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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST

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people have to say this too much. that's why we listen. because every weekend on d w, the, the unsettling nightmare worlds of right or friends kafka watches a still fascinate us today. very plus a i generated videos. what is real and what is fake and sensational moves a film about combative women. welcome to parts unveiled the. have you ever heard of something being kafka? ask? do you even know where the term comes from? behind it from the kafka, the only 20th century writers whose name is part of language is world wide. cocker
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died a 100 years ago near vienna. but to this day, millions of readers around the world are crazy about the dark authors edit maddox stories. the once you catch tough the fever, it's hard to get yours. it was 6, was the task was text deal with the deepest anxieties or come most of proof. of course one is left for the phone does have crowds has the saw himself as a failed, or despite his superintendent, i know to put the golfing. so what's the super talented writer all about who, what's wrong kafka, why the still read so enthusiastically and what exactly is comcast. ringback and exhibition and prom called comcast new video game, the prince of literary world life. ready theater productions on the 100 dana verse to reference conference tests as we see the image of this tall,
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thin man with a hot and eyes full of astonished world weariness everywhere. it's even trending on tick tock, millions of times. let's 1st look at who from costco was the from the kafka was born in august 18, 83 to german speaking jewish parents. she was an excellent student, but constantly plague by style style. and my good enough for me. well, everyone noticed that i am actually completely incompetent. maybe that's exactly why friends choose as a down to earth profession after school. one that doesn't overwhelm him, an insurance employee. he goes through mountains of files and when we left to right or out at night to write stories, fragments of novels and tons of letters and diaries. he also draws they are 13
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years or periods wherever, you know, almost day by day when he was doing the 3 can from this things, see the development of the human being is saw who slots spain and his relationship is his father. the relationship with his father, a painful chapter. in the eyes of head mon kafka, a successful businessman, france is never enough. one day friends writes a letter to his father over a 100 pages long, in which he finally wants to clear the air about their troubled relationship. i skinny frail frank child, you strong to fix that. even in the cubicle i felt a puny, wretched, and not only in front of you, but in front of the whole world. because so me, you, the measure of all things hadn't been kafka, never gets to see the letter. and things are going well with women either. he has
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many love affairs and his engage twice. but as soon as things go serious from costco, gives up every thing, no wonder he also doubts the value of his literature. kafka psyche was somewhat fragile, but unfortunately, so was his home. just 40 years of age, he died of tuberculosis, the 1924 his last well written to his writer friend max abroad, was that you should destroy oliver's unpublished works. fortunately for the world, he ignores this because he considers this friend from scott scott to be the greatest poet of his time. today, costco stories and novel fragments or world literature and comp is one of the most widely read in german speaking authors in the world. the said he would not have like facebook. he would probably have said guys, this is a huge misunderstanding and he didn't see himself as a successful writer. i mean, he tried to write a novel 3 times, i mean,
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never finished any of them. the when griego a samsung woke one morning from the trouble of dreams, he found himself transform right there in his bed into some sort of monstrous insect. this is how cock is the most famous story. the metamorphosis published in 1915 starts. a young man who wakes up as an insect sounds strange, but apparently it still triggers many people today, a symbol of feeling at the mercy of others. it incredibly well captures what it feels like to be misunderstood or feeling misunderstood. as a young person, you know, the familial stresses, the pressures of starting out in the world in a profession where you're just very sure that you're going to fail and look at that
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. here you are failing, despite your great efforts and you know intentions. and i think it resonates a lot with young people. susan bronowski has translated the amount of more of assess into english. she teaches that new york's columbia university and repeatedly experiences a cost communion among her students. every time i bring a casket text into my classroom, the students go crazy for it. usually it's me, hey, look at this 1st sentence. um and then letting costco take it from there. the last not sitting in, not knowing the rules, not reaching your goal. this feeling runs through all of kafka is works. the capital k, the hero of the story receives a job as a surveyor from the account of a castle. the cable never get there and the residence of the neighboring village cannot help him either. man versus bureaucracy. typical kafka, the judgment, the story of a father's son conflict many have read it as auto biographical cost. this reaction
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to this. i'm not sure of that either. the trial yoseph k is arrested, doesn't even know why. it's just a real situation. joseph k is drawn into a nightmare swapper and without knowing the reason for the accusation of whether there will even be a verdict or he is constantly receiving information that he cannot assess. how would i bought it? his and the information appears contradictory, and the information constantly raises new questionnaire. that's the crazy thing. every time we get something, um, so it immediately raises a new question and then he has to try to research this. and of course, he never comes to an end to end this information through too much information. that's so kafka, bizarre, tragic, and also a bit funny. who
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all of these packs are over a 100 years old and read as if they had only just been written. so total the current to to look at task. uh so the symbol by saying category is still so relevant, 100 years of to his death because the, well, the calf go writes about the request to our world in some ways the problem a bureaucracy. so tell it, terry, and is on us. the relationship of people to vote is that they cannot understand very well on the political or legal or even religious. these are all the same as today. so you can see in the bus to come into the new list, but only unless it's a coupon that government boss kafka of low board cap got also noticed the, the own as something which is a kind of french is that we are for a lot do with information about the for the information know wrong, the phones a meaningful hold. you can, if you want my search on the internet from morning to evening,
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but the crucial questions are not on the search in this way as it is button for us . no orientation feeling lost. perhaps kafka stories are so universal because they're detached from a time and place. really don't know where this story happens when he to happens. he's not using the full names about just the initials is there slope the exact time presenting that? it is fixed, so it's a ideal work for every period just might be out even the places we're talking about to have a name. this is precisely why cosco works for world wide. there are art festivals and exhibitions in thailand, new york, and now in prague that translate history real world into images is showing the exhibition cost task with works by over 30 international artists who resonate deeply with costco, seen, even in contemporary times. of the artist in this exit edition
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told us that the good side left to the father is resist name and he would not change any sentence in the text. and then the language costco rights clearly and simply objectively, there is nothing artificial or convoluted, but what he describes is dream like a nebulous and he pulls out all the stops. and i just as a young person was so just blown away by his way of creating these situations and using language to describe things so precisely in, in a way that despite all the precision you have no idea what's going on there as close as possible. the spaces that kafka creates that become smaller and smaller or larger and larger. cool, i see often describes the impossibility of getting from one point to another. a little girl is kind of the managers to describe. very clear woods i the images that
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we encounter, you know, night mess around with and with, with this, how do you just wonder if that was the way to use these images? the serial moods became a huge source of inspiration for writers all over the world. the give me or call me samuel beckett show it bras, paul salon paul auster. they were all fascinated by the interplay between every day life and the fantastic. and perhaps the greek ivan garcia, marquez only found his voice through kafka. under the door cuff conference when he read calf, he so that's how i write, that's how my grandmother spoke. so as a child's, his grandmother always told him about which is and people who flew from like for me . so i can write like that too. in a very natural way, without all doing,
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without explaining anything. and that comes directly from what mexico realism is, sort of how does it split kind of not just lessons, what is known as magical realism in south america? goes back to a large extent to calf catholic, because erie moods don't just provide inspiration for writers. the hollywood director, orson welles films, congress, trial, dark expression has to be and change sometimes safe for the. the free filmmaker and painter david lynch may not make kafka films, but in his works he creates cop s worlds in which the boundaries between realism and fantasy are blurred in his movie mulholland drive. he leaves, if you were alone in the attempt to understand something very strange day getting strange you very often don't know what was going on was happening. it's very confusing for the viewer as well as golf course sticks might be confusing for
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the reader. david lynch met to discuss the pricing very early over there at the end of the $6.00, the spring he made his fairest experimental film since he even said that he feels the tough guys spiritual father. and he, even to fro disc slipped for film based by a gulf coast metamorphosis. the exhibition in prague stock center attempts to explore this feeling in a comcast way artist to show that kafka is understood everywhere. israel in england . and in china, for example, in the works of lucia for many of the chinese dividends, the reality of their everyday life. and that the community raising was very close to that. those kind of socio political qualities of kraft. gus, right, thanks the see photograph guys. well, here we are again, kafka ask the
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exist in almost every language. it's also in many dictionaries. is there an official definition of what kafka asked means? a question we ask are experts. it's used to describe especially bureaucratic situations that don't quite make sense and seem unreasonable and seem to have been dictated by a how higher power to which one has no access to get into some bizarre situation when ever they basis. so it was our cadillac yano in spanish, kafka ask is used very similarly as in other parts of the world to talk about something, a little doc mccall thing comprehensible, overwhelming be. i not absurd situation created by upset rules. yeah, i know that feeling we all know at the helplessness in a world that is becoming increasingly complex. well, we still know the word and a 100 years cost to us. most likely. yes. because what kafka describes is something
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deeply human and that will remain the what is real, what can be trusted in the brave new world of computer generated images. a i is pushing the envelope for text. there's china and g p t. now sora is lining up with amazingly realistic video. a person sits on a cloud reading. the an elegant woman strolls through a city in the rain. neon signs are reflected in puddles. nothing about these scenes is real. these a sample of videos from the company open. i with a short text command prompt, the new generation sort i can quickly generate surprisingly realistic looking film
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scenes of people the town landscapes, the lifelike animals. ready even historical voltage could be generated. at 1st glance, it's impossible to distinguish it from the real thing. professor of digital trends formation, yon class fun shriek loans that soon we will no longer be able to trust photos, audio, and now videos. as a content, i trust that media in audits phones has anything to do with the truth whatsoever. as a systems become a more sophisticated, we're going to have a real problem knowing whether something we just saw is real or not. because the end of the tech, john's, including google, has also developed a video opening up
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a whole host of new possibilities and problems. that is what i don't know, it will be a revolution. there will be massive social upheaval because of course, among other things, jobs will be lots and dropped 65. video produces cameraman. graphic design is animation companies. many jobs in these areas could soon be replaced or on to the massive change. soon we will even be able to bring mammoths to live with a single text command. but the biggest danger is abuse. i generation sentences of overdue being put into the amounts of news present is what's going to happen when fate videos can easily be produced by any one. which information will we be able to trust? will the internet be flooded with deep facts? what effect will this false information have on public opinion? questions that are particularly important in the selection. yeah.
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according to you to theme on the resolution has long since begun. she researches ethics in i t and is a member of the gym and ethics council. lastly, as long as you know, these defects are already being used for manipulation and propaganda. this is nothing new. manipulation and propaganda have always existed. but what has changed is how quickly an easy it can be done. a lot of people will have tools with which they can generate content that can deliberately mislead public opinion. and that worries me a bit. so in kind of the best of the technology is become more difficult to be to differentiate was true and what is fake, highest and best was fake. even ahead of us in a awesome open since he's new, that's about how a it could be used when it comes to elections. so far, he's only made sore available to selected testers. the new software is not just available to the public. so does it need regulation or should it even depend?
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this is elizabeth talked, pandora's box has been up and the technologies are on the market. it may be possible to restrict or prevent or improve things in terms of how they used to complete that it's unrealistic to look at is this mandatory labeling for any art videos could help wolf amongst the our generation content. we recently developed at the h a w science institute in handbook, but even these could probably be falsified sciences today on this, this area. and i wouldn't be a race to correct the watermark technologies. it's a bit like virus scanners, viruses, a guessing bedroom better. so a virus scan is, have to get better and better. the detection of fakes is the same. there will be a race fixed by the revised, and that's the website and the creation wills to your own liking. this is the next big step in the i revolution. fascination and scary that these images are
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artificial. the store is not huge available. there is still some glitches. and so you can only make minute long videos with just a few clicks. incredible things will be possible. where will this development take is the consequences for society are unpredictable and regulation is needed. otherwise, we might soon be living in a world when nothing can be believed. and finally, are you feeling flexible? we're going break dancing the film, dancing heart feats, puts the spotlight on women, determined to make it in the mail domain, the
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break down spiteful, the long own wall, and only the window will make it through. so the next round, the competition is tough enough. i always compare it to a boxing ring or something with the audience sits around and you're quite close to the dances. there's a real you for, is it. there's a lot of acrobat essex. you have to dance spontaneously to the music. you have to bring your own style and you're not allowed to repeat and move, which means you have to create this in the moment because in the moment it's the right out for them. viruses total close form for her film zone thing. how please direct to lisa vox followed the 3 female breakdown, says old breakers over several years, documenting the fight for equal rights and for recognition in the males dominated wells of breakdown. seeing the film is
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a journey from vacaville tobacco around the world and of touching, portrayed all he knew who made it to the very top desk. i've ever been events where i felt like i've got through pre selection because i'm a woman, but i think of also benefits were right filled. i didn't get through pre selection because i'm a woman and not the respects my skill. both are on save. i this is unfair for freed up, be go from the day will and he asked for the 1st 10 years, i dance to the limit. i could express myself, let my energy out my bad news. and i used to have a lot of that. i needed an outlet to and vo rock who more than anything else is a non conformist business replacement doors. it really is a gym and story. this pigeon holing yukon. pigeonhole scene is a big oh, the non denied many other things. he does that, i'm the 3 be goes 3 different stories. what 2
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nights them is an unwavering to up for independence to view the viola and for you to really uh, roll motors for me. they have their own opinions. they go into battle and fight for the rights to the beach, or in the, as this is a different ira, his don't. and for me it is higher amount to make these 5 is visible. this but some of them, it's almost, i'm a zone in when they function batch will come from on the status. the film shows breaking as much more than just the don't style, but a manifestation of one. so not identity and an expression of resistance against the noun phrase are looking to find the place in the world. frieda was stranded in morocco for months during the cobra independent make struggling with a knee injury. spencer, it's your job,
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it's your outlast. it's your passion. when that suddenly stops for one day to the next, a huge part of your identity is going on. right identity, big viola feels crampton belen and spontaneously set. so for most say weather is already a large b go community then is if i can create a place where i can surprise myself, then i don't need to fit in anywhere else. no one's g 2 tries the balancing act of a long distance relationship. but then decides in favor of her career, gets moved. now is the time to really go 1st because i have to leave this last because i know i belong at the top of interested freedom and independence with no compromise for how can save the secession on the outside. but that's not really the exciting aspect. the exciting aspect is what happens on the inside,
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see it, but in, in, in the them, on the coast there's also a certain rest christmas and certain questions, ro, my roots. where is my home? where do i belong? of course, that's always the question. but this restlessness is somehow also a driving force behind the, on the fight for recognition has paid off. you is the fast and the same to receive . i may just sponsorship deal. it's amazing. when you think about it, you come from a family where you don't have the feeling that you have any opportunities and then suddenly you have the funding business. there you are, the lives of the, of the after getting some place that the world championships you is now finding for the olympics . don't sing how bass is a film about the courage to live your dreams, the
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and that's it for this edition to join us next time until then interest and good by the,
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the, the workforce special about this staple. see from gone to is made from time change, cuz all the and yeah, and it's nice and with lots of different things. i can mostly in the afternoons. so that's by evening, suggestion master can please follow us on the calendar and see how the country celebrates the sinus days of free 930 minutes. d. w icons of the automobile is turning. the w gall of the car has been sold worldwide. no other car has remained sold to move so
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we celebrate. it's the story and next to the future will the golf into the world of your own back in 90 minutes on d w. the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for a no race against time? they are peers and arrivals with one daring goals to help smart nature.
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a more like watch now on youtube dw documentary, marston's orange box, and then just go see a quote. yeah, i'm a sure sure. go ahead. so he is, his sisters have been in a coma that was caused by persecution and flight. the family have sort of signed them and sweden, well full guns, dreams of another load. the dots june dw, the
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. this is dw news line from by then frances leader in manuel my call and begins a 3 day visit to berlin, where he hopes to post the franco german relations is prep is the 1st state visit to you via french president, a 24 years air raid sirens sound and television for the 1st time in 4 months. how much is it find a baton rouge of rockets towards the as well as the biggest city, several explosions. i heard of a central television. no major injuries reported as political lot people. this independence stay in georgia the nation and celebrates its victories from history towards freedom as a find over a media ownership bill threatens to turn.


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