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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? israel insist it's military operation in gaza. does comply with international law after this order from the international court of justice is the most immediacy hold . if somebody drove in and any other action ended up a governor of the, when's top court describe the situation in casa, as disastrous in a ruling that leaves israel facing further global isolates. and also coming up all ice on the political flight for the capital daily. as india reaches the final stages of elections to pick,
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it's new leaders the on michael ok. welcome. israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice in the hague to immediately stop. it's military offensive. in the southern gas and city of rasa, the court described the humanitarian situation there as disastrous, but stopped short of ordering a full ceasefire. israel insist it's operations inside garza is in line with international law. from the front lines of the war and gaza is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blog is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to open and any other accident, and then also have governor, which may inflict on the by the city and group and gaza conditions of life that
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would bring about its physical destruction in hold or info. that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking. edit is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area. guys are just, i was specifically aimed elsewhere. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rafa the i. c. j also ordered the i'm conditional release of hostages being held by hum us. well,
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the court has no way of enforcing the ruling. it poses a major challenge is rams allies. i have to choose between now i suppose to the international institution of the oh, how much the bar 3 and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a rest warrants, the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. earlier i spoke to you need a deal who is professor of global security at the university of oxford. she specializes in the role of law and morality in international relations. specifically in war, i asked her what the implications of the i, c j is ruling,
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are for israel. this is really a remarkable stuff in the kind of dentist as of this case because from the start really south africa onto that in order to protect the palestinians, protect their rights on the genocide convention, the courts have to interfere and how is real context? this military operation or the ceasefire, and the court rejected this up until now, is very important to note that the court didn't actually go to a ceasefire and also didn't order israel to help all its military operations and real fast. but it's very, very clearly packed advice. the car into minutes, are you a fence if the israel is conducting, then that's causing the risk of group destruction to the palestinian people. and for that reason, it needs to be hope that the court is, is quite clear on that mentor. and that's a, quite a direct interference and how israel conduct this war. and it's also much more direct link to that. the court establishes between how is the context, the score, and the risk of genocide and the rights of the palestinian people to be protected
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from it explained to us how the judges might have arrived at this decision. so this is the 3rd time they would have provisional measures and formerly speaking, they need to diagnose a change in the situation on the ground to order additional measures. and this time, the possible offensive food really large last time it was really between military and situation. the dooming simon, which gets mentioned again this time, but it is really the bustle offensive, but let the dentist to the decision to order additional measures. and specifically they say they're not. they were not convinced by israel submission, which argued, but israel could protect the civilian population and rough uh, in line with its obligation on the international and conduct this offensive military. and then stepped, the courts of amplifies the evidence of un experts and you in bodies and really almost any new to observe as we have over the last weeks race. the alarm basically saying that it's incompatible this offensive operation with the basic protection of
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the civilian population. and as you mentioned, the court says it's exceptionally grave calls the situation disastrous. as you may well know we, it was reported that is really bombs fell on the gaza strip just this morning, including rafa. common sense might suggest that tells us all we need to know about how israel will react. what does it tell you and is the ruling likely to change anything going forward? so we have come to expect the reactions from going to to no government, right? there's always a mixture of bluster in terms of like the court would come tell us what to do, but also there's always an attempt to spin these for this. and this time the attempt was to say, well, the court actually didn't tell us to hold our military offensive. it just said that any military offensive that in principal poses the risk of group destruction to palestinians would have to be halted. now this is multiply zable beating or interpretation of this court order, but i do take some heart from this attempt to spin the order because it does suggest that israel understands that this order has weight. compliance doesn't
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really depend on anything happening in israel right now. it's really only depends primarily or only on how best of allies of israel react to it, particularly the united states. i only see a chance that this or order will make a difference for how is real conducts the work, if the by not ministration gets behind it and conditions any further support on compliance. there is a you need to deal with professor at the university of oxford and an expert on war and morality. we thank you for your time and perspective. thank you. a brief look at some more headlines. italy is the latest country to say it is resuming funding to the u. n's palestinian relief agency or unreal which coordinates nearly all aid entry and gaza. it's part of a new 35000000 euro aid package. italy was one of a number of countries to suspend financing for the agency. following is really accusations that some of on risk stuff were involved in the october 7 homeless
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terror to china. it has ended 2 days of military drills around taiwan. the self governing islands defense ministry says more than a 100 chinese aircraft. and dozens of naval vessels were in involved in the exercise. beijing which sees type one as part of its territory, said it was a punishment for so called separatist acts. so french police have used tear gas to clear roadblocks. on the right hit island of new caledonia as flights evacuating french taurus get underway. the french government has declared a state of emergency in the south pacific territory after violence erupt, it over proposed constitutional changes. 7 people have died in the young, wretched. a rescue teams have started to arrive at the sight of a massive landslide in the remote highlands. if popular new guinea scores or if you're dead after the landslide flattened 6 villages in the area,
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the land slides struck in the early hours of friday, burying hundreds of people on their homes in the highlands of anger, to the north of this island nation. and besides, the west pacific victims were most likely to sleep, but the time cars and houses were demolished by the land flies. rescuers were digging frantically through the earth and debris overlooked by a nearby mountain where large rocks and boulders were still folding. only a few bodies had been recovered so far. the red cross estimates that as many as 500 people could be injured or dead. rapid response, team of medics ministry on police took hours to reach the scene. this is a place that's covered by the deputies and therefore people in the village, the no garcia, the asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people, i find that stuff which people uh they,
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they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute joyce. and this never happened in history. the sheer scale of the line slide was also making it difficult to find survivors. according to eye witnesses. the area hitches about 600 kilometers north west of the capital of port morris. b was 10000000 people popular and again, he is the most popular sub pacific nation after australia, a diverse developing nation to mostly subsistence farmers with a 100 languages public and he has few roads outside. the larger cities, tearing access to rescue vehicles will take a long time, and this is expected to hinder assessments and relief efforts. the polls has opened in daily as india reaches the final stretchers of its marathon and election today. all 7 seats of the national capital region in the lower house of parliament are being contested. roll gundy, senior leader of the main oppositional congress party,
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turned out amid the blistering heat to cast his vote. prime minister into rendered moody's main opponent in delhi chief minister of in casually while it was expected to vote later in the day. casually, well, who was arrested on corruption charges and released on bill after the supreme ford intervene accused body of using criminal probes or heard is transits. earlier i asked the w corresponding sheller jada off in deli, to tell us more about today's elections. the closest the constituencies that awful god should a oh myco and over a 100000000 people are eligible. voters are due to vote in different parts of india . so this heat is pretty much on not just political in india, but climate wise as well. it's coming up to mid day here now, and we see that the number of people who are coming out to vote has been dwindling . the turn out was pretty much high in the early hours of morning. it's it opened at 7 am. that's when we saw most people are trying to cost a boat,
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but now as it's coming up to mid day and the heat is rising, the numbers seem to be coming down. but we'll see we, we still have until 6 pm today to see what the both are doing now. turns out to be 12 and mid that heat. i think one of the big questions is how much is chief administered, casual was arrest going to influence the voting should be arrested for this admin. cage of all has dominated the printer to go back to the feel in delhi, he was arrested on a corruption charges. like you said, the charges that she denies and he's been up to using the reading, be potty or framing to some movie else, trying to stifle the opposition parties. here he's being the chief minister of this, of the national capital of daily since 2015 and a very popular one of that. and so as soon as he came out on barely, he started the addressing election valleys with solar to an order for huge amount of number of people. and he asked people to pay requests if people are to come out
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in numbers and thought it'd be, it'd be government, i'll just follow because he sees them as a know sort of a, as an older kid in regina. he even went to the length of accusing the fragment. it's still trying to turn the country into something like a rest of the uh with lead us like of louden it within to don't allow the opposition to side. so the heat is pretty much on uh the accusations have been flying. oh not just from the b b side, the ruling, the party side, but also from the opposition side. like i've been gauge of all, i just look on fix to the rest is not just an agent case. i have the electrons. uh we have seen uh separate rates by uh, federal law enforcement agencies uh, on opposition policies. uh, the main opposition party congress is uh, funds were frozen briefly, which raises fios in, in the, in the was not just the democracy that this exercise may not be free. and 5th, shelly, what's the expected outcome well that's, it's anybody's guess really. really,
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but really have to really see if they choose between the 2 ideas that into the, the different political factions are setting to people here. prime minister movies, a party has focused on religious identity and funding to be handled. majority in a people by the opposition has stuff judged on saying that this is about saving secularism and democracy in and do that. so dw correspondent shelly jada of many, many things and we apologize for the visual hits. we're taking there the japanese dog who became in internet celebrity as the face of the same as those mean has died . most of the she book, you know, became recognized around the world in 2010 after photo of her inspired a generation of online jokes. beside i, in k 9, subsequently became the face of the crypto currency. those corn started as a jo. those coordinates now valued at some $23000000000.00. thanks in part to
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support from you on much to both as owners. and the former rescue had been ill for quite some time and will ended there up next a sports life with a look at gunners, flourishing. do it yourself, forced racing culture? a mike look who, thanks for being with us. more news right around the corner. the ones small steps for a robot vacuum, one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk response. in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we can start environmental.


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