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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live it from berlin. a lance line to the middle of the night in scores are feared dead in pop on your gaming. dozens of homes and remote villages were flattened, entire families buried extent. the damage became clear with daybreak. and the desktop is climbing also coming up the crating and soldiers converting farm and drones, and to killer drones to help defend off the russian advance are corresponded. here's how in proposition has become a vital part of the war. and the white house rose out the red carpet for the president of kenya, and announced as an upgrade in diplomatic relations. the
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i break off is good to have you with this more than 100 people are feared dead in a massive land slide in pop on you getting it struck around 600 kilometers north of the capital port morris b at 3 am. local time authorities say that 6 remote villages were hit by the land slide and that emergency response teams are assessing the damage orders. these agency has published this footage filled by a community leader in the province of anger. as you can see, this is a disruption, little grocery that took place last night at 3 o'clock am in the morning everyone with us to sleep. not knowing that any people took place and they were focused, leaving all of a sudden the natural conditions we took place in the the place was covered by ropes
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. as you can see, down more than 300 lights have been covered for guidance. the people, the properties would move the 1000000 skinners have been most covered by all these things here. so you can see these 11 slide that took place last night at 3 o'clock . as you can see, it started right down to the mountains, and these are the voice mail and voice here. right now they're watching what is going on on the ground right now. i'm right on that. i'm on the ground right now talking to level c. and from the information that i acquired from the people on the ground, they've just said that that more than 300 lives of confirm covered by the deputies and roku. right. nice. you can see right there the back people not cries and the only, and the people are very mounting for the nation that i've been most of the people sending right now i'm spending on the lives of sitting right on the, on the on the places where is it into place, and this is a let down further down to read that live revise. and this you can see right,
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the people are coming was back. so calculus from 1000 to progress right now as we're speaking the program. i any steger, it's a suspense steel right now. and therefore these, the video that i'm taking, this is a, is a natural good us will be that up. and for the 1st time in the history of our programs and, and the from the information to that quite from the people on the ground. it just said that this is something that has never happened before. it is a fest of its kind, a beloved drawing now by david peddler. he's the geographer and earth sciences at the university of hole in the u. k. just apparently it's good to have you with this . um, what is your assessment of the situation there after this landslide based on the information you for? well, good afternoon, you. so this is a, a very big detachment from the side of the mountain. a massive, probably more than a 1000000 tons has broken away and turns into literally an avalon chill rolled. these are incredibly disruptive events,
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so sweeping everything out that way. i'm burying and destroying villages and i'm psalms. this is a relatively rare event, but a particularly serious case. what do we know about what caused this disaster as well then you're going to use is a very long slide. proton family, possibly because itself has frequent significant tests quite something positive because it has right intense rankel and puffy of a tropical climate. so downsize on till usually in this part of the world. this is the 11th faithful down slide and puffing your guinea in 2024. at the moment, it's not really clear what that particular trigger of this event was. an unimed thoughtful, these very big real capital anxious. sometimes there is no trick or event to is it just literally the mountain side breaking down and then collapsing? yeah. is that what you would say we're seeing here because this is what the 2nd massive landslide to hit popping you're getting within the past 3 months. yeah,
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some of that that, that's been a whole series of, of events this year. i mean both mold on size than we normally say, and at this time of year in, in, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. i know most of those have been associated with very heavy rain, full and puffy beginning has been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events. and those big ways to events are probably uh, driven by climate change. i mean, since they will wrap the sphere contains with moisture, therefore we've seen this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. is there any way, mr. presently, that these things slides can be predicted? i mean, is there any way to forecast that a disaster is going to occur this to a certain degree? yes. i mean, you know, in impulse of the wealth we, uh, we know that we can map, uh, the, the areas that are most affected by these land sites and on the 1st floor to move
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people out of the way. and of course you don't have, it isn't being done and helping to get a um, if, if you know a particular slope is dangerous, that we can put instruments on to a, to monitor it and, and run a, i know the warning system. but really, the, you know, the 1st estimate must be to, to take that my thing. and then the other element with is, is a cost. this is a population that's very vulnerable because because they don't affluence, they have relatively pull. so national services, you know, medical and such like um, so when these disasters happen it's very difficult to get assistance on medical aids to people and that increases the losses. david bentley, the diversity of holding the u. k. mr. butler, we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. which is the battlefield in the ukraine now, where keeps troops are finally to contain recent rushing advances and to prevent more territorial losses short on air defenses and waiting for more western military support. ukraine is turned into improvise weapons for the front line using it.
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connelly met soldiers using agricultural drones to make up for missing fire power process. and i must say that you have to get the feel for it to flying. this thing is like leading account rice too. much it's heavy, but you have to be able to predict where it's going to go. just there's one direction, but the inertia means it's still going the other way for a while and that's it. this drone was built to spray crops. it's noisy, slow and impossible to miss in daylight here on the front lines. it flies at night . power, sing russian positions. the 1st and soldiers have their own name for it, but you're guy of the flying, which of slavic folk tales? well, it looks okay with sweet slide pretty low and can go up to 20 kilometers. our job is to contain the ultimate, make sure the infantry doesn't get anywhere near in century the court,
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the doing last rate, the court, the that's a sound. these men says allows them to relax its outgoing ukraine, you know, to the re fi, delayed west and supplies meant the most of the fire out here in recent months is being incoming. these drones. what will the ukrainian side had? discouraged is where the units engineer tries to keep one step ahead versus jamming efforts. no, i have to run this up. what i'm upset, so our biggest worry is staying connected to the drones. so yeah, there's all kinds of china commercial and the side of the government gives us these drones and they just use one frequency for everything. video until the metrics and also mess with the the, uh, the sales that doesn't know interesting to you. they've given us a civilian product. what does it just doesn't work under real life conditions? the throwing them i is about the conflict that saving documented dia, i'm for you with me. here with an issue to the front lines,
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the units engineer as intent as an extra equipment paid for by crowd funding units this carlos have long since evacuated, leaving the tools behind the 1st quarter of which business the month. this is the tool kit that's come with me since i was called up. know to control you one little home. i don't touch the owners stuff. i think i've borrowed the grinder in here a few times, but we need things tidy when we leave a place. i'm on the counselor always fast or when we leave the place, he really care what us tires on it for the novel half the moment. there's no talk of having to leave this carriage or even to pull back here for all the vs. recent advances needed and yet the sections, the front lines seem relatively stable. thanks and pop, these drugs to pay a deep underground is where all the information comes together. dispatch is help the drone products out in the field to plan their roots. some things it's constantly getting hotter, whatever more drones in the air, watching each other. i know some of the national just the other day we were
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watching the stream and saw a county kazi drone chasing another time. it has the drone. all of a sudden, a said drone, turns up to attack the drone hunting, the 1st drone. all i could think of was the sound track from terminate to, to, for sometimes it feels like the war of the machines here. but i think any stairs similar, you know, missing, but it's not just the technology that's changing. somebody columbus to close this out. i'm going to see it simpler when we 1st came across the russian army, they didn't have a clue about war. they were really full of themselves and up to it. they would always use the same tactics, which we knew from a to that it was easy to catch them out with a bit of creativity. sounds land, but as time passes them more and more mobilized civilians among their ranks. and they bring their own ideas to the russian army where you increase in bay as i'm getting older to know. do i need these russian conscript spring during ideas? they're also successfully coping ukrainian ones. they're doing it at a scale that ukraine struggling to match. the white house has thrown one of its
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biggest ever state dinners to honor can. yes, president william rochelle window is on an official state visit to the united states. u. s. president biden is working to further us interested in the country and to counter growing russian and chinese rich. and can the 1st african leader on the state visit to washington in 16 years. william roots as cheap as a sign of the growing importance of the continental comb to more than a 1000000000 people came here, has long been one of the united states, most important allies in africa and its status is about to get even higher. good afternoon, everyone. please have a seat. i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate kenya, a major non nato ally. that's a for from of years collaboration. photos visit is being closely watched back home
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in a region he, by political term. i like the us and it can, you may be divided by distance, but their leaders say they're united by their values. my business takes place. i don't time when democracy seems to be retreating. what, why they put it a thing due to what redeemed indifferent to democratic button is that deep concern to us. and i believe it is the time that you're working with king deployed capabilities and really like minded democratic countries to set up the cost for democracy. a democracy has been on the decline in africa in the past year military. coups wars and mart elections brought to power petitions looking for closer ties with russia. in china. the us wants to advance its interest and countries like 10. yeah. but to do so with 1st needs to decrease effort because financial dependence on b g. so today we're lawrence. you want,
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we're calling and i robi washington vision. this in this initiative is going to bring together in the national financial institutions and nations. more around the world to mobilize more resources for countries saddle with that to open more opportunities to the private sector financing mode, transfer, sustainable and affordable lending practice. se basis just one of the deals can use president will be taking home pop to meeting the top brass in washington. and as such as the us says, it's offering a democratic alternative with that to relations with russia in china. his visit may present a chance to turn the tide on the continent distinguish, guess please. here's a look at that with some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. china says that it is testing its ability to seize power overtime. one is the 2nd day of large scale war games around the self governing island. joining says it is both punishing. ty wants new president and training to attack unoccupied. c
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areas of what it considers to be its own territory. type pay has put its land enable units on alert. hundreds of students from pakistan and some other asian countries are leaving target stay on after an angry mob attacked their dorms to this month. according to some students, the attackers beat up and assaulted. several students, including women, medical schools in kyrgyzstan are popular among aspiring doctors, due to affordable fees and living expenses. or, either by john has taken control of for villages close to the border with armenia. it's part of an agreement between jet yvonne and barcode. last month armenia said that it would return uninhabited villages to eyes or by john. both sides see it as a step towards peace between the 2 countries. you're watching dw nears up next to the used car show red, but looks at how the chinese car maker
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b y d once ridiculed by 11 musk surpassed tesla and electric car sales. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news hope to see you then the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen, the whole lot of crime would probably be secure. subscribed to this channel. subscribe to plan. it's a b y, d, the world's largest e v manufacturer. how did they get that.


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