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tv   Umoja - Where Women Rule  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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as well as rescue teams trying to reach the area for now, emergency responders are moving survivors to safer ground on the south. pacific island most are being relocated to relatives homes, neighboring villages. that's all from us for now, doc films up next. why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop hans? praying for help find beyond is getting smaller on dw science outtake talk channel .
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there is a place in kenya where i love of life and the fear of death will hand in hand what a level one the one i'm in dennis, and i'm encouraged by the other women in their stories of, of some we, we, you know, knows that i'm not alone, that i'm not the only one who this has happened to. my husband would have killed me if i hadn't slept or that i'm about that alone. we should see the
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5 o'clock in the morning in the land of december 2 in northern kenya. the sun is still hiding behind mount kenya, but the day has already begun a new move. jeff mary, almost a door code a has found refuge and one of the traditional men, yet as for now, the 67 year old only recently arrived in logia, the village of women. jane then go pay has taken her in. good morning. how are you? thank you, i'm fine. how can i have a tea get dental approved when i jane still doesn't know much about the young women look at that is i know that she cautiously feels highway for which to explain to you. now, marianne, why did you come here?
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okay, well and then i have a lot of problems at home as of 6, let's not get into that. you're safe here in the most out of your 6. you can relax here, just put on the women live together here, young and old. we do everything together from now on. you won't go anywhere alone. we stick together and the name of the village has no co incidence, to mow jemine's connectedness in swahili. it's fain jane's home for over 33 years. the women have family. she wants the same scenarios. oh, good, good. because in order to make them when they 1st arrived, it was clear how distressed you was right. her clothes were worn out and she was star bank will go to the connection for me. so if i think she wasn't well when i 1st saw her and that's exactly what jane wants to change.
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she takes mariano under her wing. she wants to show hasn't things a different tier in the village of women? very different from the rest of the savannah. mary m o even gets a welcome gift mariano these are for you. yeah. oh no. the mariano can hardly believe that some blue women unless entitled to any property, no capital, no land knows even the children they bad wives become their husbands property
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during weddings. the the, this is my go now. i ma'am, i don't know what to say is the level of the, of the night goats actually belong to man, man. and this is the 1st thing i've ever owned on my own that to me in the news is that breaking a tip is and it's not the any one of these women want to change a world in which they have no rights to empower themselves. women content and live stock. yeah. they own whole the, the rest of the village is now awake. an official gathering will soon be held under
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the big acacia tree, the women's traditional meeting points, the canary amo has already found shelter in new mo, jeff. but any one passing congrats had permanent residency. rebecca noticed only the founder of the village. she's a t center of power for the 48 women in and since she now lives outside and lo, jeff, she's not yet met scenarios. i don't know the welcome everyone. okay, awesome, did you all sleep well, this rebecca wants to know more about the new arrival. woods go around in kenya, the to move to helps women, but it's most about feeding the needy. rebecca's mission is to protect women in
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danger. level you. i welcome you. don't you are a non god. we have some things to talk about a number of years as you know why this village is here. yes. yes. i know why the video now listen here. when i 1st want to know how you got here with you, when i do good. now, did you hear about us is not much enough. we were well the man, that's the model i came from far away. i bought it for almost 2 days and then another woman told me about a motor, and then i asked around at that and i'm with and i had a fight with my husband finding the cell and it is a, it was bad and i wasn't safe anymore. are not allowed to log in, they do for you for or have you been data better than the most and we're poor too low? you know, we are not got them. i use 80, i listen carefully as i say to and we don't want any stress here. we've left that
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behind who we share everything and do everything together because we're community we're only strong as a team. if we, we won't let you out of our site. yeah, i know that and the women will show you how life is here and when you, when you when don't, i'm only here occasionally. i don't, i don't. why don't we think i'm poking on? rebecca is was carry weight, but she's not the head of the village who mojdeh is democratic. the women decide collectively big box. there's one rule that isn't top for debate mariano, welcome. please listen carefully as i'm not allowed here. not at all. you cannot bring a man into the village even if you fall in love. otherwise,
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we'll all have a problem. we live here together among women. as you've seen. while there are no man, and there will be no man on the little clear woods from rosalie, come to the village. teach you is mariam o is now part of the community. when the discussed everything, let's say good by god, be with you. the security and solidarity new feelings for the women who seek refuge here. the symbols social order is patriarchal, which is what led rebecca to create a different world. especially 3 years ago.
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we founded a modem in 1990 because some boy man are violent a. this villages for women, voice that wants to win for women who have been driven out of their home and found that i have had to flee the light so that you keep for waiting so long and for children. and that, that if i, even a single women strengths has given many women a life less living. because it's hard to imagine the courage rebecca, must have needed back then. the sambota were originally and the magic people, the men rule, the family, they eat fast and they can marry several women. they can also be rebecca left have violent husband, met women with the similar fake. they looked for a place close to the some buddha national park. they wanted to sell jewelry to
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safari tourists. the sound that i could see when we started, most of we didn't know, i guess we could survive on our own. then we can go so, but today we are on our own money night at the your and we get donations. you get that nobody goes to bed hungry. in the end, we can send our children to school. and you also got school is the most important thing for children. you're just into your, into them. they learn what their rights are there to, to your data to data that shows have used the school is the village is pride and joy. it's financed by day nations. few children from outside the village of picked to attend free of charge. one place is still open this year, a c, and i'm so used to kind of do what i can tackle missing because there are 2 girls
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being considered. i think a 9 mcmann. they are nothing. yes, both has trouble background, jeanette. i know her down right now. i don't know if she can use to get her the money. we have to make the right decision is that wrong, but that's over and get pregnant because they are poor men out for money to poor families, maybe maybe so you know, and parents agree to marriage because they can't feed all the children up. like take care of the terrible it go down to them again and then i get in the middle. yes, we have to preventive the. yeah. and i think you're really and i'm good with what i love a you know, we can protect them at our school with one of one of whom we think of the beginning. yes. and the girls will pass on our value of mind to use what they learn to help the community and the community goes, don't just get just spoke to the schools in exchange for free education. the
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fathers have to agree not to marry. all said autozone to full go, has circumcision based practices are officially submitted in kenya, but the assembled paid to hate for them when i get them to do get and get to school and get them on the line. girls who attend or school don't only study to become a nurse or a doctor one day that went in that category. so why would they also learn that they have right along? but i think that one of them will get a they have the right to reject the genital cutting in marriage. that will be somebody who wants this morning and they'll spread the news to other girls on the initial and they'll learn just watches. the boys won't get it and then bring home just as much money for their families, have a bucket. well then, okay, my new my like out the model number. that's how girls will finally be valued as much as boys that are so cool. kill them one the one thing they have decided
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to, to accept rose and jane will visit the family the next day to win out over the father . or can you let me know? i'm very proud of what we've created. level this bond. we have not this place of respect, i think. and i also know now that they can manage fine without me doing this. and the women has become very independent, especially financially. jewelry is the main source of income. and the pride of that culture did a descend. buddha, and for the magnificent beaded jewelry, neighboring tribes call them the butterflies and
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the color like this weighs a good 18 lives. the women only take you to go to sleep and even the problem say, and as i've been wearing this jewelry, since i was a small child and by that never went. and i was also taught early how to make my own necklaces not have i told them that i know it's just part of my culture and then i want to be getting it done that the beads and not just on the mental. they also remind the women of the some blue tradition where young man come was us, goes for themselves with gifts of beads, for sex whenever they want. the family is not allowed to refuse. if the girls become pregnant that forced to have an abortion unmarried off to an older mine in
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exchange for diary, even when they're under age one of the young men is actually a thunder gain insight. my daughter was still a baby when i came to not have a terminal on that. i think that she won't be a be girl. not, i'll protect her from have a will not, i can you know that the are here. i've learned the beads can also help us stuff, and i'm going to make sure that we now earn money with the euro type guy. the number one, the cody mean montana has only been in emoji for 6 months, and it was for the 74. and i'm a senior my come from so yeah, 3 days walk away. i was on the run when i heard about the women's village. no, to not on the. somehow i found my way here. and
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it was my salvation. look, this is where he started me with the bush. nice it let's. so then i'm very sorry. it was a little when you know what, but he did even take me to the hospital and that's when i decided to run away. and then he could have done more to you. i don't, i just my whole life is one big car or, and i'm actually the did you left him engine on it? that's and honestly, i never loved him, but i'm glad to be rid of them. i don't know, i feel better now not, and i don't want to see him again. but what about the money had ended up maybe i'm not very i'm ok. just be careful. the same thing doesn't happen to you if it did to korea in maybe imagine one night her husband showed up here and just grabbed her. she screamed loudly. we all ran over and threw stones out here by the name and they give them both ways to move way out of
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the village and they can man, i met him, don't get that muscle now. and then one minute wasn't talking about their experiences, gives the women that voice back. they don't want to be victims any longer. they want to take their lives into that hands and to do better than the man to create a more peaceful world. 63 year old suzanne cha, until grandsons would normally not be allowed on this side of the river. she belongs to the 2 kind of tried the arch enemy of december of susie like you to lead to the conflict between the simple world and the to accounting. i was especially bad when i came here. i fled one night when people were being killed like animals i think doing the cope with good windy weather. assemble on to a kind of new mode. you old women are
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a chrome comfortable. they face the same problems. yeah. minus i can't sit down man anymore. parties of not even the side of them. once i bumped into my husband, outside hooligan i was paralyzed. the name of the memories came flooding back would be the beatings, the violence, the one i couldn't stop crying since he bite, and i can't stand men anymore. oh no, that's the but the women, if emoji account completely avoid the male wealth of the assembled, they have to get food such as rice and beans, at least once a month. they have to go to the next largest village toothpaste for today. the
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women want to buy ability get that here and then trade. we've met the, the women always come in and knowledge. great. and then trying to show as much self confidence as possible. their appearance is a personal of from to the young assembly of why we use the are you in charge here? get lost here. suppose to so it's a goes not tell me what to do. what do you need
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a good for tweet. of course the, what about this one? the come out name a price by the $23000.00 shilling. which was the fastest one of course the women galloway empty handed. but giving out pays nothing option. they try the next big what do you, what we have free people. i'm not giving you a good 7800 shillings or get lost. yeah, you showed them get a the $7500.00 or get out of the make us
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a fair price. no, many a go costs around 4000 canyon shillings or about so see you rose, the women went give them what about the they know where we come from. they know that in the most only children and women will be eating the meat, then they don't like it. and they want a humiliating rather disadvantage and can't get a fair price. and the, you know, that the women pass via and finally succeed. everything that i gave, you know, the, it's a struggle every time, but we got what we have on it. that makes me feel happy. and that is the end of the legs. and the icing on the cake. the goal is healthy enough to feed the whole village the,
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the men a somewhat baffled ghosts in capital, his own ways being assemblers great to staff states. up until 40 years ago, they still lived as no magic cut is that more and more of the land was the subs. and today, the majority of the tribe lives in permanent villages. the, the hop design is a jones. the frame of demand yet is a timber lattice is posted with model and count on and covered with animal skins, growth maps, and now sometimes also plastic. it's physically strenuous look which in the mode. yeah. it's only done by the women,
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a man or mary on the list to move into a house. but the roof of the future mind yet to is leaking rows design and christine has collected count on which they need to a pace with ash and who to think of the kind of most of the tax is a sealant. the fuel mesa is for me, life is easier without man and the other for you and i when i can do what i want to know, that music, well, i don't have to get permission from anyone. right? yes, exactly. and we've always done everything anyway. the other men sat under the tree
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in the shade playing marbles of the i guess that's right. familiar. the that we did repairs had cooked wash milk, but the animals pneumonia is not certainly a safe haven for women, but also a functioning co operative give them back. i don't know why we share every single and hardly ever argue, i don't know. so when, but we're also women and sometimes we get on each other on the now. and that's usually about who made the most beautiful jewelry, who at that end result the most interested in making the one i was talking to today . uh let me me the women have coughed out their own independence. a real height. the basic principles they live by. respect, solidarity are a stock contrast to the well they came from the
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rose and jane settle suddenly to visit the gun accepted to the school. they're eager to see if they can convince her parents the me you well, the refuses to sign the contract. we can't do anything this end at the end of the yeah. do they give you more than me do that? i mean, they worked for about an hour to reach the village of so many let me come to the family recently had to sell the last goats just to survive. the goes from such poor families or to high risk of being married all. sadly, the deal would secure a father several cows from his daughter's future husband. that rose and jane
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went to protect. some will have found the agree hold on the line. hello, my name is rose and i come from the women's village of emotions. one, yeah, we'd like to admit your daughter to our school. free of charge. you don't necessarily know you. thank you very much for this offer, but why did you choose our daughter will submit less still kind of cool than not doing it. mm hm. and then go and get the thing else you'll get. a lot of us will collect simila and bring her home to i want the we want to help for families to give their children and education and why that is either one of them and get it well, then you can't pay for your daughter to go to school, can you give it to you? that's why we want to support you don't give them up and rather than they are a match or know nothing. and i thought we are very grateful to you and the bundle.
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yeah. we couldn't even by school books and other like i said, the news about it is that the parents don't know the conditions yet often. um where they don't really have clear guidelines that no general cutting no child marriage. okay. we have a contract and you have to sign it. so so i'm like a number written written that i'm, if i didn't really know if i, but there are problems that's clear that you're done with the other men will ask me why i'm going against our culture out of another similar would be the 1st go in our village not to be circumcised, but i've heard that circumcision can be bad the girls and make them sick. now the, even the governments against it gotten to be with the news so i wouldn't have send them a circumcised me to continue it either way. you can of another and i want her to go
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to school to out of them, which is why i wasn't a lie to myself that i know that you know, we are not now not doing on a it's a surprisingly positive response. the dean is agreed sooner than expected to 7 year old. somebody that has no idea what she's of what we did. was he she looking forward to recess. i'm looking forward to recess. lucy the the, the moving it now rose and jane's mission was successful. the village is full of excitement preparations that runs away for the new school year celebration a very special day for the women. the mothers wash the youngest children's
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hat and school children's heads. a shame this part of the tradition canary, m. o. even bates and mental sun piece her youngest. she had to leave 4 sons behind when she fled to them. when they get there. they have one of them. i often think about them, but i will then it would be, you know, done bases in a minute and then i don't know how they are. and then the now school starting, i went on monday and i wish they could go to identical to what i can get a new level of college. and i want you to listen making that i did with another. maybe that will be a chance to bring them here later in the lab level, mariano is slowly adjusting to when you have one level one, the new one and dennis, i'm encouraged by the other women and their stories. i now know that i'm not alone . if they will know that i'm not the only one this has happened to on the road. my husband would have killed me if i hadn't fled about that along. we should see of
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the, the world's, the village is strictly off limits to men. the women sometimes can live with them until they come of age. then they have to leave the village. but they leave with what the women here have told them. the village school stands for a new and better future. the festival is the most important celebration of the full image of the go slow to come to the festivities. they use the entire animal to ensure the whole village can benefit. jane is a co found a as in load. yeah. she's proud of the top. she's taken may
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go. yeah. i didn't know when you're doing. i live in the middle of my, you know, my go young. if i could survive without a man, i guess the note, and today i can eat all i want. well, half of the women prepare the food. i am others collect firewood. we need a lot of wood, more wood, denominated for what? for outside scope. this is going to be great and who slaughtered is we slaughtered and will drink, the blood will go to bed. people and satisfied cannot. yeah. it means the good. yeah. but they living in bass. i'm
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the, [000:00:00;00] the moment rebecca is supposed to come into the feast. the villages or rehearsing stones announces in her on the use of the new week still need some practice and mariano is still getting the hang of things the,
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the, the, the, the price is the success. rebecca shows her appreciation by mingling with the down . this is the weather is cooler and the feast is ready to meet with potatoes, rice, tomatoes, and cabbage. meat is expensive and special. the women's diet consists mainly of vegetables, fruit, and cereals. my that'd be now do you remember when
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we bought our very 1st coat and the apple by making it? no, no good. i'm sure i'll never forget it. that was fine. and then the men chased us after we left the market. i'm not the man i need to know. i know they couldn't believe it. maybe you can gather with them. why do you have a goat for us? so many of them do. you have a lot of the go to that and we will. and when we got that full eat the meat we went, we got the other make with the i'm going it still feels so good to eat the best parts of the go to the parts we have the never get me back. the
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diana is only 13 years old. she's had a sheltered childhood annual mode. yeah. and has internalized the women's values side of the line i can last summer again and when i'm old enough, i want to go to university. the my you are you. i don't want to get married the guy, you know, i'd rather stand up for human rights. miss daniels. i mean, i fucked on those. if i ever change my mind and then i will only be for a man who really loves me and respects my rights. we live in does a lot, but from what i know, there are no such med put them to the
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today is not just any day for 7 year old simila. it's have 1st day at school, but i didn't get them to listen to what the teachers say. so take care, have fun. and i can't wait to hear all about it. let me know, i'm so happy that my daughter is getting an education because i'm no negative, so none of our family has ever been to school. i'm so grateful if i use and so many as mother can rest assured that the school bus will bring her daughter safely home. again, this often the this will be similar 2nd time for the next 8 years,
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and that's how long she can go to school. and one of the older pupils quickly tied you up because we knew chap to begin the system a lot on technologies, mates rose, the teacher doesn't want to miss this special moment. the principal registers similar he's one of the few man allows him the, the 1st grade is a between 6 and 8 years old. we're going to sing the elephants on
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the 2 things one, hailey ending bush can use 2 official languages. is the most important thing for the 1st graders of the more than 50 languages and dialects in the country. savannah, a minos mom, the language of the assembly room. i want to learn math writings for helium, english. and the cost is a next. the next generation of a mode you the boys as well as the goes on to carry the village philosophy into the future. the what did i get? i'm done. when i get out what i'm going to set up,
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i know that all these girls won't have to suffer what i did, the, your family, we protect them from general cutting in child marriage. i'm so happy for these children that are the 1st and the positive school. she's been looking forward to find that he begins recess with hot chocolate and taste for language. the . the women who mowed yet go to bays in the evening in the nearby i was a rizza. they want to show nary amo where, which is safe faced. the washing ceremony always begins with
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a noisy ritual to scare off the crocodiles that live in the river. the. c the, the vigilant and exuberant at the same time. it's how they faced so many of nice challenges the me this time by the result is almost the same for the women. the
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yeah. doesn't that make you happy to do anything in washing like when we were children? mariam has become part of the community in the i guess a foot mother and the i'm fine the i'm free now and can do what i want to do. i was so stressed before arguing with my husband about every little thing because you know, as low as one another, one yet look, an emotion has shown me that i can survive in my own life. there's always a way, one of the know what now the problem is another thing given the uses, it's given me strength by the i fall asleep unafraid. the 2nd i live in peace is the the
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the women as a major dreamed of a best and life. and worked to 10 those dreams into reality. the, the, the view will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 30 minutes on the d. w.
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the issues with a lot say what greys you maybe the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's called about saying a loud noise would have been nosy bay, like good everyone to king check out the award winning called called the called back
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the, the, the, this is the w and use lie from the land. francis need to and by the way, to my call begins a 3 day visits to berlin, saying, franco, german relations are indispensable, unimportant for europe, as trip, as the 1st state, to visit the above french precedent and 24 years air raid sirens, the sounds in tennessee for the 1st time in 4 months, i must, as they tried a barrage of rockets towards israel, the biggest city, separate explosions. i heard in the center of 10,