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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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much indeed, all the news and t as a reminder of our news. emmanuel mccaul has arrived in berlin for the 1st stage, visited by french president in 24 years. frankly, german relations i've been strained in recent years, especially su, replacement challenges like the rule in ukraine. sports live next to the one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining but this time a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to to get it right before we even start environmental activists. i'll get to code. is this true nature conservation?
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well, i mean, the green washing rule bill billions to be made out to pop document trees, deep sea greed stats, june 7th on t w. the safety differently. when i'm writing, i'm always very happy with them around and. and the also through this tv was a new me and my house is suicide from the same point. you complete for me hours to be the 1st. i'm wondering who i keep that depend on my to my house and also the money to get the the,
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the it's still dark when mike has a low t and his fellow talkie is stopped by preparation for training. oh, oh lou helped me with a bucket of water is refreshing. let's have the morning. we can we can use time for training. good morning. how you doing? yeah, yeah. me well what do you like when i called you? you said you were already awake. you get to the beach, i finish up the training. yeah. let's go to live on uh, the earlier, the better. i know. i know. i know. yeah, 55. so that's why i li area more than yours in the gathering lights of doing the teen makes its way through a seaside neighborhood in the south of gayona's capital across this group is just
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one of the dozens of stable crews that make up the cities flourishing. do it yourself racing culture suddenly like my co own their horses, others like these juniors bride and train on behalf of stable bosses in the hope of climbing the rags. the us reason in government has been passed down from generation to generation. we have a lot of drugs here. read the all striving to get some way. when we have a race training we normally do is kinda oh golfing. as long as it changed out to beach, we need to move on there for you to before getting. yeah. sometimes they'll just get good buy cars and i said before i get to you and get to, you can see there is a lot of garbage around. and joseph easy gets hurt any time. so he
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always question yeah, yeah, strange, i live with friends. that's enough. let's get the horses back home and continue with the work. well, we are back to disable things. there's a whole lot of space to do here. we need to tidy up the place and also take care of dallas's people. so you don't, he's are always writing offices and stuff. i know it's also involves cleaning and exercise in miko ons, 2 of these horses in the stable. and he's of the seeing funds, apprentices that have to work hard to compete with the base of resource stable crews. in the city, but they do their best and a already focusing on the next race. there is as the subsidy is a says 3, i'll be taking this year that say i wish my students will be clear on that be if that's possible for them. i grew up in the see christy this table. i started doing this when i was a kid, etc. so all of us,
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i guess the house is fine. yeah. beautiful creatures which i always admired in right now i used to use stories of them. my son for the going to other countries buying pauses. it's coming. so us reason runs into funding now 12 hours is, is very important to us and it's very close to the treat offices in gardena inside we our own kind of ducked out, retreat hours is for now when we look, are you enjoy your food? yeah, i can see you're doing good. yeah, i really enjoy your food. lena. joking. is very telling you, we do make sacrifices for this because we spend a lot of time here with ours is recovery towards the training. we spend much money on feed medicine, so i deal with it, right. it was for them. sometimes my friend used to ask me, why am i really stressing my cellphone office and why do i have much interest?
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interesting subject. and i always saw it in that. this was a loud, this was i always loved doing. anytime i see my own right. i'm always ok. mike of spends the equivalent of around $68.00 heroes a month on his horses. the prize money from races can only and so much. he has a family to support so michael needs another secure job. is i'm wondering like it says, the work you're doing is good. keep it up. the home 3 phones this way. i least aside from the offices issue farsi, funding resources really. course the last sunday policy for me to help raise a lot of money order. this is woman policy farming is on lives in west new jersey is what i've really wanted to be. i mean to be as a 1st name,
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talking one of the best among the best. and this is just something i'm doing for now to help support my horses back at the stables. the ride is a gathering for afternoon drills guided by coach mohammed genre. i got i do for you but michael has been spending his lunch break, putting a young philly through head paces, needs to hurry to catch up with the crew. the, today, the junkies practice crossing without students to hon and they found in the follow up writing the whole if you, the 2 of you need to be connected, sometimes you'll be writing a whole is going somewhere. and maybe yes is something you haven't seen gives you that, that we have a lot of printing executives here. and they all look up to me. they have been
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a lot of people and that's people are always me in my community. that's what the read to me to be a with joking and, and it's now might in surprise. it's onto, i didn't generations. i don't what it is. dive, what did the devil as he's very that way, you know, we have difficulties, you know, head office. yeah. is that you don't get something when you, if it gets well and just to tell you all will tell you will talk it and everything ready such before the crew can focus fully on race day. they need to cut the gross the last screen. storks are crucial for feeding and seeking out mostly patches along suburban road sides means they can get it for free. yeah. at least you guys are a wrist of my i do everything me and you. yeah, yeah. and the students. yes, i know that as long as you send it out, i'm your,
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i'm your teacher through you. i was like you said i the younger generation is that and be able to okay, that's the most yes are through. and as i go the lines, i just read it to me. it doesn't matter if you're waiting or not. i know of uh to be on, you know. okay. okay. it just says the exactly i the observers the courtroom. it's a big thing and i don't think myself, you know, we just realized the finally, the day of the race. after 3 hour drive, the jockeys and horses arrived, the regions racing crows gather here 3 times
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a year to compete for cash runs by the club into a number of divisions. the window of each race will take her plus 280 years. $1254.00 will go to each run around but 1st they have to care for the horses. sound good. you got an idea of what the david know how the truck moving there. at least 200 is listed because are getting started fox, the way hoops by somebody before they move to go several days left off on this. thank you. mike hills, deputy eliza tries to calm his horse and himself. this will be the 1st time competing in a formal race, assured in the fruit of fox and had been a long journey. ah, i've done the best i can for fred deluxe,
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and then one mattress. now bob, i'm just aren't here. i'm excited by the video fashion and i know i believe i'm going to do great. but the long crowded truck ride has taken a toll on michael's chosen mount. the stallion is not used to such close causes. his agitated and rebellious today a my kill wouldn't be riding this horse, his foes to change his mount at the last minute before going to their risk score. i'm really, really, i sure, but i really don't know what's going to happen. that sounds that goes to my as well . my reasons. racing against because there is a lot of losses. i really don't know is going to breath when the flag is the only guess who across test clubs, deluxe standard stuff in gates and with the rice and communities designate to
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stones and know it to be found. today's contest as play bundle buys and falls stones. finally, in increasing darkness, it's time for my co and denied to to face self organize. as i have put the parent into a higher standard race emitted low townhouse, and as the race begins, the higher ranked horses from other stables quickly put ahead of the 2 miles unfamiliar mound. salt is denied to his wife's standing and begins to take an early lead ahead of his mental as a race around the corner into the black homeless games. and now the best of speed in a cloud of dust. mike hills who slows into this house and trumps at the rain. by the time they reach the finish line, it's clear the teacher has been facing by his student the
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well stress was good, but then i got his right connection to him and he was writing. so i have to put myself with him and we definitely within flu and luckily enough, wherever to franklin meant the, his grades the better? yes, the day on. yeah, i mean, i was me between and buy a put me wrong today or is it was to do a no prize money today for my code and the lights. uh, but the dream continues on the printer worked with the icon of the automobile is turning the w golf or the car has been
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sold worldwide. no other car has remained sold to it. so we celebrate it. storage and lift to the future. will the golf into the world to reduce your mac mix on w powers, the city of love and transit turned around errors wants to become the green capital of your role model. it's restructuring of transport. networks use in high gear. everything should be rolling by the olympic games. the green concepts are still causing a lot of trouble. in 60 minutes on the w
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version now understand can have a site like provide to present data used on instagram and follow up the interesting in visiting one of europe's oldest cities or tips for a trip to athens. how did these pictures celebrate? cynthia and roma identity. we talked to the artist about them. and what makes this sunday rose so popular in the u. k. were on admission to find out the stories and more coming up on your own max. the
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50 years ago, the b w, golf, or rabbit, as.