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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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we are emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level reading gentleman has been interested in visiting. one of europe's oldest cities are tips for a trip to athens. how did these pictures celebrate? cindy and roma identity? we talked to the artist about them and what makes this sunday rose so popular in the u. k. were on admission to find out the stories and more coming up on your own macs. the 50 years ago, the b w, golf, or rabbit, as it's known in the u. s,
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made its debut in germany. it soon became an international hit and is still considered to be one of the most successful automobiles of all time. we find out why the 50 is now. the volkswagen gulf has been living life in the fast lane. is like nice to put into automotive pool, a best seller that moves davis, 37000000 units worldwide. so what makes to my successful model in gym and automotive history of special nothing. there is nothing exceptional. everything fits, it's simple. it's fully uh and i think it really was ahead of the time. and that means a call for everybody in the goals sold in the us as the rabbits hit the market in 1974, 2 years later this full version, the gulf of t t. i generated me, molly,
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the compact code, change the industry, even establishing a new category of did called the gold plus it's created was giorgio g, g r a. what did the title design here with the century? the autonomy and vision re has what for numerous. com manufacturers, volkswagen commission, tim to develop a successor to the vw beetle. he took a fresh approach to everything and get away instead of round from well instead of rear wheel drive. mona, but most spacious to the phone done, i'll take you through the most important features of the gulf, the email, the sloping hood do for sure, and then the steep rear end of the doctor. and the lower waist line altogether creates a harmony that you might not consciously notice,
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but you can feel it. no go washer. and so the, the last thing or the is the b w. golf hasn't changed much. now in its 8th generation, it had only slight modifications. each new generation recalls the previous model. vw doesn't want to drive away customers with completely new design, softer old. when selecting a gold by a should they what they guessing? some of them will remain loyal for in the lifetime. you live with it, you identify with it somehow that expression generation golf is true. this big generation gulf. the catchphrase used by volkswagens marketing department also gave jim and also i feel in as a title for his book, published in 2000 to use the tons of people born in west germany. between 1965 and 75 trendy consumer oriented and
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a political everything the gulf was supposed to represent the goal expense in the middle sense of the middle in a very nice way with the and i'm be sure to be the best of the middle with no ambition really, to become i don't know, this part is the most stylish the most uh, emotional caught in the market just to be a good call. with that mess of p, the goal was a market lead times. it's being the world's best sending cox with funds from south africa to brazil. even age 50, the mid range congress didn't in this price. a volkswagen 1st purity electric compact car. the id 3 hasn't been selling. so wow. now the w is instead focusing on the next generation gulf when it comes to e may be let's see, that will likely be for the electric. the co. com simply never goes out to function
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the final call, everything fits together. i've done so it's like a hit song where the notes come together in such a way that they create a wonderfully harmonious work of art, a man. you're not only the v w golf has been a global favorite for 50 years, but come the electric version, keep pace with the success of its combustion constant. will be watching the have you ever been to athens greece is capital score as many points with good food and lots of historic sites are report or sarah helpful shows you 1st personal favorite over 3000 years of history friendly faces and lots of music. i'm
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here in athens, greece, the, the greek capital is like a 2nd home to me and i'm going to show you what we can do here in just one day. we're going to check out a mix of the classic sites and some you probably have never heard about before. so as the greek sir thomas, let's go. before we dive into the hustle and bustle of the city, i want to show you one of my favorite spots below popular a giant and pretty rugged parts. right in the center. i don't think i were the right shoes for this terrain. walking around the park, you'll also find more amazing views of the acropolis from different angles the and from this side you can even see
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the, the gmc so let's get to know athens, one of the oldest cities in the world. now we had, don't want us to docu square the hearts of houses. and in this place you can see layers of the city's history in just one spot. first we have the church of the virgin mary pantano and saw from the byzantine arrow right there. and then over here we have the to talk you small from the ottoman era and this neo classical building right here, houses the metro station which is a very good way to get around the city. what i prefer to take a walk now in the historic neighborhood of plaza, which is known for its colorful buildings and perfect location at the foot of the acropolis. nearby, you'll find several of the city's main archaeological sites. i never get tired of looking at them. i have like 500 photos. the same thing. that's adrian's library built in 13280 and the roman a girl from the 1st century
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b. c. if you plan to enter several archaeological sites, including the acropolis, i recommend you by the multi path ticket. that's 30 year olds, and it gets you into 7 archaeological sites over a period of 5 days. so it's really worth it. if you buy this house down and clock out, and you can skip the sometimes long line up here at the acropolis, but not one of my ultimate athens recommendations. your process museum. if your plan to visit one museum while you're in athens, this is inside. you'll find over 3000 items taken from the ancient side of the problem. the, the personal one is just one of many temples that stood on the ancient city. though the museum displays binds from the entire site from ancient pottery to the majestic car. yeah. to be a rec, the on temple and did you know the agent statues were once brightly colored
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on some you can still see traces of the original shoes. and if you still want to see more, you can go under the museum to check out in ancient affinity in neighborhood the entire museum was built right on top of it. and by the way, i don't recommend wearing a skirt or dress when you visit the museum because you're properly, you can still see some parts of the archaeological site without buying a ticket. like the odeon of harrow, this advocates, an ancient theater at the south west slope. but the acropolis is the main to risk site for a reason. so definitely pay it a visit. my tip is to get there as early as possible after it open so you can be one of the few people there. it's not only about ancient stuff here in athens, isn't causing the college and city with tons of cool bars,
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restaurants. and generally, what ever kind of night life you're into music. so tonight i'm going to take you to hear some of my favorite musicians. the 1st things 1st we order to put on a popular distilled spirit, the greek version of good off on the mobile service announcement. the it's not to be drawn on an empty stomach. we order a few plates to share like soccer and hockey side, cheese to key. and one of my favorite recipes, the. so this is something very agree coming, getting a new shared place, most of this seeing with your friends drinking and of course listening to music. the you enjoy this in athens as
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much as i did and now we take you on a studio visit to poland. my goes on time, you've got task belongs to the roman group, the largest ethnic minority in europe, which also includes the city in german speaking countries with her work. she wants to fight against exclusion and prejudice. the subject matter of these images is from the realm of community scenes from their everyday lives and their clothes. people like the artist herself fargo's not that many and got task a polish room. the is part of the minority group through her portraits. she challenges widespread stereotypes about send t enrollment in art consultants of and then all throughout that sort of when i think of portrayed that to the pre pre i took the right amount and to pick to them in a stereo typical and exclusionary my not home a single tale,
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my goal as an activity, as to recruit, creating them for me, and for us to get people back that dignity and value that because most of the artists designs are 1st created on paper like a sewing pattern for motif, so then sewn together in several layers of textiles for medium, the clothes worn by the people for trade, or people from luggage, right? that's on circle the. some of them is a brand new book called you of the so the, some of the clothes come from friends. people who are important to me makes the whole thing special. now that it gets my work additional strings in a new meaning because it's in bodies, nice energy and memory. so those are to, and the, the, she stories from you, my go shop that works together with women from her community in her workshop and
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southern colette. and before creating the textile pictures, she meets with the people she will be to pick the artist, creates her motifs from photos, stories, and her own impressions. like the story of more than a member of the send to from the netherlands. so for visitors or youth of i'm interested in her identity, her self discovery, and also her family here because what she told me about was her grandmother her grandfather, her mother herself and the place she lives. yeah. oh nice. um i me, so put in the news, caught it to fix the lives of roma, history of holding together and being excluded. and it tells the story of their persecution, of the parents, the nazis genocide, of european roman my go shop. i mean, it got task became the 1st room, the artist to exhibit international pavilion at the 2022 minutes,
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be an hour. she shows her works internationally at the document and, and solo x emissions reaching an audience far beyond the room. the community should act so also for this find very moved by the responses of people from my community. i think it makes me happy that they like can't accept which i'm doing. it's also important to me how my office is received by the general public and the use to educate and to convey some st consort will be this is my form of storytelling. not totally about myself, but also about how culture i'm way off for a lot of years typical. so me, i let this will also all take was sort of me following her art studies in crock of mont goes out to return to her home town of china. go down in southern poland, the roma experience discrimination
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throughout europe, not just in poland, for artistic career was not a matter of course. sometimes the use of the simple fact was, as i am from the, has made everything much more difficult question. from my impression of the otwell is that we will once i the marginal long historical, placed in the logical museum and sort of normal that we wouldn't even consider to exhibitions until we simply spelt in working together with all the rest of my office up to 78 on the modification i thought uses more than the physical material from her personal surroundings for her pictures. she also works with childhood memories and with stories from her own family. she's got sort of at the time, i think everything i do is positive, this heritage and all pos difficult to do, you know, certainly family history, but the history of the road, mazda and the history of this place,
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which i tell through, on some stupid as every day and as personal as my gosh, how does motifs are they reflect the cross border experiences of a minority in europe? the cause of similar genesis foliage now she knew use a everyone should know when not some strange difference grew shifting a mom as well. so the mom we received them and as everyone else some was mom is for you and we have all history, our identity or trauma than that to go full. we want is respect and dignity and good. the knowledge and her art achieves this. it portrays roma as people not from an outside his perspective, but through the eyes of a running. her new works will be on display starting this summer at the bona funding museum in most places in netherlands. and as long as margot jobs, i mean
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a good task is able to tell stories and touch others with them. she'll never run out of material. it's still a tradition in many families today. everyone gets together for a meal on sunday. and often something very special is serv. well now show you which classic dish is a must on sundays for many brits this is just how britain's traditional sunday roast as opposed to look what makes it so dear to british hearts . it's about wholesome. i think i've been phone with somebody friend. i can never finish a rice. it's not just about the roast. the side dishes are what make this a feast. so what is the best part of it? let me see what, what do you think that's gonna remind your mind,
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kind of the kids i hate running a great many pubs and restaurants around britain service sunday roast. in fact, it's the only item on the menu of the clapton country club in london. up to 300 portions are dished up here every sunday. in london in particular, you get a lot of people move from outside of london where it's from the road or from other areas in britain. and so they may not be going back to the knob as well. grandma was the sunday dinner so they will go out. so there is a big culture of that happening. this beloved roast is one of the tiers, how to make a tasty one. first, the meat has to be marinated in rosemary. time and garlic. i'm going to roll the beef to keep the safe of the beast so that it doesn't spring and it doesn't go
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slowly on one side. the meat is seared for 10 minutes on each side and then roasted at $125.00 degrees celsius for another 45 minutes. perhaps the most british part of the sunday roast is actually the yorkshire pudding. everybody has a different recipe and less of the same amount of a meal. same on the whole x. and same moment of playing flour and this mix in but how does the yorkshire pudding get its shape? the trick is lots of hot grease and the baking dish that pops up. the battery that goes for 20 minutes. on the terminal. yorkshire pudding is rather heavy. that used to be a way of avoiding too much expensive need on the table. what does it taste like a little bit starchy a bit of a and if you get it just right the past 11, the price base or if there's like a 5 right?
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just in case like anything specifically almost like a 1st piece, avery pancakes is the bigger fluffier. along with cabbage and various other root vegetables, the marinated and the oven baked potatoes are critical. sunday roast experience. you can navigate road, crisp size, soft on the inside, crispy on the outside. you call it beat potatoes, price precise as you know when and where did the history of the sunday rose to begin roast beef became popular in england under henry the 7th. during the 15th century, the king provided the yeoman guards at the tower of london with weekly rations of fif, which gave rise to the nickname of the theaters that it became a dish even on sundays has to do with the church. we go to the church on sunday morning and then when you come back and it's almost like
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a family get together and certainly to, to begin with and socializing off the guns judge for those who loved the sunday roasts, but don't eat meat budgetary and then even begin options are available to not roast, for instance, or the beginning. strudel p. wellington style. we got to mix up for a tussle, was muscle leak tablets. onion cooked with time, and rosamond and garlic. and we got big and cheese. and we can break, come to bind it, i will kit we wrap it and we roll it with the pancake meet or no one question remains to sunday rose to be served up on any other day of the week. i don't really think you can help us in the rest of the day off part of the reasons you have the time on a sunday. absolutely. you know, that is nice. sunday rice has got to be on a sunday. otherwise it's not a sunday,
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right? fortunately, a single portion is so rich and feeling that it's easy to make do with less on the other weekdays. and next sunday is always just around the corner, exchanging rings and throwing price. after the ceremony, a reporter hand of homo finds out what is a must and a typical german wedding in wind, germans often say i do twice. what are you doing? i'm preparing for a german way. confused. i can imagine breaking porcelain. it's actually a german wedding tradition. let's take a closer look at why and what other german wedding traditions there are, so that you'll be prepared for whenever you attain to german wedding or if he even get my it here let's go. weddings are having so much of a revival in germany. the number of people who agree with my are just being on the
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rise in the last 10 years. tradition is trendy again. germans don't always get large just for life. sure. that's the main reason. bought german couples also enjoy 2nd tax advantages. in germany, people typically have 2 weddings. the civil ceremony at the courthouse and then the 2nd one out of charge or menu of your choice for the cost of the wedding of the registry office varies depending on the federal state and the amount of documents needed. but it's still pretty small amount compared to how much most german spent on their wedding party, where that half of german spending between $515000.00 on their wedding day. some often end up spending much more. the wedding ring is usually a simple silver or gold ring that has typically worn on the right hand. in the past, women often move their engagement, bring from the left hand to the right time as a wedding ring. nowadays, however, most people have separate engagement rings. when the wedding leaves, the registry office rose texas,
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or rice are often thrown at them. the customer was throwing rice originated in asia and is supposed to bring happiness on children together. although as often forbidden because of food waste reasons, although if you it closely, it seems like no everyone is paying attention to this rule. of course, the wedding attire is also a big deal here. traditionally the bride, whereas white spot, the groom, wears black or blue. although other colors are currently very trained in grooms fashion. all right guys, let's talk a german wedding traditions. my favorite one is applied to ab smashing porcelain onto the grind to drive away evil spirits the night before the wedding. and then a couple of sweet bought the pieces together to symbolize the site that they're going to share future biden's, wedding planner, marco explains the typical traditions here and which ones are still practice today . it's just because you haven't, this is too far to, to saw. it's tree, this should be the 1st work that they should do together. sometimes especially in
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bavaria. so in the cells, right is getting every so the whole bunch of us have to look for her and she's somewhere in another guest house. and she's having a great time alone with our friends and then the google has to pay for her to get her back. gay weddings are fits difference or you have to change traditions because there are no traditions. normally the father of the bride leads the bride to the eyes or we change that into the mothers. we bring the suns to the altar. traditions are in florida, but they are changing the world. there you have it. the world of german weddings. i love learning about all of the traditions as well as the new ones that are being stablished without re wrap up another edition of your own max. if you want to see more great stories from all over europe, then follow us on social media. thanks for turning in and we'll see you again next
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week the
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there is a village in kenya. oh yeah. where women rule, the bellows. my husband would have killed me if i hadn't slept and that that along we should see. they escaped violence. both marriage and tennis will need to license a pneumonia. the women take a stand against the patriarchy of the tribe, december, and demand on an ocean. in 15 minutes on the w, we are in johannesburg, south africa as a country where does itself to
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a new story collection. sophia's issues with the new standards we on one of the most and people countries in the world, people are most effective on use. a woman and all black. so the country that is on fire, the 77 percent in 90 minutes on dw, the systems can be used across different geographies. the real challenge, it's off whose needs to be incredibly scarce. waste and transforming business is onto real media. and lots, just green washing. what's now on one
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small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is looking at the potential of d t mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation? well, i mean the green washing rule bill billions to be made out to pub documentary, deep sea greed stats, june 7th on t w. the
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. this is data we use live from bell in israel status, define times to the un stop code as a whole to its military offensive in the southern guns and the city of bravo. israel vows to continue fighting to defeat thomas and full details image of an operation in northern gauze. it's forcing even more palestinians, deflate old eyes are on the political funds to the capital daily. as india reaches the final stages of elections, the pickets, usually it is as the rice finds the volume. is it a massive landslide in a remote part of pop on you? denise.


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