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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm CEST

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the words people have to say, that's why we listen to every weekend on d w. the, do you feel low energy, depressed? tired, or are you constantly on edge and unable to sleep at night? are you hungry the whole time but losing weight for have you lost your appetite, but seem to be packing on the pounds or use wasting or not for no reason. for all you freezing even with this was all these symptoms might indicate that you have a thyroid problems. the thyroid is advice or human and sometimes if malfunctions
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thyroid problems and what to do about them coming up on in good shape of the 5 years ago, you'd have bought uh, managed to shut 40 key loves the subject of losing weight became so important that i could see even trained as a nutritionist. but then everything changed. she felt exhausted, listless, constantly cold hands, and suddenly put on weight again. so she went to see the doctor. to estimate the initial advice was to change my diet to eat lunch and to exercise cool. but she was already on a strict on, on doing regular exercise, another doctor diagnosed with depression. it's fluency that i was diagnosed to suicidal and told to go to an outpatient clinic without delay. i'm glad because
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that's when begin before. that's when i was supposed to turn on to the presence of the come. she took the medication for 2 years, but continued to put on weight on the escape became puffy. eventually she went to another clinic where they quickly discovered the cause of the why or gland was significant. the launched and full of love have a slight, even as a non professional. i could see on the screen the to look the has phones and it wasn't enough to drop in full of holes like swiss cheese on you. it doesn't look good. ok, the fitness, good on you. you a bottle a hodge. cancer of the fibroid. a raf form of the disease. following surgery a symptoms quickly subsided. dr. god says, well, i want to check ups are important, especially if you're experiencing sudden changes to your weight on mood. because they sold and can cause problems at any age. long as nice to the good news,
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bad mood, this is a good digestion. bad addition, good sleep, bad sleep. the, the bird swings, temperature, swings, love and sex, or not just the thyroid plays the role and all those things to say, oh, find roy disorders control is weight gain hybrid what they can also cause weight loss nor key symptom of an overactive thyroid. yeah. is there a time? i mentioned the will, the constant release of firewood hormones means you're always fired up. you have a high pulse. you're hungry, have hulu and you eat, but you keep losing weight because the metabolism is in overdrive and then that's the other end of the spectrum. the largest and the people with an underactive and i wrote an experience. the opposite is the launch. they're always tired and then a bad mood. they sleep a lot and it looks like depression, but it isn't because of them. if you give the patient the necessary dose of is by right hormones, they suddenly feel better. underactive disorders, a more common with around 200000000 people are affected worldwide. but the problem
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often isn't diagnosed despite the non dual loves being easy to identify the english. this is the left side, right? low bunch. but at least as the whole thing looks like a butterfly or a still on the right low is clearly enlarged and has made all these nodules. the 2nd of these nodules can become cancerous depending on whether the fire white is over or under active. the non yours can be hot or cold as of a to see this is the image from the thyroid some tinker striking for you can see both the logos device to tired. this is the right love has what we call a hot module here because it's constantly producing thyroid hormones since one for the ts far more dangerous all cold and not your comprising dead thyroid tissue that no longer produces hormones. advantages, especially the danger comes from these cold nodules,
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is located where thyroid tissue is, the k potentially becoming malignant. so they need to be treated all here with surgery, the or radioactive iodine therapy, we will talk people. unfortunately the disease often goes undetected when you do a board tasha to the diagnosis on instagram to receive the range of similar stories . as we had under stephen this one says the doctor refused to assign me to a sideboard specialist because my book levels were ok. the sound helped enough know by let's say that it's happened. it turns out i have 6 to no jewels and have to go back 1st into per se, into coffee. the blogger advisors, anyone with similar symptoms to insist on this integrity or firewood scan. because she doesn't want anyone to go through the same or deal a sinusoid planned, weighs just 20 grams and is about the size of a rule. not it's the body's metabolic control center. if it gets overactive,
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it can trigger a whole range of symptoms and it can also cause problems. if it's under active. let's take a closer look at this, vice will bland. do show and shape the siroy. it is sometimes compared to a bunch of fly. it sits rather inconspicuously at the front of the neck, but appearances the deceptive. in fact, the thyroid is the secret ruler of the organ. the case of the sy rhodes paola is the home loans that it produces. phase home arns rate to immerse every cell in the body. they influence growth, but also in metabolism and hate production within themselves. because this high royd hormones, assorted powerful, it's important that the glen produces just the rice amount, body temperature,
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blood pressure and hot right tend to be low if this guy right is underactive and elevated if over active this can lead to sensitivity to the code on the one hand and hot flashes on the of the low tie right hormones can slow digestion and lead to depression, while high homer and levels can cause diarrhea, restlessness and sleep disorders. thyroid function can also affect the menstrual cycle, and the beta are from the beginning of pregnancy. children depend on the mother's thyroid hormones until the phases aren't i, royd gland becomes active hormones officer play a crucial role in physical development before that to be able to function the thyroid needs one rule material in particular, i'd on the human body cannot procure your side on itself and can only star it to
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a very limited extent. it must therefore pain just a regular e squared. so certain types of fish contain lots of eyes on like, had it on semen as their show fish, dairy products from x. good non animal sources of iodine, a nonce spin, inch, se, wade, pumpkin, and tables. housing rich with eyes on. interestingly, bosses flies also have an organ that produces the same hormones as the thyroid gland. they control the mission mall for says from cache it publish a box. if i just as also i rode gland is involved in many changes in our lives. the going to as an enlarged firewood gland, it's associated with an increase or decrease inside lloyd hormones. the main
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symptom is a swelling of the front of the neck. the most common cause is the lack of iodine in the diet, which can be a problem and we met parts of the world. the recommended daily dose varies from country to country, but on average young people and adults need $100.00 to $200.00 micrograms per day. pregnant and 1st feeding women need more. 100 grams of fish contain between 50 and 250 micrograms of id. the body also needs enough iron and selenium to observe id and both of these minerals of sound and meat, eggs, and lentils. sinusoid problems are usually genetic. they tend to run in the family . but bad habits can also play a role such as smoking. cigarette smoke can hinder absorption of id and effects high royd function for the risk factors include mental strain and psychological
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problems. in other words, prolonged stress or you're trying to get to sleep, but your health is right thing and you just called relax. you could have an overactive, funny void, but what causes over production of 5 or at home and it might be down to information . sure, it doesn't into november. same can't indented line, or the inflammation is usually caused by auto immune conditions and then on which can be exacerbated by stress factors as well. so stress can lead to an in claim to fire roy, to food with a few molten lifestyles. a highly stressful stress is hard to avoid. the body needs time to rest and relax or are open sometimes. prolonged stress can also affect the thyroid gland. 3, the chronic stress space. the production of thyroid hormones.
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that task is to mobilize energy for the body cells. sugar and salt to yes, it's released and transported to the muscles by the blood vessels activating the fight or flight response. but the final flight response doesn't help us much. no more than desk bound lights. when we're coming to be stressed, cells become desensitized to molecular signals. reducing cellular uptake of thyroid hormones, the fibroid then starts producing more and more hormones. it can become inflamed. the single issue is uh, initially inflammation of the thyroid gland causes the thyroid cells to produce more firewood hormones, already cohens and 2 nuclear. it's done, but chronic inflammation then cause a cell test. and as a result, hypo thyroid isn't to name it. i know when to from to hypo, cyber or it isn't an underactive, thyroid gland can go on noticed for
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a while. the symptoms can be caused by all the condition means, but eventually, inflammation will result in a damage size void. the same amount of firewood gland is completely replaced by scarring. tons effectively disappears. then there's no solution 13, and a megabyte as its problem. when the only option is to take it tablets to replace the thyroid hormones, i'm on the tablet and so that's why most of you have to take one tablet a day as a diesel. thyroid hormone replacement therapy is widely available, right? and is relatively simple. i am for has anyone suffering from too much? stress needs to find ways to compensate with exercise and trust for the site. 5 or 8 of the overall health they need to conceive can also be a symptom of thyroid problems. and under active thyroid gland doesn't produce
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enough coal mines in men that can result in the loss of libido and direct all this function in women, hormones are responsible for the menstrual cycle and ed mentor ration any kind of whole mental imbalance, reduces the likelihood of a pregnancy. a common course of the under active fibroid is the condition. how she motives fibroid itis. it's named after japanese physicists. how colorado has she most of the 1st identified it in 1912. it's an auto immune disease which gradually destroys the 5. i just mean an old which was constantly tired. she could hardly get out of bed. eventually a mother had had enough fema. so because he felt lying around in bed all day and do something we took with your friends,
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that kind of stuff. and all attributes of psychiatry i was on what was she thinking because yeah, i just got the i'm just tired owners and i was going to bed early and not to be sleeping enough at night. i thought i was tired again. as soon as i came home from school, i didn't get to sign up because i didn't want to have to charge done by change. most of us help when the student did finally go to the doctor. he sent it to christian, full and in frankfort. yeah, i've always been here and i've come here because my g p told me tell you how to get some blood tests and the sideboard left and it was very high. sure. tweaking that sounds good. well well, i'm off to the physical examination, dr. fuller and has an idea about why the high levels come from. the next step is an ultrasound scan to confirm. i'm assuming design this can, we can already see it here. and then the model normal sleighride would be a medium grey. here we have the thyroid low in longitudinal section significant that has to do with a lot of holes as a test or it almost looks like tilted cheese,
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as in the sense the holes are the focus of the inflammation caused by the anti bodies which these on that and steve, it's already a kind of visual diagnosis in the ultra sound of, of how the, the, the thyroid, stimulating hormone level is so high that the only real diagnosis you can make is the clinically relevant how she motors disease in order to do this. not all of cases need treatment, but it's by fins putting about 5 percent of those effected this leads to long term scarring and shrinkage of the oregon. this with firewood hormones production coming to a halt and consumed in some leading. partially moto starwood, digest is an auto immune disease. the bodies own defense system shown here in yellow attacks and damages the tissue of the firewood gland leading to the assistant, inflammation. us the disease progresses, the thyroid gland to come small and its structure changes. ultimately, the site wide becomes underactive. the production of thyroid hormones shown in
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green subsides, but that's not always the case. sometimes it's just the opposite. i'm fung vendor in the beginning, when the antibodies arrived as, as the inflammatory reaction, might initially trigger the release of quite a right hormone. and there's actually even a phase of hyper function done, although that then turns into a sub function, the brief face of normal function. beckett is heavy. it's not the i don't, i still have one or 2 questions about the symptoms and would like to show you a picture. i can come here and you can see the person in minutes and here possible symptoms of how she motors, employment starting with the model. not being very tired and sleeping a lot of time to see movies and a lot of people also gain weight of my someone else position to have. you might get brutal hair or have reading difficulties or changes to your scan. little changes, especially on your elbows and knuckles. and i know the envelope and all openings. some people also have that justin problems for more mental disorders. y'all. so
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a plethora of symptoms which you reported a couple 100, but it's rare to have everything on the i'm going suspicion which one is august and it has the motor is, is initially just the medical finding that there are a lot of people who have measurable anti bodies onto put the siroy, you can still counteract them. well, kansas didn't know who to engaging. that's but not in yasmina, old. where's case? she needs extra assistance from just tablets, with a 100 micro graham doses and i ride home who isn't home own on demo. that helps pretty quickly us to maybe 2 weeks. i was from america. i wasn't tired anymore and i enjoyed going out. don't saying meeting friends ago before. and so yeah, they worked for us if we quickly and one other thing i use for that to slow down. yep. a checkup 6 weeks after her 1st visit to the doctor. okay. test it says, oh fun and okay, why is it just cyro? it feels little softer. these in of now there are still the small pockets of information were antibodies attack and that that won't go away. i didn't come out
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of it cause we can treat the resulting symptoms effectively. they would fund and i've got to mean a oh, but she is managing ok with the medication and no longer has any problems. so it inside of i national in the end of a pregnancy and you there are other things to consider to come to this. you have to monitor it more closely, inquiry and because of the rising fire, right hormone requirement. yeah. site. and if you lose significantly more than 5 kilos by working out shortly from your husband's q, you also need to check in the body because the hormone requirement also depends on your weight. goes, mina is enjoying life again to the release upon low. yeah, i'm guessing on just fine again, and she's happy the time doing best to was able to find someone who could help me or oh good. let's go to the next report. we meet another of doctor fall and us patients. in some cases, the immune system mistakenly stimulates the thyroid gland to produce excess amounts
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of thyroid hormones. graves disease is the most common cause of an over to sign well it. it results in an enlarged sinusoid or explosion. nick. it also affects the eyes, making them dry, red, and irritated, causing a gritty sensation and even blood vision. so the complications include rheumatism, gallstones. it's not clear what causes it, but left untreated. it can increase the risk of heart disease. and bristle bones, offend the loved ones in ice cream color in front fat. 2 years ago he was on the treadmill and noticed that his heart was racing, even though he wasn't running fast. by the time i was doing 8 kilometers an hour, but my pulse was a $180.00 or a $190.00 be a minute. so i realized that was something wrong. there are additional symptoms
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included to step sleep and constantly ridiculously his colleagues to assist us up with a lot. he got a bit aggressive. he used to be an energetic, cheerful person. but when he develops his thyroid problems, he really changed to come and have a devilish around guns on the eunice was prescribed medicine, but it didn't help. by this time he become hauled to live with the show i started snapping at my wife, being grumpy as a symptom of an overactive. no, i royd so happened dealer if you'd like to follow me. eventually he was diagnosed with graves, disease, a disorder that causes hypothyroidism, pull my knee and hip it taking medication, didn't walk. so he made an appointment with dr. kirsty on full and
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a thyroid specialist. we've looked at your file, it's been going on for over 2 years and the medication isn't working to mid than me to come in. so i'm almost positive graves. disease is an auto immune disorder ability. the body produces antibodies and basically attacks itself, you know, i mean it's as though it's allergic to itself on modifies of normally the firewood gland is regulated by the tutor, a gland located at the base of the brain. and if there's lots of fired activity in the organism, the pituitary gland slows it down, does closet? if there's too little time with it, steps it up again, the house. so at more or less balance is itself out of any like a thermostat, with patients who have activating anti bodies. the thyroid gland is constantly firing away and the loop system no longer functions. the heating stays on, even though it's already warm enough. i'm going lucas. and about 50 percent of cases medication is effective. unfortunately,
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it didn't help you on this fmla by you the con content with graves disease. the antibodies greatly increase blood flow to the tissue onto cover that's convenient, it's not unlikely the tablets will rectify that. after more than a 2 year just mind, given your antibodies come unto cup and do you have what you need is either radioactive, iodine or surgery house and his organ on to this and you to retain that you're a young man. but your thyroid gland is very large and i did advise you to have an operation that was because you'll get a faster results because of the money in the uh, so about. so one of options who minus the f, listening to this, once the oregon is removed, as well as the normal function will return within a few days. but we can discuss the options. i'm gonna switch question one of them to all the downsides to radioactive iodine. 30 the ones that just because ends on going basically it's not always suited to younger patients, whether they're male or female with names. my gosh, i wonder if that's good to voice a minute. he's a fall under his arm,
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and you might actually have read the white line therapy, then you should avoid getting pregnant for 6 months or a year. i'd say to just to make sure there's no genetic damage on somebody had to get into the stop me. so actually i didn't come to you in a similar ups for surgery. he hopes to be fully recovered in time for the ice cream season. so this was i, it's a 2 hour operation. it's, you know, that's standard. so i'll see you in the recovery room. then you'll be back to your room, him all for home on, you'll feel tired. i'm in the office and you might have to have a surgical drain for a day. and then a day later, you can go home to come 10 models warehouse. when you don't long get central get in the house, you want us pick some of season day for his surgery, so as not to lose too much business. once he's had his 5 white glove removed, you'll have to take tablets for the rest of his fine.
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you said it was a good place then when the firewood gland is rude, completely, the patient needs to take firewood hormones, none of them, but at least there are no side effects whatsoever. things 56 weeks later you want us to send a lab has a checkup with the doctor. and we have good news to report on these feeling much calmer. he's sleeping back to his home. life with the family is also improved and with the family or how does okay, how does okay. unice has passed to his cheerful self so proved that you can still make ice cream without a thyroid gland. so he shut up and use this. but yeah, that is our successor. he'll be taking over the business one day with atlanta at us . if you're going to eat ice cream, you'd better work out 1st. his own area of fitness training with
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a new exercise. today we have an exercise for our arms. all your needs are to slice weight. for example, to border was let's go take your to weights and then you raise your arms to show their height. and then you move back your arms or slide to bend. and go controlled. always up and down the with this exercise to train your pulled muscles of your arm. and of course your upper back. the students exercise between 8 and 12. let's do
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a little break and repeat it that you have 3 sites in did the that's it for this edition of in good shape. see you again next week by the
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12:00 pm
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