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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the dw do's live in from berlin. the international court of justice orders is real to stop it's military offensive in rasa. immediately. the top you in court says the humanitarian situation involved that has worked in drastically in recent weeks. and that israel must open the city's border crossing for a deliveries. it is unlikely that israel will comply and also coming up a massive landslide, kill scores of people. in the beginning, dozens of homes were flattened in the middle of the night, burying entire families and ukrainian soldiers converting form drones into killer drones to help send off the rush in advance. our correspondent on
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a work turning plough shares into sold the break off. it's good to have you with us on this friday and we begin with the growing pressure on israel. the international court of justice in the hey, has just ordered is real to immediately stop. it's military offensive in the southern golf, the city of ruffled the top united nations court called the humanitarian situation, their disastrous and order. it is real to allow unhindered access to aid the quote . israel has repeatedly said that it has the right to defend itself from home us militants, and it is unlikely to comply with this room. but the court also ordered israel to report its progress in applying the measures within one models that the ruling was in response to a self african re crest at the court. now the court of course,
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has no way to enforce its decision, but the case adds further international pressure on the is really government. the quote of the that the concern that it's expressed in decision communicate with the boxes. on february 16, 2024, with respect to the development that i've ever met. the realize and that there's many 30 and situation is now because they've got if that eyes as justice. i'm joined now by michael becker. he's the assistant professor of international human rights law at trinity college in dublin. he's also a former legal advisor at the international court of justice. it's good to have you with this mr. becker. let me just ask you, is this an outright victory for south africa that brought this case to the court? but certainly the case of south africa receive just about everything that are requested from the court this time, right?
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we know that south africa has gone to the ice each a multiple times seeking provisional measures, this kind of urgent in term relief, and has asked each time for the court to order israel to suspend the military operations. up until this point, the court declines to take that step to go that far. and so the fact that the court has now intervened in this way, ordering israel to suspend the military operations in the least in the rough uh, part of gaza is a, is a pretty uh, extraordinary development for south africa. and its also a pretty extraordinary, i would add that the court has ordered israel to allow unimpeded access to un back find the bodies or commissions of inquiry. this is also something that parties in multiple cases have requested before. and the court has always been very reluctant to order, so that also suggests an extremely high degree of concern on the part of the court . how much then of a defeat is this for is real,
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as well as certainly as the list of of defeats the i think is real as experienced in this case along the way. israel all along has urged the court not to take the step, making the argument that this would leave israel, unable to defend itself when it's involved in an ongoing conflict. but this really means that the court has found that there is simply no other way at this point to preserve the rights at issue, in this case, the rights of the posting in collision and gaza not to be subject to acts that might meet the legal definition of genocide, i do think that the court of the order just came out haven't had a chance to completely come through in detail. but as far as i can tell, the court didn't say anything about what this leaves israel with the ability to do . but i think it can't really be construed to me and that is real, is no longer allowed to defend itself. israel suffers future attacks. mm hm. so
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it's from us, for example, we're to abuse what the court has ordered here by using rafa as a staging area. to launch rock and attacks israel, the courts on the part of the court order isn't going to stop israel. i don't think it's intended to stop israel in that particular circumstance. so really, one would hope that this also incentivizes a mouse to enter into what is really a defacto ceasefire, where it's interesting that you see that, you know, as well as i do, that is real, has already declared that it will not comply with any orders to stop its military operation. so at the end of the day, what difference will this judgment make? well, that's true and i haven't seen the immediate is really response yet to this decision, but we can probably expect a message of, of defiance. but in terms of what the court is today and you're right, i don't, i don't know that this is going to have any kind of immediate impact on how is real . it is carrying out the offensive and rasa. it might be wishful thinking,
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but perhaps behind the scenes, this does create a kind of offer, have more elements or constituencies within the is really government to are urging for a change of course. but i don't think we'll see anything along those lines in terms of the public narrative coming from israel. yeah, we're still waiting for additional reactions from is real. let's talk about south africa for a moment. south africa's request for a ceasefire. it was just one part of a broader lawsuit filed late last year, accusing is real of committing genocide in gaza. what does today's ruling, what does it mean for it for this over arching case? right, so this kind of set of provisional matters requests and this is the 4th time that south africa has returned to the court since filing that case at the end of december last year. all of the decisions and determinations that the court makes along the way. and responding to these requests for inter, i'm relief,
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these are without prejudice to the case on the merits. and so it will still, you know, it's going to be years away after the court of the case has been fully briefed and fully argued that the court will have to decide that underlying question has the israel violated the genesis side convention has a breach its obligations under that treaty, those questions remain unresolved, and it wasn't for the court today to make any kind of determinations about whether, what has happened in the past constitutes genocide or necessarily even what's happening right now. whether that constitutes genocide, this is all about a risk. this is about a forward looking risk, and so south africa has been able to persuade the court that there is a serious, urgent risk. that unless the court intervenes something that might constitute genocide could actually take place. and that's what the court has relied upon in seeing that it's legally justified to issue these measures. mr. baker,
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what does this ruling mean for countries that support is real? and of course i'm thinking of the united states here. um, for example, with, with weapons and other military aids, or are they on slippery, a slippery slope right now. i think that was already the case since the court's order in, in, in march. and this really does put the, the, by an administration in, in a difficult position, divide into administration and already suggested that if israel were to proceed with the military offensive, and rafa that this would be kind of a red line for the us. and we did see that at least starting some limited shipments of weapons were, are withheld. but the us seems to be taking kind of a very political position and whether what's happening in rafa constitutes that major military operation that they objected to. i think the court's order today that and puts further pressure on the bonnet administration to say enough is enough
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. now is the time for israel to step back and find a different way to manage this conflict. michael, bigger assistant professor of international human rights law. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and helping us analyze the story. this breaking story here the, the court ordering is real to stop it's military campaign in rafa. thank you. thank you. what to pop on new guinea now where more than 100 people are feared dead and a massive lance lie. it struck around 600 kilometers north of the capital port, morris b, and about 3 am local time authorities say 6 remote villages were hit by the land slide to the emergency response teams were still assessing the damage. reuters news agency has published this footage failed by a community leader in the province of anger. as you can see, this is
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a disruption little grocery that took place last night at 3 o'clock. am in the morning everyone was supposed to sleep. not knowing did anything to place and they were furthest leaving. all of a sudden the natural condition we took place in the place was covered by ropes. as you can see, down more than 300 lights have been covered. food guidance, the people the appropriate is, would move the 1000000 skinners have been most covered by all these things. yes, you can see these 11 slide that took place last night at 3 o'clock. as you can see, it started right down to the mountains, and these are the voice mail and voice here. right now they're watching what is going on on the ground right now. i'm right on that. i'm on the run right now talking to level c. and from the information that i acquired from the people on the ground, they've just said that that more than 200 lives of confirm covered by the deputies and roku. right? nice. you can see right at the back, people of christ and the owning,
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and the people are very mounting for the nation that i've been most of the people sending right now i'm spending on the lives of sitting right on the, on the, on the places where it is it into place and this is a let down further down to read that live revise. and this you can see right, the people are coming was back so colorless from one to again, to progress right now as we're speaking the program. i any steger, it's a suspense steel right now. and therefore these, the video that i'm taking, this is a, is a natural good us will be that up. and for the 1st time in the history of our programs and, and the from the information to that quite from the people on the ground. it just said that this is something that has never happened before. that is a 1st of its kind to you, that's the 1st video they're coming out of hoping to get any earlier we spoke to david petty, he's a geographer and or the scientist at the university of hall in the u. k. u. so this is a, a very big detachment from the side of the mountain, a massive,
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probably more than a 1000000 tons has broken away and turned into literally an hour long chill rolled . these are incredibly disruptive events. so sweeping everything out that way. i'm burying and destroying villages and i'm psalms. this is a relatively rare event, but a particularly serious case. what do we know about what caused this disaster? well they happen to get is, is a very last by problem. country may possibly because it suffers frequent, significant to us quite some policy because it has very intense rankel and pop to a tropical climate. so it, i'm sorry, so until usual, and in this part of the world, this is the 11th faithfuls on slide and puffing your guinea in 2024. at the moment . it's not pretty clear what's the particular trigger. this event was an unimed thoughtful. these very big, real capital anxious. sometimes there is no trigger event is just literally the mountain side. um uh, breaking down and then collapsing. yeah. is that what you would say we're seeing
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here because this is what the, the 2nd massive landslide, the hip hop. and you're getting within the past 3 months or yeah, somebody does that. that's been a whole series of, of events this. yeah. i mean more mold on size than we normally say. and at this time did. yeah. in been, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. and now most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puffing again. and you've been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events on those big raised events. so probably driven by climate change, i mean essentially will grab this via contains with moisture. that's what we've seen this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular line started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. is there any way mr. presently, that these same flights can be predicted? i mean, is there any way to forecast that a disaster is going to occur? it's, it's to a $73.00. yes. i mean, you know, in impulse of the, well, we, uh,
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we know that we can map, uh the, the areas that are most affected by these land sites and on the 1st floor to move people out of the way. i know push it out, has it isn't being done and how can you get a um, if, if you know a particular slope is dangerous, that we can put instruments on to a, to monitor it and, and run a know the warning system. but really, the, you know, the 1st estimate must be to, to take that my thing and then be able to have them. and it is, is a cost. this is a population that's very vulnerable because because they don't affluence, they have relatively pull. so national services, you know, medical and such like um, so when these disasters happen it's very difficult to get assistance on medical aids to people and that increases the losses. david bentley, the university of holding the u. k. mr. bradley, we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you to which is a battlefield in ukraine, where it keeps troops are fighting to contain recent russian advances and to
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prevent more territorial losses short on air defenses of waiting for more western military support. ukraine is turning to improvised weapons for the front line. the ws. nit connelly met soldiers using agricultural drones to make up for missing fireball process. and i must say that you have to get the feel for it to flying. this thing is like leading a cow rice too much, it's heavy, but you have to be able to predict where it's going to go. just stared one direction, but the inertia means it's still going the other way for a while and that's it. this drone was built to spray crops. it's noisy, slow and impossible to miss in daylight. but here on the front lines, it flies at night. however, seeing russian positions worse than soldiers have their own name for it. but here go of the flying, which of slavic folk tales. well, let us okay, unless we slide pretty low and can go up to 20 kilometers. our job is to contain
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the ultimate, make sure the infantry doesn't get anywhere near in century to what the doing last, right? because that's a sound. these men says allows them to relax. it's outgoing ukraine, you know, to the re fi, delayed weston supplies have meant that most of the fire out here in recent months is being incoming. these drones? well, the ukraine inside had discouraged, is where the units engineer tries to keep one step ahead of russia's jamming efforts. no, i have to run this up. what i'm upset, so our biggest worry is staying connected to the drones. so yeah, there's all kinds of china commercial and the side of the government gives us these drones and they just use one frequency for everything to video until the metrics and also mess with the the uh to him with the you don't know shows it doesn't know interesting to you, they've given us a civilian product. what does it just doesn't work under real life conditions? i'm gonna throw them. i is both on
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a conflict that saving documented dia and i believe we're moving from here within a show to the front lines. the units engineer as intent as an extra equipment paid for by crowd funding units this carlos, however long since evacuated, beating the tools behind the corner of which business, the one. this is the tool kit that's come with me since i was called up. no, to control your one. i don't. i don't touch the owner's stuff. i think i've borrowed the grinder in here a few times, but we leave things tidy when we leave a place i am on. the cats are always fatter when we leave a place, a boy care widow spy, some input out of the novel, huff at the moment. there's no joke of having to leave this carriage or even to go back here for all the vs. recent advances need on yet the section the front lines seem relatively stable. thanks and pop. these drugs will pay a deep underground is where all the information comes together. dispatch has helped the drone pilots out in the field to plan their roots. some things, it's constantly getting hotter. we'd have
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a more drones in the air watching each other. or hey, elizabeth national, just the other day we were watching the stream and saw a county kazi drone chasing another time because the draw and all of a sudden a said drone turns up to attack the drone hunting. the 1st drone. all i could think of was the sound track from terminate to, to sometimes it feels like the war of the machines here. i think any stairs similar . you know, i'm assuming, but it's not just the technology that's changing columbus to close this out. i'm going to see it simpler when we 1st came across the russian army, they didn't have a clue about war. they were really full of themselves and up to it. they would always use the same tactics, which we knew from a to that. it was easy to catch them out with a bit of creativity that says lan, but as time passes them more and more mobilized civilians among their ranks. and they bring their own ideas to the russian army. so where you at the same day as i'm getting older to know, do i need these russian conscript spring? there are no ideas through successfully coping ukrainian ones doing it at
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a scale that ukraine struggling to match. well, as india is, ma'am, as a national elections drawn to a close in the coming days, the campaigns could will turn out to be the biggest experiment in the use of artificial intelligence that we've ever seen. hundreds of millions of voters will have seen deep fake videos peddling this information or enhanced versions of some candidates toward economic forms. global risk report this year ranked india most at risk from this and mis information. the w's auto body reports don't. is a big deal maker in the northwest, who in state of rod, just on the election season, has been keeping him busy today. he's filming the local congress, bought the new leader. given the job don't is not just a snappy campaign. we do mika. he's a deep faith and he's going to don't just look
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a politician into role guntee of the congress spock these most prominent fees that we speech about locally shoes will come from the bought these national secret head. so this is the 1st time been guessing the lots dealer determination of the fix and a and, and then we can talk about politics. what it is that all of these. i hate all these things. they want to integrate these technologies because when it begins, we talk to a lot of people who they can do or some other outpatient to all the voters begin, begins put in the message in different languages. one job don't know, do is like you, my doing is changing political campaigns in the was largest democracy. she sees, she sees nothing wrong, really video helps a politician. but she does the danger of this technology. if you're in a bad way, it can be really destructive. we have to have those that would be split
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calculations on the use of the i n b 6 pinion. voters are being bombarded with the facts of all kinds more than 50, medium or generated audio calls was made in the 2 months before voting started in april some deep peaks and more of this, the problematic than others. for good dominic, this is union home minister. i'm each saying the government will stop the company to action for low glosses, the re elected. i'm some of it was a shock off the top $550.00. so that was said it can be deal wasn't dc and has let the criminal investigation and several arrest a fleet dugger was who heads the b g. b, social media team blames opposition. parties quite attacking the union hold minister. they were trying to align, will the government and the put it to go back to the beach it. so this is
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definitely a matter of consent. a deep faith. we deal with his face and his was it's, it's spread small foster than, than any other local headache part of the decision on the keys, nor the fake, but still see this information released by the bgp. the media claim, the opposition congress, spotty, was promising to be all about muslims. should they ran the boy up to multiple complaints. the election commission intervene and the retail was sticking down. the digital empowerment foundation to local and you that has been promoting digital looked receipts and fighting fake news for more than 20 years. in that time, the team has to be more than 30000000 indians, mostly targeting people in for a v. as the training sessions show people how to verify information across the
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district platforms while doing the things we realize that the items like elections are there times when there's a solution that's been happening in the country. they are victims of a notification. it was in this information, this information that they can do without understanding if that's the correct information on the drum. you're back in the studio. shadoan continues, happy, making fake, reduce those kind of politicians. hello, over here on site was favorite president donald, but even he what are the most of the growing demand for the fees that's keeping them so busy could become a danger garlic door. we've taken the, let me remind you, it's not real to brazil now where people in the southern part of the country are still reeling from floods that have effected the region in recent weeks. at least a $150.00 people have been killed within a 100 are still missing in the state of rio grande themselves and its capital porter, allegra the waters are slowly starting to receive,
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but the damage will cost billions to repair 0 is also addressing how best to avoid such catastrophes in the future and what cabin a didn't don't have to wait. and this may have been one of the most memorable images to be captured as parts of southern brazil hit by devastating floods earlier this month. bills past the host was eventually rescued as well for new phone. but several weeks after the start of the floods is set up for the crisis across the state of rio grande, you to so the capital post the negative is fall from over the way it's not about losing things. it's about the feeling of fighting and fighting both sides and ending up with nothing. you can win things back, but the hard part is that you fight to win it all back and then immediately to lose it again. you know, for me to know of when i move and 600000 people were displaced by the flooding.
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many have no idea when or even if they will ever be able to return to their homes. the extreme range affected $460.00 out of $9500.00 municipalities in the state, leaving a pass of destruction. the full scale of which official se will take months to reveal many have lost everything. to combat such catastrophes in future presented environment minister said a new approach was needed. i just don't kill jesus fitness. and i think from this is that we don't have to mitigate. we have to adapt because climate change is already here. resilient infrastructure. creating cities that are resilient, having plans to manage the risk, and not just the disaster. well up then is disaster disappears to be too late for
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the airport impulse allegra, which authorities say will remain closed indefinitely. but some scientist to also suggesting another solution, one that could involve the relocation of large numbers of resilience to say for areas. especially given the likelihood that maze disaster will happen again. and finally, people in belgium are flocking to see one of the world's biggest smelly flowers as it blooms. it's not smell of vision, but this is as close as we can get tobar 2 meters tall. the rare types in our room is known as the corpse flower. due to the stench of rotting flesh it produces, a smell helps attract insects back in its indonesian rain forest on anyone hoping to get a width themselves will need to be quick, though the flower will only be in bloom for a few days and it may be years before it blooms again,
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we hope you're watching the w news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news hope to see you then the
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. ready eco, india v as bridges are a lie. ready main colonies of living roof bridges in north eastern india are over from intact train. we're using a traditional technique uniting nature and craftsmanship in perfect harmony. eco india. next on d w. how do we want to die? equally important? how do not want to die?
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there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction. in 45 minutes on d, w, the ones for robots back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk sucks in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to get it right before we start. environmental activists of
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skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to talk commentary. the greed does june 7th on d, w the, to the buildings and construction sectors. is this possible for a staggering 37 percent of globally greenhouse gas emissions? how do i come, i'm sorry, got the body and you're watching equal into the construction sector. identity waste causes app and you should and also contaminates what though it's the only homes are in my mind, but that are ways to make the sex style more sustainable. so let's look at some ideas to build green. india as mountain stadium also for this has some of the countries most scenic use.