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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:14pm CEST

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the the, the say is dw news line from by then israel stands defiant and so the, you wins, top code is a hopes to which bailey, for you, events, if in the southern guzman, city of process is well balanced, to continue fighting to defeat thomas and multi tells him a job in operation in northern garza, that's forcing mold palestinians to flight lines that are on the political fight for the capital valley. as india reaches the final stages of elections through pickets, new leaders add the race to fine survivors of a massive land slide in a remote part of the top of new guinea. hundreds of feed dead and injured slumped
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roads in the mountainous region, him to the rest of the way the bank visible and welcome israel has rejected an order from the international court of justice to immediately stop its military offensive in the southern gauze and the city of wrap up. israel insists its operations inside gaza, or in line with the international, lo and its released these images claiming to show when a salt taking place in the north. the military says it has killed, quote, thousands of terrorists and destroyed wrong with the launch sites. heavy funding that has forced palestinians to flee that you'll find the refugee camp. the wednesday is more than 100000 people and slaves, and old and guns are embracing plates. in the face of the icy j building. israel says it has a right to defend itself against homeless and continue its campaign in gaza as it
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looks to free hostages taken during the october 7th terror attacks. a file from the front lines of the warren, gaza, is rails military campaign suffered a major legal blow. it must immediately hold its minutes open. and any other action in that 5 governors which may inflict on the bus sitting in a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or input. that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need for is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel of commission genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to halt its military action in any area together. this guy was specifically aimed or elsewhere
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. israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages? would continue, including in rough uh the i. c. j also order the unconditional release of hostages being held by hum us. while the court has no way of enforcing the ruling, it poses a major challenge is rams allies. i have to choose between now i suppose to the international institution i'm to, oh, how much the for 3 and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is a speaking judicial blow to israel. this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war
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crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war. we asked out, jerusalem corresponded rebecca braces, what people it as well as saying about the i c j's will they? well, that all depends on who you're talking to. a large portion of the as riley public agree with much of the sentiment that we've been hearing across the board from the government. they think it is unjust. they think the world is against israel and they feel, you know, the war is still relatively or move and relatively it is still largely population of people do believe that it is the only way that they can get back the hostages, a large portion of society. i should say, believe that they also believe that the, at the how must threaten needs to be eliminated. so certainly, you know, large portions of his riley society standing with that sort of is really government and his ready opposition. position that the i c j willing is on just though of
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course there are members we have in his riley society saying that yeah, this is absolutely outrages and things should stop. so you really have an opinion across the board, but the majority still standing on the side of the war, professor of global security at the university of oaks for janina deals, specializes in lauren morales, the drawing more. we asked her if there's any sign is, well, we'll adhere to the c table they so we have come to expect the reactions from the to know government, right? there's always a mixture of bluster in terms of like the court would come tell us what to do. but also there's always an attempt to spin these for this, and this time the attempt was to say, well, the court actually didn't tell us to hold our military offensive. it just said that any military offensive that in principal poses the risk of group destruction to palestinians would have to be halted. now this is multiply zable beating or interpretation of this court order. but i do take some heart from this attempt to spin the order because it does suggest that israel understands that this order has
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weight. compliance doesn't really depend on anything happening in israel right now . it really only depends primarily or only on how best of allies of israel react to it, particularly in the united states. i only see a chance that this work order will make a difference for how is real conducts the work if the biden administration gets behind it and conditions any further support on. compliance holes of opened in daily as india reaches the final stretches of its marathon election. candidates a contesting all 7 seats of the national capital region in the lower house of parliament today, while gundy senior leader of the main oppositions congress party turned down to in the blistering heat, the cost is the private as the range of bodies main opponents in delhi chief, minnesota of in catch block was expected to vote later in the day he was arrested on corruption charges and released on bail off to the supreme court, intervene. case revile accuse is noti of using criminal probes to hurt his chances
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. identity correspondence of gandalf gave us this assessment as indians go to the pulse, 6 phases and countless selection riley's in the heat is on an in depth, not just politically. what time might take me a rather low. it has been issued by the engine mess department for extreme heat wave conditions in north india, which might be impacting people's willingness to come out and vote 50 or constituencies of voting across india. today, macola is out on delhi, as it's the administrative capital of india. and crucial, diddling b, j. b party daily has been wired in a political storm since the rest of excuse me, to the advantage of all just ahead of the elections in april. he's now tony and tell him based on he cost is valid today in a with reference to prime minister moody. he said that his votes was against dictate to say they had been 7 rates and other stuff opposition lead us will accuse the ruling b, j. b party of misusing the federal agencies to stifle opposition charges that mister mole these party denies. wrong has gone to the leader from the main office.
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this involved to of congress also wanted to date. his body's feel heading an opposition alliance of which mister page evolved is also a part. they said that the selection is about saving. the secular sort of in depth knowledge remains to be seen if the voters buy into more these speech to handle. my daughter taylor isn't an economy development o issues raised by the opposition, like inflation, unemployment, and democratic backsliding. thousands of people across pakistan has been admitted to hospital for a heat stroke. the country is in the grip of a heat wave with temperatures climbing to 50 degrees celsius. in some places it follows pakistan's width is april and over 60 is with mold and double the average monthly rifle schools out for summer, early this year for the around $26000000.00 children of pakistan's, punjab club and authorities in the region size surging temperatures put the children at risk, so they close to school early
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a week before summer holidays was set to start the temperatures including job a, some $6.00 to $8.00 degrees celsius, above the average for the time of year. the government's climate coordinate to said the global warming is causing a sudden change and weather patterns. unvil and there is more to come on as i've done. it's with the heat. it has dr. dukes dr. stone. this is the 1st week of the heat. we've been seen. 2 they're not going to be please spend an official visit to pack us down and have this to say, or new the government's or pocket stano is also in the emergency center, and it's not about where they are trying their best to ensure that predictability is key. where they can prevent massive loss of life from there, the, the, the early warning systems and they asked us to support them. but again, if you see the impact of the time of crisis on communities,
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it's very clear that something ought to be done is what i'm about must adapt and make drastic changes going forward. that's it will need help from the international community. here's a look at some more headlines they sell. china has ended 2 days of military trails around tie one. the self governing islands defense ministry says more than a 100 chinese. they have crumpton. thousands of naval vessels were involved aging which seized taiwan as part of its territory. says it was punishment for so called separatist acts as easily is the latest country to announce the presumption of funds to the wanes palestinian, but leave agency on row, which coordinates in the old, a distribution across cancer. it's part of a new so he 5000000 euro aid package. italy was one of a number of countries to suspend financing for the agency. following is ray, the accusations that some of on was stuff were involved in the october 7th. how
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much the terror attacks from the columbia and president of the bottle rebate has been formally charged with bribing witnesses and fraud. he's accused of offering cash or other benefits to witnesses. and among running case, looking at his alleged links to power, military groups, or rebate, govern columbia from 2002 to 2010 has denied any bone doing is convicted, he could face up to 12 years in jail. french police have been clearing roadblocks on the right to the island of new caledonia as flanks evacuating french tourists get underway. the french government has declared a state of emergency in the south pacific territory of the violence around the proposed constitutional changes. 7 people have died in the unrest. the rescue teams of started to arrive at the sight of a massive land slide in the remote highlands of possibly new guinea schools, a few dead off to the land slide flattened 6 villages in the area. the land slides
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struck in the early hours of friday, burying hundreds of people in their homes, in the highlands of anger to the north of this island nation. and besides, the west pacific victims were most likely to sleep. at the time, carson houses were demolished by the land flies. rescuers were digging frantically through the earth and debris overlooked by a nearby mountain where large rocks and boulders were still folding. only a few bodies had been recovered so far. the red cross estimates that as many as 500 people could be injured or dead. a rapid response team of medics ministry on police took hours to reach the scene. is a place that's covered by the deputies. and therefore, people in the village, the no garcia. the asking the government, the h. anyone and everyone who wish to help people, i find a doctor each people uh they,
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they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute joyce. and this never happened in history. the sheer scale of the land slide was also making it difficult to find survivors. according to eye witnesses. the area hitches about 600 kilometers north west of the capital of port morris b. with 10000000 people popular and again, he is the most popular sub pacific nation after australia, a diverse developing nation, mostly subsistence farmers with a 100 languages public and he has few roads outside. the larger cities, tearing access to rescue vehicles will take a long time. and this is expected to hinder assessments and relief efforts. us. and finally, to a rescue mission in bolivia, both to think adults that had become stranded in the low rivers of a tourist, towns on 500 killer. because east of the city, the past, the mission to save the mazda and several hours with the teen using nets and trucks to carefully move the quoted mammals to another river,
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the neighboring amazon region. being you're up to date on the all the international use of next shift with a look at the ethics of artificial intelligence. i bank as well, and thanks for being with us the it should be green. very green. all this blue p s twine twine to some lovely red. definitely pull just to yes. yes. that's what you present on purple bubbles. very special that's in the georgia. choose your favorite color categories.


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