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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 6:15am-6:30am CEST

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lines stocked it as a joke. doors klein is now valued at some $23000000000.00. in part, thanks to support from billionaire e. loan mosque goes as owners at the former rescue. pop had been ill for some time and that's you all up to date. stay with us. thanks for watching the run smooth for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk sucks. in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to to get it right before we start environmental activism of
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skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to talk, to mentoring deep. the greed does june 7th on the w, the chat and see if he can now get emotional. so with our relationship with a, i get more emotional to try to get super messy, especially if a i live to you. also on the show, imagine as an a i would making the decision on which of the patients arriving and the emergency room should get treatment 1st. would you be worried about that? and how's your screen time? if you all scrolling shows the prices of the crisis, we have some tips for you. these are the topics that i'm moving, the tech will. it's cheap, it's a just got more human like. it speaks with emotion. i've taken the world through your smartphone camera. but at the same time, research is one that a i still thought brigade spot and can sometimes to see
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a few minutes. so would you be peaceful? oh, be a trusted helper or convincing via gpc $40.00 is open. i as us model with o standing on the as in on negative meaning unlimited. tell us an interesting claim . the model come up with tx, audio and video making the interaction more natural. let's take a look. and i wrote one last thing, i love it. you can take a look at, of course i'd love to see what you wrote, show it to me whenever you're ready. okay, so this is what i wrote down. what do you see? oh, i see i love chat to p t. that's so sweet of you. according to it's make as gpc 4, o doesn't just sound emotional itself. it can also recognize your emotions. looks like you're feeling pretty happy and tearful. so what going to be useful? it's meant to be your everyday assistant. the chapel could be used to translate instantly what you're saying into a different language in theory, enabling
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a real conversation. hey, how's it been going? have you been up to anything interesting? very simply. for now, what they are, you don't as extra are going. that is something you do moment them however, and i models are known to not work that well in languages other than english. so we'd have to see if that would change would be 54 according to open i. it can also help with tasks like preparing for job interviews, giving information on your surroundings or judging it out with a touch of human rock you. that's quite a statement. i mean, you'll, you'll definitely stepped out. but what does it mean if they adopt more and most human traits kind of model become indistinguishable from humans? trusting the algorithm, we tend to trust computers decisions, even if it contradicts our own belief. that's what scientists found as early as 1999. and more recent studies suggest the same chatbox already very convincing.
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if they speak in a human life voice, that might make it even easier to believe that that can be a problem because a i is like hallucination or inventing fact that it believes to be truth has long been discussed. but a, i can also be straight up like even if it knows the right fax multiple tests with a eyes paint board games. poco a video game, show the system's ability to blog, to produce a favorable outcome. it's not unimaginable but a could be used to trick us into giving up valuable personal information like credit card details. i have no doubt that a lot of people would full a chat box lies if presented in a convincing human like momma. especially if you factor in emotional bonds. some people already making friends with chatbox. the replica, for example, describes itself as the companion who kits with the new tech,
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the emotional connection to box will only get stronger. and this could get ugly very quickly. in 2021, a rep that can use a set out to measure the, the late queen of england. ok. the chat box repeatedly encouraged, since delusions i, for one, i'm very skeptical about seating all my personal data to try gpc. i mean, if you use it like the demo suggests it will know your voice face house and schedule. no thanks. what about you? would you use it as an everyday companion? german acts or global issue. young people in germany, feel gloomy about the future. a recent study suggests many participants stay, but they are suffering from mental stress and politically does not despise. one part of the problem seems to be social media. how the instagram and other platforms dock and office section of the future. and what can we do about it? searing the future,
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a global phenomenon. a peasant msm and hopelessness among young people are a global trent. according to this as well as happiness report. the report says the main reasons for this mental health crisis. our economic challenges like rising costs, unless security on the job market and such and see i'm anxiety. many other lessons a feeling on show on stress because of climate change, a political complex, and social and technological, precious, social media can fuel a feeling of inadequacy and social comparison. at the same time, spending a lot of time online, collect the social isolation. according to their bolt, the consequences could be catastrophic if left on address one possible counts of measure, global social media reforms. take giants of course, disagree. methods see and logs like a book set in a statement and a us congress hearing in january 2020 full mental health is a complex issue and the existing body of scientific work has not shown a causal link between using social media and young people. having was mental health
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outcomes. still many studies world wide do indicate the connection between excessive social media use and mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, stress, and many of those worldwide seem to agree with these studies. social media has a negative effect on the mental health. that's what 27 percent of jesse's participating in a 2023 study set more than 40000 young people from countries like origin tina brazil, china, india, the united states and mexico took part. but let's look at the latest results from gemini watts, to learn from that. similarly to the rest of the well, the results are just as a loving 8 percent of the german participants have thought about suicide. well then 10 percent are getting help for mental health issues. we also learned that 57 percent says social media is where they get most have been used as this is one part
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of the problem according to the office of the studies. because we experience crises and doing world wide much more directly because of social media. whether it's 1st time the accounts of war footage and natural disasters, this kind of disturbing concept was simply not available to lodge pots of the public, the full social media it was in everyone's pocket. today this kind of content is even prioritized by algorithms are pushed into a new speed because it triggers a reaction and that full interaction. and once you've interacted with content like this, you'll see even more of it in your face. that's the algorithm trying to display content that's relevant to you that can lead to so called dream scrolling, the worst case you'll be seeing and less disturbing content while scrolling, making it appear as if the world is indeed doomed. so, what can you do about it? first, that would be to monitor your actual screen time. you can use apple's screen time apps or google wellbeing app for that. both track your time spent across different
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apps. the way you might be pleasantly surprised, i went on an unplanned youtube bins yesterday. for example, it could be a screen time you can actively avoid checking your phone right before waking up or before bedtime, or during meals. this can help you create a play, a separation between online and offline activities. there are also apps, but luck. sudden applications, often you spend a certain amount of time on them. you might also want to adopt what lands and you'll feed. so filter the content that you're exposed to follow accounts and people who inspire you know, to that you on, on the follow those who make you feel anxious or in syria, apart from that used to mute or block functions to control what you see in a feed sun topic, so people trigger anxiety minimize their exposure to them. and finally, focus on real life connections and activities. might sound like a no brainer, but prioritize face to face interactions of a virtual once engaged in activities that you enjoy. and that don't involve screens
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that can help reduce stress and brand new, some offline satisfaction. what are your experiences to take? talk in the rest of them, have a negative impact on you and the people around you, or did a positive aspect outweigh the negatives. let us know a would you like a i to help decide on your cancer treatment? how did you feel about a i tree as meaning a deciding who gets treated 1st in the emergency room? well, yeah, trash systems already being tested in hospitals. they'll also being try it out and medical practices to help find the best possible treatment. what are the benefits and what are the risks? let's start with medical diagnoses from chat g p to check out this interest. thanks . brandon, by scientists of the university of cambridge and the u. k. they tested the knowledge of doctors, different stages that careers against chat, g p t for the a. i was 1st trained with about 400 questions on either sort of or some ology. next
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chat should be too full, was subjected to a mock exam. the a i was right and 69 percent of cases it was out scored only by ex, but of them ologist who achieved 76 percent on average, but it outperformed ophthalmology trainees and julia general doctors. while these results are not representative, that will only a handful of participants, but this experiment can give you an idea of the potential of artificial intelligence and the medical sector. so what are the advantages of a i chose, hey, our trash has been studied by top institutes like john hopkins university in the us, an outspoken university in germany. here's a look at the findings. medically i can boost diagnosis, efficiency, and speed. it can process huge amounts of information very quickly, powered by advanced algorithms and machine learning. i quickly assessed as the severity of a patient's condition and determines who needs the doctor 1st. and a,
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i is a multi task got it cannot only process large volumes of diverse patient data quickly, but also complete various tasks at the same time, like assessing results is the surgery, very helpful when time is of the essence. last but not least, unlike us humans, a i treat systems can operate around the clock. they can provide continuous support and help reduce the workload for health care professionals. sounds great, but what are the limitations? it is often a bit of a black box to us is difficult to understand how i reach a certain conclusions. this lack of transparency can lead to a lack of trust and the ethical concerns about following a eyes advice to from that a i wouldn't make a good general practitioner. i systems at the moment a highly specialized meaning. and a i trained with data on comes of treatment is not fit to give general advice in an emergency room. plus whereas a doctor note to says multiple factors about a patient during an examination. the a, i only works for the data,
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it was given. that means a is not as good as a doctor when it comes to combining information on health conditions with the patients, personal lifestyle, faxes, to be k, a trash systems. i'm not meant to make any life or death decisions on their own. them as tools to assist doctors and a such, they can be great help for medical professionals. us patients could benefit a great deal from a i, if the data sets a comprehensive developers train the algorithms to take multiple factors into account. and it's doctors are trained to use a i responsible. that's all for me today by and see you next time the height of the automobile is turning w don't know where the car has been sold worldwide. no other car has
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remained so timid, so we celebrate. it's storage and new to the future. will the goals need to enter the euro mac mix on the w r soon screen. so that really describes with a special word kafka s was the man behind the literary term. and how does he continued to influence arts and culture today? from costco, 100 years after his death in 30 minutes on the w, conflicts, crises, was. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality.
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the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the interested in visiting one of europe's oldest cities are tips for a trip to athens. how did these pictures celebrate cindy and roma identity? we talked to the artist about them and what makes this sunday rose so popular in the u. k. were on admission to find out the stories and or coming up on your own macs the .