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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w use lie from burden. francis leader in manuel my call begins a 3 day visit to berlin, where he hopes to post the franco german relations is prep is the 1st stage visit to you via french president, a 24 years air, raid sirens, sound and television for the 1st time in 4 months, how much is it? find a power outage of real goods to warranty, as well as the biggest city, several explosions are heard in the central television. no major interest report and political upheaval, these independent stay in georgia, the nation and celebrates its victories from history towards freedom as a find over a media ownership bill threatens to turn the said,
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turns the country's back towards bratia, the invisible and welcome him. i'm well, my call has arrived in building for the 1st state visit by a french president in 24 years. the quote was welcomed by the german president pon pleasure, stein might. as his official residence, bellevue pallets, franco, german relations have been strained in recent years, especially as europe faces challenges like the war and ukraine. government transfer all the felts from a split with his french count on energy a government spending along with relations to china way and mccall has criticized germany over its dependence on the regime. and that's bringing the double use mission out a couple times. she's at bellevue palace in berlin. i have president back hall has been meeting with his german count about us by the stine mind. this state visit is
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also about projecting european unity at a time where france and germany increasingly find themselves at all. they do find themselves at odds and that's the interesting thing between determine and the friend relationship no matter how bad is that on the searing motorcycle, the police from who is behind me as how this together with the german president. now both want to help ukraine, both germany and fonts. and the french president insisted that he wouldn't rule out . it is troops on the ground that something the government government is. this is an absolute no go together with the americans. so that says one illustration of which there are very many indeed ranging from energy to the e. u. economic policies of import and export, particularly on china,
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where both have combinations of having a more integrated energy market of both and having intense trade with china. but to the benefit of the view and becoming less dependent, but they have different ways, the different routes they want to take to get to that. a man that creates political tense. and having said that, it's a perfect day behind me. and that's what today is all about them present as long as you a ceremonial role, this is all about projecting unity and producing those pictures of unity. what about the different approaches that show them a call have when it comes to a technic brushes more new kind well, both really want to help ukraine. uh, but that has been a criticism. notice from the german side that well france keeps fledging. that it didn't come up with the goods, it's pretty much down at the bottom of the list when it comes to financial and
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military assistance that's been slightly ramped out. having said that, the friends are sending medium range missiles, the diamonds to the particular drum, and toss it, will that sole custody is ruling out sending that power systems that ukraine so much ones while being the 2nd largest support of ukraine behind the united states. so yes, it's complicated and both is see the owners of the on the other side to really pull that weight. ukraine isn't desperately particularly if add a sense and let me say with the was with methods fredrickson. the danish prime minister, who are just a few days ago, says you current needs 5 to 6 defense systems. they are in europe, and they need to be sense, right? now that is and slightly veiled criticism of fonts as well. and the shadow who's right and wrong when it comes to ties to china.
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that is a recognition that time that is and remains a very important trading partner, but particularly on the issue is terrace. so many phones want to take very different routes. the united states is the sept. a 100 percent terrorist on the electronic vehicles. the french hope says the e u decision will go along. those lines of sticky, when it comes to electronic vehicles and the summons ottoman city against that, with all the souls having gone on the record of reminding everybody that a lot of those pots in those very tiny vehicles all the time. and so that highlights who would be to gain the germans would likely news, but typically the vice will force auto industry. it wouldn't really hum the friends and the americans want the europeans. so a tougher line that's against china, that's the political triangle. they will be debating when both the french and german cabinet sit down together for political talks on tuesday. sounds like house
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12 space or the customer with the analysis. they live from view power. beyond the wing of the palestinian militant group homeless says it find a large real good banners towards israel on sunday morning siren sounded in the city of tel aviv vince residents ranch to take shelter. israel's army says it intercepted a number of the projectiles with no reports of injuries or damage. at least 8 rockets came from rafa and southern guns that is waiting for us as a kind of involved in a ground. defensive is wells war against how much is in its 8 months following the terror attacks on october. second, jerusalem correspond a ton of treatment has more to was indeed the 1st time in weeks or you could say, months now that such a large barrage of rockets for us launch 2 words, a news and a to leave all those cities beyond. in the north of tele,
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these and central is rose to dislike and can is like pitt optics the and how it's lea. uh, now the uh, is there any military has said that a project, todd's front loans from the area of off of this is where the military is currently carrying out its offensive coming in the a from the east, and moving towards the center of casa, i must have submitted turvenio some pre gates have said that they have loans just allows for us for our kids invitation of for the ongoing military operation. and now this shows that we have been seeing actually in recent weeks, more rockets and more, it has a being fired into southern as well, but not so much these longer range missiles as of today. but this shows that her mouse and other minute time groups have or retained the capability of loan, seeing such a longer range missiles. this comes on the back to that. there are some reports
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that uh, potentially uh, some tools or negotiations in direct negotiations might restart the speak about a temporary cease fire and the release of hostages. such would be a seeing right now is intense pointing. continuing in garza and so many people civilians, they're being told to move again in gaza or in response to that finding, which is in response to those type of 7 terror attacks by, by how much detail we use on your claim of that. thank you. a few kilometers from rough uh, at karen salon, bundles, humanitarian aid has begun entering the gallons and strip. the assistance is from egypt, the count cross directly from badge youtube cairo's refusal to coordinate aid through the prophet crossing until controls of the guards inside is added back to balanced indians count. it's a lump connex. the gallons is stripped directly with his rail. the change of crossing comes after a deal between the egyptian and us presidents, egyptian medias say a total of $200.00 a trunk. so expect it to cross into gaza today. but you went,
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agencies say ongoing funding and southern guns are usually makes it too dangerous to retrieve the aid. do training and city of hockey and surrounding region of see and increase the tax of the russian troops stones over the border. it opened a new front to the north. hockey is, you print the 2nd largest city and is less than 30 killing me, hits from the russian border on saturday. at least 14 people were killed in thousands more wounded when to rush and guided bombs, strong lodge hardware store and the pomp of buildings. cook cctv. this best a moment to russian bones. it's a busy hardware store in hockey. strikes spot to play is sending a column of accurate black smoke high up into the rage for some 60 hours before it could be fully extinguished. u. k. you know,
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sorry to say around 120 people in the store. when the volume struck these up, let's look, it happened all of a sudden show like we didn't realize what was going on at 1st. so what these things just started falling on our heads, and then we found ourselves in the dark as up to the point. there was panic everywhere. there were so many people, so it's saturday, lunch time for boys gardening season, which is why there weren't many people in the store and says, lots of cars in the parking lot outside with the other people with children to the portion of the shots, a set foot massage, strike, hit an apartment block in hockey, building several people are leaving a crate to that, such as the building, the president, the lensky issue, to please you clayton's west and allies, to help boost defenses and keep the countries cities sites against what he called russian tell him a text to this strike on har. keith is another manifestation of russian
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madness. there is just no other way to put it. the only such madman as putin are capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a viable way. people to will bring the ukraine peace summit, talent in switzerland over the past few months. international communities attention has be less focused on events in ukraine. and keith will be hoping that attack success, wondering how keith act as a reminder that this war is still fall from the military parade is being held to mock georgia's independence day event at the capitol to police. he follows weeks of protests and on rest of a new legislation which critics say, for instance, democracy. the or an agent bill requires media and nonprofit organizations to register if more than 20 percent of the funding comes from abroad. and law was passed by politics, by means or by george's president who attended the satellite. the ruling georgia
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dream party is however, set to stop parliamentary proceedings to override that presidential visa. i asked the w reporter, maria, cut him up in tbilisi about the mood among people that a very fast the and capital c. c, the military for right. what's housing the morning on the side, the officials and the pro western premises, so long as it will be severely. they made the speeches, but these people who are very, very different in a way, so long as it will be speedy, was saying that europe is a actually the way for georgia. and then you will have georgia to keep its independence for the georgia. and i've been claiming that she is a traitor that was mentioned in the speech all the time in a cell, so actually called by caesar. she saw that says that the west suns countries are interfering in georgia in the fast. and you can see that the independence day is a very the, the via devising here in georgia does. 5,
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it's hosted by the people coming out on the street to celebrate this crucial theory for the country. because the independence for georgia was of, was a very difficult achievement, very, very law. the wars to, to, to the georgia is one through. there's a lot of times to attempt this independence in the past. so to yes, russia has invited georgia on this is the day that many uh say that the very important for that. but they also been telling me people here on the street that they gave this independence. but it's very fragile and they still need to apply for it. it's supposed to use biologicals and have one the german comp with one meal victory of a 2nd division under adults kinds as downtown the champs cold, the or the gold in the 16th minutes, which is perfectly placed long distance. if it find midfield to run a chunk of just before the break, a 2nd yellow,
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red cod against defend or long cause a new. and the favorite sense played most of the match with just 10 minutes late. because in a now celebrating the german double after an outstanding season, you've done your best. loaner followed the match at the olympic stadium in berlin. she's got more on difficulties. this victory was an absolute absolute nail biter of a final. i mean labor crews. and of course, they are the better team on paper. they did get an early red card in the 1st half and one or 2, you got to read cards that early in the game. it really does change the way you play. cards are slow to and they got a little bit more confident. they kept the pressure on. that's what level crews in they had enough to. why did the storm and see how the victory. but we have to give big credit to cause your spouse and for their performance tonight. they were definitely the under dogs, put an end laboratories in deserve to when complete the domestic double. and although they didn't finish disease and completely undefeated, they were undefeated in germany. so in the going to say got,
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and the do you have to be vocal, the updates dow reported looks as banquet, actually troops accused of murder and torture. now, so thing is you, when he's cape, it's a bank as well. and so you see in here again on data by the gen and dw policy or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide every language level reading gem and has to go green. oh you update the green innovations, super green and green check.


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