds are adapting or not to our changing world . i'm for in golf, i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i have to see that the
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type of data. so much for the 1st 4 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flight. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june 1st on dw, the.