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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the light from the then this is the w news. for the 1st time in months air raid sirens, sound and television. the says it find a real good stories, males, because city, several explosions, a 100 and the central tend to be major injuries. have reported premises wait a minute while my call and lands in berlin for 3 days. state business is trip to germany is the 1st by a french president in 24 years. as political upheaval, this independence they in georgia. the nation celebrates its victories towards
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freedom through history as a find over a medium or ownership built for tons of concrete back towards russia. the i've been visible and welcome. we stop with breaking news from the middle east where the wing of the palestinian militant group thomas says it's fine. a large rocket barrage towards these rail. the morning siren sounding in the city of tel aviv israel's obviously as a number of the project dunsmore intercepted and at least 8 of the rockets came from rafa in southern kansas, where its forces are currently involved in a military operation. is around the blower against almost as now, and it's 8 months following the october 7, 10, right tax i asked the w correspondent, tanya cremate and jerusalem to give us more details. it was indeed the 1st time and
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weeks or you could say months now that such a large barrage for all codes for us launch 2 words, a news and a telling people there's seduce beyond in the north of tele beach and central is rose dislike and can you selected optics and how it's lea. uh no, the is there any military has said that a project, todd's front loans from the area of off of this is where the military is currently carrying out. its offense is coming in the a, from the east and moving towards the center of alpha. how must have submitted turvenio. some brigades have said that they have loans just lots for us and for our kids invitation of, for the ongoing military operation. now this shows that we have been seeing actually in recent weeks, more rockets and motors of being fired into southern as well, but not so much these longer range. smith,
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saws as of today about the shows that i'm us and other minute 10 groups have or retain the capability of noticing such a longer range missiles. this comes on the back to us that there are some reports that potentially some talks or negotiations in direct negotiations. my 3 starts of this week about a temporary cease fire and the release of hostages. but with the a seeing right now is intense pointing, continuing in golfer and so many people civilians, they're being told to move again in gaza or in response to that finding which is in response to those type of 7 terror attacks by, by how much data we use on your claim of that. thank you. ukrainian city of hockey defense surrounding region have seen increase the tax of the russian troops. storms over the border and opened a new front to the north. or hockey, if is ukraine, 2nd largest city, it is less than 30 kilometers from the russian border. on saturday, at least 14 people were killed in thousands. more wounded, went to boston,
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and guided bombs, struck a large hardware store. and some apartment buildings in the city court and c. c. tv. this, this, the no meant to russian bones. it's a busy hardware store, in hockey. strikes spot to play is sending a column of accurate black smoke high up into the rage for some 60 hours before it could be fully extinguished. ukrainian authorities say around 120 people in the store when the volume struck, needs up. let's go. good happened, all of a sudden show like we didn't realize what was going on at 1st. so what was things just started falling on our heads and then we found ourselves in the dark as up to the point. there was panic everywhere. there was so many people, so it's saturday, lunch time for boys gardening season, which is why there weren't many people in the store and says,
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lots of cars in the parking lot outside with it, and other people with children to the board. it's not blue shirts. a set massage drug hit, an apartment block in hockey, building, several people are leaving a crate to that. the, such as the building president below them is a lensky issue, to plead, to clayton's west and allies, to help boost defenses and keep the countries city states against what he called russian. tell him a text to this strike on har. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. there was just no other way to put. it is only such a madman as potent or capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. people to will bring the ukraine peace summit, talent in switzerland over the past few months. international communities attention has be less focused on events in ukraine. and keith will be hoping that attacks success wondering how keith act as
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a reminder that this war is still fall from over is a look now at some of the other stories making use this allen, the leaders of south korea, japan and china, are in sol for the post probably natural somebody to over 4 years, chinese premier, the chung and japanese prime minister for me. ok, sure to go around the table. the aware case. it is. press the importance of peace and stability in the taiwan strait. it follows more chinese military drills around the south golf and die less well than 670 people are thought to have been killed in a man slide in a remote part of when you get a the estimated death toll for the winds. migration agency comes as basically was trying to move, survive is to say for ground. it's government is now considering whether it needs to officially request more international support. they say at least 6 newborn babies of finding a fire at a hospital in the indian capital daily. that lays broke out like saturday,
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destroying large parts of the building. several other new balloons were rescued from the side because as a fly was still being investigated, the french president a memo mccaul is in berlin for a 3 day visits. it's the 1st french presidential trip to germany and 24 years science between the nations have been strained in recent years, especially as europe faces challenges like the warranty. okay. german chancellor, old schultz from main splits with his french count of pots on fiscal policies and energy, along with relations to china. and mccaul has criticized germany over its dependence on the ration. you know, we use mission either because that is that value policy and bell in with the president is expected. so admission to tell us more about these differences and how the 2 countries are increasingly finding themselves at all. well, hey, military honors are about to get us away as we expect the french president to rise
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together with us. they visited 7075 year celebration. basic lawanda says see the beginning of modern day today is the day of celebration of germination french present. mano, my call earlier during the debates. as, as, as a while ago, stress said both countries always found back together despite having been many times on different sides of conflict to europe. the tough political policy will get on the way this coming tuesday. meiza back were both habits. so actually meeting they meet regularly is the 1st time that there is an official visit, which means pulling out all the stops. as you can see behind be for a prince present here in germany. so political discussions, it's a photo on tuesday today, both sides that he gets,
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it demonstrates europe unit seats takes leads towards russia. and to tell you though, as both countries was the same thing they want you to see, but they don't always agree on how to get that. okay, well, tell me fan about the differences when it comes to russia festival. well essentially both sides of say they will support crane for as long as necessary. but 1st president mind on my call, very publicly wouldn't rule out troops on the ground. and this is part of what is known as strategic you would see is the prince understanding of what the defense should look like on the drum and tom. so on the other end of the spectrum, absolute is ruling out that that could be any nato country. truth, particularly dr. insurance on the ground in the frame was the same time setting. that certainly will support ukraine for as long as necessary. germany is actually
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more along the lines of also what the americans present. so vitamins said in the past the americans, us to see rooting out any troops on the ground that was seen nato at being dragged into this conflict. a further escalation would be said that and what about china, whether they c i, t, i, on germany's relations with by j. so this is the interesting thing about germany and fonts. both want to avoid 0, being stuck between a rock in the hard phrase at the united states interest, which is clearly clumping down on inputs from dying of just having stopped a 100 percent tolls on electronic vehicles. and on the other hand of the chinese wanting to suck the europeans more into closer, an economic ties that germany see is european response, which is still in the making. it's still being investigated in brussels. that could see tolls because the fee is not revenge. would be taken on to them and also make
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is that something the germans want to avoid at all costs, whereas it wouldn't really hit the front side, actual more in favor of, of really not keeping the market to open towards china that we all will hear me more on that on tuesday. today, it's all about ceremony and demonstration you see show this as far as at bellevue palace. thank you. the military parade is being held to bach georgia's independent and states event in the capital to please save all those weeks of post tasks and on risk of a new legislation which critics say franklin's democracy. the so called for an agent bill requires media and nonprofit organizations to register if more than 20 percent of their funding comes from abroad. and what was passed by politics, but being towed by george's president who attended the ceremony today. the ruling georgia dream party is, however, said to stop alimentary proceedings to override that presidential beat. ask the w
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reported maria, cut a month into please see about the mood among people day to day to verify some of the doors and capital c. c. the military for right uh, was housing the morning on the, the official signed the pro west and president so long as it will be really they made the speeches, but the speaker for a very, very different and a wife along as it will just be the was saying that europe is a actually the way for georgia, and that will help georgia to keep its independence for the georgia and husband, claiming that she is a trace. or that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a self that article. but he's a, she said that to that to west sons, countries are interfering in georgia in the fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very, the, the via devising here in georgia. decide the cost of a mistake. 5, the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial stay for the country
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because the independence school, georgia was, uh, was a very difficult achievement, very, very blah, the wars to, to, to the georgia's went through. there's lot of times to achieve this independence in the past. so to yes, russia has invaded georgia on this is the day that many uh say that to very important for that. but they also, i've been calling the people here on the street side. they gave this independence, but they've satisfied john. they still need supplies for it. if a bolt by a late, because it has won the german comp with a one meal victory of a 2nd division under, don't cause as long as that. but it's like a cham school. the only goal in the 16th, when it, with this perfectly placed long distance and find midfield a run, a jump to just before the break. the 2nd, the yellow, red cod, against defend, or the loan cause of new. and the favorite sense of playing most of the nights with
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just 10 minutes late because it announced celebrating the german double after an outstanding say that despite defends both themes off to the match, i think it was really close match and it was like it we had a red card and i was really scared that we lose this game, but we did a way to double champions of germany. we really enjoyed it. it was the 1st time full of equipment and it was just really nice. we're already friends like for years and this the 1st time that we can into something like that very, very heavy. we're going to do, but the 1st time and 120 years. yeah. it was okay. i mean, we're a, we're a 2nd division team and, you know, live at cruising was the 7 of germany and i think we've done very good, very well. and i think we can be proud of our team and we shouldn't, we shouldn't be sad about the game and the, the result of the game because it's loading. so it had a good, a good plate, but a better one with the next
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