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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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as we say there about never giving up every weekend on d w the when you hear arts festival, you think party, but this one the city festival takes that further. this for the annual event celebration. alright. and has led to year long activities from training women and festival management and launching odds campaigns across malawi and much more from allow is odds capital get ready because this episode is going to be list. but 1st, we made some eve who faced numerous challenges before being named best to to audit in rwanda discovery hop will move forward as far as the use of south africa through skateboarding grace a t n or d. i'm o is revolutionizing lifestyles, inc. kenya, by transforming the use of shipping containers for both living and office spaces on
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the fabulous ms. glenda enjoy watching after you max. the join us now is gone. now, as we delve into the intricate process of preparing the most traditional chairs to meal for, for with a calendar, we heritage that has enjoyed for centuries poll says hardwick, it doesn't payoff. and is this base really best of the most with that old? well, gomez, things build up for full is the traditional town. the dual loved by gun is $12.00 to $16.00 regions and in gun up the even through a real policy for the cost of much. oh well and good. well, what's so special about it? apart from the fact that it takes too, too much that we asked people are on the carpet to across to find out. i loved the
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full because the 1st of i'm the guardian a pop i scientists have it. yeah. so i mean for the, for my region, hopefully the food is a type of meal eaten with a new kind of soup would tell you about the different violations elisa, but 1st we find out how the basic joys meet a sub yes kitchen has been feeding a cross section of gun is wood for food every day for the past 20 years. going now my mother has been my create this inspiration and she thought me a loss of out of school. it is how i was able to say for my, for my mom, come with me and let me show you how system is being done. sequence one, the basis is t work to get the perfect text stuff for, for the staple food which is made by boiling and pound, and such a with vegetables, like cassava or young unplugged thing to begin. peel and script silva
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next, peel the plenty wash. both ingredients and arrange them in a large how you have to come by very well. so that's the heat. they have 5 level and it shouldn't be cool by approach. reason one. 0 i said soon it's wanted. it's fully cooked. it is bogged down and the water is drink to persons in gauging the pound for, for one person holds the pistol pulse with go collection while the other chaise the mixed up with what's a full when the rhythm. typically, the process begins by pounding the plantings fit while they are still hot and showing this fluids consistency and prevents in lumps as we use the traditional way of funding. and this is what's the most of our clients, per se, because of it's also pounded separately and lead to both up put together. i'm going to make a slides for the class and this page. i don't need an adaptive things to ponder for
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me because i'm with the dish results of a smaller portion for full in the tree language of the con, people in gun a means to pound or mix is this i showed the mix of cassava in plenty of things above last they show me the 2 fab notes to soft a 4 surface fits this and is found to be enjoyed with flags and not so common. not so or any of that kind of stuff to make it thing joy and super it's to protein beads. let's see how thomas c. i propose a light soup using the pull to base of gotomeeting move on y'alls 1st, samantha said i'll charlotte, who to us. i n s a file on file, i just put the same address spices with i'm adding all saw to it and this one is the best spot for you. i'll continue last point. so as soon as they will, they allow it to go for
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a few hours of phase which takes 2 minutes. sequence 3 and hudson sleeve, but with vegetables. they blame your fresh tomatoes. a fresh 50 added to the boiling me add websites with you cover for it. simple. the soup then has to be on fire and simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes when it will do then see the oil, which means yes, the finish getting ready. that's when we take some portions of the oil blend and we add us all of these do 5 super, very nice flavor. i'll go slice the took about one hour for 2 minutes slice any thread the so we have taken the course and also fixed costs where you live. it's in it's, it's will become very so for who is considered as a symbol of unity and togetherness. as it is often shed among family members in fines during social occasions, it's originated in west africa,
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specifically among via con people in gum, and spread across africa. it is now popular in other countries. the plants phase were introduced a gun from brazil by puts the geese trade us in the 16th century. a secret for 8 soon with hands full full is typically eaten with the hands. a small portion of the food is pulling off and then dip into the soup before being swallowed by it for full mostly in the afternoons. so that by evening success in math taking place, the way of preparing the food makes me enjoy, even though you can both and lots of the energy. at the end, you gets an android house of justice, 500 for for 7 days a week. and i never get tired of eating. it made me a new one. i'm it seems i live alone, so i'm manage to pound very little. i prefer my for, for with good life, with fish and salted beef, and it is my service support for full as lives will with the me every single that
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time. especially in the afternoon 12 me do mastectomy a much often with fits, was gone a month due to a celebration of independence on the 5th, a radio station and accomplish all horse a football team. the collab waste with local restaurants to prepare for, for, for the community attendees only need to bring their own s in wearables locally, refer to us a phone call to collect. and so this event jewels a large crowd nationwide. i said it's free for all to enjoy. have you ever tried for full advocates and was and loved phone to do, then go ahead. any time you visit gunbar, don't forget to take your hands into full because it is not just a meal, but a cultural tradition. that looks delicious. i have to try some and the
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fact that it's been satisfying demands for so long makes it even better. number city festival, now in the 4th year organized by this number, our platforms led by women, the reshaping zone by image in malawi, by making it the art and culture of center. it's still flora to learn more. what inspires you to funds the city festival actually moved here to open up. it didn't breakfast, cafe and shops and venue. and my friends amongst the brand also had the lots and we'd sit together and sold and be like, you know, there's really not enough to his coming to somebody. it's a beautiful place successful. and at the time it wasn't even on the website for a lot. we tourism, what does the summer city festival have to offer a festival go? it's one of our sidelines is something for everyone. thing we have all sources are coming together. we really are for support for local entrepreneurs to showcase their goods. we have activities such as yoga and hiking, and i real big. we offer
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a historical to tom because somebody is one of the oldest towns in southern africa . it was one of the most beautiful town in the whole of the commonwealth florida. i really want to thank you for coming onto a few macs and africa tooth hubbard, which history stepped in bravery, courage, and social standing. despite their ancient significance, modern day to to art is quite rare. let's see how she may use is changing this in rwanda. tattoos for many a special way to express their personality. but in africa, despite the fact that tattoos have existed here for thousands of years, to signify bravery, courage, and social status. modern data to art is rather seldomly found to why global pleasure. we've, i called folks for having tattoos everywhere, but just think we were street boys growing up with you to were told we wouldn't go anywhere, shane, but you've had to overcome many prejudices before being named best for london to, to artist in 2023. let's hear it from the expert. what is so special about to to
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ink black or dark skinned people promote different in colors can be used in darker skin. but we usually use what we call triple black. fit you for this triple black, a strong and suitable for our black skin, but also remaining applicable for individuals with lighter skin. that's quick image on it because you don't want doing fine lines, whether on dr. skin or a lighter one, it's all the same. the difference is how they appear. for a lighter skin, you can do one line once, but for a black skin to make it visible, you have to repeated once or twice. a cadet in lawanda, tattoos and skin alterations have never been used to signify tribal affiliation. but they were used traditionally took your diseases, i think with them now how did these traditional practices with young men started doing it to express their personality?
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shame a clearly wants to give to chewing and rwanda. a safe and modern updates. but how to overcome bias? his fears and prejudices, and why is he convinced that pain is an essential part of it? so to talk to is love message and motivation, right? so if you have those 3, you can enjoy the pain you, i'm going to be able 400. this is an image of my mother in law and she's my love was and i lost her when i was in grade 3. before doing this, i was sure i was ready to enjoy any pain because i knew in the end she'll be with me forever on one of those documents. mostly donald was shame is paving the way for tests who aren't as part of the black inclusion between you. what do use a cool, what about my aim is to encourage the acceptance of tattoos in africa. even if you're the one that will take it or i'll try to, it's more accepted in lawanda. now this time i want to know the top 2 and that's just something simple like a star. so most of my clients are younger,
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but between 8 and 2, around 40 years old, older people come to. so parents think that it's cool to get up to 2 of their kids image seamus road to success as a to to artist was paved with difficulties. yet his unbreakable spirit propelled him forward to realize his dreams, inc. you said 2 should definitely get the recognition. they deserve so intricate and so beautiful. this sunday soiree is a popular series of after house music events in malawi. they're known for combining their wine with their music or unique with their 5 organizes also pop up, mentor d j's and local channels. this single talk with to me to have the no name d, j is the name of them the days of the same people that organize the send this all right. uh huh. so when we're not doing events, production and stuff, we,
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the j as well was the essence of the, sorry, is that we treat everything including the sound. how are you pair your music with your wine? there's a reason you go to a massage, for example. yes. this is the type of music that they play when that that's happening. yeah. the science is the same. so use your stimulating the body to be receptive to that. but if it's a red wine event to you know what you played depending on the time of day and what are the experiences you've painted with. thank you so much to me for being on the show. thank you for having me in south africa while i'm a photo got on his board and is using it as a tool to keep kids off the street while in finding new generation escape for this in my middle east, victoria. how do you change the lives of dozens of poor kids in a township? if your point them a photo, you do it for the board. skateboarding is such a difficult thing to do. so it builds a lot of resilience and doing something over and over until you get a slides,
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you can take that into your adult life. and the 1950s, the party supplement forcibly me black south africans to reform flats. only township. many of those were relocated for lady silvo and in victoria ended up in what is now the vi is when townships of mobility. so what's it like to live here? when it comes to the youth, they don't have opportunities in terms of educational facilities, supporting facilities. the states love impacts the youth in a positive way because it gives them a sense of belonging. and it is also the way you can hone your cross and k 40 because you're skating with people who are good. when my son told me that mamma wants to start to scrape, but it was only to be do i because i thought maybe just a little less with this who studies. but as time goes on, when he was, it was so happy because i've seen a lot of changes in him,
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he had to assess coincidence as self esteem as well. so presto, facts, most townships, areas with fewer resources and opportunities. why did, for the professional skateboarder since 2015 decided to build escape for the used in the circumstance. drawing up in an open has made me more compassionate about people. and i grew up much quicker than most kids at the children's home that i lived in. i so many kids who had many problems being abused, neglected, and things like that that changes your outlook on life, those children's home that i live, that the lady who own to choose to bring her son. and he used to bring the escape boards to the children's home and him and i just grab a taste of towards each other and we just became friends. and he gave me these old scape boards and from then on i never look back. skateboarding has been around in
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south africa since the 19 sixty's, but access and the cost of ports and safe areas to skate, have kept it an unpopular support party for an attendance, costly hobby into a profession, scapegoating it is an autistic, expressive. so it involves fast and use a photography. so when you do to the state fault, you'll likely to meet someone who is a photographer. and then i met someone who was a photographer. and then he told me that he would like me to being an advocate for my surprise. it opened a lot of opportunities. so i went into modeling. i also got endorsed by uh, so we had a local shop uh close to the children, so it was cold on these gates and stuff. and they used to sell like skateboarding clothes and things like that. we became red brandon, best of the, for the shop. when, when aged out of the system at 18, you got
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a partial scholarship to study. drum and pretoria, why didn't you just focus on starting his career? but instead of giving back, this is more of a feeling for me. it's a lot easier to, to get on timeline. just pretend. but it's, it's more meaningful when you're taking someone off of like how i was, you know, i had a lot of people who also helped me. so i wanted to give back considering how a noun, inexpensive skateboarding is, especially for dominic black areas. what made him think that is a possible what we live with sponsored, so they donate scapegoats through the gate club and then the kids in calling a ford escape or you go to the garden, you sign up and then you, you learn about agriculture, how to font organics vegetables, and then you accumulate hours. and then once you've accumulated enough points, you get a free scape, top room, title, self esteem, due to escape warning,
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and those will talk to me some self discipline understand think oh, that's a big disability. projected this thing because this is the full cause. if you'll to focus on other things, which means you can see because the school focused on what to aiming for when you're, the kids really love the impact of the feedback. so when it comes to deposit, be really excited so they can leave the school and do believe everything that on besides of the things that they do, industries like getting off, getting them off of anything else they could do like coming to us as to that any community center or took a chance on the mom's a cup, and it's paid off and helping the community form stronger bonds. but it's, it's sustainable. the fact that we've formalized keyboarding and my me loyalty. now we are recognized by the state thing. so it's entities, like for instance, today we have a state of for me, no d. c is competing in cost funding, which is the state patrol price of state farm. now that's cape winning is also in
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the lympics. that means that we can take it further. it doesn't have to be just the something that he does to keep him self busy. it can be a career. so how do you review life into a task successfully over though? if you'll find them a photo, you do it on the escape or what a great way to inspire they used honda escape board in africa. land is a big deal. so they've been in the container. it's kind of tight. but in kenya, grace i to, you know, or the amber is actually recycling shipping containers and turning them into homes and offices, given a new take on sustainable living. now that's what i call going green. in kenya, how is this of the future media like the shipping containers is optic, this population keeps growing. oh, i could take from my top to to this form as well, but i could've dina's really that sustainable. and who wants to leave in the books?
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the container homes as a solution has a number of groups as clients, a young couple to us, just thinking of homeowners, she then we have people who are least piece of land, people who have not yet been able to buy that one spaces. there are many reasons that speak for leaving inequity in the house. perhaps the most common one is the its own in your own house becomes affordable. however, you then leave in a maple box. how does ping and design at risk of the i'm gonna make sure it is what is dies leaving beautiful high fos, pennsylvania to the general. that's to clients through the construction process. then i moved now to up. i still don't know that i also gets to explore different constructions from other people. i knew housing demanding, doing useful over 250000 units. but less than a 5th of that is made in terms of decent. affordable housing, recycled face container might seem to go, but people really to think outside of the adults will come back to these liter
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basics 1st. what is a couple of tina so this is a to interest would contain a, it's a little cube contain, or you can see it from this. they mention it to a lot of luck to in 2000 to meet. so this is about 6716 years old. we have connections and shipping container. we do shipping lines. so when they bring containers to kenya and they intend to retire them, we take, we buy directly to them. then we collect all boxes from one bus. after collecting of boxes from one bus, so we move them to a previous we choose wherever you're sitting. that's right now in the ruby then when a client has a need, they come make a selection because you have a variety of content as they can seek from then reformulate tough with a design and they can make the deposits. we start to construction, couldn't butting, they be guided contained as practically in cost effectively to meet at plants requirements. that's where grace isn't expecting. even if it didn't look so promising. when she started my 5 container home. the 1st one was fust. i didn't
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know how to handle equity, so we, that's not considering the structure. we cut a whole face of equity mass and during transportation, that's contain a cube deep. so it had to go back to straight ending you top and you know as much as the street in the top, i don't think you'd go to a 100 percent as what it was before. when i go to 2 containers, i wanted something different, but of to using it at experiencing it and seeing the kind of difference it makes them, there was no, that's desire to, to make a difference in terms of at least to impact people. and especially people can seem to shipping containers because they feel building with we can more time might be expensive. the biggest challenge would be expertise even for me, who has gone to school and studied interior designs that people who call a shipping container construction architecture, or cub latina, that means it's a total. it's a totally different profession on it. so the only life spends about shipping
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contain that is between 12 to 25 units shipping containers home. why it's a new method of construction are projected to last for up to an additional $25.00. b is since it's stationary and not see what he's graceland to my mates. my biggest maintainance that you can do is uh with containers, especially if you've not flooded the extra. yeah, it would be just creeping soft off your yes, you'd want to spray painting just take care of there. i just in case you have any of that is coming up. it hasn't been also very easy to just tell a client that this is a container solution, pick it up, they'll ask you how much it is before they can actually see what you're offering. so you need to be able to give us solution that make sense to them up with the bt speed, and we'll let you b b team click b t. now container homes are some of the reasons that grace was attracted to these as a sustainable construction option. but what about cutler? i'm standing right in front of
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a container house that we delivered back in 2020. i didn't have time to do the traditional house. i believe dia for the past 4 years now. seems 3020 these the distributor default in the sofa. so good if i may be living space advice, anybody who wants to have something breakfast to or to take attendance if you didn't already see yourself sleeping comfortably enough. one thing that house, in your mind's eye, it would be that week after or isolation and the b d problems. you have to be aware. this is a walk in progress. it's a 40 foot container that is supposed to be in office. eventually what you've already done, we've instigated the was before this give some insulation is a styrofoam information. we also use it all pointed in submission, in some instances, what for then electrical ready, and treated to the aluminum windows. lastly,
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this whole structure is supported by 4 pillars and this other because i'm talking about. so that means that a strategically placed to cover this part of the contain, i'm a be show you this one, you pick them from this corner. so this is the filler that has carried this whole structure built, leasing, trust and grace experience. don't steve on the installation. oh, never but 3 in 2 different team to work. otherwise it will immediately become stable. katina holmes provide a way to bid out on quickly and with some, some of these i be able to provide a key to that team conventional d. n. more to home from the city festival. here in malawi, we hope you enjoyed the show visit dw dot com slash afternoon max for more information. so next time, goodbye the
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the, the, the
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sheet music con, the destroyed. you can try, but it's the performed for her life and elsewhere. the musicians living under the swastika, a film about the sound of power, the 1st few minutes on the w, the
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words people have to say, that's why we listen to every weekend on d. w. why do humming does not get drunk? why do go to the tasteful waves, squeeze our bodies? how much do we need a day to stop hans? praying for help find the office, get smaller on dw science, outtake talk channel, the frankfurt international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio. located in the heart of europe,
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you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. antonio's services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by frank bought the should be green, very green. all this blue b s white wine to some lovely red. definitely pull just to yes. yes, that's what you present on purple apples very special. but the georgia choose your favorite color. the
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. this is the, the news like from bill and hostage talks between israel and home us due to restock next week, but is, will allow us to continue his fight against thomas and more detailed the mode of an operation in northern ga saw that's forcing even more palestinians to sleep, also coming up the heat is on in the political race for the capital dates as india reaches the final stretch of american elections to pick a new need. it of the 77th. com film festival draws to a close, a drama about an exhaustive down, so wins the top price, the pound on the.