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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, they'll be in use live from bull in front of me. the amount of way to back home begins a 3 day visit to berlin, st franco. german relations are indispensable, and important for europe is trip is the 1st stage, the city of a french president in $24.00, the air raid sirens found intel i b. for the 1st time in 4 months, thomas's had tied a barrage of 4 kits toward israel's biggest city, several explosions. i heard in the centre of tel aviv no major injuries were reported to the
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i. monica jones good to help you with us. am on the way of my call as in berlin for the past state to the state by french president and 24 years. my call was welcomed by the gentleman president font about to sign my i just official residents, the baby paris palace franco. german relations have been strained in recent years, especially as europe faces challenges like the war and ukraine. german chancellor will not show us remain split with his french counterpart on energy and government spending, along with relations to china, where my call has criticized you in many over its dependence on the regime. a decent, see, let me to franco german friendship and cannot do everything on its own. it is not here in time to help, but it is at the heart of your, of the middle. and it is because of the franco german reconciliations that hope that europe was able to build itself little help up. you said that it is because of
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this willingness to move forward together during times of crises because he doesn't cove it to the warren. ukraine is of them that we have been able to move forward together as european assembly on the bill dw mikayla cruz. now wasa to bellevue palace in berlin, which he attended, the press conference by president by call on german president skunk by to sign my eye as to what else my call have to say. it's just absolutely by both leaders having seen all of these uh, pictures of hominy throughout the day here, where of course, it will so also balance at what will happen about those pressure points. for instance, on ukraine where they want the same outcome. they want to both the ukraine, they don't want russet when and then you have to friend saying that those who lout troops on the ground with them and saw the salt adamant that that is absolutely a red line to him. he wouldn't be willing to cross the i'd say so also is what is the process just one example where they seek the same outcome but have very
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different takes on it. well today on both sides. if i said going to model much saw but also german for the last we have you go that's i spoke of the i'm vision to overcome differences where they don't align yet. well, that will take place when of both leaders will have sold and the amount of our call meet on tuesday, together with members of the cabinet and liza back near by, lynn today, both for projecting how many, what ever a could a clear signal to russell, but also china, exactly. you just said, i mean the state visit started, of course with a welcomed by the goodman hate of state. but he has a much more ceremonial role. he's not actually in charge of every day politics, unlike the german chancellor. so what will be on the agenda when i call and to show it's going to meet mine's you assigned by this time of the 7 president
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is a form of foreign minister. and he is trying to hide that, but he can't always do that. and we expect for life, so the monitoring my call to tool in new to receive when it comes to bolstering you crane. there's a feeling here in germany that isn't forced publicly so much. that is front isn't stuffing opposite much as it stood. germany is the 2nd largest supporter of new crane and mazda 3 and military times right behind the united states fonts is much further down the list. despite the fact that phones is willing to send more powerful, no file reaching weapons that could potentially reach into russian territory. and then something germany, particularly, or salts himself, is not willing to do so well. who is here then talking about that, but also very different outlooks on how much for texts and how much holes this should be. again, signed from having
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a much tougher line at the moment. more lines with united states, interesting lease center me because serve any auto industry is largely in china. that's where it's making its process in germany. see is richard yous and from the chinese side. so the very tricky issues. once again, both sides wanting to get more independent from china, but germany, finding it a lot more difficult on that particular point than fond rights. but this of course is the 1st stage visited by french president in 24 years major. and it's just very briefly, my call is off to the race then tomorrow. what's out about. and that is his ambition. once again, i have to add though, that they have regular consultations and the doors cabinets meet every year. but at the same time, my call wants to head into saxony to dress and hold a european speeds. clearly an attempt to win over hawks and mines in a state that this having result elections and where the fall, right?
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a se is riding sky high in the opinion polls. so him presenting himself as a true european who is trying to fight the fall of rights, not just in france, but also here in germany. writes, thank you so much for that to do the abuse. me sound like you know, they're in front of valve, the palace in full in the palestinian militant group homicide at the ross of long range rockets from dallas. so it is well for the 1st time since january, the is really mandatory said at least atrial kids were fired from the southern gospel city of rock. ha, where is really forces recently launched and encouraged. the army intercepted a number of project of israel's war against hamas is now and it's 8 months following the october 7th, tara tex. ready air raid sirens rang out in tel aviv sending people running down into bomb shelters until the danger passed.
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the south of rockets fired from casa left debris outside of a school and damaged a house. inherits leah to the north of tel aviv no casualties were reported in the attack thinking, but residents here say they're lucky to be alive. of israel says the attacks came from a part of the gaza strip, which has been the focus of it's highly controversial, offensive to day for mazda service and gaza fired a truck. it's, it's centrally israel from raphael, sending millions of these rallies to bump since this come us launch these rockets from near to mosques in rough from us, has been attacking israel from raphael. and some us has been holding, you know, the only thing all the hostages in rough or how most spokesperson said the garage was a response to high civilian deaths at the hands of israel's military. in
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rough or civil defense workers pulled at least 6 bodies out of the rubble of a house destroyed in his really air strike. despite an order from the international court of justice to stop it's offensive in the southern cause, a city israel says it will continue until it destroys some off battalions. there. many of the displaced palestinians who ended up here say they refused to relocate again. but i didn't get them involved with hannah. i have made the decision to stay here. how do you know some of them? i have my own tent enough. i've been told to make my own opens up and start a business baking bread. no, i didn't like we will never leave a cadillac. and so we started our own oven business, the how much and god willing if uh we will resist the need for this was enough. i mean the violence and suffering in the gaza strip living another day. in baking
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bread isn't active. defiance advice. so humanitarian age has begun entering the gaza strip. why the care of how long? crossing a few kilometers from rough. uh the assistance is from egypt. that's con. cross directly from the add you to kyra's refusal to coordinate 8 through the rough crossing until control of the gas inside is handed back to palestinians. chem show long connects, the gas has stripped directly with israel. the change comes off the deal between the gyptian and us precedents. egyptian medius. a total of $280.00 trucks are expected to cross into gaza today. but you, in agencies say ongoing fighting in solvent, gaza usually makes it too dangerous to retrieve the aid deep mala. my law is the chief here monetary an officer of the 8 organization care. earlier i asked her about the challenges the charity faces in gaza on the 200 trucks that were allowed to enter today. i mean,
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absolutely the ongoing military open save in that i don't drop less than 6 of me compounded by cutting off and looking what was the lifeline of delivered and do you mind didn't a drop off crossing this combination has severely impacted the affected all are able to diaz agencies to distribute live sitting assistance to people who are on the brink today. it's a welcome sign. it is encouraging that drugs are starting to enter the additional $2200.00 word many fisted to enter today. as far as we know, $126.00 only be $12067.00 to today because is up until 5 pm, the drops get entered on the gross and the bureau because the loading unloading it takes a whole lot of time. so wanted to accept the gum, and for the remaining we are not yet sure. will they come tomorrow or have they been sent back? but as you say, this is only the truck entering the inability to uplift the guard will understand
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his team inside is huge to be distracted and all. or even if you do distribute aid is willing to limited by the continuous bombardment and 7 impediments that we have on that was development law. the chief humanitarian officer on the 8 organization can more than 670 people offer leave to have been killed in a landslide and a remote part of pop one. you're getting the estimate. the desk told from the u. s . migration agency comes as rescue as tried to move, survive us to safe ground. the national government is not considering whether it needs to officially request more international support. the us and australia have already stated they are ready to provide assistance. the funeral processions have started in the remote village of young bali in the highlands. if popular new guinea
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hundreds are believed to still be buried under the mud. after a mass of land slide struck the region on friday. with some boulders as big as shipping containers hitting homes. it happened at night when many were fast asleep . the main road leading to the village is now blocked timeframe relief efforts, villagers, some of them and bare feet, use shovels, axes, and other makes use of tools to search for loved ones. this element, as we've got to build a fully built, we have all of those boxes, bills, hotels, yes, houses, motor about 50 uh, stalls. all those process all going all at the moment. this one is no asking the national government to relocate them to a different area because this other was the land slide. it's several villages in angle province, some 600 kilometers north west of the capital port moresby. continued hazards such
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as falling rocks and shifting ground are also threatening rescue efforts, and more nearby evacuations have been ordered because of the land still sliding. uh, the soil with the pressure on which neighboring communities i built is also pushing the ground. and that is also leading to cracks and extreme risk of danger for the other houses at all. but it's not initially be damaged by the he says tribal warfare is also rife in the region, raising safety concerns for those unable to leave, as well as rescue teams trying to reach the area. for now, emergency responders are moving survivors to stay for ground on the south. pacific
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island most are being relocated to a relative's homes in neighboring villages. before we go, the most famous a thoroughfare in paris, the strong city c, was close to traffic instant into a giant picnic area with thousands hasting on free food and french wine. the little girl picnic the event aimed to hand to the boot of the box to the people of paris was largely abundant. it's as a place for a, from a nod. the proliferation of luxury outlets has made it the precepts of wealthy tourists. city hall is currently working on plans to turn the 8th lane avenue permanently into what it calls an extraordinary gotten the not actually makes me quite pick ation, looking at those pictures as
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well from us for now coming up next hour. the our reports, us theory is looking at fund latisha troops, setting us un peacekeepers, accused of murder and torture. monica jones for me on the news team member then as always, thank you so much the sometimes the best job right now that you out to the highlight every week. not the, not the one of main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against.


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