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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news line from berlin. israel in says, it's military operation in gaza. does comply with international law after this order from the international court of dress, which is the most immediate, the hood. it's mean it's open and any other action ended up on how governor of the union's top court described this situation in gaza as disastrous. and the ruling that leaves is real facing for the global isolation. also coming up the race to find survivors after a massive landslide hits a remote part of pot for new guinea. hundreds or if you're dead and injured, while the rescue effort being hindered by conditions on the ground and all lives on
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the political flight for the capital in new delhi. as india reaches the final stages of electrons to pick, it's new leaders the and welcome to viewers around the world. unlike loco, israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice in the hague to immediately stop its military offensive in the southern gauze and city of ruffled, the court described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, but stopped short of ordering a full ceasefire. israel insist it's operations inside gaza is in line with international law file from the front lines of the warren, gaza is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blow. it must immediately hold. it's committed to offense
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and any other accident and did also have governor, which may inflict on the, by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx. that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its military action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages? would continue, including in rough uh the i. c. j also order the unconditional release of hostages
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being held by hum us. well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is rams allies. we have to choose between now i suppose the international institution under oh, how much support and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel as war dw correspond to rebecca raters joins us now from jerusalem. again. rebecca, the is really government has been ordered to stop any sign. it will. it
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was only been quite a week michael. um i think the answer to that question. the short answer is no. that's certainly not what we're seeing on the ground in a foreign ministry statement. often that ruling was handed down. we, if we had the statement said is round, hasn't has no and will not conduct military actions in rafa which may inflict on palestinian population conditions that could bring about physical destruction. so an almost denial of the accusations, the coming from the court to from the rulings the prime minister benjamin netanyahu also rejected the allegations of genocide saying these things are simply outrages we heard from the opposition. yeah. in the page also condemning this ruling from the i c j. so really across the board. how many guns so central spending accounts, who is a member of that will cabinet was more as you heard in that report actually was more of even clear about the actions. he said that the israel would continue. it's just unnecessary war to bring home it's hostages beds little small trips,
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the finance minister on the far right of a benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition cooled the court and to submit to this is some of the, the sentiment that we're hearing from israel. and it certainly looks on the ground . what we're hearing is that the finding continues to times continue to push in to rougher and i witnessed this because he's bombardments and smoke rising over the area. what's the reaction been from these really public to the ruling? well that all depends on who you're talking to. a large portion of this riley public agree with much of the sentiment that we've been hearing across the board from the government. they think it is unjust. they think the world is against israel, and they've few, you know, the war is still relatively or move and relatively, it is still largely population of people to believe that it is the only way that they can get back the hostages, a large portion of society. i should say, believe that they also believe that the,
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at the how must threaten needs to be eliminated. so certainly, you know, large portions of his riley society standing with that sort of is really government and his ready opposition. position that the i c j willing is on just though of course there are members we have in his riley society saying that yeah, this is absolutely outrages and things should stop. so you really have an opinion across the board, but the majority still standing on the side of the wall. rebecca, as you will know, 8 agencies or warning of dire consequences for palestinians in gaza. if they're off of border crossing isn't reopen. has there been any progress there? a well, not so much with russia, but that has been some other limited progress ross, a quote crossing as we know has been closed since this incursion began. now these riley say that they would be willing to maintain that it's open, but the, it's infected gyptian side that don't want to, as i say, be complicit with the incursion. or we have the control of rough across him with these riley control of it. so they have maintained its closure, but they've,
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they've struck a deal with the us just last night. the president button of the us spoke to presidency of egypt and they coordinated agreed that aid from egypt that has been sitting at that wrestler crossing you know, some of that rocketing way things across the river and also a few rough or is there any crossing with fuel is able to cross, now it will be diverted, set care him shall, long crossing, and some idols thought to be able to go through there. we seemed very limited amounts of a going through since the incursion began. and we know that some 600 trucks a day i needed to of the humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding their our rebecca rivers in jerusalem. thanks rebecca. so here's a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world as we speak. the united states has announced an additional $275000000.00 in military aid to ukraine has keeps struggles to repel breakfast itself on the hard key region. the fresh package includes ammunition, missiles, tactical vehicles, anti task mines,
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and artillery events. russia began a new offensive in the region 2 weeks ago. more than a 190 nations have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy and un talks in switzerland. the term refers to big companies using patton's to lock up natural resources and traditional knowledge of 4 nations. without adequate compensation. the us is gearing up to the memorial day holiday. were large rocks and boulders were still folding. only a few bodies have been recovered so far. the red cross estimates that as many as 500 people could be injured or dead. a rapid response, team of medics ministry on police took hours to reach the scene. this is a place that's covered by the deputies and therefore people in the village, the no garcia, the asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people,
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i find that stuff which people uh they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute joyce and it's never happened in history of the sheer scale of the line slide was also making it difficult to find survivors according to eye witnesses. the area hitches about 600 kilometers north west of the capital of port moresby. with 10000000 people popular and again, he is the most popular sub pacific nation after australia. a diverse developing nation to mostly subsistence farmers with a 100 languages public and he has few roads outside. the larger cities, tearing access to rescue vehicles will take a long time. and this is expected to hinder assessments and relief efforts. well, polls have opened and daily as india reaches the final stretchers of its marathon election. all 7 seats in the lower house are being contested. ro, gundy, leader of one of india's opposition parties turned out amid the blistering heat to
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cast feasible one, a prime minister, new random moody's main opponent's daily chief minister of in, casually well, was expected to vote later in the day casual who was arrested on corruption charges and released on bail after the supreme court intervene, accuse modi of using criminal probes or heard his transits. for more, let's now speak to dw corresponding show yadda, who joins us from delhi shelves, set the voting day scene for us. the closest the constituencies that awful god should a oh myco and over a 100000000 people are eligible. voters are due to vote in different parts of india . so this heat is pretty much on not just political in india, but climate wise as well. it's coming up to mid day here now, and we see that the number of people who are coming out to vote has been dwindling . the turn out was pretty much high in the early hours of morning. it's it opened
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at 7 am. that's going to be so most people are trying to cost a boat, but now as it's coming up to mid day and the heat is rising, the numbers seem to be coming down, but we'll see, uh we, we still have until 6 pm today to see what the both are doing now turns out to be 12 and mid that he'd, i think one of the big questions is how much is chief administered, casual, was arrest, going to influence the voting should be arrested for this. i've been kids have all, has dominated the printer to go back to the feel in delhi who was arrested on a corruption charges. like you said, the charges that you denies. and he's been us using the reading, be potty or framing to some movie else, trying to stifle the opposition party 0. he's been the chief minister of this of the national capital of daily since 2015 and a very popular one of that. and so as soon as he came out on barely, he started the addressing election valleys with solar to an order for huge amount of number of people. and he asked people to, uh,
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he requested people to come out the numbers and both the pgp government. i'll just follow because he sees them as an alternative. as, as no kidding regina. he even went to the length of accusing the fragment. it's still trying to turn the country into something like a rest of the uh with lead us like of louden it within to don't allow the opposition to side. so the heat is pretty much on uh the accusations have been flying. oh, not just from the b b side, the ruling, the party side, but also from the opposition side. like i've been gauge of all, i just look on fix to the rest is not just uh and so they did case i had to be like since uh we have seen uh several rates by uh, federal law enforcement agencies on opposition parties are the main opposition party congress is a funds were frozen briefly, which raises fios in, in the, in the was i'll just democracy that this exercise may not be free and fast. show what's expected outcome well that's,
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it's anybody's guess really a really, but we have to really see if they choose, oh, between the 2 ideas that into the, the different political factions are setting to people here, prime minister movies, a party has focused on religious identity and funding to be him, the majority of people by the opposition has stuff judged on saying that this is about saving secularism and democracy in and do that. so dw correspondence, shelly jada of many, many things and we apologize for the visual hits we're taking there. you're watching dw news. here's a reminder now of our top story. israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice in the hague to immediately stop it's military offensive. in the southern gauze and city of rasa is, will insist it's operations inside garza or in line with international law. and will ended there up next is rev with
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a look at the new rising store in electric vehicle sales. unlike the live who, thanks for being with us and bye for now the the b y d, the world's largest e v. manufacturer. how did they get that?
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and can they stay on the.


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