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tv   The Renewable Revolution  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 10:15am-11:01am CEST

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the order to be done is lemme bags must adapt and make drastic changes going forward. that it will need help from the international community. the city leading the charge in the transition to renewable energy on docs. on the next the we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com, biased information for free might say do tuning done within 50 percent of the world's population lives in urban areas by 2050. it could
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be nearly 70 percent big cities has big needs when it comes to water, food and energy. this heavy demand on resources posts as daunting challenges to researchers in a world grappling with climate change. those cities and towns will need large amounts of energy revolutionizing the complex systems of our energy. supply is one of the biggest challenges for a global transition to green energy. and for people, probably the most tangible, the so for us us cities and responsible for the policy in the cities, i think it's so important that we take the leading roles because it is possible for seat is to change. so we are very conscious that we need to move into an economy that this renewable and circular nature, positive,
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all those at the same time. actually we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time left to save the planet. so we have to do what it will become as fast as possible to see how a sustainable energy supply can work. in practice, we had to the united states. they're a california city as aiming to become the 1st carbon neutral community in the country. lancaster is home to about a 175000 residents. and 2009 official started on a journey to go green. fundamentally transforming the cities economy and infrastructure. not only was it a technological overall, it was a shift in mentality. it's the purpose of government to assist people, not to delay people induced to take minimum of 6 months. if this person wanted to put solar panels on their roof, they have to get a permit. somebody would always have a design change,
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but it would take 6 months just for them to be allowed to do it. and so when i found that out, i sent out a memo. it now takes 45 minutes and it better be 45 minutes. and in the city of lancaster, or the hardest part was changing the culture within the city staff that we look for reasons to say, yes, we don't look for reasons to say no. as you know, when we started out down this river laughed there were score in facebook enough every day. but we set out to develop a model for a city the bunch. the world woke up. it would be easier for them to do as we went down this path, we made more money than you could possibly imagine. alternative energy is profit and is profitable in
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a huge way. lancaster's mayer wrecks paris began by having photo voltaic panels installed on all municipal buildings. the generated electricity was used for public lighting in the process. paris discovered it saved the city a lot of money. the savings were put towards installing even more photo voltaic panels on the roofs of private residents. these systems also became mandatory for new buildings. bit by bit, lancaster created an alternative energy network. access to electricity started being used to generate hydrogen to fuel public transportation. the low cost of electricity and cheap hydrogen attracted new large companies and lancaster solidified its reputation as a green boom town in the united states. i traveled a lot. i went to the world economic forum and to engine i want to saudi arabia, one to 2. i'm at least every energy and conference, and i learned
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a lot of the thanks to the sunny weather and the already existing solar and wind parks in the area. green energy and hydrogen production continue to expand. when lancaster begin, the process of transforming its own energy system in 2009, the unemployment rate was at 17 percent. in 2023, it dropped to around 6 percent. lancaster became a self sufficient green energy power. how us and highly profitable to once people start being innovative and creative, it doesn't stop with the media, coal in front of you, and extends everywhere. this rarely is the most exciting city. for that reason, we have a common purpose. it's a simple purpose fits that are children to survive. that's not har. you know. ready when you have that, as a common purpose, you can put aside all the difference and you can make things happen. you can build
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things that have never been built before. you know there's, there's a project here. it's actually quite remote in recent years, both the city of lancaster and mayor paris had been recognized with many awards for the achievements from the us state of california to funds theater in the german state of bavaria. our world region where the forest industry is key. the when marco pastor took the helmet, the regional energy supplier, everything here changed the boat in a give us a lot what an energy supply look like. if we could only use renewable energy use and sustainable raw materials as well. so when we harness sunlight and wind energy and store the funds by hitting the windows, they don't shifted to a circular system that effectively linked it's regionally. strong timber industry
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with the local energy system. the idea was to reuse as much energy as possible multiple times. and wherever excess energy accumulated state in the form of would waste or waste heat for machines, it shouldn't be lost, but rather harnessed the woods. we have would we have bio mass, we have sun and wind. we may not have hydro power, but we use everything locally that we need low cost. the surplus energy generated from solar and wind power is used to press forestry waste into wood pellets. the pallets can then be burned to generate heat or to power a turbine for electricity. and told me i'm copied forms a cascaded system, which always consists of the same thing. solar and wind, battery storage and combined heat and power. i think it's the perfect system which
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couples both sectors and industry. so let's the construction industry is linked to the timber industry and goes to the timber industry. is linked with agriculture or forestry. when so many in steam, new content is created local circular energy economies that can be scaled up to all levels. which in turn satisfied the energy demand in the form of electricity and heat energy, the kind of electricity in terms of mobility tools going to be the phone phone will really take the phone 0 in the area and lancaster in california. both have tapped into their locally available resources as best they can. and both have created infrastructures in which green energy can be used as efficiently as possible in an ongoing cycle. of course such systems are ideally integrated into construction projects from the very start in copenhagen, a newly built district called,
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nor time served as the testing ground for the energy lab project. living laboratory for research into innovative and more efficient energy cycles. the, well, the census that we, that we test the solutions in real life and energy, let me know how we've also been looking into business models. uh, uh, because that's also part of the solution. innovation and business models is part of the solution in this sector. company contracts is very important that we utilize the energy that is available. and this is basically something that we are demonstrating here. in the new home project, we can say that the energy system has to develop we have to do it in a more smart way. and that means that we need to see what our sources are available and how can we, in the best possible way, actually utilize them. the buildings here are well insulated and retain heat.
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that's a money saver and is especially important at peak hours. then the early morning plus commercial businesses in the neighborhood can compress their waste heat and supply it to the district cheating system which provides heat to the surrounding buildings. pressures for putting down the costs. they are running fine electricity . and by using a little bit more to trace the team the comprises, we get way more heat available. so in situations where we have surface electricity from, we'd show much of a photo of a check. we can actually auction my separation of the compresses that can work the heat to a lot of extra energy that can be used in the buildings in that way. is this system actually a small compliment in the sector companies in that you system? here again, an ingenious cycle, the energy put into the system is not the single purpose. rather it's used several times. and the whole neighborhood benefits you can say it's about is only 7 town houses. so that would be to go out here that would take it to actually
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be part of the maple. yeah. so so, so that's actually the biggest, all it is actually do this to the goal of a modern circular economy is to save energy and increased efficiency. these cycles are optimized to make energy competitive in price, while serving as an extension, or even an alternative as to the large centralized grids. the norway and its capital also are among the pioneers and the green energy transition . also is aiming to reduce c o 2 emissions to near 0 by 2030. the
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memory on a bargain helped to draft and pass a series of concrete measures. we have literally tried to, to tell our inhabitants that this is not the bulk of the distribution. so it's not the box, the restrictions if it's about the opportunity or building if you keep the gardens at schools that are built with the panel, there is a, it was a produce more energy than they each to success. so we can put it over to other buildings nearby the costs low is considered the world capital of e mobility. it's also made significant headway in making its construction sector carbon neutral with advancements and heating and building materials. we have said in also that we want to be the 1st cedar emission city in the world by
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2030, which is, is a very ambitious goal, but it is possible. i think that it's so important both to try to reduce the consumption of course, but also reduce the waste and also to reuse and also recycle. i think that these are all important elements in the total policy to achieve this, them vicious goal, both residents and businesses must play an active part haggis. gillian deal now spent several years of her career working at a large scandinavian construction company. and also the company has more than $8000.00 employees and carriers of projects worldwide. as a board member, she pushed the company to publicly commit to implementing the goals of the 2015 parents agreement on climate change. she also supported mayor board against measures of think biggest moments in life to risk for when the
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whole mine was missing. and by this time, that's not the way it would work for the pirates agreement. we didn't know exactly how we should do it. but with such a clear direction, i think that was so crucial to set the direction and then some people some. but why if we can't make it so well, i'm not afraid about that. i'm afraid that don't dare to set the direction with all her experience. hey, go screwing until now set for years on the board of the norwegian green building council, which is part of the world green building council. i think it will be very important how we build our cities to next to to this in 2022, we reached a 1000000000 people on earth. by 2050,
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there will be 10 billions. that means a city. the size of b. m will be boot every week until 2050. that's a lot of medium and steel. i'm law, some concrete and birds, a plastic breaks. so we have to go circular. we have to build with less for longer. sonya who manages a real estate company in norway when constructing new buildings. the company aims to reuse as many elements as possible from old office buildings that are being torn down the wind building a modern office complex, and also the company fused old with new. it was a pilot project, meaning success was not guaranteed, but almost immediately startups and tenants started moving in precisely because
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they were drawn to the sustainable concept, hague of school until now i also had an office there for some time this to be used . and also the fence here used to be on the floor in the swimming pool and the technical and it's been used all the way out of the room really in the entry. so those are some of the more interior aspects of we use very. the also referred to as what's the cycling, so it goes from room one thing to the outside comes to something else. we've been working systematically on uh, finding out how we can make the buildings a part of the solution. i mean, buildings accounts for around 40 percent of carbon emissions globally. 40 percent of energy use. so huge part of the problem. meaning that we also have the opportunity to be a huge part of the solution. the
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2019 an office building commissioned by sonya, whose company was inaugurated in the norwegian city of trondheim. it was named powerhouse. the roof is covered with solar panels angled optimally to capture the sun's rays in northern europe. as a result, the, our house with its 3000 square meters of panels produced as an annual average of 500000 kilowatt hours of electricity. that's more than double the amount it consumes itself. the surplus electricity is used on a local micro grid. just apply a neighboring buildings and electric buses and cars and this is a play on the project. it's a one in of a kind. it's the 1st of its kind. so it's attractive for young people to see says, worker. and if it feels good, when we do new, we have them focused,
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maybe on 3 aspects. one is to use less resources and materials. so whatever you can reuse is excellent. if you can't, we use, maybe you can use recycled materials before you start sourcing new materials. more and more of the construction science that we have in also our no c o emission construction site because the technology is on place. we need to challenge the establishment. the industry and also show the way employers and employees in business, i know largely as a general trends, very much on board. that's cutting emissions is not only the right thing to do for the wells climate, then the future of our kids. but it's actually also smart in the economy, like also the rest of norway is aiming to be carbon neutral by 2030. the country has a large oil and gas sector, but it also has a wealth of hydro power. norwegian minister espen bar ida is confident that
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the necessary transition to a carbon neutral economy comes with more opportunities than risk for domestic industries. we're also seeing that the service industry that was develop the costs are $50.00 or so the troll room is now very eager to, to themselves go into these new areas. because if you can run or you know, gas pets, farms in the north sea and 10 major highways and extreme conditions, you can also do floating wind. if you'll do that building for side trips with advanced technology, you are also good that building hydrogen or ammonia driven chips with advanced technology. this circular energy economy relies as much on technological innovation from major industries as it does on a stable grid that can provide constant and reliable green power. in northern europe that can best be achieved with wind power from offshore parks and with hydro power. if the country is bordering the north sea can help balance one another is
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demand for green power. it could result in an international grid which could become a model worldwide. the longest of these sub see links to dates was constructed in 2021. to connect norway with england's eastern coast at some hydro electric power stations, and norway, water drops hundreds of meters to propel turbines to generate gigawatts of electricity. at deville dial, hydro power is converted for onward transmission and transmitted to blight in england, where gigawatts of electricity are generated from offshore wind. so what was starting here with the moment, which is a convert station thought physically to is the conversion of the current. so i convert direct koreans don't welding it, and current of vice versa. ultimately, we help him to connect as to allow where we can seek and you know, clean energy from lights of no, we hydro energy into the country itself. so it's
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a neighbor and not transition over green energy, not just for the u. k, but on neighboring countries with arrests. no with, with a that's friends, whether that's denmark or somewhere else. britain has become a leader in europe and developing offshore wind power in the north sea. it's now become an ex border of green power. it's a single frost green hi we. the allow was the transfer of energy from the country were connected to. it also brings security supply. once a prosperous mining town slide suffered a sharp economic blow from the decline of coal mining port manager martin lawler hopes, the power link will help returned the town to its former glory. to the folder blog is already a midget of showing you hold for the u. k. and that's actually happening to a truck further into investments that companies won't be pond to disclose the. they want to feed off some of the, especially that i brought it and electric,
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some of the best of luck for it was those building cable factories. and that will help to drive further in with investment all around the street. are the 1st signs of an economic upswing due to the energy transition on the horizon. we are seeing this growth accelerating around by the street. so the polls and drive is very much part of the town of blind. i'm. the community is very much with the full and what we're doing here, the see, the jump is coming in, let's see the benefits, the economy, and, and look into the future. we're going to hope that the majority of those jobs will go to local people. so they have image with us the world, the largest network, so reliably generate energy, has been under construction in the north sea since 2020. in order for a new energy economy to succeed, it's crucial to build large green power grids that are stable by becoming partners
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and a new north sea grid through direct coast to coast line order countries are engine closer to the goal of obtaining energy security. europe has to be able to collaborate even better. i think every european state leader and the european union do this. it has thought to them that we need to collaborate much stronger than we ever thought we was. that was possible. this north sea grid will deploy the latest technology to exchange generated energy back and forth on demand. large industrial centers will be built at the hubs like this planned energy island off the coast of jutland. more should follow, and be interconnected. in the future, they could form a kind of inner network on the high seas. essentially, it's an artificial island that can be expanded over time. but what is really great about an energy island is that can connect to the power on different countries
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around the north sea at the same time. the 1st of these energy islands is to be built about 80 kilometers off the coast of jutland, and according to the latest estimates cost, more than $30000000000.00 euros. it is the 1st of several hubs for the new energy sector. the island alone should one day provide electricity for up to 10000000 households. this will require large substations. we're alternating current can be converted to direct current and back again. that's vital to transmit electricity over long distances. it started very much as a technology would help the integrating large bulk power and trans meeting long distance is with a much better efficiency because of much lower losses. the more assistance we integrate, the more complex the entire and is the system becomes if i need to integrate the
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next 2030 percent of electrical vehicles into the crazy thing system. if i need to integrate the $4056.00 to get one more solver offshore, wind, there is a need to, to, uh, anticipate, uh, the planning and investment. so in order to deployed degreed technology on time, the 60 gigawatts is roughly equivalent to the capacity of 40 nuclear power plants on the eastern coast of britain construction on a new power cable was recently completed. it connects the grids of britain and denmark and will supply them with electricity from both countries. offshore wind parks, the new interconnect or between the 2 countries is called the viking link. with a length of 765 kilometers. it's the longest subsea power cable in the world.
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to meet an ever growing need for energy in the future, large storage facilities will be required in addition to transmission infrastructure. hydrogen has immense potential as a storage medium for green electricity at a statements energy site. in berlin, a simulator shows the total demand for energy in a complex industrial society. hydrogen could become the new optimal energy carrier, which means the technology to produce hydrogen already holds freight strategic significance even if the industrial infrastructure is only just being built. now, one way to make hydrogen is via electrolysis. a process that uses an electric current to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. the electricity to carry out this process must come from renewable sources, so that its production is sustainable and they integrate into existing economic cycles relatively easily. and the addition law is
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a member of the executive board of seamans energy. the whole idea is to have a model of your system where you can actually add them to each other. so it's the same building block, but you can add them to each other to be able to reach the right scale, the gigawatts scale that is needed. and, and really stick and, and, and be very able to adjust to the demand of our customers depending on if it's a small industrial site or a very large utility scale hydrogen production. in the future, an industrial site could use electrolysis to secure its electricity supply with hydrogen storage. how much is needed during daily peak hours? how much hydrogen would it take to replace the conventional power plant? for example, these estimates can be used to determine the best energy alternatives. hydrogen is available in virtually unlimited quantities and could become the key to future supply. i would say there's maybe 3 levers for the energy transition,
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the energy efficiency parts, which is reducing the energy consumption by really going there and finding everywhere we can have have a recycling of the energy that is produced and then electrification everywhere where it is possible. because this is going to be the cheapest way to do carbonite and then hydrogen and green molecules where this electrification would not be enough and where we need to capture that to be able to store it and we use it elsewhere or in processes. but hydrogen can do more than that. it can be further refined with c o 2 into new fuels until now these fuels have been supplied primarily by fossil fuels in heavy industry. the hope is that hydrogen can be the basis for a whole range of fuels in the future. hydrogen per se will be used as a hydrogen, but
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a lot will also be transformed into what we call issues. so where we, we capture carbon that we mixed with this hydrogen to then be able to do so you know, synthetic manner. any of the fuels that you know today professor benz bush is the scientific director at the helm hold center in berlin, p overseas projects that use betsy. a particle accelerator. bessie is used to conduct targeted research into energy conversion and storage mediums that includes making solar cells more efficient and refining hydrogen into new fuels. sites on vices showed up initially, but so it does when it does and i'm listening to. since when have i been convinced that something about our energy system an energy supply needed to change because it kindly was simply the idea that the physical potential of renewable energy, which is great enough to supply our planet and humanity. and that it's relatively easy to achieve that. so for swapping us of the surface,
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that's what convinced me the guy in his group name ever since listened off this all points in his now. and it was colossal. i think that this is so to translate that into modern materials and technology. i suppose that we can convert the energy of sunlight into electrical energy and a key to solving this. and that energy we can convert into green electricity from the bundle. and then we can, for example, use electrolysis to split water into hydrogen, and oxygen couldn't do it on somebody group. i'd like to lose it. and then going through this process, we have chemical energy carriers that we can use it and it can take out the spots and then, and if we think big picture and we could be in the position to for example, bind hydrogen to c o 2 from the atmosphere to to and then generate synthetic fuels has been constant the thoughts on us and to show cut off and start thinking area. sonya account and leads a research project at the helm health center. the goal is to use solar energy and hydrogen to produce cleaner cooking fuels. these could be sold in places where
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there's no electricity available for cooking, which is the case in many areas around the world. the project is a collaboration between the team and berlin and the university of cape down in south africa. i was start from this for the think sales because right now, since when i started right now, they've become some common place. as i told them to see the sooner you can use the need to make electricity, but also to androgen and other things we've been to teams was that if you connect them to the right state, the chemical reaction, they provide the power that you can almost do anything without leaving the diesel generator in many poor parts of the world would and fossil fuel products such as propane are used for both cooking and heating, converting hydrogen and c o 2 into a clean fuel would be a sustainable alternative. when you go to buy your cooking
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gas, you go once less maybe every month, instead of collecting fat with these quite bulky, so collect some firewood for one day. it's not enough big enough to go to the next day. and so the time spent going to collect the file with all the time is kind of saved them. this, this type of beats for other more projects like these are still in the experimental stage. but the hope is that they'll become building blocks in an ever expanding circular energy economy. the all around the world, more and more research is being conducted into green technologies. singapore especially, is considered a laboratory for the future. professor matter of these for any boston is tackling one of the main problems that the new energy economy, along with hydrogen batteries are the most important storage medium. but they're
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made of costly materials which are becoming more and more scarce. that's global demand growth. matter. v is researching how to recycle lithium ion batteries and other e waste so that they can be re integrated into the production cycle. and that has to be a mind shift, stay know too low to suck you the defect going to me otherwise. so we will fall into a, a v as in the was forwarded to a drop off. you know, we might not have to sources anymore. the non young technological university alongside other prestigious institutions like berkeley and stanford, is among the world's most well regarded research helps. it focuses on developing tax that could be rapidly deployed and future industry. this building on n to use campus, it's called the learning hub and was designed specifically for single pores tropical climate. it's atrium is naturally ventilated, which saves energy. i decided very early that that trees would
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be my fuel for search. that was my, my ph. d, topic i've been doing by trees my entire career energy storage. circular is going to be my entire cause here from early on i always wanted to do something that would make change in people's life. the so you get this faded veterans and the black stuff that you see that is sticking here is where all the elements of present detailed. because how does the expression be 1st and get what is called as of last month? this black mazda is what has all the elements inside the way future going to date is by actually using orange. we just add orange speeds to the black folder or instead of that me tab, bacterial card chips. there's not. so back to you just go to a class this last month. we are able to extract all the elements of the 99 percent
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. not of these research is aimed at making a closed loop where the use of entirely new materials can be reduced to an absolute minimum. her innovations have resulted in 30 patents to date, and in 2019, she was recognized as one of asia's top sustainability super women. and there's a lot of synergistic just like a foot uh between materials the research and secular economy of materials today. both of them are done in silos, but i think there's a lot of linkages and my research is really trying to link back in copenhagen. many of these practical experiments are being organized in a database to examine the most promising results. chase. vega directs the center at the technical university of denmark. improbable approaches
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are often times followed by fresh and innovative ideas, pinpointing them and sharing recommendations with laboratories around the world is one core mission of the institute. i mean, to model said we develop he off or because physics it with, but they also uncertainty aware. so they need to know when they don't know. and sometimes the best way of gathering additional information is actually not from the robot. it is from the expert. it could be from the people that work daily with the production of a new battery materials, this specific insight to guide the development. so it's a multinational, it's a multi facility undertaking and it's also a synchronous. so it's, you can see, continues the operating around the world, 247, gathering the data that's needed, controlling experiments and equipment at other places it's, it's really a global challenge and the global solution. it often takes 2 decades for basic
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research to reach industrial maturity. but amid the climate crisis, time is of the essence, solutions need to be employed faster. it's an incredibly complex challenge. so complex that applied research will need to adapt to. i would actually argue that the main challenge and the main potential solution lies in is reinventing the way we invent new materials. so the green transition, it's actually rethinking the way we do materials discovery. we do system development and we need to reinvent the process itself. and integrating all parts of the discovery production and, and use cycle to do so. this is especially critical because the next innovations are already on the horizon. professor harry at water conducts research at the california institute of technology. he's one of the world's leading experts in the field of solar energy conversion, turning sunlight into electricity and heat. are relatively new branch of research
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is working to imitate nature's most fundamental energy harvesting process, photos, synthesis. nature has this marvelous capacity for uh, in the leaf of every plant of doing something that's nearly miraculous which is harvesting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere together with water in the presence of sunlight and transforming those chemical reactance into complex sugars and starches that sustain life in a plant those complex sugars and starches, essentially our fuse so we have drawn a huge inspiration from nature to envision and process we call for artificial photosynthesis which uses engineered materials to perform the same kind of reduction and oxidation reactions that enable the formation of fuels directly from
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sunlight, the artificial photo synthesis mimics this process that happens in nature. instead of sunlight shining on a leaf as it does in nature. researchers use structure is made of intricately manufactured, semi conductors. in other words, an artificial leaf. and with it solar energy, you can turn water into hydrogen and oxygen. the efficiency of artificial photosynthesis is currently at 19.3 percent and was jointly achieved by laboratories and pasadena, elma now and the fallen helper institute. if this process could be scaled up for industrial use, hydrogen would become cheaper than any other fuel. that's why research into artificial photosynthesis is being conducted worldwide. gets paid the on vendor. we're now talking about the application of such
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a semi conductor structures in a so called artificial place in india, meaning all in an integrated device that does not need any wire into the outside, similar to plants. so that we can basically produce hydrogen and oxygen, more or less from nothing, just through sunlight and water, lots of stuff once our. so that's why i was given that, you know, for the 1st time we're in a position where we can essentially provide free energy using photo voltaire x. the same way nature has been doing for a very, very, very long time to i. and this has never been possible before these practicing days told me, you know, it's hard to overstate the significance of semi conductors. they're small and inconspicuous, but they are the basis of all advanced technologies and can be made of many different types of materials. researchers at the technical university of elman now
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work with so called $35.00 semi conductors. and i couldn't have been on the re 5 semi conductor compound take the ones we can design perfectly. dot smith the cd to using silicon as the base material. that would of course, be very profitable, proctors positive. that's where high performance wouldn't be cheap materials and low cost and they hit them on hold for 5 months, coughing, and make a good 6 month. they are increasing the cost of course, not every single part of these new energy systems is ready for action. but rolling out innovation to communities and industry will be key the. there are still many scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations that have not yet been widely implemented for public use. the if we go through the learning
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of silos as we did in the past, we would get there, but we would not get there on time. and we all know what it would cost us not to be there on time from the climate perspective. you to go to the tape. this is for a circular system is actually the thing that propels us, the prosperity must be made more sustainably. we didn't inherit this planet from our parents, for borrowing it from our children and continued. researchers have made tremendous strides in recent years. technology has come a long way, but successfully transforming our energy supply to make it sustainable. hinges on our ability to scale these solutions. they must be integrated into large sectors of society before it's too late, the
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or the in good shape. are you never hungry, lethargic, and constantly tired or nervous? tempest man always stressed out. these big problems can have a very small cause. the thyroid gland. what causes it to get out of whack and how you can get healthy again in good shape and says he minutes on d w, the
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my name is the calls back, said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud and mess with it being nosy bay, like good everyone to kings to check out the award winning called called so called back you cream was like a sticking point to you know, time what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies now you have a significant from refrain, you can choose to go back to somewhere else. currently more people than ever on the world wide in such a professional life, at least something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or no one a story info my grands the
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this is the w news. why? from berlin? israel insist it's military operation in gaza. does comply with international law after this order from the international court of justice is the most immediacy hold . if somebody drove in and any other action ended up a governor of the, when's top court describe the situation in casa, as disastrous in a ruling that leaves israel facing further global isolates. and also coming up all ice on the political flight for the capital daily. as india reaches the final stages of elections to pick it new leaders.


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