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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the dw news line from by then the international court of justice on, as israel to see since a solves on rasa, is it must immediately hold me to open 10 any other action ended up. our governor knew as tough call. it describes the situation in guns as disastrous also on the program. massive line slide killed scores of people in papua new guinea, dozens of homes, a flattened in the middle of the night's battery. inside. the white house rolls out the red carpet for kenya's peasants times and honestly as an upgrade into diplomatic relations. and we look at the impact of occupational intelligence and
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deep sikes on india, a 6 week election, we consider as potential and this using upcoming folks around the world. the . i feel great. well, welcome to the program, the international court of justice in the hey you, cuz audit israel to stuff it's military offensive. in the city of rafa and southern gaza with united nations, i taught quotes what i've described, the humanitarian situation, that as a disastrous and audit israel to allow an ended access of a lot of israel is repeatedly sad. it has the right to defend itself from her mouth militants, and is unlikely to comply with the rules of course next going, also ordered israel to be forwarded to progress and applying the mattress within a month. the routing was in response to requests from south africa out of the code has no way things thoughts as decision. the routing does add sub international
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pressure on these by the government. it is the president of the quotes and my wife saw the court. consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other action instead of uh, government. which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx. let's look at what this might mean with mock. well that he's professor of international law and international constitutional studies of the university of cambridge in the u. okay, welcome to the w. is right, the citizen, something terrible atrocities on october. the 7th last year is the governments of israel. i argued in court that it's taking exceptional measures to minimize home to the civilian population in gaza. today's ruling does seem to indicate that the court say things are all the different, the it is right. it is, of course,
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in talking to the right to self defense in response to the horrible, atrocious events of the 7th of october. but the right to self defense is no time limits huge, and it can never tried to scratch. humanitarian though below the surprise that supports the dignity of human persons. she wouldn't beings in any circumstance, even war. and the court has now spoken for the 3rd time in just a few months, which is unprecedented. ordering is ro the 1st time not to do anything which could constitute acts of genocide against the people guys of the palestinians. the 2nd time it was ordered, israel to ensure that there is for his, you mind to try and access. and now, almost unprecedentedly, it has order to state claiming to be in the middle of a self defense operation to hold a major element of that campaign. it's russell offensive. okay,
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so let's pick up the thing you, you mentioned that at 2 previous rulings that nothing that constitutes that genocide and full humanitarian access. today's ruling required israel to provide verification or to allow verification of q, monetary and access, which seems to indicate that the court does not believe that israel has complied with its earlier ruling as well. it is such as it hasn't complies uh, in the sense that the quote has found that the situation has gotten much worse and therefore very unusually, which has made yet further ruling. in this case, the court is very, very concerned about the future of those individuals with sense to rough as a safe place by his road to escape the consequences of the fighting and who are now being displaced from the without adequate measures have been taken to ensure the
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survival in other places and the court has noticed that no such adequate steps had been taken. okay, so there we have a problem the week because the court rules do something about humanitarian access. the court rules today against the israel and says stop what's going on in rough and let us check the truth. comply with that earlier ruling we heard yesterday from an easy way to government spokesman, who was go to the say no power on us will stuff as well from protecting citizens and going off the hamas in gaza. the court couldn't rule until it's blue in the face, whereas it's or else what i owe money. legions does the po power as was the biggest, the, all the quote doesn't have an on each on forces, which is it could have an army if you and security cause a were able to exercise as role because the un security council has and principal, the power to enforce judgements of the court. but of course whether you is vito. so
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that is not possible. and therefore it shares the very, very significant to prologic pressure. you saw the indictments by the international criminal court in relation to mister, but that's in yahoo! completing the 4 weeks since i estimate and those have been backs up now. yes, again, in addition to the individual responsibility by these actions, direct is towards the state of a 0. and it really makes the diplomatic space for is road much, much more difficult to maneuver, is where it has been ongoing. we have been a model, a few but to try and low compliance. but with all of those evidence, those arguments ring increasingly hollow, as most people who would return the vision of course already know. okay, once you have these of our church of findings from the highest traditional bodies in the world, it too is much more difficult for 0 to maintain its position that inches in
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a modest way defending it. so this is rolling, impose any guarantees or obligations on any of the signatures to the court to do or not to do anything. i'm thinking of the united states, amongst others who we could be argued a is a supply and israel with the where with all to carry out, got to resist that because it's not prohibited. a funny, you should say that as of course, your hidden thing as johnny is at present subject to a case in the international court of justice where nicaragua has argued, but the continued provision of homes by germany is or has violates the genocide convention. and for a state like germany, which prides itself as a model of compliance with international all the one hand, but which also wants to remain a very strong friend of israel. that's is a real, huge deal. i'm not coming up for it to the united states. will i will not likely
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consider it to the courts in relation to its arms exports, which of course, quite massive. uh, the united kingdom may be in a different position because under administer area code, it cannot license the export of weapons if these workers are likely to be used against international law sudley in favor of a campaign of genesis. just so these various for not getting make the space to maneuver for israel and for it's l as a significantly smaller doesn't end the conflict, but it is another piece and the most vague which will help i think, persuade israel ultimately to try not to isolate itself entirely from the international community and just a final word on genocide because today's ruling is a positive abroad. a lawsuit brought by south africa. but last year accusing is rather convincing genocide in gaza. just explain to us briefly what the impact
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today's decision has on that. or well this is part of that case. it is the said in for him action by the court to protect the people of palestine. during the many years it would take the court to give the extra ruling as to whether or not genocide has taken place. so this action does not actually prejudices the finding of the court at the end of the links, the period of the argument as to whether or not genocide because remember the positive crankcase well most thoughts were. ready faced with a significant campaign of genocide and often many years of deliberation, the court found that true need. so it was genocide. but the rest of this guy who complain of crimes against humanity didn't quite measure up to that highly good stand. it was very clear, professor, thank you so much for walking us, sister, that profess up my well, i familiar with that. thank you. i bridge answered popular new community level that
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a 100 people the fed data in a massive land slide. it struck around 600 kilometers north of the capital port, mosby at 3 am local time. was hard to say 6 remote villages were ahead so that emergency response teams are assessing the damage. i will probably just use, i just say, has published a set of 4 digits filled by community lead the impact for a new dentist angle province. as you can see, this is a disruption grocery that took place last night at 3 o'clock am in the morning everyone was supposed to sleep. not knowing that any people to place and they were focused, leaving all of a sudden the natural condition we took place in to the place was covered by ropes. as you can see that more than 300 lights have been covered for guidance. the people, the appropriate is, would move the median skinners have been the most coveted. bo, this things here. so you can see these 11 slide that took place last night at 3 o'clock. as you can see, it started right down to the mountains and these are the voice,
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normal voice. yeah. right now they're watching what is going on on the ground right now. i'm right on that. i'm on the ground right now talking to level c. and from the information that i acquired from the people on the ground, they've just said that that more than 300 lives of confirm covered by the deputies and roku. right? nice. you can see right there to beg people to cry and the only, and the people are very mounting for the nation that have been most well timed patrick's the geography and of sciences to you at the university of ho in the. okay . but as to what might have caused this disaster. yeah. some of that that, that's been a whole series of, of events this year. i mean, most mold on size than we normally say. and at this time did yeah. in, in, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. i know most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puffing beginning. you've been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events on those big greystone events. so probably driven by climate change or maybe centrally will wrap this via contains
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with moisture. therefore we've seen this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. i will take a look at some of the doors making headlines around the world now. so i can find where that's where a massive fight has been down at least 200 make shift houses in the hinge at refugee camp in the country. the local fire service, a several people were injured, the camping cox. this is a problem with that. she's hoping to around a 1000000 by hinge and including many inside a 2017 and ministry cross down against the most and minority china says it's testing its ability to seize power over taiwan. on the 2nd day of lots guy will games around the self governing island to beijing says it's punishing taiwan is new president. i'm to training to attack and occupied key areas of what it considers to be a break away. chinese territory. type pay has put its land,
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the naval units on the lot hundreds of students from pockets down and other asian countries are leaving cookies. stop after an angry mob. attack the goals at this month. according to some students, the attack has a beat up and a sofa and several of them, including a women, medical schools and cookies down a popular amongst us finding doctors do to affordable things. and living expenses. as a by john has taken control of full village is close to the board with all media is part of agreement between younger front and back of last month on media said it would return uninhabited to villages to as advice on both sides seed as a step towards a piece as india is massive, national elections drawer to a close in the coming days, a campaigns could well turn out to be the biggest experiment in the use of audio visual intelligence so far, hundreds of millions of which as well. i've seen deep faith videos peddling this
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information or enhanced the versions of some of the candidates. the world economic forum is global risk report this year around india most at risk from this miss information dw, i feel bad reports. a different agenda. one is a visual maker in the northwestern state of raw, just on the election season, has been keeping him busy. today, he's filming the local congress, bought the new leader. the job doing is not just a snappy campaign. we do mika. he's a deep faith. and he's going to don't just look a politician into right who had gone to the congress bought these most prominent face. the best we speech about locally shoes was come from the bought these national secret head. so this is the 1st time, then guessing the lots, data, dissemination of the fix and a and,
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and then we can talk about politics. one of the things that, or is i hate all these things. they want to integrate these technologies because when it begins, we talk to a lot of people who they can do for some openings to all the voters. begin begins put in the message in different languages. one job don't do is like you, my doing is changing political campaigns in the was largest democracy. he sees, he sees nothing wrong with the video, helps a politician. but he does see danger of his technology if he was in a bad very can very destructive example that really does definitely split technicians on the use of the i n b, 5th pinion. voters are being bombarded with the facts of all kinds more than 50, medium or generated audio calls was made in the 2 months before voting started in april. some defeats and will all be asleep problematic than others. boy,
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good dominic, this is union home minister ahmed shaw. seen the government will stop coming to action for low glosses the re elected. i'm so mad it was a shock off the top part. that was said, it can be deal with a dc and has left the criminal investigation and several arrest a fleet that there was who heads. the bgp social media team believes all portion parties quite attacking the union. a whole minister they were trying to align will the government and the particular fight to the beach it. so this is definitely a matter of concern. a deep faith. we deal with his face and his was it's, it's spread small foster than, than any other local. it had a part of the decision to live keys, not a di, fake, but still see this information released by the bgp. the media claim,
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the opposition congress, spotty, was promising to view all about the muslims. should the boy like often multiple complaints. the election commission intervene and the retail was sticking down. the digital involvement foundation look, lend you that has been promoting digital dict receipts and fighting stake me. it was for more than 20 years. in that time, the team has to be more than 30000000 indians, mostly targeting people in 4 areas. the training sessions show people how to verify information across the district platforms. while doing the evenings, we realize that the items like collections are there times when the other solutions has been happening and look on who they are. victims of a notification, it was admitted information. this information that they can do without understanding if that's the correct information on the problem. you're back in the
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studio. shadoan continues, happy, making fake, redo. those are the politicians hello over here on site was favorite president donald, but even he what are the most of the growing demand for the fees that's keeping them so busy it could become a danger to them. in particular, the, let me remind you it's not otherwise has asserted, one of its biggest of a state to 10 is to all of a canyon president when your router who's on a state visit to the u. s. president, by the hopes to for the us interest and to counter drawing russian on chinese influence in kenya, the 1st african leader on the state visit to washington in 16 years. william roots . this trip is a sign of the growing importance of the continent. home to more than a 1000000000 people came here, has long been one of the united states, most important allies in africa, and its status is about to get even higher. good afternoon everyone. please have
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a seat. i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate kenya, a major non nato ally. that's a for from of years collaboration. fruit toast visit is being closely watched back home in a region he'd by political term. i like the us and it can, you may be divided by distance, but their leaders say they're united by their values. my business takes place. i don't time when democracy seems to be retreating worldwide. the expedited thing due to what redeemed indifference to democratic button is that deep concern to us. and i believe it is the time that us walking with king deployed capabilities and really like minded democratic countries to set up the cost for democracy. a democracy has been known as a decline in africa. in the past year military coups wars and mart elections
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brought to power petitions looking for closer ties with russia. in china. the us wants to advance its interest and countries like 10. yeah. but to do so with 1st needs to decrease africa's financial dependence on b gene. so today we're warranty. what we're calling and i robi washington vision. this in this edition is going to bring together in the national financial institutions and nations small around the world to mobilize more resources for country. so i don't want that to open more opportunities for the private sector financing mode transfer, sustainable and affordable lending practice. as a basis, just one of the deals can use president will be taking home off to meeting the top breast in washington and his sons, as do us as it's offering a democratic alternative of the to relations with russia in china. please visit me, presents a chance to turn the tide on the continent distinguish, guess please, let's get more on this from dw correspondence,
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janelle durham alone in washington and phoenix moving in. i wrote the welcome post i saw with you felix. so the president wrote to come out of his meeting with joe barton with anything more than a good dinner and a promise of close relations with the us. yes indeed, the us had problem is that it will increase investment in can now. and companies like coca cola have promised to invest in billions of dollars in the country to provide the next 5 years. and that will end up creating over $3000.00 jobs. microsoft has also committed to creating i did have, i did have within the region which will increase k as for positioning as a digital powerhouse within that region. and that areas of increase investments include areas in health uh, security and can now we lots of beginning in the area of infrastructure where the
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largest, uh, the longest part of the road between neighbor will be a little by side will be billed to a tune of of $474.00, be on which will be the lowest total road in africa. other areas i can now has gained has been in terms of elect. so it is where they us. so say that it will be helping can yeah. a fund electronic funds i had of can you as a to instant savings that are loops and so how does he gained anything quite a lot to being home. thanks. janelle durham alone. tell us more about washington once in exchange for all this generosity as well. indeed, one of the defining characteristics of a state visit, of course, is that they are outcomes onto themselves. joe biden really wants to show that there was renewed momentum in us canyon relations after a period of let's call it relative inattentiveness as the conflicts in the middle eastern europe took center stage. but precisely because of those ongoing multi seed
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or conflicts, the white house is really looking for relationships with emerging countries that would help ensure again stop some measure of economic and geo political in stability. so in cameo, washington sees a strong security partner in the region. it also wants to designate, can you as a non nato ally in the region. but beyond the top, emerging countries like can, you are also going to be crucial to securing supply chains in strategic sectors like semi conductors. a country like kenya has a young population, has a manufacturing capabilities, and it has natural resources. and what really washington wants is to be able to have a part, a democratic partner in kenya in securing those of vital supply chains. making sure that the supply chains that go through for a call or at least and part tell, are controlled by a democratic partner. especially at
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a time when the us finds itself locked in a great power game with all autocratic countries like russia and china. why should any i frequently to believe a washington promise where they have been so inconsistent? i can't remember the obama administration waking up to the so called threats of chinese influence in africa. i calling a big summaries of african leaders back in 2014. then he's whole inquired. so why would this latest a bunch of promises be any more productive? that's really fair. a question and do you know what does remains to be seen whether it will be productive or not one can special ed one or the other way. and a lot of it, i guess, will also depends on whether joe biden makes the visit at the, the other way a meeting whether he goes to can ya, to show that he really is serious about taking advantage of this renewed momentum and us canyon relations. but i think it's also worth of taking a step backend, noting that i taught tying those belton road program. this program that provides
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cheap loans, especially for infrastructure in africa and asia. we've been, we've seen more uh, more than a decade of that program. and countries are now at a stage where they're really having to balance investing nationally in their own countries with us servicing their ballooning that's to china. and the difficulty of managing that balance is where washington is seeing an opening. there is a spot here in washington that there is a bits of china fatigue setting in and that is a that is an opening to be taken advantage of, of phoenix bearing. good and not really wants to feeling bad about america's inconsistent interest in the confidence well, people are saying that it's, it's more of a wait and see situation because i'm interested in store presidential by then from is there will be massive investment in uh to watch. i forgot that is what william due to his, but he also promised into into twins to during the africa us. i mean that there
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will be a lot of integration on when it comes to peace and security and with what k now has already by the end of the advisement in artillery and now becoming a non natural ally, then it looks like the us is actually very keen on implementing their commitments to ads as they approached as chief engineers on and think so to the problem is in africa and kenya. ok. this time we meet it's um felix berenger and i rode beside you so much and i'll do him alone in washington con q as well. let's. let's set you up to date. i'll have all, well, here's at the top of the hour of next year on the w asked re max, and it takes us on a trip to be some of the cities festival in malawi, no united states, you even find a good the
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was so special about the staples feed from gone to is made from contains cassava and yeah, and it's amazing with lots of different seems tight. it's mostly in the afternoons for that's by evening suggestion, plastic and please follow us on the calendar, terry journey and see how the country celebrates this famous days of free 9. dw, there is a village in kenya. moria, where women ruled my mamma, and got myself,
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my husband would have killed me if i had the wrong, we should see they escaped violence. both marriage and tennis will need to license a new malia. the women take a stand against the patriarchy of the tribe. december and many on most and in 45 minutes on d w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office talk about the sounds of power and inspiring
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story about survival music under the swastika thoughts may 25th on dw, the when you hear odds festival, you think party, but the don't the city festival takes that further this for the annual events celebration. alright. and has led to year long activities from training women and festival management and launching odds campaigns across malawi. and much more from allow is i've capital get ready, cause this episode is going to be let's look 1st we made some eve who faced numerous challenges before being named best to, to audit in rwanda discovery. hop will move forward as far as the use of filled africa through skateboarding.