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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from valenze cost. it talks between israel and how much do you to restock next week is what it allows to continue. it's fight against time us more details than much of an operation and knows on gossip as forcing even more palestinians to please. also coming up the $77.00, the time the film festival of drawers to a close, a drama about an existing don. so when's the top prize? the palm dough on we'll go live to defense for the rest of talk to also next the
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i'm going to jones good to have you with us mediated negotiations between israel and hamas to reach a deal to free is really hostages in gaza. a search to restore this coming week. the decision came off to the head of is what is most of the intelligence agency met the head of the c i a on the prime minister of casa. but israel is continuing it's offensive and rough in southern gaza. and fresh fighting in northern gas is forcing displaced guidance to flee again. he is really military released images. they say show an assault northern gaza, where they say they destroyed rock at lunch and sites in nearby cause a city strikes to the school. coming a family, leading the fighting while they cooked you and says more than a 100000 people have fled northern gauze in recent weeks. the wheel hungry and says
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to with no shell, to the settling night that we know our children know the elderly. i'm sick with high blood pressure, diabetes, and the we caught, i have not found my medicine and there is nothing to eat because further south and deer algola opposed to me and family berries, a young man killed in in is really strikes my daughter has he with tides and there was nothing left to most of our children, the guns we have no life at them unless hell. yeah. and rafa for israel's offensive was ordered to stop. palestinians are still hoping for a cease fire. but now we want the operation to stop completely. we want to find will cease fire. we want life to return to normal because we are human beings, home and this is beyond the strength of humans to cope with. it's sad how we're living under occupation and it's our right to live like other people is ready.
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officials claim the order by the international criminal court to halt is military offensive. and rafa allows for some military action there to continue to the give a pain unions. foreign policy chief, joseph beretta, has said some european countries have been trying to intimidate international criminal court. judges, following the decision to order is will to stop its military operation and rough huh. or else the to the quotes order must be obeyed. but he wanted that the ruling poses a serious dilemma for the you. let's see, which is going to be the actually the union the. ready ringback of the international court of justice that has been issued today, which is going to be our position. we would have to choose between now us and 4th of international institution under all our support. and both seems to be quite difficult to make right now. he some of my honda is
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a spokes person for the international committee of the red cross and they're all about law in gaza. and he told us about the hopes there for the upcoming hostage talks, as well. the expectations are enormous and the keep increasing. the humanitarian situation can never be a solution to end the suffering, not of the minutes. it was not a military operation, only political efforts, becka put an end to this blush and the sufferings of thousands of people and families on both sides of the board of our human attentive response has been significant. be packed. it's just like any other kind of compensation for you to be able to send these. there's no safe place in gaza. this is not such an environment in which you, many time workers can work mission today or achieve the bare minimum meaningful even a time response of the ground. and secondly, there is limits of the resources including fuel, which impacts our movements, which impacts. so we're given a chance to be these. we have been trying to provide an average of $50000.00 of meals on daily basis across south and causes trip. now we can only offer 10 seconds
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in some of the areas we can beach was a very simple example. how going to respond. this has been impacted by facilities to india now, which has concluded the 2nd to last phase of its mama selection spread across different states. today voting and danny was and focus, it's the national capital region. we're 7, highly symbolic seats and india sense of power. well, for groups roll gun, the senior leader of the opposition congress potty, which was india for more than 50 years, turned out in the blistering heat to cost his vote. so they to dentist, chief minister, our vent capes revolved another off of prime minister. now to enjoy moody's main opponents. only a few weeks ago, he was arrested on corruption charges and released on entering bail after the supreme court intervened. the opposition policies accused modi's ruling beat. a piece of using criminal proves to her to the chances. style correspondent,
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a shallow yard off in deli, send to this reports to round off the posting day in delhi, in other parts of india. a brave scorching heat to come off to vote. today, a read aloud has been in place by the indian met department for that same heat wave conditions. 58 constituencies voted in india today, but for lice. but on denny, i just the administrative capital of india and crucial to those willing b j. b party. but daily has been mired into political storm since the rest of its chief minister. i've been cage of all just ahead of the elections in april. he's now out on instead of being an officer costing his vote today. he said in a, we'll reference to prime minister movie that his vote was against dictatorship. we've seen several ways and arrests of opposition leaders who have accused the ruling b, j. p. faulty of misusing the federal agencies to stifle position charges that mr. moody's party denies. road gone be the leader from the mino, position party congress, also what it today. his body's feel heading an opposition alliance of which mr.
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kids you bought is also a part. they say that this election is about saving the secular soul of in depth knowledge remains to be seen. if the voters buy into more, the speech of kingdom, which auto catering ism and economy development, or the issues raised by the opposition, like inflation, unemployment, and democratic back sliding. due and talks in switzerland to more than $190.00 nations have agreed to a new treaty to combat so called bio piracy and refers to corporations using payton's to look up natural resources and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples without compensation. the vast amazon rain forest home to the greatest bio diversity on earth. one in 10 known species lives here. and a new plant or animal is discovered every 2 days on average. the bio diversity in the amazon and other reading for us has provided human kind with plenty of valuable resources, such as rubber, latex, coffee, cocoa,
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and ingredients used in medicines and cosmetics. or, in many cases, the people who lived among these plants knew of their usefulness. and were utilizing the resources before europe and explorers arrived and began to exploit those goods on an industrial scale patenting their so called discoveries without regard for the indigenous people whose intellectual property it is to the age old practice has become known as bio piracy. thanks to a new united nations treaty, there's now a legal framework in place to fight it. and for the 1st time ever, we have a 3 d that connects the global i p system. if the wisdom heritage and vision is offered by indigenous peoples and local communities in the form of the genetic resources and associates, a traditional knowledge which was usually for a current example of bio piracy. now about take the psycho active plan to mixture.
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ios sca in the 1980s, an entrepreneur from the us patented, one of the plants used in the brew, despite the fact it has been used for centuries by indigenous healers and south america. so american war and the amazon regional and south america in general, we use a medicine that a plant well known throughout the world, one of the known by its name i o, oscar brun, i'm winchester. there are many laboratories that want to do research on this plan. that fits to treat people with psychological problems on his own little mental problems. i think we're all he cool and many pharmaceutical companies, language in various parts of the world. but as part of they won't want to take ownership of this plan to make medicine less lawsuit. under the new treaty, anyone looking to patent an invention based on traditional indigenous knowledge such as i of oscar, will be required to disclose their source. but the treaty does not address compensation for those communities. they are also have done so drama on nor raw has
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one of the top prize of the 77th come film festival, the palm door, the films direct as shown. baker accepted the award with the star of the movie, mikey madison. the field tells the story about and the real estate walker, whomever is the son of a russian oligarch, especially to a reprice, went to a radiant director mohammed to russell for his efforts the seats. all the sacred fig, which is about yvonne's women, led protests. the best actress award went to full female members of the cast of the trance musical and media perez. jesse clemens was chosen best active for his role in the docs, comedy kinds of kindness, without the leasing and the they'll be useful next. but scott rock's, the row is in a com for us. the scottsdale bank is on know, read golf counter tops prize. are you surprised was that expected? i'm a bit surprised, but because i didn't like the film. i loved it just because it's really, really funny. it's, it's, it's less a drama than actually
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a screwball comedy. i'll be upset between a sex worker and the son of a russian oligarch in the, in modern day brooklyn. but it's really a pure hold last from beginning to end. so i thought it was actually too, really too funny to in the palm door, which often takes more serious um films but for their, for their price. but i guess the jury this year headed by credit caraway, the director of barbie and a very committed actress herself in earlier years. i guess you really saw something in this movie. yes. it's a really, really quite compelling and in quite pass thing that a direct electronic a baker's come so far because he is 1st don't just 10 years ago, tangerine was shot on an iphone for him to go from back to winning the palm door. one of the other world's greatest don't prizes is, is really a tremendous achieve. absolutely. i then just talking of funny oh rhonda unusual. the prize for best actress goes to an all sambal rather than a single actress. tell us more about that decision. uh yes, uh,
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this is interesting uh the, the films, the media perez, its a crazy movie a, uh, a transgender crime, a musical sense in mexico. um, the, i guess the, the jury decided to give the prize to all the actresses. um, because they couldn't just the one though i would have picked out um the spanish trans actress, carla sophia, got school place the lead the title character um and sort of do a role pre and post transition and she's absolutely amazing and complete and convincing in both roles, i think 1st was really the standard performance of this years can, but i guess the jury decided they couldn't pick between her and the other amazing actors and this bill and decided to get the price to all the some people say that the, this thing has come festival was somewhat more political than normally and the 2024 being a big election year, one presidential candidate even appeared on the festivals screen.
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yes, yeah. you're talking about the film, the apprentice, which was a direct by ali obasi a and a started sebastian span. um, as the donald, as donald trump, um it is pre presidential years and sort of a making of a monster movie uh with uh, um donald trump. um undergoing sort of a tooth glitch from and the various lawyer roy colin played by jeremy strong he might know from a succession the tv series and it's really quite funny movie as well. uh, but also a bit terrifying depending on your politics. i'm. it didn't win any prizes here and can, and it's a bit under a legal cloud because the trump campaign has actually just has a cease and desist letter against the producers of the split the bill saying that one is banned from being shown in america. think it portrays the present isn't in a, in a dark light and, and should never be released. i don't know if it'll be successful. uh, with that at the moment it doesn't have a us a distributor to release it, but it did get a huge popular reception here and can. and i think it could also reach a pretty uh,
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oppressive audience in the us if it does get released. if it does get the release that just wanted to ask you whether it could influence the election, but i think you just gave us the answer. they ask, god works for encounter. thank you so much. and finally, to a rescue mission in bolivia involving 2 pink dolphins responded in the low rivers of a tourist town. 500 kilometers east of the past. the mission to save them last it's several hours with a team using nets and trucks to carefully move the aquatic mammals to another river and the neighboring amazon region off b. what do you do? they'll be in use, and here's a reminder of our top story. media just negotiations between israel and home, us to reach a deal to 3 is really hostages in casa asset to restock this coming week. but as well is continuing, it's offensive and rough off and elsewhere in gaza. and that's over time. we have
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for now coming up. next is a documentary. how do you want to dive? interesting question. monica jones, for me, i'm the berlin team. thanks for watching. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed much now on youtube.


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