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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from the, in the international court of justice, orders, israel to see, sits as sold on rough. is there any must immediately hold. it's mean it's open. and any other action in the phone hung up with you as the top codes describes the situation in gaza as disastrous also on the program must have landslide killed scores of people. in fact, for new guinea, dozens of homes are flattened in the middle of the night. varying and tie found the
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i'm feel guile. welcome to the program, the international court of justice in the hey, as ordered israel to stop its ministry offensive in the city. and rafa and southern gaza, you ends up top core, describe the humanitarian situation that has disastrous and ordered israel to allow on hand the access of aid. israel has repeatedly said it has the right to defend itself against thomas militants and is unlikely to comply with the ruling. the good also ordered israel to report it to progress in applying the measures within a month. the ruling was in response to a south african request. the court has no way to enforce this decision. the routing does add to the international pressure on the is ready, the government is the president of the quotes now off. so the court consider that in conformity with organization under the genocide convention, it is that it must immediately hold. it submitted to events and any other action
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and the 5 governors which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info. as well as professor of international law and international constitutional studies at the university of cambridge in b. okay. it tells me that while israel has the right to defend itself, the court found that the more important legal principles at stake is right. it is of course intelligent to the right to self defense in response to the hard. ready atrocious events on the 7th of october, but the right to self defense is no time limits huge and it can never tried to scratch. humanitarian though the laws of surprise that supports the dignity of human persons. she wouldn't beings, in any circumstance, even war. and the court has now spoken for the 3rd time in just a few months,
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which is unprecedented. ordering is ro the 1st time not to do anything which could constitute acts of genocide against the people guys are listing in the 2nd time it says order is ready to ensure that there is 4 as you want to try and access . and now, almost unprecedentedly, it has order to state today's going to be in the middle of a self defense operation to hold a major element of that campaign. it's russell offensive. okay, so let's pick up the thing you, you mentioned that at 2 previous rulings that nothing that constitutes that genocide and full humanitarian access. today's ruling required israel to provide verification or to allow verification of q, monetary and access, which seems to indicate that the court does not believe that israel has complied with its earlier ruling as well. it certainly hasn't come size uh,
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in the sense that the quote has found that the situation has gotten much worse and therefore very unusually, it has made yet further ruling. in this case, the court is very, very concerned about the future of those individuals with sense to rough as a safe place by his road to escape the consequences of the fighting and who are not being displaced from the without adequate measures have been taken to ensure the survival in other places and the court has noticed that no such adequate steps had been taken. okay, so there we have a problem with because the court rules do something about humanitarian access. the court rules today against the israel and says stop what's going on in rough and let us check that you comply with that earlier ruling. we heard yesterday from an easy way to government spokesman, who was going to say no power on us will stuff as well from protecting citizens and
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going off the hamas in gaza. the court couldn't rule until it's blue in the face, whereas x o, else, to what i owe money. legions does the po power as was the biggest the, all the court doesn't have an army to enforce. it's which is it could have an army if you and security call the so we're able to exercise as role because the un security council has the principal, the power to enforce judgements of the court. but of course, whether you is vito, so that is not possible. and therefore it shares the very, very significant to prologic pressure. you saw the indictments by the international criminal court in relation to mr. but that's in yahoo completely. so i look forward to your site estimates and those have been the backs up now. yes. again, in addition to the individual responsibility by these access directors towards the
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state of the 0. and it really makes the diplomatic space for is road much, much more difficult to maneuver. it is where it has been ongoing. we have been a model if you want to try and low compliance. but with all of those, every like germany which prides itself as a model of compliance with international all the one hand, but which also wants to remain a very strong friend of israel. that's is a real, huge deal. i'm not coming up for it to the united states, or will i will not likely consider the court in relation to its arms exports, which of course, quite massive. the united kingdom may be in a different position for them because under administer area code, it cannot license the export of weapons. if these workers, i like you to be used against international law, suddenly in favor of a complaint of genesis, just the use various from the gen make the space to maneuver for israel and force l
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a is a significantly smaller 1000 in the conflict, but it is another piece and then the sake which will help i think, persuade israel ultimately to try not to isolate itself entirely from the international community. i'm just a final word on genocide because today's ruling is a positive abroad. a lawsuit brought by south africa last year accusing is rather convincing genocide in gaza. just explained to us briefly what impact today's decision has on that? well, this is part of that case. it is that in for an action by the court to protect the people of palestine during the many years, it would take the court to give the extra ruling as to whether or not genocide has taken place. so this action does not actually prejudices the finding of the court at the end of the length of period of legal argument as to whether or not genocide
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could remember the bosnian case. where most thoughts, we were faced with a significant campaign of genocide and often many years of deliberation. the court found that through the need so as genocide, but the rest of this kind of crew campaign of crimes against humanity didn't quite measure up to that highly good stand. it was not a clear professor. thank you so much for walking assessor that profess up my while i from the universe. thank you. i bridge to pop for a new game. even more than a 100 people are believed to have been killed and a massive line slide. the period that better had a remote village. rocks continued to fall from the mountains in this village is in the angle province trying to dig through the solar with shovels. it struck around 600 kilometers north of the capital port mosley with our service bill on slide also blocked an important road linking the capitol to the affected area. humphrey the supply by a local community leader. i spoke in a video at the seat. this is
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a place that's covered by the deputies, and therefore people in the village, the local c a asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people, i might not in the package. people. uh they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them because such situation is never happened in history. will they be packaged at geography? i'm a scientist of the university of hub in the u. k. we asked him what might have caused this? yeah, somebody does that. that's been a whole series of, of events this yeah, i mean, more mold on size than we normally say. and at this time did. yeah. in been, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. and now most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puff indicating he's been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events on those big raised events. so probably driven by climate change, i mean it's centrally, it will grab this via contains with moisture. that's what we've seen. this increase globally of, of the most intense drain full. so that is,
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that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing, it's of you. k is celebrating one of its most unusual festivals. the annual one charming championship in choral crowds gather to show off the wildest, and we're just ways to will some cool that when fiddling others when grunting kid, it's when chopping every year, a one charming championship comes to england's cornish coast with teams competing to entice the most of the ones from the soil. and it's like you haven't ever the to seduce the slimy price. but i cool stem to mimic rain. mold big
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people do this with others. even to be nice by low clauses. who was, when mazda holds the secret to one moving any moving vibration is the best for them . so like process for sending those vibrations down and you have a stick to prove into it, and then you run another stick to the ground. and that seems to me quite well the when charming was traditionally used to do one's position. now it's mainly just fun. thoughts. dig a little deeper and you'll find a most serious message. this is championships, teamed up with a soil charity, which is raising the alarm. a recent study found death, ones in the u. k,
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have declined by 30 percent over the last 25 years, and people are time of being almost as much to tom ones to help identify areas in need. one's of really important that ends in is around 95 percent of of hands on the, on the web. and so we really need to make sure that everyone has one important role they play and how can position a then the account begins. and the numbers here are looking good value index it from the 60 ones and the charming seagulls. a bought sweeping to victory, the tennessee one wranglers when with a whopping 32, leaving today's cash free to wake alone with their impulse or what?
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for now, the big while work is a restore to 12 mates across on top of the not to dom cathedral in paris. it was only part of the quiet roof to survive and devastating 55 years ago across the cathedral spots to collapse the restoration of the one and a half ton across a month. another milestone had us not to dimes on to the basic building in december and $500.00 workers on the project of the ocean dw, usually as a reminder of our top story at this hour. the international court of justice in the hey, as old as israel to immediately stop rates, military offensive. in the southern gospel city of ruffled a top un calls to call the human attendance situation that disastrous and what it is around to allow on in the access to type of next on dw, we travel to canyon to a village where women are defining traditional patry uncles,
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power structures, that's next and i'll be back of the, to the type of data. so much for the 1st 4 years is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flight. meanwhile for con dreams of another world wake up on not starts june 1st on dw, the.