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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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a what do you think? leave us a comment and type forget to subscribe to our channel, the the hello and welcome to this special edition of the deputy news efforts. so we're in south africa with the most contested election and the country's history is taking place. we're asking what's gone wrong here and who can fix it? it's been 30 years since the end of white minority rule. and the policy of nelson mandela has been in power here ever since. but the amc is in trouble. the tides may be turning on the policy and africa is old. it's new operation movement is fighting to maintain its political dominance. the government is failing us
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before amc our clients have in the past like every now and nothing is quoted on the fact that the people and the people stuff a lot especially in terms of unemployment. i personally myself picking. i have used for graduates already, but it's tom that's because south africa is in serious decline. unemployment published, seen in a policy, have dropped many south africans, mostly flat, of a dignified standard of living. the biggest opposition policy says it can do a better job. but it's not convincing enough closes. so what is the democratic alliance has problems and with dozens of pope poles on the ballots,
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new plays are changing the political scene. polls show them, making ground winning rows of votes. is this the insurances would be established policies? the christine, when do i, it's good to have your company. i've reported on a number of elections in south africa, but the general election simple may, 29th feels different. there is a strong sense here that the result will be a game changer. the african national congress has ruled for 30 years. it's now facing its toughest electro challenge hits a growing number of floods, africans off dissatisfied with the states. the country is in and they blame the amc, the key actor in bringing about south africa's freedom off the dock. yes. of oppressive white minority rule. here's a brief look back at the era known as the policies in the racially
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segregated south africa. black people were 2nd class citizens. the highest spaces in society was reserved for white people who would defend himself, batch, and preachers, sickness. they had privileged access to the best of the countries public facilities . the segregation officially known as a policy began in 1948. but it was rooted in the country's history of colonization . a pause a little required black people to carry a possible, which stipulated with they were permitted to work and travel. the system can do the harassment of black people. the,
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the government did not tolerate the sense, but that didn't stop people from showing their opposition. they were frequent mass demonstrations to which police responded with people for in 1960. so the african police opened fire on thousands of demonstrations in shop full township, killing 69 people. again lisa nelson, mandela and the amc took up the struggle against the policies for this. he and he's comm rates with brand a terrorist. and lisa sentenced to life in prison. but the resistance continued inside south africa and around the world. by the 1990s, much of the legislation that form the foundation of the policy system had been repealed. making the way for south africa's 1st inclusive and democratic election in 1994. the agency won that election. making nelson mandela,
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the country's 1st black president please raise your right hand. i'm sorry, so help me. god saw how the country was full of hope and promise blacks and whites would long been divided. would united and the agency would continue to dominate south africa's policies with over whelming majority support at the better thoughts by any measure the agencies electoral success over the past that he is, has been phenomenal, starting high end of nelson mandela and rising to spending levels and to tell them babies all time high, just shy of 70 percent, 20 years ago. even the decline of jacob c. my is relative and below watermark off 58 percent of silver. i'm a pool, so is a result. most democratically elected parties can only dream of,
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but this time the amc is facing an uncertain future post point to the result and the 50 percent. and the loss of its absolute majority the smell of rubbish mixes with sewage. it's a powerful cocktail that residents have gotten used to living with. this is a familiar site across south africa's township areas. we made the black citizens live president, so i'm a post. i've visited this area to campaign for votes. we joined him as the interested with residents listening to the consent this lifetime agency support to us happy to see room a poster. so he would tell him exactly how bad it is here. big guy, there's theses running through the streets. here's the mug of sewage. water is flowing freely here by now. cool. start done. we often don't have any electricity here. yeah, i mean, it goes off for long periods, one, even for a month,
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sometimes that big. those are the things that causes frustration. the sky entries in this also causing frustration is the country's high unemployment rate. 40 percent of people old enough to work with out drops. so the africans are also experiencing coupling electricity crisis. at its worst, some areas winds without power for over 8 hours a day. imagine paying 5 times the market price for a roll of toilet paper. that's what public probably utility is. scott was shutting out. it's been revealed that it was regularly overpaying for basic supplies. it's a kind of maladministration that has lift so that for can serious tend to have been used by business people with closer relationships to the amc to enrich themselves,
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leaving a litany of corruption scandal. the. the reasons like these, the amc is in big trouble. prediction polls suggest support for the party could even drop below 50 percent and addiction goes up because we know what's going to happen and the people in this whole and the people of south africa know in their own. so what they're waiting to do in terms of giving the amc and overwhelming majority but the majority of voters in this election are john. so the efforts who grew up under the amc administration of the although housing, the water supply and sanitation may have improved during the lifetimes, they're unhappy about the put it nomic prospects. well, no try to go ahead. i don't have what young people won't fight for the i n c
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because we are unemployed because it will be painful for them because new cartridge, they're going to come and take notes from the coma. the new policies are responding to our needs as young people is that when the i in the facing has to be stuck in the past act, they're not looking after on somebody's how got quote that unhappiness is expected to cost b and c deals at the polls the amc leadership sees the party has turned over a new leaf and should not be judged on past governments failures on the 29th of may. so that for tenants will give the assessment of when they think the agency can truly turn things around the bit up to 3 decades in power. the amc is suffering a wide range of electoral ills i spoke with the agencies youth the president call in malachi. and asked him about the worst one, corruption. those will clear up that one does have to be days. that's why i didn't
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see a setup systems for that day. is if you're a child, it's not even fun came to. if you're a child of corruption, we requested to step aside as a member of the government because of step outside of the people of the agency and teen q need the tablet tables move i've knowledge of the is a part of our problems that we're faced over time you've got the output is going to vision, has been associated with what i've seen in in was the split up a window confidence that enough it's enough for those will cut out mostly what can i received because it will get screw up unplugged like club cards of because i have them inside, you know, and it will impact in the world. i'd say it's quite up kind of tough to cause a you, i yeah, of course are good access to the source, the, the access to the bad. no, it's not able to run that, it comes to the organization tend to be there to save the people in advance that you end up doing in part where at a time with geopolitical relations around the world are shifting. if you have power centers emerging all over the world, i know that it's, it's been
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a long held emission of the agency to break wisdom hedge, monique young people in this country, having to decide between the east and, and, and the west and alliance. so to say, do you think south africa should cause it more to ally with wisdom, power, east impalas, excuse me, like china and russia as opposed to the west? look at the is the ticket most pulls up what, you know, our poster there. but also, even though, as they've invested, i don't know if we ever saw some of the, a lot of the export, the imports treat agreements mostly with there was no, i'm saying that the only thing that the one, the one from one of these countries i don't want to be seated, but one day ended up at the end of the stuff. and what did she want? anyone who's read who i do is kind of agrees with the post of the easy way to to us is sort of to go to bed. do i put that there is some polling suggesting that you'll parties the amc for the 1st time might struggle at to, to, to, to win
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a majority in this election? the fact that, that's even part of the conversation isn't that a daunting prospect. we've never been on the tech like before. the eclipse is more in the tech than ever now. now, i think that we've got the course and ended up at the end, so you can take, it's easy to be able to time to do. i'm about to consult stalled the present, but actually thank you so much for you so much in this election for the 1st time in 15 years and they will news it's majority, but they will do anything to stay in power image and quietness in between the amc the filing f, f m x and then this is quite an issue of corruption lives. we're on the get twist. to this election is about some 5 us unites to risk to south africa. vote d a. you just pull
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a campaign video from the democratic alliance. it is promising to rescue south africa from the amc. a controversial taxi from the main opposition policy, which 121 percent of the national flows in between the 19 election. but it is only dev and at provincial level, it runs the west and takes the www. style pool could travel to cape town to look at the policies record and what it has to offer. so that we can city like no other cape tony's homes over 4000000 people. and the numbers keep growing. the city has become an investment hub and a sort of to relocation destination for south africans and foreigners. it's one of the few places we jobs, a state of the growing largely due to moving to it's also different because it's not a side by the opposition and like the meaning of the success of the town.
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and the great problems are due to its policy intervention. it believes that can replicate this success in the risk of south africa and rescue the country from what it sees is 30 years of amc mismanagement. but there's another side of cape town. aside we have residents struggle to find decent, affordable accommodation rates in k town are up to 40 percent higher. they need to have this book informal settlements like this one have sprung up all across cape town. residents loved us, say they want to be close to public transport routes and close to the city center. with the jobs are located. they say they simply isn't enough social, a housing available and a consent that the prices for rental in other areas assembly to high life. yeah. means living without meaning basic needs needing some residents to feel leaked down by the d. a administration. finally we, we don't have electricity,
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we don't have water. and we also don't have toilets, which is the toilet. this is, these things are quite important to all people in the indian is that when i set up will you join us in the da's track record has not yet to convince team to vote for it does seem to be trying to deliver. but there's many people in the western cape it's trying, but we're not really satisfied. yeah, even though there's more than seeing needed john ski and he's in his taking these parties risky. so the african message across the country, mainly focusing on areas that have traditionally voted for the agency. he knows the part he needs to attract these voltage, if it is to overtake the routing parts and at the polls. but what about those, what i'm certain about the da's track record in the waste, in case you're not going to get everything rocked over. not it's going to take some time with people, especially the quality an economic, any quality that still exists in south africa use officer parts it. and absolutely,
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the waste of cape is not perfect. still got a lot to do and that's why we saying there's lots more to do so that we can voters have made it clear that the on promises they will judge parties in this election on the track record. the democratic alliance will have to show voters that he works with citizens of old backgrounds. if it wants to unseat b a and see the only alternative that we had been able, it's got out of the night. we install a company that, yep, is the one that i relate to is the one that talks about the problems that you should go to account is the one that addresses the issues that the people are facing, the pool, the much of the life, the print, i think if, if he presents me so all the policies, i think the waking for, for me. so that's why if it let me uh, come and support the party and that they've given me something that they have never
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given me. i'm 35 and nobody's going to hire me. but really as a, i have home the off the top 3 place policies. any one is expected to grow its share, often floats. the economic freedom fights is o e offense. it has been very deliberate in courting young versus the 5th is led by 43 year old julius my lima who rose to prominence as the a n. c used meet leader between 282010. the parties focus on land redistribution has been a major draw pod to young food since many of whom believe the amc sold out during negotiations with the parts they needed. the airpods they thought lead utilize the fact that the don't the light, 80 percent of the lead is in the hands of the wind jobs. if you pull up the by defect about dropping the inside, that's what you've got today. seat at both on 50 the meat are people who are
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comfortable to wait an hour and perfect. so now is because our self funding is typically now there are thousands of political policies standing in this election. many of them knew, profiting from purchase hopes for change, hopes that can not be fulfilled by the 3 big policies. sonya, as well as the, the, is the lead to off the rice incense, the policy. i close up with him and so with hope and asked him about his plan to make informal settlements and things of the past. the ease, no plan, so profile in sleep build communities which cannot become get to us because they've got the right facilities. the closer to the economic centers with if it can wait a short distance and so on. it's tails, right? please just pop up menu, we'd be the said we didn't 15 reviews, reviews just eliminates the problem, but you have to learn from funding,
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calling us the data, make the tough decisions we need to take to get the land is the big issues in south africa and it's in your manifesto, land reform. how do you propose rolling onto the policy of land reform here in south africa? so far? by there is nothing in the full. it's patients of these institutions pledge forms. we've seen that conflicts. we've just spoken about to crate population. she started commented justice and immunization. fitness question provides, what do they need with the get the they need, public amenities, they need physical network infrastructure in sullen. one of the instruments that is provided in the institution is exploitation of men with compensation. the government is not done because the whole plan, because the cost of the machine says you must explore periods for a poppy purpose. so you must be clear why you need
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a land identify each. so the context of the plan, it's for page. you pays it or not fit in the amount of money that you sent in to provide the services that you need to provide. what of calls is made, some people are very on it. yes, but i is a demo puppy. the views at this. expropriation should happen without compensation, can the south african states afford to compensate people whose majesty. so let me give you a sense of why compensation is one in the areas you have lots of hold on mental illness. when you say it must be a little machine. he thought, compensation impala is an easy one to maybe let the government officials to make it so patient decision and get, you know, caught up to the site. you're going to get some for sending that over. and then i'd be totally needed for pre did by a quarter up to for me, she a. and because the for to read the lawyer,
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we would need to fight the case for the problem is talk to this is that this has been positioned as a net white dish. almost have you hold to 180 s and 1050, a way to give the government power to take the unlimited compensation. you wouldn't have this model walk away, but some other page is white. but the people want to say don't amount perfectly in the process of acquiring net we set out by all skin with i'll definitely co wind wrong and who might be able to solve its challenges. so if south africa on the decline, i put that question seductive sampling better political sciences at the university of pretoria. south africa, it is on the has not subject to the promise of 1994. and it certainly i think in many areas under the tide in terms of being able to provide
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for the people that lives here. so that i think that no malice, she will be good for saw that i think the bird, i think being this miracle of 1994 and this you know, relatively peaceful transition from associates of democracy has been a major big heavy yoke to carry for the country and for the people that lived yet because the expectation of what south africa is or so and, and could be, has often been completely out of touch with the reality of what it is and what it was recovery from to be cut. and so i think that a dose of healthy expectations is a good thing to south africa. and, and i think that one of the major uh, kind of hurdles and what i would like to see being focused on from now is to really
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attend to attack the deep in the quality that is in this country. because the reality is that the country is in some ways more an equal than it was in 1994. the people to do well, well see in 1994 have only become lafayette. you've still got massive disparities between white people and black people. what quality of life and, and the a young person who was born in 1994 con see very much what is big to about 2024 to 1984. where as for me, who was born in 1984 i so and i lived through a dramatic improvement in my life and my life chances. and we need to give that back to kids who are living now. and i think part of that means being really
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realistic about what south africa is, what it kind of cheese. i'm not trying to live up to some of the image of the american states. even nelson mandela said he was not a saints and he didn't want to be treated as one. and i don't think that's how that because should be treated like a country of states. um, so that because a normal country with deep, deep, deep problems, many historical but also many created in the present. and i'm looking forward to us having the time and the space to deal with the reality of who south africa is not to the international community imagines it's a once it's that's also the special edition of deeds of the news africa on the south african elections. this week is off to the end of the policies, will leave you with the voices of the people who have the final say, south african votes is on their hopes for the future. i'll see you next time by
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the us some a trustee change here in south africa. the asians is going to win the i'm positive because it's a, it's a, it's going to when people can see this change, education is the key way to know who i am, the i with children can post. as we get educated, they will be significant change even better than what they saw in 1994. the beautiful and there's more that can be done to go to africa. and i believe, honest as the youth coming up,
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we have so much barely just to change or con. no, i feel like the call to service the case. some people are afraid. i cannot be all like working together. um, no, it's just a friendly nation. so the, all the, the, the
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power of the city of love and transit turnaround errors wants to become the green capital of you're a role model. it's restructuring of transport. networks is in high gear. everything should be rolling by the olympic games. but the green concepts are still causing a lot of trouble. in 30 minutes. on the w, it looks like an egg. it has
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2:00 am
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