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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the to the news life somewhere. let the international court of justice, orders israel to space. it's a salt phone, rough on it, it must immediately hold. it's mean it's open and any other action. and then i'll see you in the top court. describe the situation in gaza as disastrous also on the program. deep fakes and non date indian voters. we looked at how some cost of false light on rifles and others enabled candidates to be on issues. they've never addressed the
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him all welcome to the program. the international court of justice in, hey, has ordered israel to stop at military offensive, and the city of rafa and southern casa, us top court, described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, an ordered, as well to allow on hindered access as 8. but is really politicians have rejected the ruling saying that operations against him, off a group considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries, will continue from the front lines of the war. and gaza is rails. military campaign suffered a major legal blow. it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other accident and did also have governor, which may inflict on but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction
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in hold or info at the latest icy j. rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help if military action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages? would continue including in rough or v i. c. j also, or did the unconditional release of hostages being held by hum us. well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is ramsey allies have to choose between now
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i suppose to be to imagine what the situation of the oh, how much the bar 3 and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel. this week, the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. well, michael link is a former un special rector on human rights in the past. and in territories earlier i asked him how big of a blow this ruling is for israel as well? it's another blow in another remarkable week with respect to international law. as your commentator mentioned, the arrest warrants application that was announced on monday by the prosecutor was
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certainly a devaluing israel's reputation of the international community. the remarks by 3 european countries on wednesday to recognize palestine as a state was a further diplomatic lowe. and today was the international court of justice ruling on the further application by so they'll have concluded that israel must immediately hold us military offensive them in rough. uh, and it must maintain the rough a crossing, which is real controls from the palestinian side that must have maintained the whole thing in order to allow the on hindered flow of humanitarian aid, which is probably at the very worst stage that has been in the 7 half months of this, of this offer more. so, you know, it's hard to imagine how much lower israel's international reputation i can go. and if it's, if it proceeds as it appears, it will, uh, with its a full blown ruffle offensive. i suspect we'll see more condemnation of israel in
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the days and weeks to come. that was michael link. rescue teams have begun arriving at the scene of a massive line slide, but part a remote village and pop. while a new guinea. the disaster is thought to have killed more than a 100 people. books continued to fall from the mind and as villagers in the angle province tried to dig through the soil. it happened to run 600 kilometers north of the capital port. moresby, also, as you said, the land side also blocked an important road linking the capital to the effected area timeframe supply of age. a local community leaders book and a video at the scene. this is a place that's covered by the deputies, and therefore people in the village, the no garcia, asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people. i think that the people that they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them because
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such situation. it's never happened in history. david pet play is a joke afer and assigned to us at the university of hall in the u. k. we asked him what might have caused this disaster. yeah, some of that that, that's been a whole series of, of events this year. i mean both mold on size than we normally say. and at this time that yeah, in, in, you know, be compared with, with the last 20 years or so. i know most of those have been associated with very heavy rain full and puffing again. and you've been hit by a repeated series of big rain storm events. and those big ways to events are probably uh, driven by climate change. maybe since they will wrap the sphere contains with moisture. that's what we've seen. this increase globally of, of the most intense rain full. so that is, that is the overall picture, but it doesn't appear that this particular land started was triggered by rain for events. so it is quite intriguing. now as india's massive national elections draw it to a close in the coming days, the campaigns could well turn out to be the biggest experiment in the use of artificial intelligence. so far,
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hundreds of millions of voters will have seen the deep fate videos paddling this information or enhanced versions of some candidates. the world economic forums, global risk report this year ranked india most at risk from this and this information dw, do thoughts reports don't, is a free domain in the northwest, who in state of rod just on the election season has been keeping busy up to date. she's filming the local congress spot, the youth leader. given the job don't, is not just a snappy campaign. we do mika. he's a deep faith. and he's going to don, just look a politician into right who have gone to the congress bought these most prominent face. that we speech about locally shoes will come from the bought these national secret head. so this is the 1st time then guessing the lots, data,
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dissemination of the face and a and, and then we can talk about what it expletives, dental and vision. i hate all these things. they want to integrate these technologies because when it begins, we talk to a lot of people who they can do. personal openings to all the voters begin begins, but in the message in different languages. what john don't and now do is like him, a doing is changing political campaigns in the was largest democracy. he sees he sees nothing wrong with the video, helps a politician. but he does the danger of this technology. if he was in a bad way, it can be very destructive. we have to have those definitely split the illusions on the use of the i n d fix pinion. voters are being bombarded with the face of all kinds more than 50 medium. a i generated audio calls was made in the 2 months before the routing started in april,
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some deep physics and more of this be problematic than others. for good dominic, this is union home minister. i'm each saying the government will stop the company to action for low glosses the re elected. i'm so mad it was a shock off the top $557.00 now was said to be do was a dc and has left the criminal investigation and several arrest a fleet doctor was who has the b, g. b, social media team blames opposition. parties quite attacking the union, a whole minister they were trying to align will the government and the put it to go back to the beach it. so this is definitely a matter of concern. a deep faith we deal with his face and his wise is it spread small faster than than any other local? it had a part of the decision of the keys nor to the fake,
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but still see this information released by the bgp on the video claim. the opposition congress, spotty, was promising to view all about the muslims. should the boy up to multiple complaints. the election commission intervene and the retail was sticking down. the digital involvement foundation look, lend you that has been promoting digital dict, receipts and fighting fake news for the 20 years. in that time, the team has to be more than 30000000 indians, mostly targeting people in port 80 is the training sessions. show people how to verify information across the district platforms. while doing the evenings we realize that the items like elections are there times when the solutions has been happening in the country. they are victims of a notification. it was admitted information. this information that they can do
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without understanding if that's the correct information on the problem. you're back in the studio, shadoan continues, happy making fake, redo those kind of politicians. hello, over here on site was favorite president donald, but even he what are the most of the growing demand from defects that's keeping them so busy it could become a danger dialect or integrity. let me remind you, it's not real. to offer more on this story. let spring and dw correspondent do about a new daily who you just saw working on that report. do other any regulations in place to protect indian voters from these kind of deep fix on this information? so how at present there are no specification regulations or laws of place to protect people from the fix and a i but and comment has been working for the last couple of months because they kind of realize the damage in deep thinking too. so they have directed social media
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platforms like whatsapp x, that they find something that's problematic and they should take it down within 24 hours. but when it comes to this information, so there are rules in place. there are regulations in place. and when separating this information in india is a criminal offense. so there are a constitutional provisions, like if you spend misinformation with this information, you can go to jail and some of the, some of them are valuable normally for the offense. so in the seo selection, it's a big thing because of experts and tom, this is election as an election and this information, a related content. and they take me to as a speeding on the with the internet. and it's becoming a big concern and uncommon, just trying to do everything to stop it and it prevent it disagree with the election commission of india this time directed political parties not to spread defect me deals with this information. i guess this is just the beginning for what
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we're going to see all over the world. but where are voters themselves and india that they're being targeted by fate. content on manipulation is it of via hello, this lack of this when it comes to the fake what this information because there is the lack of digital electricity and they don't disagree culture of bias. it's on people. so there are like 800000000 the people who have access to the internet, but they don't have a training help spot take me was hops for this information. and these days like internet is pretty cheap. people have access to some odd phones, but what they have is lacking, but what, what as telling them, but they don't have anyone to tell you how to spot fake news hotspot. this information here and jewels, suicide, the or factor goes, come in. so in order for you must have seen that there is a digital environment foundation who was at
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a slum areas or for areas where they conduct trainings and teach people hotspot. faking it was what dumped them about. they fix because they kind of realized the dangers of it. and they showed them videos also and 10 in india and there is disapprove of patch. it goes all like back checking websites. they work on most if we did 19, the spot, faith knew it wasn't because they know in elections that can create a lot of palm. so and use of playing an important role with patch. it goes up like an important role to stop this kind of madness, which is, which is happening because of this information in fake news i do about and you daily. thank you so much for breaking that done for us there. thank you. and that's you all up to date, but stay with us. ralph is up next with the story of a chinese electric car maker now enjoying the last last after being boxed by
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e. longmont. as always, you can find more news on our website that dw dot com and our social media handle is at dw news. i'm having a role in berlin. thanks so much for being the name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next would it be nosy, bailey good. everyone to kings? check out the award winning called called the called back. b y d the world's largest e v manufacturer. how did they get that.


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