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tv   Umoja - Where Women Rule  Deutsche Welle  May 27, 2024 11:15pm-11:36pm CEST

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the, the still my say for me life is easier without man. and i'm one of the and i, when i can do what i want to know then yes. well, i don't have to get permission from anyone. that's right. yes, exactly. and we've always done everything anyway. the other men sat under the tree in the shade playing marbles of the i guess. that's right. how familiar the we did repairs had cook wash, keeps milk fed the animals pneumonia is not certainly a safe haven for women, but also a functioning co operative give them back. i don't know why we share every single, hardly ever argue i don't know. so when, but we're also women and sometimes we get on each other on the 9th avenue board.
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and it's usually about who made the most beautiful jewelry, who had that in result, the most interested in making the one i was talking to today. and then the women have coughed out their own independence, a real high. the basic principles they live by respect and solidarity are a stock contrast to the well that came from the rose and jane settle suddenly to visit the gun accepted to the school. they're eager to see if they can convince her parents the way you well, the refuses to sign the contract. we can't do anything this end at the end of the
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end. do they give you more time either that i mean they woke for about an hour to reach the village of so many let me come to the farm and he recently had to sell the last goats just to survive. the goes from such poor families or to high risk of being married or fairly deal with secure a father, several cows from his daughter's future husband. that rose and jane want to protect. so matlab will have found the agree hold on the line. hello, my name is rose and i come from the women's village of emotions. one yeah, we'd like to admit your daughter to our school. free of charge. you don't necessarily know you. thank you very much for this offer. but why did you choose our daughter? and will simila still kind of cool,
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but then not doing it. mm hm. and then go and get the thing else you and get on that a little bus will collect simila and bring her home to i want the we want to help for families to give their children and education and why that is as well and get it well why don't you can't pay for your daughter to go to school? can you give it to you? that's why we want to support you don't give them up and rather than they are a match or know nothing. and i thought we are very grateful to you and the bundle. yeah, we couldn't even bicycle the another. like i said, i got it in the mail, but the parents don't know the conditions yet. that's you know, where they don't really have clear guidelines that no general cutting no child marriage. okay. we have a contract and you have to sign it so. so like i said,
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number written, we're not, i'm not, i didn't really know if i, but there are problems. that's clear ones that you're done with the other men will ask me why i'm going against our culture out of another. similar would be the 1st go in our village, not to be circumcised, but i've heard the circumcision can be bad for the girls and make them sick. and now the, even the governments against it gotten, you'll be with the news so i wouldn't have sent them a circumcised me to continue maybe to where you can of another. and i want her to go to school to out of that, which is why i wasn't a lie to myself that i'm not, you know, we are not now not doing on a it's a surprising the positive response. dnd is agreed sooner than expected. busy 7 year old similar has no idea what she's avoided. well, she's, she's looking forward to recess. i'm looking forward to recess. lucy,
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the the, the moving it now rose and jane's mission was successful. the village is full of excitement preparations around the way for the new school year celebration a very special day for the women. the mothers wash the youngest childrens have and school children's heads. a shame this part of the tradition canary, m. o. even bates and middle son, he's a youngest. she had to leave 4 sons behind when she fled. does he get on them when they get the way of with them? i often think about them. but with that and it would be, you know, done bases in a minute and then i don't know how they are. and then the now school starting,
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i went on monday and i wish they could go to identical to what i can get a new level, kind of get nobody to list and making that item of another. maybe that will be a chance to bring them here later and that's why i never mariano is slowly adjusting to when you have a level one. the one i'm in dennis, i'm encouraged by the other women in their stories. i now know that i'm not alone. if it will know that i'm not the only one this has happened to the next knows my husband would have killed me if i hadn't slept about that along. we should see or the 12, the village is strictly off limits to men. the women sometimes can live with them until they come of age. then they have to leave the village, but they leave with what the women here have told them. the village school stands
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for a new and better future. the festival is the most important celebration of the full image of the go. slow is how much of the festivities they use the entire animal to ensure the whole village can benefit. jane is a co found, a, as in low jack she's proud of the tough. she's taken my go, yeah, i didn't know when you're doing. i live in the middle of my you know my go young. if i could survive without a man, i got a note and today i can eat all i want. well, half of the women prepare the food
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others connect firewood we need a lot of wood more wood avenue for what? for outside scope. this is going to be great. and who slaughtered is. we slaughtered and will drink the blood. you will go to bed depot and satisfied. it means the good. yeah. but they living in bass. i'm the, [000:00:00;00] the
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moment rebecca is to say come into the feast. the villages are hosting stones announces in her on the use of the new week still need some practice and mariano is still getting the hang of things the, the, the, the, the price is the success. rebecca shows her appreciation by mingling with the down
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. this is the the weather is cooler and the feast is ready to go meet with potatoes, rice, tomatoes, and cabbage. meat is expensive and special. the women's diet consists mainly of vegetables, fruit, and cereals. mother, do you remember when we bought our very 1st coat and the no, no, but i'm sure i'll never forget it. that was fun. and then the men chased us after we left the market in the them and i need to know. i know they couldn't believe it. you can gather with them. why do you have a goat for us so many of them that i'm going to google slaughter to go to and then
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we will. and when we got that full eat the meat, we what we got the other mega the, i'm going it still feels so good to eat the best parts of the go to the parts we have the never get me back. the diana is only 13 years old. she's had a shelter, childhood, a new mode you and has internalized the women's values side of life. and i can last summer again. and when i'm old enough, i want to go to university experts. i don't have an am i you you, i don't want to get married. there was another guy. you know, i'd rather stand up for human rights. a scale and i'm daniels,
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i knew i bought them those. if i ever change my mind and then i will only be for a man who really loves me and respects my rights we live in does a lot. but from what i know, there are no such med put them the today is not just any day for 7 year old simila. it's have 1st day at school. but i didn't get them. listen to what the teachers say. take care have fun. and i can't wait to hear all about it. the human. i'm so happy that my daughter is getting an education because i'm no negative,
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so none of our family has ever been to school. i'm so grateful. it's nice. and so many as mother can rest assured that the school bus will bring her daughter safely home. again, this often the this will be similar 2nd time for the next 8 years. and that's how long she can go to school. and one of the older pupils quickly tied you up because we knew chapter begins for samoa tech last night. rose the teacher doesn't want to miss this special moment. the principal registers similar he's one of the few man allows him
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the, the 1st grade is a between 6 and 8 years old. we're going to sing the yellow fence on the headings when he and english kenya's 2 official languages is the most important thing for the 1st graders of the more than 60 languages and dialects in the country . savannah, a minos mom,
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the language of the assembly room. i want to learn math writings, for helium languages, the cost is a next the next generation of a mode. you the boys as well as the goes on to carry the village philosophy into the future. the . what did i get on when i get out? what i'm going to set up, i know that all these girls won't have to suffer what i did then we protect them from general cutting in child marriage. i'm so happy for these children that are the 1st and then the positive school. she's been looking forward to find that he begins recess, the with hot chocolate and taste for lunch.
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the . the women who mowed yet go to bays in the evening in the nearby i was so rizza. they want to show nary m o y, which is safest. the washing ceremony always begins with a noisy ritual to scare off the crocodiles that live in the river. well the. c the, the, the vigilant and exuberant at the same time. it's how they faced so many of nice challenges
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the me, this time by the result is almost the same for the women. the . yeah. doesn't that make you happy to do anything in washing like when we were children? mariam has become part of the community in the i guess the mother and the i'm fine the i'm free now and can do what i want to do. i was so stressed before arguing with my husband about every little thing because you know, doesn't know what's going on. the other one yet. look,
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the emotion has shown me that i can survive in my own life. there's always a way, one of the new one now i the problem isn't the because it's given me spring my, the i fall asleep unafraid. the 2nd i live in peace and you'll know the the, the women as a major dreamed of a best in life. and worked to 10 those dreams into reality the, the, the,
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it's getting hotter and hotter interest. and, well, he's thinking mind this, he's of backing extreme with us because of climate change. but also due to the high news on know, transforming these living spaces from great to green building at best of employment in 30 minutes on the w is other buys on buying european n t. the authoritarian regime exports boil and gas to the european union and offers the generous gifts to the politicians. are they really being paid to turn up blind? i took the systemic human rights violations. corruption in europe shows up in 90 minutes on a d,
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w. the . 7 daniels in june. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good on 65. last last you'll stop 5 years. 3 reasons why. 1. 115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics, i'm much it to you from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say community life. the way the $77.00 research is now on the . this is dw news,
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and these are our top stories. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has called a deadly air stripe on a camp in ra fox. a tragic mistake to him, us run health ministry in gaza is confirmed. at least 45 people were killed and dozens more injured. it says the strike had an area where thousands of displaced civilians are sheltering. israel claims and targeted until to homeless commanders. european union, foreign ministers meeting in brussels have agreed to reactivate the blocks border