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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news my from the international courts of justice, or as israel to see, fits assault on graphite. isn't it must immediately hold me too often. and any other action in that i thought governor, us top court describes the situation in gaza. as disastrous also on the program, mazda of landside kills scores of people in pa, for new getting dozens of homes are flattened in the middle of the night. buried in tie, i found the
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. i'm feel gay. welcome to the program, the international court of justice in the hey, cause audit israel to stuff it's military offensive. in the city of rafa in southern gaza. the u. n's top code describe the humanitarian situation that has disastrous, an order of israel to allow on handed access of aid. israel has repeatedly said it has the right to defend itself against thomas militants, and is unlikely to comply with the ruling. and quote, also ordered israel to be posted to progress and applying the measures within a month. the routing was in response to a request from south africa. the cold has no way to enforce its decision. i've been routing does add for the international pressure on these right. the government is the president of the cold. now i saw the court consider that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention. it is that it must immediately hold. it
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submitted to offense and any other accident instead of a governor, which may inflict one day, but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info. the ma, well is profess of international law and international constitutional studies at the university of cambridge and the okay. he told me more about the quotes. reasoning is right is of course in talking to the right to self defense in response to the horrible, atrocious events on the 7th of october. but the right to self defense is no time limits huge and it can never tried to scratch. humanitarian though the laws that surprised that supports the dignity of human persons. she wouldn't beings, in any circumstance, even war. and the court has now spoken for the 3rd time in just a few months, which is unprecedented. ordering is row the 1st time uh,
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not to do anything which could constitute acts of genocide against the people. guys are the palestinians. the 2nd time it was ordered israel to ensure that there is for his human to try and access. and now, almost unprecedentedly, it has order to state to the hearing, to be in the middle of a self defense operation to hold image. at the end of that campaign it's russell offensive. okay, so let's pick up the thing you, you mentioned that at 2 previous rulings that nothing that constitutes that genocide and full humanitarian access. today's ruling required israel to provide verification or to allow verification of q, monetary and access, which seems to indicate that the court does not believe that israel has complied with its earlier ruling as well. it is such as it hasn't come size uh, in the sense that the quote has found that the situation has gotten much worse and
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therefore very unusually, which has made yet further ruling. in this case, the court is very, very concerned about the future of those individuals who were sent to rafa as a safe place by his road to escape the consequences of the fighting and who are not being displaced from the without adequate measures have been taken to ensure the survival in other places, the court has noticed that no such adequate steps had been taken. okay, so there we have a problem with because the court rules do something about humanitarian access. the court rules today against the israel and says stopped what's going on in rough and let us check but you comply with that earlier ruling. we heard yesterday from an easy way to government spokesman, who was go to the say no power on us will stuff as well from protecting citizens and going off the hamas in gaza. the court couldn't rule until it's blue in the
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face, whereas it's oh, else. what i owe money legions does the po power as well as the payments the, all the court doesn't have an on each on forces, which is it could have an army. if the you and security cause a were able to exercise as role because the un security council has and principal the power to enforce judgements of the court. but of course with you is vito. so that is not possible, and therefore it shares the very, very significant prologic pressure. you saw the indictments by the international criminal court in relation to mr. but that's in yahoo completely 4 weeks since i estimate. and those have been backs up now yet again. in addition to the individual responsibility by these actions direct is towards the state of a 0. and it really makes the diplomatic space for is road much,
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much more difficult to maneuver. it is where it has been arguing. we have been a model if you want to try and low compliance, but with the order of those evidence, those arguments ring increasingly hollow, as most people who would return the vision of course already know. okay, once you have these of your church of findings from the highest traditional bodies in the world, it too is much more difficult for 0 to maintain its position that which is in a modest way defending it. so this is rolling, impose any duties or obligations on any of the signatures to the court to do or not to do anything. i'm thinking of the united states amongst others that we could be argued a is a supply and israel with the where with all to carry out activities that the course is not prohibited. it's funny you should say that as of course, your hidden thing i've johnny is at present subject to a case in the international court of justice where nicaragua has argued the
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continued provision of homes by germany is or has violates the genocide convention and for a state like germany, which prides itself as a model of compliance with international all the one hand, but which also wants to remain very strong for individual. that is a real huge deal that are coming up for it to the united states will. i will not likely consider the court in relation to its arms exports, which of course, quite massive. uh, the united kingdom may be in a different position for them because under administer area code, it cannot license the export of weapons. if these workers, i like you to be used against international law sudley in favor of a campaign of genesis, just so these various for not getting make the space to maneuver for israel and for its allies. a significantly smaller doesn't end the conflict,
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but it is another piece and the most aig, which will help, i think, persuade israel ultimately to try not to isolate itself entirely from the international community. i'm just a final word on genocide because today's ruling is a positive abroad. a lawsuit brought by south africa last year accusing is rather convincing genocide in gaza. just explain to us briefly what the impact today's decision has on that. this is part of that case. it is the said in for an action by the court to protect the people of how this done during the many years it would take the court to give the extra ruling as to whether or not genocide has taken place. so this action does not actually prejudices the finding of the court at the end of a lengthy period of legal argument as to whether or not genocide could remember the positive crankcase. well, most thoughts we. ready are faced with
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a significant campaign of genocide and often many years of deliberation. the court found that's true of need. so it was genocide. but the rest of this kinda cool campaigns of crimes against humanity didn't quite measure up to that highly good stand. it was not a clear professor. thank you so much for walking assessor that profess up my well, i familiar with that. thank you. i bridge take a look at some of the doors making headlines around the world. us present, joe biden, and dejection data. i'm death, i'll see. so you have agreed to send humanitarian aid. i'm fuel to gauze of by israel's commercial. i'm crossing until the roof of crossing is reopened and i was going to follow the dramatic drop in the amount of 8 entering the territory since israel loans military operations in rough unless they find has burned down at least $200.00 meg shift houses in a range of refugee camp in find the dash, the local fire service said that several people were injured at the camp and congress because all of it actually is home to around to 1000000 been hanging,
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including a many who slide to 2017 and electric truck down against the mostly minority to to we've got it in 5 minutes. victor whole button says it's comfortable trying to opt out of any nature operations. and it's supposing ukraine an interview, we stay in radio. he said hungry opposes upon being considered by the ministry alliance to show up. and you crimes efforts in the coming years to the power must goes full scale invasion. you come with me because i need more than a 100 people to believe to have been killed in a massive line slide the battery to a remote village in papua new guinea rocks continue to fall from the monitoring this villages in the hang of province. tried to dig through the sewing, it happened around 600 kilometers north and the capital pul, most be well far as you said, the landslide also blocked an important road linking the capital to the effective area. and that by hampering the supply by a local community, spoke leader i spoke in a video at the c, this is
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a police that's covered by the deputies. and therefore people in the village, the no garcia, the asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people, i like knowing that package, people know they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them because such situation is never happened in history. that'd be partly as a geographer and a scientist at the university of how in the u. k. we asked what might have caused this disaster? yeah, somebody does that. that's been a whole series of, of events this. yeah, i mean more mold on size than we normally say, and at this time did yeah. in, in, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. and now most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puffing beginning. you've been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events. and those big greystone events have probably driven by climate change. i mean, it's centrally, it will grab this via contains with moisture. that's what we're seeing. this increase globally of, of the most intense drain full. so that is,
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that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. that'd be probably the thousands of people across projects time have been admitted to hospital suffering from heat stroke. the country is in the grape of a heat wave with temperatures climbing to 50 degrees celsius. in some places, that's around 8 degrees above average. and this follows packers times west east april. for more than 60 years. we've more than double the average monthly mindful. the schools out for summer, early this year for the around $26000000.00 children of pakistan's punjab club and a sort of cheese in the region size. surging temperatures put the children at risk, so that close to school early a week before summer holidays was set to start temperatures, inputting job some 6 to 8 degrees celsius above the average for the time of year.
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the government's climate coordinate to said the global warming was causing a sudden change and weather patterns involved and there was more to come on this i've done. thank you. by the way, he has dr. dukes, dr. stone. this is the 1st week of the heat. we've been seeing did are going to be, please spend the 1st has already started may the 2nd spell will be in the beginning of june, august, and the 3rd and the last week of june of 80 extreme heat k is often coupled with power cuts as the amount of funds in the air conditioning source, some areas experience as much as 15 hours a day without electricity practiced on mits, less than one percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. however, due to a number of factors including geography and poverty, it's especially valuable to climate change. this heat wave is the latest climate
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related disaster to hit the country in recent years as melting glasses and monsoons because devastating floods. in 2022 flood cement, just started as a country killing more than 1700 people and displacing thousands mill. one senior un official visited pack us down and have this to say, or new. the government's a pocket style is also in the emergency center, and it's not about where they are trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from the, the, the already warning systems. and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on the communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done is what i'm about must adapt and make drastic changes going forward. that's it will need help from the international community and set you up to date. i'll have
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a well news of the top of the hour next on the w cause show read, looking at how the chinese comic b y d ones written killed by bust surpassed experts in metric cost science besides the i sorry, one on 6 times. currently, more people than ever on the move world wide and such. and one great timing is very, very difficult to find out about time on student info, migrants b, y d, the world's largest e v manufacturer. how did they get that.