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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the piece is the w news life from the, the end for the 1st time in full months air raid sirens, sound and tell of a comma says they'd find a power outage of blankets toward these rails biggest city, several explosions. i heard in the center of tell a beef knows major injuries that reported. frances, wait a moment call and lands in berlin for a 3 day stay visit is trip to germany is the 1st by a french president in 24 years. and political lot people base independence they in georgia. the nation celebrates its victories towards freedom through history as
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a fight over a media ownership field practice to turn the country back towards russia. the i've been visible and welcome the wing at the palestinian militant group almost as it find a large broke of badge towards each valve on sunday morning. sire in sound in the city of teller b as ways have been suppressed. take shelter, east west palm. he says it into sent it a number of the projectiles, with no reports of injuries or damage. at least 8 rockets came from rafa and southern guns of weight is waiting for us as a courtesy and both to the ground defensive. as well as war against how most isn't . it's 8 months following the terror attacks on october 7th at jerusalem correspond atanya. claremont has more was indeed the 1st time in weeks or you could say months now that a such a large barrage for all codes for us launch 2 words, a news and
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a to leave all those cities beyond in the north of tele, these and central is rose to dislike and can is like pitt optics and how it's lea. uh now the uh is there any military has said that a project. todd's front loans from the area of off of this is where the military is currently carrying out its offensive coming in the a, from the east, and moving towards the center of casa, i'm us military being cuz some of the gates have said that they have loans just a large barrage of rockets invitation of for the ongoing military operation. and now this shows that we have been seeing actually in recent weeks, more rockets and motors of being fired into southern as well, but not so much these longer range missiles as of today about the shows that i'm us and other minute 10 groups have or retained the capability of noticing such
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a longer range missiles. this comes on the back to us that there are some reports that potentially some talks or negotiations in direct negotiations. my 3 start of the speak about is temporary, c spy, and the release of hostages. but with the seeing right now is intense pointing. continuing in garza and so many people civilians, they're being told to move again in gaza or in response to that finding which is in response to those type of 7 terror attacks. by, by how much detail we use tanya cream of that. thank you. and it still amazes from rough uh, a care ram, so long bind, whole humanitarian aid has begun entering the kansas strip. the assistance is from egypt, but time cross directly from the jew to cairo's refusal to coordinate a round that correct shall um connex the gaza strip directly with his a change of crossing comes after a deal between the egyptian and us presidents egyptian medius. say
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a total of $200.00 a trucks are expected to cross into accounts of today. but you, in agencies say ongoing funding and southern guns that usually make it too dangerous to retrieve the french president. a memoir, my call is in berlin for 3 days. state business, it's the 1st french presidential trip in germany. in 24 years. ties between the 2 nations have been strained in recent times, especially as your faces challenges, like the war and ukraine. german chancellor will f sholtes remain split with his french count upon fiscal policies. and the energy along with relations to china with mccaul, has criticized germany over its dependence on the regime. you know, we use michelle, that kosta is that belfy palace. and by then that president mccall is expected, this state visit is about protecting european unity, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. michelle. well, it depends on which angle you look at it from today. so 5 am,
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i know my call is visited germany 75 year celebration of its basic role at jeremy's constitution. and they have, it's owing to bait that where the french president is said that people have gotten to use to democracy. that people need to stand up for democracy every single day. and that's the sort democracy in the state of crisis. so this was just something sort of a political declaration of love that a between the german presidents aren't quite as fine my a who has a lot to ceremony or role. and i'm just standing outside his residence here about the palace, where we see the entourage, the both the case of the monitoring my call just wrong using the gentleman present . having arrived a few minutes early so they can produce those important pictures of welcome of shaking hun. so since the 70 and phones sounding together against adversity let
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whether that may be against russia over defending ukraine. who against china, which is seen, is both the fight as, according to issue policies, as upon the, on the strategic survival. and we see the motorcade arriving just now and is a couple of 100 people here who'll action searing for the front presence. yvonne and my call as well and, and what is that to, to about when it comes to the policies on russian mission? well, both said the same aim and that is very much the nature of durham and the french relations throughout the u. s. they both want the same thing. they want to back up ukraine. they don't want to rush to to when they don't want to to see ukraine use. this was the same time for the present amount of our, my call is on the record just as not rooting out. eventually potentially having troops on the ground, something to him and tonsils would have sold his family ruled out. so that is
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a prime example of both working towards the same aim or having to very different angles on this. and this also applies to things like a european energy market for the french with life very heavily on nuclear fuel. something that germany has actually phased out and the list goes all china is also a sticking point, which you mentioned to what are the differences there on that front? well, that we've just seen the united states, it's not a 100 percent toll on electronics vehicles. the french would like to see the european union move in a similar direction. russell says it's still investigating what it should do and germany is fearing set to move its phase of back class as an exporting the nation also to china. the germans house have recently informed that many german pots on
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that, those very, a chinese electronic vehicles that are being exported from time to, to the european union. so again, both want diversification as they want their own economies to be stronger, to not be so dependent on china. but in tell me the fee is that much bigger, that there could be a potential fact class. and what both want to avoid is that this stuff between a rock and the hot chase between the united states in china, all of that will be discussed on tuesday. today, the stops are being pulled out as to the official state visit with those official military honors, taking place behind the muggy there from bellevue palace where al corresponded. these may save the coast of that site, visit from the bottom of my call, the french president. thank you. the ukrainian city of hockey advance around in region have seen increase the attack south of boston troops, storms over the border. it opened a new front to the north. ok if is you credit 2nd largest city and is less than 30
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kilometers from the russian border on saturday. at least 14 people were killed in thousands more wounded when 2 russian guided bones drunk a launch, hardware store, and some apartment buildings and the city cook. cctv this best a moment to russian bones. it's a busy hardware store in hockey. strikes spot to play is sending a column of accurate black smoke high up into the rage for some 60 hours before it could be fully extinguished. ukrainian authorities say around 120 people in the store when the volume struck, squeeze up, let's go. it happened. all of a sudden she felt like we didn't realize what was going on at 1st. so what things just started be falling on our heads. and then we found ourselves in the dark as up to the point. there was panic everywhere. there was so many people,
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so it's saturday, lunch time for boys gardening season, which is why there weren't many people in the store. and there's lots of cars in the parking lot outside with it, and other people with children to the portion of the shots. a set foot massage strike, hit an apartment block in hockey. building. several people are leaving a crate to the, such as the building. president below them is a lensky issue. to please you clayton's west and allies to help boost defenses and keep the countries cities sites against what he called russian. tell him a text to this strike on har. keith is another manifestation of russian madness. there was just no other way to put it. only such a madman as booting or capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. people to will bring the ukraine peace summit to help in switzerland . over the past few months, international communities attention has been less focused on events in ukraine. and
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keith will be hoping that attack success, wondering how keith act as a reminder that this war is still fall from the military parade has been held to box georgia's independence day. event of the capital to place the following week. so the protest send on rest of the new legislation, which critics a threat democracy, the so called foreign agent bill requires media and non profit organizations to register if more than 20 percent of their funding comes from abroad. and law was passed by parliament vetoed by george's president who attended the ceremony. the ruling georgia dream party is, however, said to stop alimentary proceedings to override that presidential veto. and i asked the w reporter marie a couple of months into police. see about the mood among people there. a very fast, the northern tops will see the see the military for right. what's housing the
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morning on the, the official signed the pro west and present, so long as it will be really they made the speeches, but these patients who are very, very different in a way, for long as it obviously was saying that europe is actually the way for georgia, and that will help georgia to keep its independence for the georgia husband, claiming that sees a trace or that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a cell suit actually called. but he's a, he said that to that to west suns, countries are interfering in georgia in the fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very the, the via devising here in georgia. decide the cost of business via despite the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial stay for the country because the independence for georgia was, uh, was a very difficult achievement, very, very blah, the wars to, to, to the georgia's went through. there's lot of times to achieve this independence in
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the past. so to yes, russia has invaded georgia on this is the day that many say that's a very important for them. but they also been telling me people here on the street that they gave this independence. but it's very fragile and they still need to apply for it to football. now, by a late because i have won the german tough with the one, no victory or the 2nd division under adults. kinds of sometimes the bonus, think of chaps, school the only goal in the 16th minute with this perfectly placed long distance if it by mid feel the front of jessica, just before the break of 2nd yellow, red cod against defend or the loan costs you know, then the favorites had to play most of the match with justin. man, if it goes in and now celebrating the german double after an outstanding season to, you know, be used on your boss. i don't have followed the match at the olympic stadium in bo, then she has more on the the courses victory was an absolute absolute nail biter of
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a final. i mean labor crews, and of course they are the better team on paper. they did get an early red card in the 1st time and why did you get to red card that early in the game? it really does change the way you play. cards are slow to and they got a little bit more confident. they kept the pressure on that, but level crews in they had enough to weather the storm and see out the victory. but we have to give big credit to cause as locked in for their performance tonight . they were definitely the under dogs put an end. they refuse and deserve to win, complete the domestic double. and although they didn't finish the season completely undefeated, they were undefeated in germany. so end of one is the guy and the dsb poco. as the watching dw, use a reminder of our top story. the on the wing of the palestinian militant group, i'm us says it's find a launch rocket by raj towards the is by the city of telling me it's his resume says a number of the project on support intercepted and at least 8 rockets were fine. from rafa and southern guns, a waste forces
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a currently involved in the military operation. a big sound series called her takes a look at how some women turn the grief off to the last of a lot of one interaction i've been presented in see next on the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center and the straight pieces explained the around the world more than 150000000 people of.


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