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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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more now, when we say they're about never getting up every weekend on d, w, the, among the animals, these domestic cases, chickens are in the closet, their own that an estimated 20000000000, well twice. that's around 3 for every one of us. but that often kept on the terrible conditions, industrial x factories grew to the goods and fights the environment. is there a way to replace the humble eggs with a convincing plan based alternative that story and much more this week on dw sign show. welcome to tomorrow. today
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for many of us flour and eggs or a perfect combo. but if you live in big deacon, you have to improvise. so what's the best? ag substitute, endo applesauce. loop in flower or perhaps the liquid left over after cooking legumes and was having this problem under and for me, none of them are the solution when it comes to reproducing all the properties of an ag dropped from this ice not being so can eggs are a complex natural products with many different properties that can't be easily imitated. it's a challenge for a cell scientist, values hank. but he doesn't want to just leave everything up to the food industry. the style with i personally feel that the egg is under represented and research.
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some start ups are also eager to see change in yada ones. i live as much as if we can see that our current food system has a very negative impact on the environment, check out its environmental impact is simply insanely high. what we can't go on is we are at the moment because we're just destroying the plant of damage instantly from pennington test on. so what most a perfect ag substitute look like and do better on the go got a c a r t i got i think she knows she was born in mexico where people lead a lot of eggs about god are thinking working at the found hoof institute for process engineering, she developed an egg that didn't impact either the environment or animals, backed by well known investors, she founded a started up in berlin called next. the food technologist, as seeking to produce the 1st completely beacon egg, it has a show and everything. and then comes to then you can use it to make pride or
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scrambled eggs or for baking. some for team is currently working on making the yoke a little more liquid by adding proteins from beans and sweet potatoes. the beacon egg also contains omega 3 fatty acids from plant based oils and calcium. together the 14 ingredients produced a stable emotion. the team experimented a lot with ag wide substitutes. this then seen that we had to find something that was transparent like in a chicken egg, but also have the right protein content to put the ink. because the next challenge was to get the egg white and your to work together. the solution calcium in the beacon your forms a membrane when it comes into contact with an algae extract. so the plant based construct actually forms a spear surrounded by a kind of membrane and remain separate from the egg white. but what about an eggs properties? how do you imitate those competitor lovely day foods,
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also based in berlin, is working on cracking the code to whether a substitute phones jails or binds. like the real thing depends on the interplay between different proteins. those processes can be tweaked with a little help from technology to put things you want to come into the precision fermentation, the technology we're enables us to produce these proteins that are exactly the same as those in eggs in terms of their functionality and texture and protein content, some even say they're better based off. the for meant or proteins are then tested for a range of properties. today it's all about foam ability to smell them and doing video . we produce several solutions and tests and protein interactions looking for properties. we want how much the firm is mainly working on solutions for industry. and this comes from not and it comes close to ag wide but could definitely be firmer and more voluminous is one of the test i'm going to lose. as i'm adding
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another protein increases the phone is volume. consider of the way. so how good do vegan eggs taste berlin started up next, has already performed several blind tasting events and says 85 percent of their testers couldn't tell a difference in products containing real eggs. and they were plant based ones. but that wasn't key. sure muffins, what about a classics fried egg sunnyside out? how does the next product do then? it's going to take twist. the texture is very similar, and the 1st taste is also great. yeah. really, i get and what about the show? the garcia how to jago wants to offer an act that looks like an act for a company's prototype show was developed by a colleague at the phone of institute made of bio plastics and minerals. the show can be cracked and then compost it. so how does the whole thing come together of
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the kind of meat which i shot we made it using ultrasound and then glued it together and that works. so we haven't done it on a large scale yet. i haven't been no cater or should be able to include plant based ag, patti's like this and their menu soon, but we'll vague and eggs remain just a nice product or have wide spread afield. it's a product that's 6 to be better, especially in terms of sustainability. that's what a lovely day foods is all about. producing their proteins takes a lot fewer resources that current ag factories chickens. but many people remain wary of lab grown food. this have been fun and you got to see it has no necessarily negative connotation level. a lot of natural things can be produced in a lab to can a lot of research can be carried out and to produce an end product that's bio identical you, dentist. so that means the end product is exactly the same as what comes from
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nature, but it's made using a new process on pretest heather state. will consumers accept x substitutes? research are mostly a single things they will at least faster than they will lab road meet, sliding veneers or build items in a recognizable form would actually be easier for consumers to accept, talk to, to you. especially if it's convincing, where it really counts the most. in the kitchen, the beacon products have become common on supermarket shelves, at least in gemini sausages made from soybeans. peas or mushrooms, dairy free cheese products based on more sustainable practices. proteins growing in the soil rather than the bodies of animals or the future. for climate reasons, we should all be eating more punk base to jewel ready. but what about fuels? biofuels made from plant my to a low carbon alternatives to fossil resources,
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especially when they're made from agricultural waste. the climate friendly mobility driven by electricity instead of fossil fuels, batteries pack enough power for cars but not enough to propel heavy vehicles like aircraft or cargo ships. which is why in addition to electro mobility, we still need environmentally friendly solutions for combustion engines at the causal institute of technology. a pilot plan turns out sustainable fuels made from bio way street and here fund fox edition view. we're talking advanced biofuels here, which means fuels that are produced from residual and waste material size. so these, if i can use these materials to produce fuels via a range of synthesis, processes that can power the vehicles that exist today to exist t. and for time,
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german law stipulates that at least 2.6 percent of the fuel used by vehicles on the country's roads by 2030 be made from advanced biofuels like these a big advantage over conventional biofuel was made from rape seat or sugar bead. is it fuels made from bio waste? don't take up any additional airable, land you name and, and all that stuff else. and then we take residual material from the agriculture or forestry sector. in our case it's draw which is mixed with hot sap. that breaks down polymer chains and creates liquid products. these can be stored and transported from the raw material for our bio like fuel which we produce here at our plant. however, we could also produce other fuels like kerosene or diesel, and that's only as the technology works and could be scaled up. but there's still no incentives for industry to manufacture these kinds of fuels and large quantities . they're too expensive to produce. the most politicians have to set up the
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framework and we want to launch the fuels like this on the market and back to the new one. but is there even enough waste biomass in germany to make the change cost to fill in boss can answer that question. he works at an institute focused on energy and environmental research. let's skip the citizens. of course, they are not endless amounts of ways to do. you have to make due with what you have and biofuels will no doubt sustainably expand on existing potential 2.6 percent as the current target set down by law. theoretically a little more as possible. is it supposed to be? there is another way to get fuels from renewable sources into the tank by making what are called electro fuels or e fuels. these are synthetic fuel was made with electricity as an input. the sheets solution, the only difference between the fuels and advance or biofuels is where the carbon that the fuels are made of comes from your computer and extract thing are absorbing it from the atmosphere. it can be done either by plants look virtually free of
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charge, or we can set up technical systems that do it for us, probably for the start and taking sure. i'm not of the this phones to the institute is home to a facility that does it. it's called the energy lab, 2 point oh, then at 1st hydrogen is produced with electricity from renewable sources, twenties and lots of stuff can be the best way to combine this hydrogen with a c o 2 sources by a direct air capture to do so, it's taking straight from the atmosphere and then we can then use it to synthesize these fuels. vehicles a mid c o 2, which has been reabsorbed via the fuel production process. a closed carbons cycle. alongside green hydrogen and green electricity electro, a fuels and biofuels are likely to play an important role in transport. in the future. it will take time to ramp up a fuel production though,
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and enough energy from renewable sources to produce it. the solar and wind energy, currently generated in germany, will be needed in the power grid for the foreseeable future. e fuels would therefore have to be produced somewhere abroad and import it tested on this looks like it's it'll take time and we'll probably see an increase in the next few years, but it won't make much difference yet. we'll continue to use lots of fossil fuels for years to come from batteries offer a faster green solution for cars, but sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for heavy transport sectors, like shipping and air travel, for at least on the horizon. those changes might come too late to save the ice caps c o 2 levels will continue to rise
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for the for the future. despite mentions, themes, reducing them like requesting drain ma, she's in moves which can store large amounts of the greenhouse gas watts about farm land. the good our fields also absorb more common in one country in europe. industry is already paying pharmacy to help protect the climate on this farm near zurich in switzerland, it's time to test the soil. initial samples are being taken to find out how much few of us and c o 2 it already contains. farmer matching hoffman is satisfied with the way things are looking. a little dog st. my share and the feeling of all you can see it here and always the world hoffen the roots are. why are we still? but when they're nicely covered in the homeless as they are here, it means that the soil biology and the plans are working together,
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loan to meet and on the shelf. in other words, the plant is transferring carbon dioxide from the air to the soil, which then functions as a kind of c o 2 reservoir, who works like this? plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photos, synthesis. when a plant dies, it's broken down by animals and micro organisms in the dirt. that's how carbon enters the soil and to stored in its upper layers, especially in the dark, rich material called humorous. the more humorous a layer of so it contains the more c o 2, it's absorbed. this principle is being re discovered in agriculture in the form of a novel business model. martin hoffman isn't storing c o 2 to improve yields, but as offsets 1st with supermarket chain recall, legal hudson echo has set the goal of reducing c o 2 or even going c o 2 neutral
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altogether. no, it's all to me on the, to my, our goal is to have fertile soil and on teen. and as it stands at the moment until this works using the same instrument or the meeting with regenerative agriculture. if along the up to the instrument is one way for the supermarket chain to hit its climate targets. it's just a trial, but the company is paying the farmer over 100 year owes for every ton of c o 2 absorbed no mean basically seen those go on my farm. that means we earned around $6200.00 additional yours. no, and it's a pretty good subsidy. so in china, bolts of on scientists can still only estimate how much c o 2 swiss farm land is able to absorb according to climate protection consultancy. my climate, it might be up to half a 1000000 tons annually about as much of the greenhouse gas as the city of $50000.00 inhabitants admits in a year. elena, have, let's check
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a soil specialist from the countries office for the environment says the approach has potential, but that there are also challenges. soil is dynamic and can store c o 2 temporarily, but also naturally release as opposed to pick my own. so it's not a permanent solution. as soon as cultivation methods change quickly lose any accumulated organic matter again, k t, i can really methods for storing c o 2 very depending on the soil and taking accurate measurements is complex as expensive. a few kilometers further north marcus vba is also involved in the program. he agrees there are many open questions, but he's been practicing c o 2 farming for 4 years because it improves the soil. one principle is to ensure plant coverage at all times. like on this field where he recently harvested a crop of spelt the police,
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please take me some think the clover grass mixture was soon at the same time as the delta and it was able to come up after the spelled was harvested. come, the police will hit now forms a layer of growth so perfect for grazing our horses when they then meet those levels. find that either the past or now also the photo synthesizes during the winter. in the past 4 years, it's stored around 140 tons of c o. 2. ava receives around 30 euro is per ton for it. takes me on. this covers the cost of the soil samples which have to be taken with gts acura, sitting on also the soil analysis. and some of the risk that i have when i try out new cultivation methods, which will be o. c, o 2 farming isn't exactly big business for a farmers in switzerland, or at least not yet, but they have made a good start. the renewable energy sector is helping to slow
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the climate change. but it also produces lots of weights around 10000 tons, with old solar panels needs to be recycled this year in the gym and the 11 by 2030 . that number will grow to a staggering cost. a 1000000 tons annually. the panels contain many valuable materials. but taking the cost is a tricky business. over 2000000 new solar modules were installed in germany last year alone. their panel is contained aluminum stomach on silver and other materials that are much too valuable to end up in land sales. when the modules reach the end of their service life in an industrial park and the city of mount aboard the start up solar materials to set up a recycling line to recover the precious resources. it's urban mining so many of the raw materials and photo bottex come from china or russia to
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see if europe is to grow less dependent on them. then we have to somehow find ways to recover these raw materials here and really establish a circular economy which up to the, to the recycling line. and for a state of the art technology, the obsolete modules aren't shredded but instead dismantled carefully starting with the junction box. after that, the construction continues to pay, the young entrepreneur is have mostly dispensed with. the chemicals often used in recycling processes. they take a big picture approach, pass on to the sky, spanish design, and it's not enough that the energy you generate is clean. it's all about the raw materials that were used in production of and how is the module manufactured? how can it be recycled? how much do you need a holistic picture of renewable energy is not just a nice clean sell on your roof, but also sustainable recycling k. that's the goal for me to sign in gym for solar
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materials is currently planning to set up another recycling line. able to break down $400000.00 modules per year. the company has already raised 3000000 euros for the project from international investors. for instance, aluminum frames can be removed and melted down for reuse, saving 95 percent of the energy that will go into smelting new ones from scratch. the young firm has big plans for the future. was hoping to present some are good for the for what's always appealed to me personally as building up a company and not just adding value to the balance sheet, but also internally by creating an exciting environment for styles to see people motivated and happy to come to work generally creating a spirit where people aren't thinking, we can't do that, but instead maybe it'll be a challenge, but somehow it will make it happen that have also room and even to those milestones . the facility is a work in progress and processes are still being monitored closely. they've already
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mastered the most difficult step. this machine removes the glass from the module. we aren't allowed to reveal exactly how it works. it's a trade secret. glass mix up over 2 thirds of a module by weight. and once clearly removed, it can be easily recycled. that means it's in level and look at the layer structure of the line items phone. it's difficult to really separate the glass from the plastic film and then in the next step to get the plastic film off of the panel surfaces. film is designed to protect a module from wind and weather for 20 years, so it's firmly attached to the glass and underlying solar cells. during recycling, it's heated to soften it up and then removed using specially develop tools. however, the current process is still too slow for the avalanche of old panels to come
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out of the stores in time, just based on figures from the industry. and we know that the number of old modules to be recycled will rise very sharply within the next 5 years. and from our perspective, the challenge will be to build up sufficient capacity to serve this market or this demands all parts of it. in the most crucial step, only comes at the end of the recycling process. this machine grinds the surface of the modules, removing the fine contacts. they contain the most important material, silver around 10 grams of the metal are in each module, silver alone accounts for about half a recycle panels value. it's in this dust. and that's almost an theme we've now stripped about a 10th of the cell surface, removing the silver and also the anti reflective layer. and this which is what gets solar cells have blue appearance and exposing the silica and underneath. it's this kind of greyish, slightly silvery stuff you see here,
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and also start sending some of those a lot. so the similar kind is recycled by a partner concentration word of solar materials process is a spreading and inquiries are coming in from as far afield as india and japan. after all, photovoltaic systems are aging all over the world. a let is read. why do you have a science question, then send it to us as a video, text or voice message. if we on switch on the show will send you into some surprises the thank you. so come on just thought this week's question comes from o 8 in jordan. the what state of matter is plasma. busy the philosophers of ancient greece recognized 4 different elements, the solid earth,
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the liquid water, the gaseous air, and the burning fire. our son is much hotter than earthly fire. it's made up mostly of matter that's in what's called the plasma state. over 99 percent of the matter, we're able to see in spaces in a plasma state. but plasma also forms on earth. wind lightning strikes, for instance. when aurora is appear. plasma is also known as the 4th state of matter. everyone knows the other 3 from every day life ice has the solid state of h to, if we add energy to the ice, for example, in the form of heat bennett mills and turns into a liquid water. if we turn up the heat even more, the liquid becomes a gas water vapor. if you heat the vapor to extreme temperatures, it turns into
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a plasma. during the process, atoms and molecules transform into electrically charged ions. they release negatively charged electrons that zip around quickly between the particles. the so called ion is ation makes plasma electrically conductive and also makes it glow a this is why plasma often plays a role in lighting technology. in medicine, on the other hand, plasma can help your chronic wounds. when turned on aggressive microbes that kills done, and at the same time stimulates cells to grow. in space, travel plasma is used in high on for us. there's there an efficient way to cover long distances on little fuel. plasma can also be used to cut even the hardest metals quickly and precisely. while future fusion reactors might employed when generating energy that's sold for
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this week on tomorrow to date, the dw site and show thanks for joining us and see you again next time. bye for know the
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the actually we don't have a choice. i think so, we have little time list to save the planet. so we have students who become as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels completely? some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. their renewable revolution. in 15 minutes on d. w. be in good shape. are you never hungry,
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lethargic, and constantly tired or nervous attempts, man, always stressed out. these big problems can have a very small cause. the thyroid gland. what causes it to get out of whack? and how you can get healthy again in good shape. in 19 minutes. oh d, w, the good thing, but it's still much for is, is just as i've been in a coma close by persecution and flights. meanwhile, 4 countries of another world wake up on mon starts june, 1st on dw,
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get ready for an exciting out of town for the surprise. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to you. one need to have you have a one, the front porch and the on expected side the size the nightstand. the
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this is the w news. why? from berlin, israel incest. its military operation in gaza does comply with international law after this order from the international court of justice. it must immediately hold . it's mindy to open. and any other action ended up, a governor of the union's top court describe the situation in gaza as disastrous in a ruling that leaves israel facing further global life selection. also coming off all eyes on the political flight for the capital in new delhi. as india reaches the final stages of the elections to pickets, new leaders.