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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw used by from the political of people, this independence thing in georgia. the nation celebrates victory and it's best for freedom as a fight over a media ownership bill presence on the country, best towards friendship. that's always pop, was been sold in a land slide in the remote part of hop on you get a united nations to be as many as 617 people are buried beneath the ramp and the 77 con film festival finishes on a high note pads of soul round for the big winter on the final 9th of the experts. the eventual defense for 3 years plus
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a moment to permit both within the i've been visible and welcome and military parade has been held to month. georgias independent states. the event in the capital w c, follows weeks of protest and on rest of the news that just ation, which critics say, for instance, democracy the so called for an agent bill requires media, a non profit organizations to register if more than 20 percent of the funding comes from abroad. the law was passed by complements of vetoed by george's president. with the end of the ceremony. the ruling georgian dream party is, however, said to stop holland entry proceedings to override that presidential vote. let's bring in our report of maria cuts a month to in. so please describe the mood among the peoples day
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the to verify. jordan capital c c, the military for right. uh, what's housing the morning on the sides. the officials and the pro western president. so long as it would be really, they made the speeches, but these pieces were very, very different and a wife along this little dispute. it was saying that europe is a actually the way for georgia, and that will help georgia to keep its independence for the georgia and my husband, claiming that sees a trace or that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a cell suit actually called. but she saw that says that the west sons, countries are interfering and georgia and the fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very the, the via devising here in georgia, despite the costs of a mistake by the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial theory for the country. because the independence for georgia was of, was
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a very difficult achievement, very, very law. the wars to, to, to the georgia is one through there's lots of times to achieve this independence in the past. so to yes, russia has invited georgia on this is the day that many uh say that's a very important for them. but they also been telling me people here on the street that they gave this independence. but it's very fragile and they still need to apply for it. so are there any more purchases planned the pro tasks are expected to continue on today? uh, actually is they never on the they didn't say they were always in the housing different locations. much in the, in a smaller scale pro tasks with a larger scale pro is expected to neither protest is say that this is the day one, they hop to find that. yeah,
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uh for the deposits and the for the so called for an agent sale. uh, they see it as a pro russian bill. they see this is a pivot. so russian, that's why they say the prototypes is that they have to fight to, to, to keep that independence and to keep georgia away from russia and break away from the russian who is one. so what's being the reaction of georgia and officials to the georgia official side that they will not back down despite the possible sanctions from the was the you paul demand has the adults to the resolution warning on functions against states in need of the country between administrative was behind the georgia and the policy us also suggested that they will introduce a sanction val. i gave the georgian officials who the us sites a is responsible for back sliding from democracy. and the doors on the officials
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say that we're not afraid of sanctions. we are introducing this bill because we want to start receiving our country. we don't want one to western to see or in the relationship of our country. and that's, that's why there is such as unrest in georgia because people do not agree with this . the government spends w before we have got the money into policing with the lights for us. thank you to pop. when you get a plan more than $670.00 people, the thoughts was died after a huge land slide. it hit on friday in the remote, in a province in the countries know, with mountains of mazda debris, bearing more than a 100 homes. some rescue teams have managed to reach the area, and it was to move, survive is the safe, the ground. the national government is sales, considering whether it's needs to officially request more international support. the chief of the un migration agencies mission in the south pacific island nation gave this updates on the estimated desktop. one whole community that was situated
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at the foot of the mountain had to be buried under a 68 meter deep. so as of yet on the 5 by these could have been recovered by the numbers are fee of to be much greater than the initially anticipated. we have a team. 06, stock members currently at the site to get to the with the other agencies, the government and no government entities working hand in hand and side by side contributing to the front 8 support it is uh, just become clear uh that the estimated number of houses that is 30 is unfair. 6, every is approximately a $150.00. and plus that is uh 90, more than uh,
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previously he ported and uh they are this to me. i think that's more than 6. something. been 70 people on this order with kohl's. oh, savings them a lot is shaved in as well as the government public testers have clashed with the police and tell them eve. the thousands of people took to the straits on saturday, demanding the resignation of private as the benjamin netanyahu. and the immediate release of old hostages held find the list includes and kinds of stuff is broke out as police moved in using water cannon to disperse the crowds at yahoo and he's got but they've been coming on the increasing pressure to end the blower and gaza and allow humanitarian united but the standing firm saying israel has the right to defend itself against thomas in the wake of the october 7th, our tax. it is really military released images. they say showing
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a salt in northern gaza where they say they destroyed rock at lunch and sites in nearby god and city strikes to the school. giving a family leading the fighting while they cooked you and says more than a 100000 people have fled northern gauze and recent weeks will have the will. tongue. frances too with no shell to the settling night that we know our children know the elderly. i'm sick with high blood pressure, diabetes, and the we caught, i have not found my medicine and there is nothing to eat. of course. further south and dear abolla, i posted in family berries, a young man killed in in is really strikes i'm about to head teen with tired and there is nothing left to know some of our children, the guns we have no life at them unless hell. yeah. in rafa where israel's
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offensive was ordered to stop, palestinians are still hoping for a cease fire. but now we want the operation to stop completely. we want to find will cease fire. we want life to return to normal because we are human beings out on the business beyond the strength of humans to cope with. it's sad how we're living under occupation and it's our right to live like other people. is really officials claim the order by the international court of justice to hold its military defensive own rasa allows for some military action. there to continue is looked at what some of the other headlights are. recovery efforts are under way of to, for you with special supporting the temporary care bill by the military, for 8 deliveries to guys the rank of ground in heavy seas and kidney the p, the other's a beach there as long as well. us obviously as one was injured in here is operational again and pass. those military regime has extended this rule for
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another 5 years off. the national consultations, lloyd caught advice, most political parties, the current who has been in palace since 2022 promised to hold elections this year, but now says it's unable to restore democratic rule. due to the security challenges facing the country. please say at least 6 new born baby died in a fire at a hospital in the indian capital daily. the place broke out light, saturday, destroying large parts of the building. several of the newborns were rescued from the site. the cause of the finest still being investigated. and the leaders of south korea, japan and china, a gathering and sole ahead of the 1st tribe latrell summit between the 3 neighbors . emboldened 4 years trying his premiere, the tang and south re is president doing some gold. earlier held face to face discussions, they headed that meeting. they agreed to launch a diplomatic and secure his dialogue and review until a free trade agreement. the con film festival has wrapped up with comedy drama,
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and nora wing the top prize, the palm door. it's the latest film from american indeed, director sean baker, b down 21 of the rivals. for one of the most most prestigious awards in the palm to it goes to a norah the off the collecting the coveted pulling the door, installs legend, george lucas, showing vacant. dedicated his trying to those who being the focus of his career i. this, when is for, for all sex workers. you know, the last force, 5 films i've made, have focused on sex work. so my hope is this, these are the stories that you know, that uh, the humanise sex workers. but also just, you know, just their universal stories applied to sex work. so i hope hope audience is can
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sort of connect, say, cuz darkly come they couldn't, over a tells the story of a strip of paid by mikey madison, who marries a russian all the cock sun. the night 2nd biggest prize went to another women focused project. we imagine that like the 1st indian entry at the festival in 3 decades, photos, the lives of 3 minutes of the moon, by gangs to musical immediate perez ulcer, wrote its way into the cans history books since the school and became the 1st trends woman to win the best actress award along with 3 of the coast dogs. i hope this prize will have a special meaning for all of us actors and actresses who 5 every day for the love of the work we do. knocking on doors stuff are never opened for us. i'm on the board would look and sometimes these boards do over the uranium in film,
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the seat of the sacred big about the countries women lead purchase in 2022 was also singled out for praise, the director of the dresser. lucy fled around to avoid jail the whole time forget i was awarded a special prize by the jury for drawing attention to unsustainable injustice to purple. now i biologicals and have won the german cup with one no victory over the 2nd division under dogs. kinds this mountain is like a champion score the o, the gold, and the 60 minutes with this perfectly placed long distance. if it finds it filled the needs. jessica, just before the break of the 2nd yellow, red god against defend or the non custodial bins. favorites have to play most match with just 10 minutes late because in and out celebrating the german double often else that exists. you don't use down your bones low to full. the match,
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i think of the big stadium in bell then she has more on the day for causing this victory. was an absolute absolute nail biter of a final. i mean labor crews and of course they are the better team on paper. they did get an early red card in the 1st half and why don't you get to read cards that early in the game? it really does change the way you play. cards are slow to and they got a little bit more confident. they kept the pressure on that, but level crews in they had enough to weather the storm and see how the victory. but we have to give big credit to cause your spouse and for their performance tonight. they were definitely the under dogs. put an end laboratories in deserve to when complete the domestic double. and although they didn't finish the season completely undefeated, they were undefeated in germany. so in the going to say got, and the people call that brings it off that i don't know the international news. sports and culture ibex. got his self made joking. feature on sports like i've been because one of the excel boy by
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the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would it be nosy bay, like good. everyone to king the healthy award winning called called don't call back . you cream was like a step in points, you know, probably point you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety from the train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else currently more people that.


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