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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the busiest dw news line from the, the international court of justice, orders israel to see, since the south on rock is the most immediate to behold. it's mean it's open and any other action instead of a governor, you as tough quotes, describes the situation in rough as disastrous pulse of on the program. the massive lance live, kill scores of people in the past for new beginnings, thousands of homes of slammed in the middle of the night bearing and tom list the
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i'm feel guile. welcome to the program, the international court of justice in the hey, cause ordered israel to stuff it's military offensive, and the city a for alpha in southern gaza. the ones top court describe the humanitarian situation as disastrous and ordered as well to allow and the access of aid. but anyway, the politicians have rejected enrolling saying that operations against hoss a group considered a terrorist organization by many countries will continue fall from the front lines of the war in gaza. is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blow? it must immediately hold. it's committed to offense and any other accident and then also have governor which may inflict on the by the city and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or input
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. that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its melody action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rough or v i. c. j also ordered the i'm conditional release of hostages being held by hum us while the court has no way of enforcing the ruling, it poses a major challenge is rams. allies have to choose between now,
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i suppose to be to imagine what the situation of the oh, how much the bar 3 and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. well, mark, well as professor of international law and international constitutional studies at the university of cambridge and the u. k. you tell me more about the course reasoning. it is right. it is, of course, in type, each to the right to self defense in response to the horrible, atrocious events of the 7th of october. but the right to self defense is no time limits huge and it can never tried to scratch. humanitarian though the laws of
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surprise that supports the dignity of human persons, she wouldn't beings in any circumstance, even war. and the court has now spoken for the 3rd time in just a few months, which is unprecedented. ordering is roe the 1st time not to do anything which could constitute acts of genocide against the people guys of the palestinians. the 2nd time it was ordered israel to ensure that there is for his you mind to try and access. and now, almost unprecedentedly, it has order to state to the hearing, to be in the middle of a self defense operation, to hold a major element of that campaign. it's russell offensive. professor mock? well, we'll take a look. knoxville headlines from around, well, united states as an, as an additional $275000000.00, a ministry a to you cry as key struggles to be power russians assault on the hockey region.
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the 1st package includes our munition miss, so i was tied to go vehicles and concubines and artillery rooms, especially if you've got a new offensive in the region. 2 weeks ago. you as president joe biden under gyptian president. i'm jo hossa of 6. so you have agreed to send humanitarian aid and skills the gaza via israel's cut them show on crossing until the rock of crossing is reopened. the announcement follows agent. now a dramatic drop in the amount of 8 entropy. temperature is ro, long submitted shell formations. in rafa, the rustic side has burned down. at least 200 makeshift houses enter back into a refugee camp in bangladesh. local 5 service that several people have been injured in the compet cox's bizarre. and that actually is having to around a 1000000 back in june, including many who fly the 2017 military crack down against the mostly minority.
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more than a 100 people, i believe, should have been killed. and i was massive lines live that buried a remote village in pa, for new guinea rocks continue to fall out from the mount between even those villages in the hang of province tried to dig through the soil. it happened around 600 kilometers north of the capitol most be massages the lawn. slide also blocked any ford road, linking the capitol to the affected area and how important the supplies a local community. a lead us spoke in a video at the same as this is a place that's covered by the deputies, and therefore people in the village, the locals here asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people, i find that that judge people, uh they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute choice and it's never happened in history. would they be patently, is a geography and a scientist at the university of hole in the u. k. we asked that what might have
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caused this disaster? yeah. some of that that that's been a whole series of of offense this. yeah, i mean more mold on size than we normally say in at this time that yeah, in, in, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. i know most of those have been associated with very heavy rain, full and puffy beginning has been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events. and those big ways to events are probably uh, driven by climate change. maybe since they will wrap the sphere contains with moisture, therefore we've seen this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain for events. so it is quite intriguing david, practically, to pakistan with thousands of people who the admitted to hospital is suffering from heat stroke. the country is in the grip of a heath way with temperatures, climbing to 50 degrees celsius in some places. and his followers pakistan's west april for more than 60 years,
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with more than double the average monthly rightful schools out for summer, early this year for the around $26000000.00 children of pakistan's putting job club and a sort of cheese in the region size, surging temperatures put the children at risk, so they close to school early. a week before summer holidays was set to start the temperatures including job a some $6.00 to $8.00 degrees celsius, above the average for the time of year. the government's climate coordinate to said the global warming is causing a sudden change and weather patterns. unvil and there is more to come on the subject. it's with the heat. it has dr. duke stock is done. this is the 1st week of the heat. we've been getting uh, they're not going to be, please spend the fast has already started my the 2nd spell, it will be in the beginning of june and the tart and the last of to offer the
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extreme heat is often coupled with power cuts as demand for fans and air conditioning source, some areas experience as much as 15 hours a day without electricity practiced on m, it's less than one percent of the wells, greenhouse gas emissions. however, due to a number of factors including geography and poverty. it's especially valuable to climate change. this heat why is the latest climate related disaster to hit the country in recent years as melting glasses and monsoons because devastating floods . in 2022 flood cement? just so it is a country calling more than 1700 people and displacing thousands. no one senior un official visits in practice down and have this to say the government of pocket style is also in the emergency center and it's not about where they are
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trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life. from the, the, the, the early warning systems and they asked us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done. this is, lemme bags must adapt and make drastic changes going forward that it will need help from the international community. now as india is massive, national elections that drawer to a close in the coming days, the campaigns could well turn out to be the biggest experiment in the use of artificial intelligence, sofa, hundreds of millions of verses what i've seen deep fact videos peddling this information or enhanced versions of some of the candidates, the world economic forums, global risk report this year around india most at risk from disk on miss information, dw, i billed by results don't is
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a big deal maker in the northwest who in state of rod just on the election season has been keeping him busy. today, he's filming the local congress, bought the new leader. given the job don't is not just a snappy campaign. we do mika. he's a deep faith. and he's going to don't just look a politician into right who have gone to the congress bought these most prominent face. the best we speech about locally shoes was come from the bought these national secret head. so this is the 1st time, then we have seen the lots katie, dissemination of the fix and a and, and then we can talk about what it expletives that always. i hate all these things . they want to integrate these technologies because when it begins, we talk through a lot of people who they can do personal. i'll finish to all the voters. begin,
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begins put in the message in different languages. what john don't, and i'll do is like him, are doing, is changing political campaigns in the was largest democracy. he sees he sees nothing wrong with the video, helps a politician. but he does the danger of this technology. if you're in a bad way, it can be very destructive. we have to have those definitely split technicians on the use of the i n b 5th pinion. voters are being bombarded with the facts of all kinds more than 50, medium or generated audio calls was made in the 2 months before voting started in april. some defeats and more of this, the problematic than others. for good dominic, this is union home minister. i'm each saying the government will stop the company to action for low glosses, the re elected. i'm somebody, it was
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a shock. off the top $517.00 was send it or it can be do was a dc and has left the criminal investigation and several arrest the doctor was who has the b, g. b, social media team blames opposition. parties quite attacking the union, a whole minister. they were trying to align will be government and they put it back to the beach it. so this is definitely a matter of consent. a deep faith. we deal with his face and his wise is it spread small faster than, than any other local headache part of the decision on the keys, nor to the fake, but still see this information released by the bgp. the video claim, the opposition congress, spotty, was promising to do all about the muslims. should the boy like up to multiple complaints, the election commission intervene and the retail was sticking down. the digital
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involvement foundation look, lend you. that has been promoting digital looked receipts and fighting fake news for more than 20 years. in that time, the team has to be more than 30000000 indians, mostly targeting people in 4 areas. the training sessions show people how to verify information across the district platforms. while doing the beginnings, they realize that the items like elections are there times when the solutions that are happening in the country. they are victims of a notification. it was admitted information. this information that they can do without understanding if that's the correct information on the problem. you're back in the studio, shadoan continues, happy making fake, redo goes to have a politician's hello over here on the sides. favorite president donald. but even he what it is that the growing demand for the fees that's keeping so busy could become
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a danger to them. in particular, will set you up to date to have a good day. and a great weekend by the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would have been nosy bay like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called called don't call back the
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most people spend their final days here in a hospital. although most of us would.


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