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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the of the news life from where i live, the international court of justice, orders, israel to cease. it's a salt on rough, is it must immediately hold me too often and any other action. and then i'll see you and the top port describe the situation in gaza as does that dress. also on the program, a massive lunch slide kills scores of people and pop when you get a dozens of homes or floss sent in the middle of the night varying entire family. the
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welcome to the program, the international court of justice and the hey has ordered as well to stop its military offensive. and the city of rafa and southern gaza. the you and the top court described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, an ordered, as well to allow on hindered access as 8. but is really politicians have rejected the ruling saying that operations against him off a group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries, will continue fall from the front lines of the war in gaza. is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blow? it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other accident instead of a governor, which may inflict on but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction
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in hold or input. but at the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its melody action in any area, guys, or just i was specifically aimed elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages? would continue, including in rough uh the i. c. j also order the unconditional release of hostages being held by hum us. well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge,
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is rams allies. they have to choose between now i suppose to be to imagine, oh, how much the $43.00 and both change is going to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is the speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a rest warrants, the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel as war a hello from ontario, canada last night bringing michael link professor of law and also a former you in special rapids or on human rights in the palestinian territories. thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us again here on dw professor link . how much of a blue is this ruling for israel? well, it's another blow in another remarkable week with respect to international law. as
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your commentator mentioned, of the arrest warrants application that was announced on monday by the prosecutor was certainly devaluing it. israel's reputation of the international community, the remarks by 3 european countries on wednesday to recognize palestine as a state was a further diplomatic. lo and today with the international court of justice ruling on the further application by so i'll have concluded that israel must immediately hold us military offensive them in rock. and i must maintain the rock a crossing which is real controls from the palestinian side that must maintain the opening in order to allow the on hindered flow of humanitarian aid, which is probably at the very worst stage that it's been in the 7 half months of this of this offer more so, you know, it's hard to imagine how much lower israel's international reputation. i can goals of it. if it proceeds as it appears, it will, with its
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a full blown ruffle offensive. i suspect will see more condemnation of israel in the days and weeks to come. yeah, and talking about other countries. let's go a bit deeper there because the court doesn't really have the ability to force israel to comply. but does this ruling oppose any duties or obligations on other countries to do or not do anything countries like the us and germany for example, which are supplying as well, with weapons or so, i mean, i, i not, it doesn't affect them directly, but certainly they could be domestic feel litigation in both countries because they are, by far the largest arm suppliers, the israel's, you mention to try to go to the courts in each country. not to say that there is complicity in, in germany's actions. uh, you know, offensive that the, both the, both the world court has what one of condemning and has been condemned to the
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general assembly of united nations as well. so this may well open up domestic challenges that will build upon what the court has said. yeah, definitely be interesting to see how that pans out, but this really is just one part of a broader complaint that size optical filed late last year, accusing israel's committing genocide and gaza will impact as today's decision house on that. well, it probably continues to hurt and the court with respect to israel's conduct, if you had a visual view of what the, what the audience in the court booked like today. there were 3 lawyers representing israel, and the rest of the seats were ordinarily a very large is rarely delegation, would be seated, were entirely empty. and i'm not, i'm not sure that was meant as contempt point israel for, for the course. or that was meant as a resignation, knowing what the court's ruling was. uh, it was likely going to going to be so this is so fairly objective so far. but
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professor, i'd like to ask you what your opinion is. what do you think this ruling will actually accomplish as well in the short run it, it won't accomplish anything. israel has shown the same for the 3 prior rulings that the international court has as issued with respect to the south african application. and remember this of african application for the charges of genocide against israel won't be heard in full by the court for probably several years down the road we're measuring come by the senior. it stick with the proceedings against me. i'm are brought by that can be at the international court of justice, but it will continue. i think, the deeply staying israel's diplomatic and political standing in the world. i think we've already seen obviously on the campuses, in europe and particularly in north america and kind of uprising that are calling upon their universities to stop the academic relationships and investments in
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israel. all of this, i think will continue. there's no sign of a cease fire being reached. and as i suspect even of israel was the, when all of its workings and, and the candidate a mass politically. and militarily, that will take a large number of months yet. so i suspect this kind of protest, these kinds of legal actions, this kind of political censor against israel will continue through the summer. well professor michael link, thank you so much for your expertise and your analysis there. thanks for being with us here on dw, again. thank you very much and have for having me. and let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. us president joe biden and egyptian president of joe. so tell us you have agreed to send humanitarian aid on fuel to god, so via israel is correct and shall long come staying until the roster crossing is reopened. be 9 spent 12 as
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a dramatic drop in the amount of 8 entering the territory. since israel launched military operations in rockville, the united states has a nice an additional $275000000.00 and military a to ukraine has keeps struggles to raquel russell, the salt on the car. gen refreshed packaging, please. i munition missiles, tactical vehicles on to tank minds and artillery ryans, russia. we got a new offensive in the region 2 weeks ago where than a 119 nations have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy at un talks in switzerland. the term refers to big companies using patents to look up natural resources and traditional knowledge of 2 or nations. with an adequate compensation, a massive fire has burned down at least $200.00 makeshift houses. and there are a hinge, a refugee camp and bangladesh. the local fire service said several people were
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injured, just like at the camp. in cox's bizarre bangladesh is home to run to 1000000 were hen jones, including many who fled a 2017 military crack down against them. is the minority and more than a 100 people, a believe to being killed and a massive line slide that bite a remote village and pop. when you get a box continue to fall from the mountain of villagers in the angle province. try to dig through the soil and happened to run 600 kilometers north as a capital port moresby. authorities set the land slide also blocked an important road linking the capital to the affected area, which is hampering the supply of age. a local community leaders spoken to video at to see is a place that's covered by the deputies, and therefore people in the village, the locals here asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people. i think that package,
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people know they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them because such situation is never happened in history. it's david pent late pet play. sorry, is a joke. refer on or a scientist at the university of holland, u. k. we asked him what might have caused this disaster? yeah, somebody does that. that's been a whole series of, of events this year. i mean more mold on size than we normally say. and at this time did yeah, in been you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. and now most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puff indicating he's been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events on those big raised events. so probably driven by climate change, i mean it's centrally, it will grab this via contains with moisture. that's what we've seen. this increase globally of, of the most intense drain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain full events. so it is quite intriguing. now,
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moving over to pakistan where the sizes of people have been admitted to hospice, all suffering from heat stroke. the country is in the grid of a heat wave with temperatures climbing to 50 degrees celsius. in some places. this follows pakistan's west is april for more than 60 years, with more than double the average monthly rainfall. schools out for summer, early this year for the around $26000000.00 children of pakistan's punjab club and a sort of cheese in the region size. surging temperatures put the children at risk, so they close to school early. a week before summer holidays was set to start of temperatures including job some $6.00 to $8.00 degrees celsius, above the average for the time of year. the government's climate coordinate to said the global warming was causing a sudden change and weather patterns. unvil and there was more to come on the subject. it's with the way he has dr. dukes. dr. stone. this is the 1st
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week of the heat we've been seeing. uh, they're not going to be play, spend the foster has already started cheese mate. the 2nd spend will be in the beginning of june and the tart and the last of to offer the extreme heat here. is often coupled with power cuts as demand for fans and air conditioning stores. some areas experience as much as 15 hours a day without electricity practiced on m. it's less than one percent of the wilds, greenhouse gas emissions. however, due to a number of factors including geography and poverty, it's especially valuable to climate change. this heat why is the latest climate related disaster to hit the country in recent years as melting glasses and monsoons cause devastating floods. in 2022 floods cement, just so it is
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a country calling more than 1700 people and displacing thousands. no one senior un official visits and pack us down and have this to say, or new. the government's or pocket stano is also in the emergency center, and it's not about where they are trying their best to ensure that predictability is key, where they can prevent massive loss of life from there. the, the, the early warning systems. and they asked us to support them, but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done. this is lemme bags must adapt and make drastic changes going forward. that it will need help from the international community. well, that's you all up to date, but stay with us. read is up next to the story of a chinese electric car maker now enjoying the last last, after being locked by you on much. as always,
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