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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 2:15pm-2:30pm CEST

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the, the issue, how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern methods. because if we do too much, we get it all wrong. we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary, the,
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their cold wind countries defend into war and turmoil. un peacekeepers, often the last bastion to protect civilians when states fail. successful peacekeeping requires the highest standards of conduct by all are united nations peacekeepers, both cvn and uniforms. but what do we really know about those who are sent to bring peace? we get some really printing use this troops as a pretty broad of the lines as well. with this investigation, we can reveal that at least 2 countries, some peacekeepers that were implicated and torture and murder dot com. i barely can. i ask you multiple extrajudicial giddings, including cold blooded killers and that the un seemingly turned blind eye.
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this is in tennessee written lodge, and nobody has done anything to stop that. the we're in the dash with nearly 6000 peacekeepers deployed world wide. it's one of the largest contributors of troops to you, emissions. here at banquet actions, un training grounds. soldiers prepare for their next appointment as peacekeepers or visit as carefully orchestrated. at no time are we allowed to speak with any soldiers directly. instead, their superiors answer our questions about you and deployments. this is a matter of pride for us, and we have an almost people willing to contribute in just a matter of pride,
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but also a lucrative one. un peacekeepers receive higher salaries than they do back home. and the un reimbursed as countries for their equipment. according to government officials here, bangladesh has received more than $2500000000.00 us dollars over the past 23 years . as a national papers, i can assure you that we will all this be the quick can contribute to introduce keeping something us. but the image, the generals, are so carefully trying to present during our visit is only one side of the story. as for years, human rights groups and political leaders have warned of widespread abuse by bangladesh and security forces, the exact entities that make up the peacekeeping forces. and one group is of particular concern. the rapid action battalion, wrapped in
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a wheat force founded to fight terrorism and crime. in 2023, we revealed what the government continues to deny the rabbit murders of ducts and tortures with the complicity of the highest political levels. after their student and rad officers are often sent on highly paid un deployments. as a former rob commander confirmed to us, he was personally involved in human rights abuses and later deployed to un mission out of that come on. as far as i know, everybody goes to peacekeeping often having solved and rob for months, we tried to verify his claim. military sources helped us get in touch with another former rob officer who is willing to talk to us in p. i'm deployed as basically but yeah, it is, mike, you an identity god. this is
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a sketch of a video confession demand recorded for us while on a mission in africa. we corroborated his identity, but his condition for talking to us was that he remains anonymous. why instead of being add to that prediction, bethany and i be able to weakness to multiple exposure to shield giddings, including cold blooded beginning of say about a young man after the bloodhounds. he's got some blood and brain fragments, especially on my uniform un peacekeeping missions, cannot have him amongst them. offices who may have been sponsible for these kind of very serious abuses that defeats the purpose of peacekeeping. we went to copenhagen to meet a man who on behalf of the un, looked into human rights abuses by ben. good actually security forces. my name is
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james moultrie. i was a member of the committee against georgia and prophets here on the dish. motivate and the other committees experts were appointed by the us. the report on bangladesh published in 2019 stated they were gravely concerned about rob's abuses. the recommendation was that the former and current members of wrap should not be allowed to as to do a service in peacekeeping operations. so in 2019, there was a clear recommendation to exclude members of rob. and what happened after the report was published. as far as we could tell, nothing, we checked officers, social media accounts and analyze hundreds of photos, and found more men who went from rob to peacekeeping. a
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pacified military personnel files and you end deployment lists and helped us identify more than 40 former rob officers who are deployed after the committee's report was published. the 3 of them worked for rob's instruments, intelligence spring, to even as deputy directors are sources confirmed that the intelligent swing supports killing operations and runs a secret network of towards yourselves. hidden deep within many of rob's compounds there cuz i will come a funny little sound. sounds have equipment for going to a boarding rabbit. closest method wanted a therapy job. it can be used to make people told people to have a little bit of restaurant. so these men who are part of a unit that routine the tortures. why didn't anyone stop them from becoming
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peacekeepers? generally, it is up to the countries that send troops to select and that the majority of them but after several sexual abuse scandals involving peacekeepers, the u. n and 2012 implemented a new human rights policy. governments now have to certify that nominated soldiers have not committed any criminal offense or any violation of international human rights law or international humanitarian law. so for each of these 5 men who are most likely implicated in serious abuses, bangladesh must have signed this form. what is happening right now is that they are asking an abusive government to then decide which offices are abusive or not. now since we know that there is no accountability, mckenna them, or even an interest in holding people to accomplish human rights violations, that process is not to be confronted with our findings,
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un peacekeeping in the our roads. we do not have the resources to review the information of all personnel deployed and the vast majority of troops perform well . this banquet ash was seemingly able to circumvent the policy. might other countries be doing the same? in london, we meant this woman who's been exposing human rights abuses for years. and frances harrison, i run the industrial truth and justice project, which is an organization that collects evidence around the end of or post for violations, for lanka. her laptop is full of photos and testimonies that document the atrocities committed during 3 long. because decades on civil war, harrison alerted us to this photo, the man pointing out the bodies as general sher vendor of sofa. she commanded an intimacy unit that the un says committed war crimes
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never the last 10 years later, the 3 months in government promoted shift under silva to a top position of arm each. as such, he was responsible for the deployment of hundreds of peacekeepers. following an international outcry, the un announced it would suspend she long an army deployments except for where a suspension would expose you went operations to serious operational risk. so the one left the door open and indeed almost nothing changed. the one's own figures showed that in 2019 sri lanka, sense 687 peacekeepers. and one year after silver's appointment, it was still sending 665 trips. can you imagine what that's like for victims of the
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civil war if the violation sent to see that a this is infinity written lodge, and nobody has done anything to stop that. if i stayed in the u. n, i probably wouldn't let this be this frank and to say we get some really pretty useless troops as a pretty brutal ones as well. during our research, we talked to many sources within the u. n. but this former official in berlin was the only one willing to go on the record. my name is angela gilmore. i was the u. n . existing sector general human rights from 2016 to 2009. as such, g is 1st hand knowledge of what happens when the un pushed countries to exclude a legend, human rights abusers one country that was really important, literally said okay, we're going to pull out or to get under you in a 2nd general at that time to go basic to that country and since apologize to that
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as they otherwise, like for you, nbc corporations would have collapsed if you wouldn't tell us which country and stressed that the un does what it can. but it's testimony points to one thing. when it comes to peacekeepers, the u. n. is seemingly susceptible to blackmail. there's a reason for this face with often dudley emissions. many governments have posed their troops out of peacekeeping operations. a leading the supplying of troops to countries like bangladesh, pockets on egypt or china. many of which are known to have a piece of security forces to reflect situations where literally thousands of people could be killed in the absence of un peacekeepers. which when you have to balance things, perhaps sending 2 or 3 bad apples is a less bad option. then thousands of people getting killed. that's quite a shocking admission, isn't it? sending 2 or 3 bad apples?
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i mean, let's look at what the bad apples from shalanda has done. it will obviously be very difficult to at face in the piece that such a mission would create. wish a cat who goes abroad is a piece of paper because they go in on name the movies are so strange. so that new describes with a special word kafka, s was the man behind the literary term. and how does he continued to influence arts and culture today from costs 100 years after his
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next on d w. actually, we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the planet. so we have students who become as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels completely? some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. a renewable frivolous. in 45 minutes on d w. what secrets lie behind v discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating both heritage selling dw world heritage 360. now the,
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the unsettling nightmare worlds of right are friends. kafka watches a still fascinate us today. harry plus, he already generated videos. what is real and what is fake and sensational moves a film about combative women. welcome to parts unveiled the. have you ever heard of something being kafka? ask? do you even know where the term comes from.