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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST

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or what do you think? leave us a comment until you forget to subscribe to our channel the the around the world. we are seeing people come up with new ideas and joining together for take the environment that includes scientists, artists up to this on young people will meet some of them today. welcome to eco off, because i am sandra holmes that we, nobody writes yet in comp. hello. you've done that. does right, sandra, when it comes to new solutions. we need size of course. but we also need audio
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history and culture to spot those ideas and mobilize people, an entire communities of curriculums joining you from the ghost idea. it's great to have you with us. here's what's coming up. why active is it not ruby, a guaranteed zone and pollution? and how a home get rid of all to is just promoting upside leave at the cool opportunities and all the return of us talk to you to come go as far as an environmental revival . but 1st, we had to cut the law, which likes so much of africa, is working to reduce unemployment and help protect the environment. and the country is making some real strides towards a green economy. you agree? take jobs us profiting of their jobs that didn't even exist just a few years ago. let's take a look. the changes under will include the form previously unexpected
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opportunities in getting the job market. for example, linda never dreamt of working to fly farm. and now she's surprised how much she loves us for the fun decided 4 years ago, i guess, to traditional korea palm and created his own profession in urban agriculture and avery's learning to set a cabin cruiser in the forest of the interior of the country. as part of a time hearing project includes, what do these 3 young people have in common? vill oh, working in the green economy as part of the country's ecological transition. when linda started the fly from her friends, these were difficult. she seated being around the my good sense slice that upgrade for animals. i was so afraid i didn't want the slice to talk to me. i said i was going to wear long sleeves. but the hardest part for linda was dealing with
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a family's prejudice about the unusual professions she had chosen to see. so they said it was bound to affect my health that my good service, the tea thing, that everything we do here is practically nothing but the best that since we use waste an old. but it was a beat with a dentist. they didn't really accept it. i said that instead of staying home and being a button, it's good for me to learn and discover something new. today, the young woman is proud to call her cell phone in tomorrow. just. i'm has even convinced her mother to join the company in other parts of our vision. stefan is also doing a job that didn't exist when he was a student. after completing his geographer studies, he wanted to be an open farmer, but found new company to take him on all. so he set up his own business, offering training courses to individuals and schools. i can cellphone is that for
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me personally, it was a way of not depending on the traditional employment system in the form, which is you live schools. if you look for a job, it's a public sector once the extra value about that it was a way of showing that you can create your own job and be financially independent. it's on sale on the farm, on linda, on the green korea pos but this still in the minority with many green job opportunities, green and clean. the foreign government is keen to entice small school leave us a there's a problem with the law and i think he, me, the green jobs are and what you might call it sub jobs are opposite the some aspect . but we don't manage to make clear to all those looking for walker and i so, so much so that when we direct them to what green shops got on the problem in a few sort of because they think there are some jobs. this was on the bus, but this was on the nissan jobs. on in 2022,
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the ministry launched it's integrated strategy for the promotion of green jobs include the flaw and then attempts to promote the sick. this news has sprayed abroad with some young graduates like eva coming from europe to learn a new treat. the 26 year old is working as a cop on project manager, but she still likes the experience needed to carry out a forest inventory by herself. today, unexperienced agronomist to show you how to categorize trees to find out whether this forest could be successful colbin project. i've never done this kind of thing, so it's all new to me. forest invented trees. i've never done this kind of study. so we need to work together, so i know all about the problem and the capital markets and what not to talk about the fields. so we really need to work hand in hand to achieve our goal after returning to be shown ever shows come on market knowledge with their colleagues. as
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everyone in the team is discovering the removes of the call the markets at the same time. it's both a challenge and a real professional opportunity for all involved the dynamic grooves of africa. sustainability sector has quotes many by surprise. it has also prompted the international labor organization to publish a directory of green jobs, unprofessional success, cut that okay, fit the aim of these catalogs somewhat vocational and technical training struck chosing their mission to accompany quick the far east development, letting the ceiling duct off by me. and i called the flight of stairs, which today's taking that buffy core logic was transition don't say so. it's to help them accomplish these and task. so we've got to look at these 1st a in the 2nd a study, we help companies but already established to become a green apple while since they haven't seen the fund to, he's raising awareness, i'm boosting skills inter green calling on what he's doing need to i'm moving
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a to columbus has from i'd be shot that he wants to reduce the green, steals gap between the can only capital and elsewhere. well, what i've done with the people living in the interior of the country don't have the same opportunities as people in that position. so for me, it's important to come and create a new echo system in my field that will enable them to have access to the type of employment that is beneficial to the environment to assist you with this. i don't know whether it's defined opening minds to new green korea pots aides that are sharing in the development of new sectors or linda and booking any surprising new direction. the green economy include you for giving young people the chance to work towards the protection. moving now to jeremy with changing conditions in food and farming are also on the agenda for most of the weld with
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this key to food security. well, due to global conflicts and extreme with the parts of the wells are facing a bree shortage. so could be more for z and to these boxes, you also supply either climates chemba off or reset facility. yeah, munich. cut this delicate little tongue help find food shortages. the weights in this climate chamber is still an e 7 centimeters high, but in just 10 weeks time, the special variety will be ready for harvesting up to 6 times a year. and gets into the store in the end. so don't do that scrolling well. it's already flowered, as you can see here, the guns, including the fuel masters to the green bio mass time the what's left behind is the grain in the years the can, i can be see and we can provide long periods of daylight to boost wrote the missing
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kind we don't have to set the special times or it's cooler or warmer buddha is spent as always them of ends on a good night. but we can cultivate the plant at a steady temperature of say, $23.00 degrees in daylight, lasting $1820.00 or even 22 hours. and of course, that allows for a harvest with a high yield to inside the team from the chair of digital agriculture at the technical university of munich, which is also funding the project control and test various key sciences such as light temperature, nutrients supply. and most importantly, water they mainly use a loose, a nutrient mixed. yeah. so the war set can be recycled, as well as a layer of horses that doesn't evaporate. this means that was that consumption is up to 95 percent lower than in agriculture. in recent years, also has proved to be the most unpredictable factor in agricultural production.
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in germany, we production remains relatively steady. but around the world, it's in decline. droughts and floods are taking a severe toll growing weight, and those could be viable not only in regions affected by dr. so flooding, but also in germany to reduce the negative impacts of agricultural production on the environment. and it's a beautiful tied to, it has many advantage as a water requirement is extremely low and we have no negative impact on the environment on bio diversity, that's one so, so we don't need crop protection. we can control nutrients in a very targeted way. one good, we do have a high energy input as well as the technical set up, which has i c o. 2 footprint as highs as things stand. it will be rush to present this to the world is a solution to the, the, it's a building block. this is one element in the food production process. it pulled up
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to one that's already interest from countries like single pole, egypt and the united arab emirates for reasons ranging from lack of space to water shortages. which burning tools is a promising option. it's surprising ideas like these by helping us find promising new solutions, and these preparations can come from us to take one museum that opens not too long ago, here in the idea which is using works of authors to show some beautiful ways that trash can be turned into treasure, there is a soul to increase on another thing that makes this museum special. you thought it doesn't just put on on the goals to look at the phones and all these museum once to make the console experience. let's just stick it out in the sweep. doing a bit. a
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welcome to nigeria as west museum. it showcases walks of thought mit entirely out of discarded materials, such as used plastic cortez and low medium guns. by the ask in question, what that we do with the waste that we did a rate instead of 3 and it's a we had nobody to give you the honest side because it's like like a stupid question. what's his wisdom meant to be used for you? not to be thrown away, but i just couldn't, you know, give up on that idea. and i was trying to look for what else we could do with it. but done, southwest nigeria, the museum a trucks, a lot of visitors who support its mission initiative will help club diseases. isaac, i sees that i need less, and then we'll create a sustainable environment, a green light environment. um, any place where we can all enjoy our lives and printer housing. the initiatives
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includes teaching young people how to up skin wisdom to functional, do rebel on the phone to build products, found your market on the will carry is a strong believer in creating value to recycling an upside cling waste. every single waste that i'm able to save is like how many rescue mission for every waste i'm able to save from ending up on the landfill from ending up in the ocean. that's my motivation. that's what keeps me going. so if i'm able to save 10 kilograms of plastic, go to to d like, let's do more tomorrow. our next we pulled fix us to a music audio visual us festival in hungary, but he's committed to sustainability that we made a woman who tons, 6 the west into us. and that is more than environmental friendly. it is also just beautiful. every year, it's an intricate part of hungry, so sore festival, a rich kaleidoscope of colors,
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meat out of the length of fat brakes arranged in large scale patterns. and what's more, there, all sorts from used to materials, mostly discarded clothes. the majestic installations were conjured up by mt, which is from the city of page in the southern part of the country. in 1997, she turned her love of spinning, nodding and weaving into a business concept. and 2 years later, she started recruiting staff for a company re text you many of her employees or people with physical or mental disabilities for them. it's a welcome opportunity to join the workforce in that text to go. i know we're kind of doing it was a true that i rework materials and use them to make carpets and other items. just push better. that's important because we'd otherwise be drowning and trash would more than you could say. we have recycling the fabrics,
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you know her solution to europeans throw away 11 kilos of close per head every year with just one percent being recycled these days. the majority of people's clothes on, not made of cotton and other natural materials of the best of your lives. and it's hazardous waste integrity, most of the items are made of synthetic materials to a nature cannot take that can still in the fabrics process the by reject steel or donations from local residents. plus in a 2nd hand store in the area, tens over items i can. so interested parties can place orders for the new items by an online shop. they often come with information on the proportion of used fabrics and the amount of manual labor involved. every year ray, tech, steel processes, several 1000 kilos of used fabrics, materials that would typically end up in
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a landfill are given a new lease on life year. sustainability and social justice. a marriage made in heaven. us is a good way to spark awareness on change as we just so, but so is information in there will be hanging up to this on it. spots of gathering hard on floss, dot to what a pollution poll ordinary citizens to become. change makers, let us take a look. this is the device that would help transform every day life in a row, be a small since i'm measuring air pollution in the city center. mainly to blame for the quality of the pixel to the cycles and diesel tall. let me punch known as my taxes. for the kids up in planning, i'd look at humphrey or html. as close, they will be home. you walk right, joins projects between the city, government and the un exploding ways to make tenants. guppy told rena. he's
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particularly concerned about them attacked his shots and the copy to streets. uh, they are coming from different thoughts but to all the different tools they or it's, i mean it's into their seats. so they tell me that i'm ending the seats. we just looked at more things, so this has growth on most of the formulas shown into the seats. now they would of your day to see surveys conducted by he's organizational phones. higher incidence rates of bronchitis implants is we have a touch of light betsy, but a new deliverance like these can only go so far as i dress in big policy changes on a city wide level. you take how did that to the tenants? government does not have yet this is way offensive. africa comes in the
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organization develops and assembles devices for environmental monitoring on climate action. africa, cities in africa in general, does not have data on the air quality levels. and because of that we have increasing terrible air pollution levels, right? so it's important for us to begin collecting this data to be able to compare it and see whether there's any health impacts. but since those are expensive, there is a problem that alicia, a lot of those engineering team is working hard to solve. recorded this a low cost, see a quality monita. there isn't being is that's, it's relatively cheap, but frontier to defense, great money tests, we cost, you know, dance of tens of thousands of yesterday the kids to components of 3 d printed on the team. she has the blueprints for the modified design freely on
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line citizens have just anyway in the world, can legally rip to get the device without charge, bringing the costs down to under $300.00 euros. commercially available roofing red models can cost me only $100.00 times as much on the team frequently head out to inspect and inventing that senses they've installed in different parts of the robi and moines. most city dwellers are requesting the devices people to keep you malware, the shopkeeper has us the money general, the restaurant above these premises to hold a sense of 1414 most of the time i get our stuff to go, i just just be that'll feeling every now and then we must go to hospital to for,
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to come now able to present to the doctor today. so that i have to be able to prove all i have what so many dogs to the come to oppose this felicia and the smoke, but uh no action has to be taken. so you healthy? uh difficult action. maybe you have something to prove to them. a sense of like these can a give a clear picked general air quality in specific locations. but what would help to talk with air pollution in the city? the united nations electric mobility program advocates for a shift to electric vehicles. alex co not saves, transitioning away from conventional combustion engines, needs to be incentivized economically and the targeting to will transport is a good place to start or 20 years ago, the almost new motorcycles in kenya. now we have about $2000000.00 motorcycles to
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in the $50000.00, so we ended those motorcycles edit every year and if you would like to fight them, this has a definite and significant impact on greenhouse gas emission reductions. progress is being mit can you know, boast on electric motorcycle, toxic fleet. and the government has on bushes targets within 5 years. 100000. the most of bikes, us set to roll onto kenya's treats. so more and more people we'd be able to hold on to clean up transports. like i've been planning on the book, it's, i'm for your channel and who knows this much needed air pollution sensors might be redundant. so knowledge really is pub and no just the scientific knowledge on hub dot to culture knowledge is site to, to a task for sandra. next reports we had to a village in democratic republic of congo not long ago. a very important called throughout. the fact was finally brought home and that helps spot to move back to
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reclaim the real stolen culture, restore its depleted environments. the olden statute of a colonial administrate has returned home to the sound of the sculpture roof of belgium. official was killed during an uprising in the crumbling 19 such a one as the last to its country of origin for around 50 years. thanks to the efforts of the local not to collective the companies plantation was actually, it is now a temporary loan from the u. s museum that has funded since 2015 it was on the book today. many young people don't even know the history of these culture. but we do know, deposit lives in it, which is why we insisted on took so many steps to have extra time for us. and the fact that it's coming back to a narrative. so we believe a bring says
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a lot of positive energy. because the hans that's touched these what was separate hands make youngsters just if they didn't make such a positive energy and also funds the collective uses the proceeds from the at and know also from sales of digital images of the old, instruct you to buy exhausted plantation land confused to catch it in the colonial era and start to be part of the station project. you repeat on plantations severely reduced the regents wants to dance and greenforest the artist believe the reclaiming heritage. and cultural identity goes hand in hand with restoring biodiversity. so we use a to get more resources to buy land because it's a helpless land. we're going to plot the forest again and bring back the suckered forest and the time disappeared with a population of over $95000000.00 into poverty rental for around 60 percent
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d. r. c. rungs among the watts missions most vulnerable to climate disasters. according to the walls book, and it's seeing a certain frequency of climate extremes. second phase off uh, present. what we are doing means a lot, and it's a noble type of when we talk about global warming today, it's because of the deforestation. if i don't, you know, everywhere you look the i used to be shoot for his eyes. and when the white men came, they cut down all the woods to use it and cutting down to, to use these, what costs everything we're experiencing today. it's on 78, uncle funded, what's just getting just getting into the collective aims to be for us as much as 2500 heck to as with the goal of bringing back biodiversity, providing food security and meant to get in climate change. last the slow, today it is, you said it was 20 hectic, but today we have 200 them for the heck test. our dream is to have 2000 and 500
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heck desk. okay. because we believe we will create that problem. think in other words, a solution to the problem of climate change. for them the, the sound like you might need to process the correcting past injustices and planting, regenerating, and notion back into existence. the forest of the sun got no fact is really inspiring. so many group ideas to take with us today i'm personal lives and it's good by for me in nigeria. and i am sandra the homes. that's me. nobody over writing come play. uganda. thank you for joining us on the do checkout . equal offer go online, plots them for more fascinating stories or right to us on eco data. these don't come c o again, next week. the,
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the, the,
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how do we want to die? or equally important? how do not want to die? there aren't enough people in germany asking themselves these questions before it's too late. modern medicine still interprets patient welfare, of preserving life at all costs. but other perspectives are gaining traction in 75 minutes on d w, the
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innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a secret lie behind these discovered new adventures in $360.00 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage $360.00 now to marston, a ranch block. and then just to see a quote, you can make sure i'm not sure go yet. so here's
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your sisters, have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight for con dreams of another world. the boss starts june fast d, w the, it could be green, very green, old as blue. p s. white white has nothing to red. definitely. pull just the yes, yes, that's what you present. pull purple apples very special parts in the georgia. choose your favorite color. the
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. this is the, the news line from gun at the international court of justice, orders, israel to cease its assault on rafa. is the most, do you meet this the heart? it's mean it's open and any other action. and then i've, i've dealt with you and the top coat. describe the situation in gaza as a disastrous also on the program. positive line slide kills scores of people in the past for a new beginning. thousands of hundreds of flats in the middle of the night very entire from the.


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