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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life from, by the end, political out people this independence day in georgia. the nation celebrates historic victories that it's baffled for freedom. as a finance for a media or ownership bill for the turn, the country tact for russia. that's totally fine, was then sold in a land slide. it overflowed. part of part. you can a united nations fees. committee is 670 people buried for the arrival the
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i've been visible and welcome and we start with breaking news from the middle east . the wing of the palestinian militant quick thomas says it has launched what it describes as a large rock raj towards these ram warning sirens have sounded in these way the coastal city of taylor these let's go straight over to our correspondent in jerusalem tonya claim a football can you tell us, tanya? it was indeed the 1st time in weeks or you could say months now that such a large barrage of rockets force launch 2 words, a news and a to leave all those cities beyond. in the north of tele, these and central is rose to dislike and can is like pitt optics and how it's lea. uh, now the uh, is there any military has said that a project, todd's front loans from the area of off of this is where the military is currently carrying out. its a fence is coming in the
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a from the east and moving towards the center of casa, i must have submitted turvenio some pre gates have said that they have loans just large barrage of rockets invitation of for the ongoing military operation. and now this shows that we have been seeing actually in recent weeks, more rockets and motors of being fired into southern as well, but not so much these longer range missiles as of today about the shows that i'm us and other minute 10 groups have or retained the capability of known things such a longer range missiles. this comes on the back to that there are some reports that potentially some talks or negotiations in direct negotiations. my 3 start of the speak about a temporary cease fire and the release of hostages. but with the a seeing right now is intense pointing. continuing in garza and so many people civilians, they're being told to move again in gaza or in response to that finding which is in
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response to those type of 7 terror attacks. by, by how much detail we use on your claim of that, thank you. military parade has been held to mont, georgia's independent state event and the capital to police. the follows weeks of protests and the rest of the new legislation, which critics say franklin, democracy are so called for an agent. bill requires media and non profit organizations to register if more than 20 percent of their funding comes from abroad. level was passed by parliament as being towed by george's president who attended the ceremony today. the ruling georgian dream, he is, however, said to stop how the ministry proceedings to override that presidential feature. i asked the w report, maria cut a bunch into blue sea to tell us about the mood among people they today to
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verify some of the georgia and capital c. c. the military for right uh, was housing the morning and uh, the official signed up for west surprises, so long as it would be really they made the speeches, but the speaker for a very, very different than a wife along the dispute. it was saying that europe is a actually the way for georgia, and that you will have georgia to keep its independence for the georgia. and i've been claiming that she is a trace, or that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a self that article by jesus. she saw that to that to west sense of countries are interfering in georgia and a fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very the, the via devising here in georgia does. 5, it's hosted by the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial theory for the country. because the independence for georgia was of, was a very difficult achievement, very, very law. the wars to, to,
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to the georgia is one through. there's a lot of times to achieve this independence in the past. so to yes, russia has invited georgia on this is the day that many uh say that's a very important for that. but they also been telling me people here on the street that they gave this independence. but it's very fragile and they still need to apply for it. so are there any more purchases planned? the, the protests are expected to continue today. uh, actually is they never on the, they didn't say they were always uh, if the house in different locations much uh, in the, in a smaller scale pro task. but the larger scale pro does is expected to neither protest is say that this is the day one day hop to 5 again for the in the, as i said before, it is so called for an agent sale. they see it as a pro russian sale. they see this is a pivot,
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so russia and that's why they say the protons says that they have to fight to, to, to keep that independence and to keep georgia away from russia and break away from the russian rule and one. so what's being the reaction of georgia and officials to the georgia official side that they will not back down despite the possible sanctions from the was so if you call them and has the adults to the resolution warning on sanctions against the need of the country. if it's an administrative who is behind the georgia and the policy, us also suggests that they will introduce a sanction val. i gave the georgian officials who the us sites that is responsible for back sliding from democracy and the georgia and officials say that we're not afraid of sanctions. we are introducing this bill because we want to start
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receiving our country. we don't want one that was going to see or in the relationship of our country. and that's, that's why there is such as addressing towards it because people do not agree with this. the government spends w before we have to in simply see with the lights on us. thank you. i'll find your guinea wimbledon, 670 people thought to have died down to a huge land slide it on friday in the remote in a province in the countries north with mountains of mud and debris bearing more than a 100 towards some rescue. teams have managed to reach the area and working to move survivors to safe ground. the government is now considering whether it needs to officially request more international support. the chief of the un migration agencies mentioned in the south pacific island nation, give it this update on the estimated desktop for one whole community that was situated at the foot of the mountain, had to be buried under
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a 6 to 8 metre deep. so as of yet on the 5 by these could have been recovered by the numbers are a few to be of much greater than initially anticipated. we have a team, 06, stock members currently at the site to get to the with the other agencies, the government, the government entities working hand in hand and side by side contributing to the front 8 support it is just become clear uh that the estimated number of houses that is 30th august. exemplary is approximately a $150.00 and plus that is uh 90, more than uh, previously reported. and uh they are estimating that more than 6 something been 70
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people under this order with kohl's. oh, savings. that is, she is looking at some more headlines at the south, the leaders of south korea, japan and china, a gathering and sole ahead of the 1st try. last 12 summit between the 3 neighbors in more than 4 years time is mia tongue and depends. i'm in the stuff when you should have called around a table earlier with a, with kish it as stress, the importance of peace and stability in the taiwan strait. it follows china as late as military thrills around the self governed by the end of the self try and say for at least 12 people have been killed and thousands injured in our residence, drank on a crowded hardway superstore in the ukrainian city of hockey. authorities say to guided bones at the building presidents the landscape has repeated his call from western a defenses to protect civilians. definitely best capacities, military regime has expanded its rule for another 5 years of the national
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consultation and blank on his most political parties. the current one that has been in palace and stuff for the $22.00, almost to hold elections this year, but now says it's unable to restore democratic rule sheets to the security challenges facing at least at least 6 new phone babies have died in the fire at a hospital in the indian capital daily, the blaze broke out late saturday, destroying much concert. the building, several of the new phones were rescued from the site because the fire is still being investigated. bridge president, the man will not call is landing in berlin today for a 3 day state visit. this will be the 1st french presidential tour of the country and 24 years times between. both nations have become strained in recent years as your faces several challenges, including the warranty. okay. but yeah, le group now is at bellevue palace for us in both in way of present and my call is
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expected. so in this state visit is also about projecting european use. the, i believe at a time with france, germany increasingly find themselves adults. so yes, and although this is indeed the fast, the official state visit in more than 2 decades, the regular consultations with the entire cabinet. and one of those will take place school. so this week, but 1st it's time here in berlin for celebration and monitoring my call will 1st hold a debate at the very public celebration of 75 years of the durham and basic law. germany's constitution at he will then in this a visit the sand of a franco drum and use old an ice station. and then comes the full part behind me. you can see that the red carpet is already rolled out for a banquet. this evening. today is not the time for the tough political tools. it's time for dec, german, french relations,
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european unity no matter how big the differences may be. when you look at the details overall, both countries are committed to the you and that's what they want to celebrate today. how problematic would you say the differences between jolts and my call when it comes to dealing with basha as well. first of all they do posted it guess on that terribly well in that we know it feeds down to pretty much every diplomatic level. so it's a tricky relationship at the same time. there's a cute awareness on both sides that the front codes um and ends in masses that difference in so many cannot agree on something. there's no way that the european union can uh, the other side of the coin is if it, germany, and phones can actually find common ground. that's always a positive signal for the wider you. having said that, as the biggest uh, most prominent differences to take on you crate upfront,
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it says this necessity for something hold strategic ambiguity. and that's why i'm on your call very publicly wouldn't rule out eventually having troops on the ground in ukraine. that's as something germany, and most importantly the united states are absolutely rolling out, so that somewhat jaws with what they want to project, particularly towards russia, which is that the you, that the western allies, including the west stand together defending ukraine no matter what the internal differences and that's something that they would want to count. so with the visuals here today. okay, well let's count of the have with another of the sticking point. china. what's the problem there between the hours? well, the united states have just stopped 100 percent terrorist on electronic vehicles being important to the west. the big question now is how the you will react and
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durham and also make is to a very prominent also on the chinese market. have no interest at to see the u. slap terrace on in ports in the u. they fear how the china will react it towards durham . and also make is fonts wants to take a tougher line on china that has less on the issue. how many platforms can you handle single attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern. because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong.


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