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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw, use live and from berlin. the international court of justice orders is realtors, stop, it's rasa. assault is a must immediately hold. it's mean it's open. and any other action in did i, 5 governor of the union stop court describing the situation in gaza as disaster is also coming up. a massive landslide kill scores of people in pop under guinea. dozens of homes are flattened in the middle of the night, burying entire families. the
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i bring golf is good to have you with this, we begin with the growing pressure on israel. the international court of justice in the hey, has just ordered is real. to immediately stop it's military offensive. in the southern garza city of ruffled the top united nations chord called the humanitarian situation, their disastrous and ordered is real to allow unhindered access of a is real, has repeatedly said that it has the right to defend itself from homos militants and is unlikely to comply with the ruling, the court also ordered israel to report its progress in applying the measures within one month. the ruling was in response to a south african request genuine, and the court has no way to enforce its decision, but the case adds further, international pressure on the is really government. here's what the judge had to say to the court. consider that in conformity with the obligations under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any
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other action instead of a governor which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in whole or info. michael becker is assistant professor of international human rights of all at trinity college in dublin is a former legal advisor at the international court of justice. and we asked him if this was an outright victory for south africa today. but certainly the case of south africa received to just about everything that are requested from the court this time, right. we know that south africa has gone to the ice each a multiple times seeking provisional measures, this kind of urgent in term relief, and has asked each time for the court to order israel to suspend the military operations. up until this point, the court declines to take that step to go that far. and so the fact that the court has now intervened in this way,
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ordering israel to suspend the military operations in the least in the rough a part of gaza, is a pretty extraordinary development for south africa. and it's also pretty extraordinary. i would add that the court has ordered israel to allow an impeded access to un stock funding bodies or commissions of inquiry. this is also something that parties in multiple cases have requested before. and the court has always been very reluctant to order. so that also suggests an extremely high degree of concern on the part of the court. how much then of a defeat is this for is real as well. it certainly has the list of, of defeats that i think is realize, experienced in this case, along the way, israel all along has urged the court not to take the step, making the argument that this would leave israel unable to defend itself when it's involved in an ongoing conflict,
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but this really means that the court has found that there is simply no other way at this point to preserve the rights at issue, in this case, the rights of the post and i, pollution and gaza not to be subject to acts that might meet the legal definition of genocide, i do think that the court of the, the order just came out, haven't had a chance to completely come through in detail. but as far as i can tell, the court didn't say anything about what this leaves israel with the ability to do . but i think it can't really be construed to mean that is real, is no longer allowed to defend itself. israel suffers future attacks. mm hm. so it's from us, for example, we're to abuse what the court has ordered here by using rafa as a staging area to launch rock and attacks at israel. this cordial is a part of the court's order isn't going to stop israel. i don't think it's intended to stop israel in that particular circumstance. so really, one would hope that this also incentivizes a mouse to enter into what is really
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a defacto ceasefire, where it's interesting that you see that, you know, as well as i do, that is real, has already declared that it will not comply with any orders to stop its military operation. so at the end of the day, what difference will this judgment make as well? that's true and i haven't seen the immediate is really response yet to this decision. but we can probably expect a message of, of defiance. but in terms of what the court is that today and, and you're right, i don't, i don't know that this is going to have any kind of immediate impact on how is result is carried out the offensive and rasa. it might be wishful thinking, but perhaps behind the scenes this does create a kind of offer out more elements or constituencies within the is really government who are urging for a change of course. but i don't think we'll see anything along those lines in terms of the public narrative coming from israel. yeah,
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we're still waiting for additional reactions from israel. let's talk about south africa for a moment. south africa's request for a ceasefire. it was just one part of a broader lawsuit, filed late last year, accusing is real of committing genocide in gossip. what does today's ruling, what does it mean for it, for this overarching case? right, so this kind of set of provisional measures, requests, and this is the 4th time that south africa has returned to the court since filing that case at the end of december last year. all of the decisions and determinations that the court makes along the way. and responding to these requests for inter, i'm relief, these are without prejudice to the case on the merits. and so it will still, you know, it's going to be years away after the court or the case has been fully briefed and fully argued that the court will have to decide that underlying question has the israel violated the genocide convention? has
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a breach of obligations under that tree. those questions remain unresolved. and it wasn't for the court today to make any kind of determinations about whether, what has happened in the past constitutes genocide or necessarily even what's happening right now. whether that constitutes genocide, this is all about a risk. this is about a forward looking risk. and so south africa has been able to persuade the court that there is a serious, urgent risk. that unless the court intervenes something that might constitute genocide, could actually take place. and that's what the court has relied upon in seeing that it's legally justified to issue these measures. mr. baker, what does this ruling mean for countries that support is real? and of course i'm thinking of the united states here. um for example, with, with weapons and other military aids, or are they on slippery, a slippery slope right now. i think that was already the case. since the cords
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order in, in, in march. and this really does put the, the, by an administration in a difficult position divided administration and already suggested that if israel were to proceed with the military offensive, and rafa that this would be kind of a red line for the us. and we did see that at least start in some limited shipments of weapons or, or withheld. but the us seems to be taking kind of a very political position on whether what's happening in ralph constitutes that major military operation that they objected to. i think the court's order today that and puts further pressure on the bottom administration to say enough is enough . now is the time for israel to step back and find a different way to manage this conflict. michael, bigger assistant professor of international human rights law. we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and helping us analyze the story. this breaking story here the,
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the court ordering is real to stop it's military campaign in rafa. thank you. thank you. or to pop on new guinea. now we're more than $100.00 people or if you're dead and a mass of land slide, it struck around 600 kilometers north of the capital port. moresby, at about 3 am. local time authorities say 6 remote villages were hit by the lands wide and that the emergency response teams were assessing the damage. waiters, news agency has published this footage filled by a community leader in the province of anger. as you can see, this is a disruption. little grocery that took place last night at 3 o'clock am in the morning everyone was supposed to sleep. not knowing did anything to place and they were furthest leaving. all of a sudden the natural condition we took place in the place was covered by ropes. as you can see down more than 300 lights have been covered. food guidance,
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the people the appropriate is would move the median skinners have been most covered by all these things. yes, you can see these 11 slide that took place last night at 3 o'clock. as you can see, it started right down to the mountains, and these are the voice mail and voice here. right now they're watching what is going on on the ground right now. i'm right on the, i'm on the ground right now talking to level see, and from the information that i acquired from the people on the ground, they've just said that that more than 200 lives of confirm covered by the deputies and roku. right? nice. you can see right at the back, people not cries and the only, and the people are very mounting for the nation that i've been most of the people sending right now i'm spending on the lives of sitting right on on the, on the players waiting to get into place and dismiss that down further down to where that live revise and this you can see right, the people are coming with back. so calculus from one to again, to program right now as we're speaking the program i any steger, it's
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a suspense steel right now. and therefore these, the video that i'm taking, this is a, is a natural good us will be that up. and for the 1st time in the history of our programs and then the from the information to the platform, the people on the ground, they've just said that this is something that has never happened before. that is a fest of its kind all earlier we spoke to david pennsylvania. he's a geographer and earth sciences at the university of hall in the u. k. a. be. so this is a, a very big detachment from the side of the mountain of a mass of probably more than a 1000000 tons has broken away and turns into literally an hour long chill rogue. these are incredibly destructive events. so sweeping everything out that way, and varying and destroying villages and psalms. this is a relatively rare event, but a particularly serious case. what do we know about what caused this disaster? well i happen to get is, is a very long slide proton family,
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possibly because it suffers frequent, significant to us quite some policy because it has very intense rankel and puffy of a tropical climate. so it, i'm sorry, so until usual, and in this part of the world, this is the 11th faith was on slide and puffing your guinea in 2024. at the moment . it's not pretty clear what the particular trigger this event was. an unimed thoughtful, these very big, real capital anxious. sometimes there is no trigger event is just literally the mountain side. um uh, breaking down and then collapsing. yeah. is that what you would say we're seeing here because this is what the, the 2nd massive lance. why that to hit popping, you're getting within the past 3 months. yeah. some of that that, that's been a whole series of, of events this year. i mean, most mold on size than we normally say. and at this time did yeah. in, in be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. i know most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puffing beginning. you've been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events. and those big greystone events have
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probably driven by climate change. maybe it's centrally will wrap the sphere contains with moisture and therefore we've seen this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. is there any way, mr. presently, that these insights can be predicted? i mean, is there any way to forecast that a disaster is going to occur a just to a certain degree? yes. i mean, you know, in impulse of the wealth we, uh, we know that we can map, uh, the, the areas that are most affected by these land sites and on the 1st floor to move people out of the way. and of course you don't have, it isn't being done and how can you get a, um, if, if you know a particular slope is dangerous, that we can put instruments on to a, to monitor it and, and run a no the warning system. but really, the, you know, the 1st estimate must be to, to take that my thing and then be able to have them. and it is, is a cost. this is
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a population that's very vulnerable because because they don't affluence, they have relatively pull. so national services, you know, medical and such like um, so when these disasters happen it's very difficult to get assistance on medical aids to people and that increases the losses. david bentley, the university of holding the u. k. mr. butler, we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. as you're watching, the news is ramelle reminder now of our top story, the international court of justice in the hague, as ordered israel to immediately stop. it's military offensive in the southern guns, a city of ruffled the top united nations court called the humanitarian situation, their disastrous. it also ordered is real to allow unhindered access to humanitarian, a nexus dw documentary series. this time the question of how we want to go. i'm break off, i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile do so i hope to see you then
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the name is the calls back said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud match. would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king check out the award winning called com. so hold back. good.


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