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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CEST

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or the, this is the w news. why? from berlin, israel incest, it's military operation in gaza. does comply with international law after this order from the international court of justice. it must immediately hold. it's mindy to open. and any other action ended up a governor of the you in the top port describe the situation in gaza as disastrous in a ruling that leaves israel facing further global life selection. also coming off all eyes on the political flight for the capital in new delhi. as india reaches the final stages of elections to pickets, new leaders the
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and welcome to a viewers around the world. michael ok. israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice in the hague to immediately stop its military offensive in the southern gauze and city of ruffled. the court described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, but stopped short of ordering a full ceasefire. israel insist its operations inside garza is in line with international law from the front lines of the war and gaza is rails. military campaign suffered a major legal blowed. it is that it must immediately hold. it submitted to events and any other action instead of a governor, which may inflict on the bus sitting in a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction
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in hold or input. but at the latest icy j, rolling unequivocal about the need is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which broke the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for is to help if liberty action in any area together this time is specifically aimed elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rafa b i. c j also ordered the i'm conditional release of hostages being held by hum us . well, the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is rams elyse. i have to choose between now
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i suppose the, the international institution of the oh, how much the for 3 and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is the speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a rest warrants, the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. earlier i spoke to you need a deal who is professor of global security at the university of oxford. she specializes in the role of law and morality in international relations. specifically in war, i asked her what the implications of the i. c j's ruling are for israel. this is really a remarkable stuff in the kind of dentist as of this case because from the start
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really south africa onto that in order to protect the palestinians, protect their rights. under the genocide convention, the courts have to interfere and how is real context, this military operation or the ceasefire. and the court rejected this up until now . it is very important to note that the court didn't actually go to a cease fire and also didn't order israel to hold all its military operations and real fast. but it's very, very clearly packed advice. the car into minutes. are you a fence if the israel is conducting, then that's causing the risk of good destruction to the palestinian people. and for that reason it needs to be halt at the court. this is quite clear on that matter, and that's a quite a direct interference. and how israel conduct this war, and it's also much more direct link to the court establishes between how is real context, the score and the risk of genocide and the rights of the product and people to be protected from it. explain to us how the judges might have arrived at this decision . so this is the start time the provisional measures, and formerly speaking,
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they need to diagnose a change in the situation on the ground to order additional measures. and this time, the best possible offensive food really large, last time it was really be human and tearing situations, assuming simon, which gets mentioned again this time. but it is really the bustle offensive, but let the dentist to the decision to order additional measures. and specifically, they say they're not, they were not convinced by israel submission, which argued, but israel could protect the civilian population and rough uh, in line with its obligation on the international and conduct this offensive military. and that instead the court says amplifies the evidence of un experts and you in bodies and really almost any new to observe of who have over the last weeks race. the alarm basically saying that it's incompatible this offensive operation with the basic protection of the civilian population. and as you mentioned, the court says it's exceptionally grave calls the situation disastrous. as you may
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well know we, it was reported that is really bombs fell on the gaza strip just this morning, including rafa. common sense might suggest that tells us all we need to know about how israel will react. what does it tell you and is the ruling likely to change anything going forward? so we have come to expect the reactions from going to to no government, right? there's always a mixture of bluster in terms of like the quote would come tell us what to do. but also there's always an attempt to spin these for this. and this time the attempt was to say, well, the court actually didn't tell us to hold our military fence if it just said that any military or offensive that in principle poses the risk of group destruction to palestinians would have to be halted. now this is not the plaza of beating or invitation of this court order, but i do take some heart from this attempt to spin the order because it does suggest that israel understands that this order has weight. compliance doesn't really depend on anything happening in israel right now. it's really only depends
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primarily or only on how best of allies of israel react to it, particularly the united states. i only see a chance that the sort of order will make a difference for how is real conducts the work if the biden administration gets behind it and conditions any further support on compliance. that is a you need to deal with professor at the university of oxford and an expert on war and morality. we thank you for your time and perspective. thank you. here's a brief look at some of the other stories making news around the world. the united states is sending an additional $275000000.00 in military aid to ukraine, as keeps struggles to repel russia's assault under hockey regions. the fresh package includes ammunition, missiles, tactical vehicles, anti tank lines, and artillery bounce. russia began a new offensive in the region 2 weeks ago. more than a 190 nations have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy at un talks in switzerland. the term
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refers to big companies using patents to lock up natural resources and traditional knowledge of poor nations. without adequate compensation. to rescue teams have started to arrive at the sight of a massive landslide in popular new guinea. hundreds or if you're dead after mountains or rubble en mud, hit several remote villages in the early hours of friday. the rugged terrain and damage to major roads is hampering the emergency response effort. pulse have opened in delhi as india reaches the final stretches of its marathon election today. all 7 seats of the national capital region in the lower house of parliament are being contested. ro guntee, senior leader of the main oppositional congress party, turned out amid the blistering heat to cast his vote. prime minister into randy modi's main opponent in delhi chief administer arvin occasionally of all was
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expected to vote later in the day. jeffrey well, who was arrested on corruption charges and released on bail after the supreme court intervene accused modi of using criminal proves to hurt his transits. earlier i asked the w correspondent, sheller yada off in deli, to tell us more about today's elections. by 58 constituencies that awful god should a oh my god and what a 100000000 people eligible voters are due to vote in different parts of india. so this heat is pretty much it or not just political in india, but climate wise as well. it's coming up to mid day here now, and we see that the number of people who are coming out to board has been dwindling . the turn out was pretty much high in the early hours of morning. it's it opened at 7 am. that's going to be so most people are trying to cost a boat, but now as it's coming up to mid day and the heat is rising, the numbers seemed to be coming down. but we'll see, uh we,
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we still have until 6 pm today to see what the both are doing now. turns out to be 12 and mid that sheet. i think one of the big questions is how much is chief administered, casual was arrest, going to influence the vote. and the rest of the, for the said, when kids have all has dominated the printer to go back to the feel in delhi, he was arrested on a corruption charges. like you said, the charges that he denies. and he's been accusing the routing b, j. b party or framing and some movie else trying to stifle the opposition party 0. he's been the chief minister of this, of the national capital of daily since 2015 and a very popular one of that. and so as soon as he came out on barely, he started the addressing election valleys with mid so a to an hour ago for huge amount of number of people. and he asked people to pay requests if people are to come out the numbers and thought it'd be zippy governments, i'll just follow because he sees them as an alternative, as, as an older kid in redeem. he even went to the length of accusing the fragment and
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still trying to turn the country and just something like a rest of the uh, with lead us like of documents within for don't allow the opposition to side. so the heat is pretty much on the accusations have been flying, not just from the beside the ruling, the party side, but also from the opposition side. like i've been gauge evolve. and just so conflicts to the rest is not just uh and so they did case i had to be like, since uh we have seen uh separate rates by uh, federal law enforcement agencies on opposition. policies are the main opposition party congress is a funds were frozen briefly, which raises fios in, in the, in the was i'll just democracy that this exercise may not be free and fast show what's the expected outcome well that's, it's anybody's guess really. really, but really have to really see if they choose between the 2 ideas that into the the
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difference of political factions are setting to people who are prime minister movies a party has focused on religious identity and funding to be him. the majority in a people by the opposition has a doctor john saying that this is about saving secularism and democracy in and do that. so dw correspondence, shelly, yada of many, many thanks and we apologize for the visual hits were taking their thousands of people across pakistan have been admitted to hospital for heat stroke. the country isn't a grip of a heat wave with temperatures climbing to 50 degrees celsius in some places. as follows, pakistan's, where is april for more than 60 years, with more than doubled the average monthly rainfall. the schools out for summer, early this year for the around $26000000.00 children of practice downs, putting job club and a sort of cheese in the region size. surging temperatures put the children at risk . so they close to school early a week before summer holidays was set to start temperatures,
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inputting job some 6 to 8 degrees celsius, above the average for the time of year. the government's climate coordinate to said the global warming was causing a sudden change and weather patterns, and there was more to come on as i've done. thank you. by the way, he has dr. dukes, dr. stone. this is the 1st week of the heat. we've been seeing, they're not going to be please spend the 1st has already started. may the 2nd spend will be in the beginning of august. and the 3rd and the last week of june of extreme heat k is often coupled with power cuts as the amount of funds in the air conditioning source. some areas experience as much as 15 hours a day without electricity practiced on mits. less than one percent of the well,
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greenhouse gas emissions. however, due to a number of factors including geography and poverty. it's especially valuable to climate change. this heat why is the latest climate related disaster to hit the country in recent years as melting glasses and monsoons because devastating floods . in 2022 flood cement just started as a country, calling more than 1700 people and displacing thousands mill. one, senior un official visits and practice down and have this to say, or new. the governments of pocket style is also in the emergency center, and it's not about where they're trying their best to ensure that predictability is key. where that can prevent massive loss of life. from the, the, the, the early warning systems and they ask us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities, it's very clear that something ought to be done is what i'm about must adapt and
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make drastic changes going forward. that's it will need help from the international community. the city leading the charge into transition to renewable energy on docs . on the next the we are all set we are watching to see him to bring you the story behind the new the will on about com, biased information for free might say, due to the .


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