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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the life from berlin, this dw news, 3 powerful asian neighbors come together at a time of high tension in high stakes in the region. chinese premier leach young, arrives in sol, so the 1st pride, lateral summit between china, japan and south korea in more than 4 years. the protesters demanding the resignation of it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu flash with the wings on the streets of television. and the 77th can film festival finishes on a high note. there's hugs all around for the big winner on the final night of the glitzy event. on the french riviera. we'll get all the reaction life from can with
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the house culture and the unlike local welcome, the leaders of south korea, japan and china or gathering and sol ahead of talks aimed at improving relations. it's the 1st 5 lateral meeting between the 3 neighbors and more than 4 years. and there's much to discuss with the trade climate change and disaster response all on the table. however, the official agenda doesn't include discussion around north korea's nuclear program, or china is territorial dispute over taiwan and the south china sea. earlier i asked journalist frank smith in sol, what we should expect from this rarefied lateral meter for the expectations are
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pretty low given the contacts you just mentioned. the so cream government released the agenda. it included climate change, trade, health, aging and technology disasters. but it didn't include a regional security, really a, or it made big allusions to, to promoting international peace. when looking around the region, if there is certainly security tension, especially especially given china's recent military exercises surrounding tie one. so that discussion is something that many observance suggests may take place in the background and, and really needs to be addressed. moving forward, michael and frank, following up on the thread that you're weaving there, did the chinese leader shooting ping won't be attending. does this tell us something about the current diplomatic relations between these countries and what
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can actually be accomplished at these talks? i think certainly it does. south korea and japan or allies of the united states, we've seen an increase in the us. so korea, japan military cooperation over the past couple of years. and so you'll restarted previously suspended large scale joint military exercises. china view these as a threat to them while the us and so chris, say they're really aimed at north korea. aging sees this otherwise and they are concerned that so green japan are going to strengthen that alliance with united with the united states. further in washington's efforts to further contain china, michael, north korea's the weapons program is part of the backdrop to this meeting. to what extent can these countries work together when it comes to this issue? i think that's really a, a tough one here. so green japan, of course,
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they want to see these long range missile tests that the north korea has engaged and especially ramped up over the past year and a half or so they want to see those contain they certainly don't want to see nor create move further to develop a, it's nuclear technology. they're also increasing concerns about north korea, sending weapons to russia for use and it's attack on ukraine. busy at the same time, china has previously provided north korea cover at the united nations security council in terms of sanctions against north korea. and i saw 3 recently in their state media had an interesting story where they said, well, north korea sending legal way to russia, china is not. so certainly japan. and so 3 of perhaps will make further efforts toward encouraging page inter rain in north korea both in terms of its nuclear
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missile technology and in terms of its support for rushes. one ukraine, michael, that's a journalist or frank smith in sole. frank, thanks very much to israel now we're anti government protesters of clash with police in tel aviv. the thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on saturday, demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. any immediate release of all sausages still held by him. most engrossing scuffles broke out as police moved in using water cannon to disperse the crown netanyahu and his government had been coming under increasing pressure to end the war in gauze and allow humanity hearing aid in. but they're standing firm saying israel has the right to defend itself against the mos in the wake of the october 7th terror attack . a d is really military released images. they say showing
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a salt in northern gaza where they say they destroyed rocket launch and sites in nearby cause a city strikes to the school, giving a family, leading the fighting while they cooked you and says more than a 100000 people have fled northern guys in recent weeks will have the will tongue princess to with no shell to the settling night that we know our children know the elderly. i'm sick with high blood pressure, diabetes, and the we caught, i have not found my medicine and there is nothing to eat. because further south and deer abolla i posted in family berries, a young man killed in in is really strikes my daughter had seen with tired, there was nothing left to most of our children, the guns we have no life at the. yeah. in rafa where israel's offensive was ordered
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to stop, palestinians are still hoping for a cease fire. but not what we want the operation to stop completely. we want to find will cease fire. we want life to return to normal because we are human beings, home and this is beyond the strength of humans to cope with. it's sad how we're living under occupation, and it's our right to live like other people. is rarely officials claim the order by the international court of justice to hold its military defensive own rasa allows for some military action there to continue. while the cannes film festival has wrapped up with comedy drama on nor a winning the top prize, the palm door, it's the latest film from american in the director, shaun baker who beat out 21 other rivals for one of cinemas, most prestigious awards to the palm door it goes to a nora the
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up to collecting the coveted pulling the door, installs legend george lucas shown vacant. dedicated his trying to those who being the focus of his career i this, when is for, for all sex workers, you know, the last 4 or 5 films i've made have focused on sex work. so my hope is this, these are stories that you know, that the human eye sex workers, but also just, you know, just their universal stories applied to sex work. so i hope hope audiences can sort of connect to take his dog click on they could know where i tells the story of a strip of paid by mikey madison, who marries a russian all the cock sun. second biggest prize went to another women focused project full. we imagine that like the 1st indian entry at the festival in 3 decades, photos, the lights a 3 minute set. the moon, by gangs to musical immediate perez,
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also wrote its way into the cans history books. city, i guess going became the 1st trends woman to win the best actress award along with 3 of the coast dogs. i hope this prize will have a special meaning for all of us actors and actresses who 5 every day for the level, the work we do on this, nothing on the door and stuff and never opened for us up on the board would look. and sometimes these boards do over the uranium and film the seat of the sacred big about the countries women lead purchase. in 2022 was also singled out praise the direction of the dresser. lucy fled around to avoid jail. the whole time again was awarded a special prize by the jury for drawing attention to unsustainable injustice.
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dw film expert scott rossville is in can and joins us now. scott, sean, bakers, a nor when's the top prize? did you see it coming? the i'm to be honest, i didn't, i loved the film, but i thought it was actually, i'm to entertaining to in the top prize because a can often gives its top award to a more serious movies. if i can, if i can put it that way. and this film is, is really, it is a classic screwball comedy. it feels like a, an old billy wilder rance lou bitch, a film those set between a brooklyn sex worker and the son of a russian oligarch. they get married, his family is unhappy, they send gangsters to break the, the relationship up and hygiene. and so it's really a laugh from beginning to end. and i was really surprised that the can jerry picked such a really entertaining and in my mind, quite mainstream movie to give a stop price to. it certainly must have struck a chord. so i'm curious,
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i'm not sure i've ever seen this before, but best actress was won by a non sambal rather than a single actress. tell us about that decision. yeah, that's, that's weird. it has happened in the past where you've had one or you have more than one actor or actress from a film win win a prize. in this case, the jury said they wanted to show solidarity with all the women in this bill. and it is a serious, i'm amazing, performed systems always have don in particular and as a lead gomez, but a kind of a, sophia, a got sold the trans, the spanish actors replaced the lead. and this don't use the truth star. and she's to give some amazing performance of as the mexican calabasas who undergoes gender affirmation, a surgery to come, a woman and i mentioned is also a musical. this film is completely crazy film, which mixes genres of wildly it shouldn't work. it absolutely does. it was one of my absolute favorite films of this can festival and an absolute deserving prize for
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all these amazing women who performed. let's talk politics now. 2024 is a big election year in some parts of the world. and i understand a presidential candidate also appeared on the festival screen. yes, we had the donald in, in, in, in fictional form of a phone call is called the apprentice. from a danger, a rainy until maker ali a bossy and its sort of the making of a monster it as far as of aston. stan as a young donald trump in the seventy's and eighty's, was there taken under the wing of the button and the various a lawyer roy cohen played by a jeremy strong this a bill is kind of a street bio pick, but the also a bit of a social satire and it really straight forward with audiences here was very, very popular. i'm not so popular with the trump campaign. they have issued a cease and desist letter against the producers of this bill. try the block,
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it's released in the us thing. it paints an unfair and maybe illegal portrait of, of donald trump. so we have to see the film doesn't yet have a us distribution. and we have to see these legal actions will prevent it from being released in the united states. though the producers the say they are confident that will be released there and could even have an impact on us elections . scott roswell, as always many, many thanks to football now. and buyer labor causing already made history the season as they were crowned german boone just like a champions for the 1st time ever. and now they've sealed a historic double by also winning the german comp. their opponents, 2nd division kaiser, slept and went into the match hoping for a miracle. and they didn't make it easy for labor cruising in the sold out on that big stadium in girl and got champions by a leave of course, and petrified hops against the 2nd division. opponents kind of notes on it. the 1st
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scoring opportunity of the game with this shot from don't you stick to the 16 submitted by image. see kind of did a little better with this amazing long distance as it's making. it's one new. perfect. so it's no chance. sometimes it's not a gatekeeper. you had to make a set up. the 2nd yellow card. do you have a clue dependent? what do you don't need? well, sense of to choose 10 men. the favorites had to keep sleep because there's no tends to be as it actually was hoping to equalize dis, disney image or the 2nd house. so there's studies, it's almost good and sick and going to buy another chance with this song. but a great si, fi you can see that the know the finance go see breaking the german w as in extending season. you're watching dw news use a reminder of our top story. the leaders of south korea, japan, and china, or gathering for the 1st 5 lateral meeting between the 3 neighbors in more than 4
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years. trade climate change and disaster response are all on the table for discussion. and will ended, their shift is next to it takes a little getting ethics behind a on a michael look for news at the beginning of the next hour as on the beep and trucks in general, west like to see the city center, the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people we
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ask mine because.


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