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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the way you use my from brother in israel stands defiance house to the un stop cost, or as a whole, to its military offensive in the southern cousins video. bravo is well balanced. you continue finding to defeat thomas and full of details. image of the operation in northern causes, it's forcing even more power spitting instance, like new treaty to combat fire piracy. the land lock deal lives to stump, the pillaging of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples. and genetic results is like medicinal plants or talk to an expert fuss full ice or on the political 5
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for the capital daily. as india reaches the final stages of elections to pick, it seems like is the i've been for the will and welcome is well, is ignoring an order to holt. it's offensive in rough up on saturday. it's military said it had killed several palestinian gunmen there, but also pushing ahead with its operations elsewhere in the tax rate. it's released images claiming to show an assault taking place in the north where they claimed to have destroyed wrong with launching sites. that'd be fine. as far as palestinians to flee the japan leo refugee cab, the un says more than 100000 people that slaves northern gauze, the invoice of weeks in the face of the icy j. bullying is well says it has a right to defend itself against homeless and continue its campaign and goes to the court also called for the immediate and unconditional release of old hostages.
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from the front lines of the war in gaza. israel's military campaign suffered a major legal blog is that it must immediately hold. it's committed to offense and any other action ended up a government which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or input. so that's the latest icy j rolling unequivocal about the need is round to protect the palestinians and do more to provide vital aid. the decision welcomed by south africa, which brought the case and his accused israel, of committing genocide. this order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its military action in any area gather this type of specifically aimed or elsewhere.
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israel rejects accusations of genocide and the latest i. c. j ruling. will cabinet administer beany guns, seed the fight to return its hostages would continue including in rafa b i. c, j also ordered the i'm conditional release of hostages being held by hum us while the court has no way of enforcing the ruling, it poses a major challenge is rams allies to have to choose between. now i suppose the, the international institution of the all our support and both seems to be quite difficult to make. the ruling is the seeking judicial blow to israel this week. the international criminal court has applied for a wrist warrants the israel's prime minister in defense minister over alleged war crimes. both decisions adding to global criticism of israel's war.
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we also have corresponded to jerusalem. rebecca brief is what people it is well saying about the i see j order. well, that all depends on who you're talking to. a large portion of the as riley public agree with much of the sentiment that we've been hearing across the board from the government. they think it is unjust, they think the world is against israel, and they feel, you know, the war is still relatively or move and relatively it is still largely population of people to believe that it is the only way that they can get back the hostages. a large portion of society, i should say, believe that they also believe that the, at the how must threaten needs to be eliminated. so certainly, you know, large portions of his riley society standing with that sort of is really government and his ready opposition. position that the i c j willing is on just though of course there are members we have in his riley society saying that yeah,
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this is absolutely outrages and things should stop. so you really have an opinion across the board, but the majority still standing on the side of the wall janina deal from the university of wilkes, which specializes in board time, little and morales a. we asked her if there is any sign is way i will adhere to the ruling. so we have come to expect the reactions from going to to no government, right. there's always a mixture of bluster in terms of like the court would come tell us what to do, but also there's always an attempt to spin these for this. and this time the attempt was to say, well, the court actually didn't tell us to hold our military fence if it just said that any military offensive that in principle poses the risk of group destruction to palestinians would have to be halted. now this is multiply as of a beating or interpretation of this court order, but i do take some heart from this attempt to spin the order because it does suggest that israel understands that this order has weight. compliance doesn't really depend on anything happening in israel, right? now, it really only depends primarily or only on how best of allies of israel react to
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it, particularly the united states. i only see a chance that the sort of order will make a difference for how is real conducts the work if the biden administration gets behind it and conditions any further support on compliance. let's take a brief look now at some of the other headlines today. easily says able resume, funding the unions palestinian relief agency onrush which coordinates most stating concepts. some countries, holton funds to the agency of the israel accused. some of its stuff of being involved in the how much lead terror attacks you know, probably about some donations of now resumed ties. after the publication of an independent reporting to analyze neutrality, china has ended 2 days of military drills around taiwan. the soap governing islands defense ministry says more than a 100 chinese aircraft and thousands of naval vessels were involved. aging which seized taiwan as part of its territory, says it was punishment for so called separatist acts rescue teams or
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at the sight of a massive land slide in the remote highlands of pump. when you get a scroll is a fee of dead off the mountains of us and rock slats and $6.00 villages in the area . the salon slide struck in the early hours of friday, burying hundreds of people on their homes in the highlands of anger to the north of this island nation. and besides, west pacific victims were most likely to sleep. at the time, carson houses were demolished by the land flies. rescuers were digging frantically through the earth and debris overlooked by a nearby mountain where large rocks and boulders were still folding. only a few bodies have been recovered so far. the red cross estimates that as many as 500 people could be injured or dead. a rapid response, team of medics ministry on police took hours to reach the scene.
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is a place that's covered by the deputies, and therefore people in the village, the locals. yeah. they're asking the government, the aids, anyone and everyone who wish to help people. i find that dockage people uh they, they cannot cry or they gonna do anything because it's difficult for them to go substitute joyce. and this never happened in history. the sheer scale of the land slide was also making it difficult to find survivors. according to eye witnesses. the area hitches about 600 kilometers north west of the capital of port morris. b was 10000000 people popular and again, he is the most popular sub pacific nation after australia, a diverse developing nation, mostly subsistence farmers with 800 languages public and he has few roads outside. the larger cities, tearing access to rescue vehicles will take a long time, and this is expected to hinder assessments and relief efforts. as i do in tulsa and switzerland, more than 190 countries have agreed to
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a new tracy to combat. so cold bio piracy, the land lock deal lanes to stop the practice that sees big companies use payton's too low cost natural resources often exploiting the traditional knowledge of port ations and indigenous peoples. c the agreement comes off the use of negotiations. developing countries have long been calling for more protection for the genetic resources like medicinal plants ever happened. schultz is from the live. it's institute. how will this tracy benefit indigenous people and bio diversity? yeah, it's a great question. the major impacts from history will be the past and again, so a company that applies for as much property rights. if they use bio diversity or they use traditional knowledge, they will have to declare that as within the application. so today you can take something out of
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a reading force in the past system. you wouldn't actually have to disclose where that came from. so this treaty now based on measure between the use of i versus the what the additional dollars and the say, i use the part of mind that like i so it will have to be put in ink. but does that have any ramifications as well? it does, i mean if you don't do it right, then your package is not valid. it's not validated, then your ability to be able to make money on your invention is also limit. so this connection between other involved and under the un conventional biological diversity that have said for, let's see that now you have to ask permission before you take something from another country in terms of biodiversity. now moves a step further down the value chain into the system. where the relationship between the validity of your past and, and that connection back to the original removing the sample or removing the org is
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removing the mike broke from the forest. isn't me so that value chain kind of connects now with the, with the decisions made isn't even yesterday, but will it also of quite into some sort of compensation for indigenous people. the idea of the old though is the treaty itself. as into this, the treaty basically says, you must, you have the applicant must disclose what you use in order for practitioners skilled in the art to reproduce the intention. however, the idea of the principle, the reason i mentioned the conventional biological diversity earlier, is that there a rule under the environmental conditions that say you can't take some things from another country from a sovereign state or from a dish, has people without asking permission, verse and that caused the very beginning of the research and development to use it well there that conference or the business people can say, well, you can cause some day to, um,
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boils use or some money or licensing or you know that, that location. then i think i deserve 5 percent, 2 percent, whatever number the 2 parties agree with. and so this is basically a single share point at the very end of the value chain. that enables the, the, the full realization if you will, of the original agreement that have taken place at that point. the sampling, at that point, the beginning of the research. so i told her the hope is that it will be so kind as to have a hub and sholtes there for my life is institute on buyer piracy and that new trade from the un greater grace having a india has concluded the 6th and 2nd to last phase of its members selection spread across different states and today, boating and daily at the land line as it's the national capital region, with 7 highly symbolic states in india. sandra pallet were up for grabs while going
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to the senior leader of the opposition congress party, which will the india for more than 50 years to down to the blistering hate. the cost is vote. so the dell is chief minutes. the oven gauge, watt. now the of private as the right for bodies main opponents. only a few weeks ago, he was arrested on corruption charges, released on and from bail off to the supreme court in debate. the opposition bodies accused the prime minister is potty of using criminal probes. to her, the chances of corresponding childhood got off in deli, sent this report to round off the public day in india. the people in delhi, in other parts of india, a brave, scorching heat to come off the vote today, a rather low. it has been in place by the indian met department for the extreme heat wave conditions. 58 constituencies voted in india today, but for lice. but on denny, i just the administrative capital of india and crucial to there's willing be j. p. party. but daily has been mired into political storm since the rest of its chief minister. i've been cage evolved just ahead of the elections in april. he's now out
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on, instead of being an officer costing his vote today, he said in a we'll reference to prime minister movie that his vote was against dictatorship, received several ways and rest. so for opposition leaders who have accused the ruling b, j. p. faulty of misusing the federal agencies to stifle position charges that mister moody's party denies road gone. be the leader from the main opposition party congress. also, what it today. his body's feel heading an opposition alliance of which mr. kids you bought is also a part. they say that this election is about saving the secular soul of in depth knowledge remains to be seen. if the voters buy into more, these people came to my daughter, catering, ism and economy development, or the issues raised by the opposition, like inflation, unemployment, and democratic back sliding. in watching the that we use a reminder of our top story. this our, with israel has projected an order from the international court of justice in the hate to immediately stop its military offense. they've been the southern cousin and
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city of rockland as well incest itself. variations inside guns uh remind with international law a big style report, a series of sent bangladesh eclipse. subbing is un peacekeepers for accused of murder and torture and painful and i'll see myself. the people in trucks injured was trying to see the city center the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 130000000 people us we
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of mine because no.


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